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The Egg


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
A new form of entertainment has arrived, simply deemed: The Egg. It was a sort of new virtual reality, that put the user in the body of the character they were currently playing. Sitting inside a metallic egg, the user would literally delve into the world, fighting, loving and exploring, as the game constantly built upon itself, based solely on the users decisions. Everything was based on the player's actual physique and abilities; if they couldn't left a 10 pound box, they shouldn't expect their avatar to, either. The user could customize their experience completely, fitting their 'enemies' to their specific needs and wants, and even their darkest desires. Sure, it cost a lot of money to actually get in the egg... but after one play, everyone seemed to agree: You were hooked.

Yeah. Since my computer is like... This | | close to being fixed, I've decided to start up another PbP. It's not new by any means; in fact, I've played it with quite a few people on MSN (LDF, RK, Lurker, Hali, Simca)...

The way The Egg (or The Game) works is pretty simple: Very basic stats (usually 1 or 2 total, max 4), and only a d20. Your stats in no way reflect how easily you can perform a task - it's how descriptive you can make your response that will give you a bonus or a malus. The enemies can be catered to your experience - from anything to tribal furres/humans, all the way down to mindless beasties and monsters roaming around, just looking for a fuck. There are numerous scenarios, all which can easily be played out and adjusted on the fly.

Now, the big thing when it comes to me and PbPs is updating... But the fun thing about the Egg is that it's so simple, and so easy to understand, someone could come up with their own version for it, and people could play it just as easily as they play my version. You don't even need to ask me if you want to run your own scenario really - The Egg's so basic, I don't mind if you just start up games randomly. In other words, if you see something in the Egg you want to run, or you come up with a basic game for one, just run it!

So, remember how I mentioned stats? Here's the four stats that you may see in a game:
Pleasure Points: This is kind of like your HP. You always have a maximum of 5 when you start; when you get 5/5 PP, you orgasm, and either one of three things happens: You get a game over scene and have to restart from the last fight; a game over scene and the loss of a life; or just a juicy orgasm scene. PP will be in every game.
Arousal Points: Sometimes, when you're fighting for your life, it just feels weird if an enemy starts to rape you. Like PP, your AP starts at 5; when it gets full, you willingly have sex with whatever is around you. If your AP isn't full and you start to have sex, you actually get a bonus over the enemy raping you.
Heat Points: This is mostly used for Furries and Anthros. When these fill up, the furry or anthro will have a constantly full AP until she has sex. The character can delay her HP by having any kind of sex.
Magic Points: Used in very few games. Magic Points regenerate every day, so use them wisely.
Rare Stats
You very, very, very rarely see these stats in any game.
Fertility: How fertile you are. Used by both Males and Females.
Pheromones: A scent put out by males only.

Scenarios: Here are all of the Scenarios that I've come up with so far. I literally add new ones as I think of them.
The Savannah: A hostile land, the player starts out as a wandering nomad with no home and no tribe in the Pridelands, a relatively safe area. Their goal: Expand into the Savannah and make a name for themselves, without being forced into another tribe against their will. Plenty of magic users are abound here.
The Tundra: Even more hostile than the Savannah. There is no 'beginning' area, with the player thrust right into a snow-covered mountain peak; They must care out a niche for themselves or be ravaged by the wilds, the other tribes, or even the gods! Fewer magic users than the Savannahs, but they are much, much stronger.
The Forest: Waking up in a strange, large forest, the player is just looking for a way out. There are plenty of monsters waiting in the shadows, just to make sure that will never happen though...
The Oasis Much like the Forest, but on a much grander scale. After walking through the desert for weeks, the player stumbles upon a large oasis, large enough to support small tribes. With Mountains to the east, a large underground cavern to explore, and smoke rising from the North, it seems like there may be more than one way to get out of this Paradise...
College: A college atmosphere is the perfect place to hide an underground black market of slave trading. Seriously, it is! Furres and Anthros are ALWAYS in this game.
Space Station: A sci-fi adventure, where the player is the only remaining member of a squad. The enemy is a race that uses exotic weapons, like tentacle grenades, aphrodisiac darts, and even genetic engineering, as the player races to save the station from total destruction.
Futuristic Metropolis: The prequel to the Space Station, this colony was the first one hit by the enemy warband. This time, the player takes control of their squad right off the bat, working to stop the enemy advancement and push them back into the jungles.
More to come...

The game is pretty simple. If enough interest is shown, I'll try to get it another sub forum, and we'll start playing from there. If you want a taste of it before you play it on the forum, you can always contact me on my MSN, and I'd be happy to boot up a game for ya.
Re: The Egg

As a moderately common player of this, I can say it's quite fun, although most of the games doesn't exactly fit my tastes, the games I do play tend to be fun, if somewhat harsh for my fluffy little bubblewrap'd world. ;_;

Doesn't help that it's either being a Male and being Yaoi'd to death, or a Female and get knocked up left and right. But eh, I'm a whiny bitch. |:

I prefer The Savannah as a game, given that it's the "Easiest" game to play if you want a moderate chance of getting things your way.

Then again, I've only skipped around and never delved deeply in any one game.

*Rants more, but overall, approves of the Egg*
Re: The Egg

Sounds interesting. Is there any limit on races?
Re: The Egg

Nope. I've had domestic house cats playing the Savannah scenario.
Re: The Egg

So you could be anyone or anything? Ranging from a half-human half-fire bird (Although probably not actually flaming), to a hermaphroditic dragon anthropomorph, to a Kansas farm girl?
Re: The Egg

Actually, I don't let people start out as a Herm unless their playing Slave Hunt. You can become a herm in all of the game though, usually through some fluke events or doing a few quests.

Kansas farm girl though? Yeah, she'd get raped by a bull man after she attempted to milk some cows.
Re: The Egg

Ooo, Ooo! I remember Silth running this for me. Never got finished, but it was awesome! <3
Re: The Egg

Ooo, Ooo! I remember Silth running this for me. Never got finished, but it was awesome! <3

...I've never finished a game yet. It would be fun to be able to, just so I could extend the game beyond a standard text RoR.
Re: The Egg

This sounds fun <3 I hope it gets its own subforum.
Re: The Egg

Interest to play and to set up a shortie game for one or two people on my own, since you put the option out there. X3 I've been meaning to mod something since Madrigal fell through, but I'm not sure that I could pull out a full stop game, so a simpler one sounds perfect.

If I were to put something together, I'd probably make a player fill out a short form first:

Anthros: Y/N
Herms: Y/N
Male/Male: Y/N
Female/Female: Y/N
Pregnancy: Y/N
Milking: Y/N
Birthing: Y/N
Non Consent Sex: Y/N
Slavery: Y/N
Gore or Violence: Y/N
Animals (Sentient): Y/N
Animals (Non-Sentient): N/N (XD As I don't think I'd be able to mod such things... neither Loli, I think)
Anything else that could be a fetish for some and a squick for others:.... etc.

Then base a game around what it seems like the player's looking for. I like the idea of something fully customizeable. :p
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Re: The Egg

I'm interested, tentatively. It seems like it would be a relevantly simple game to play, and since I've never played any of these before, that is a good thing.
Re: The Egg

I'm also interested.
Re: The Egg

Silth! You're finally sharing this wonderful creation with the world? I'm so proud! =3 Silth and I currently have more than one game goin', and I can say its probably like the second or third best thing ever. Sorry Silth, but I still love food and sex...

*Gives a five star rating.*
Re: The Egg

If I had MSN I'd bother Silth just to see how it's played. XD I like that it sounds easy to play AND is based off of descriptive writing. Both big draws in my books. The customizability is a third awesome-point.
Re: The Egg

Ohh ohh ohh, I'll play your wallpaper
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Re: The Egg

XD Yay, I have a guinea pig!

I just need to know if there's anything other than the points mentioned, really. >.> Does anyone have any logs saved (and does Silth include the rolls in posts?) that they're willing to share so I can see how it flows? :D
Re: The Egg

Well, I enjoyed MAZE, so I'll show interest, Silth. And wallpaper, I wouldn't mind being a guinea pig for your game either! :D