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The Endless Training (Fmokou)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Name: Syla Blue Heart
Age: 21
Class: Brawler
Level 0 Trait: Fist weapon (Axe)
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Syla

Attitude/Bio (What's your character's attidude like, how do they think, etc.): Syla never knew her true parents, as far as she knew she’s always been with her mistress Taelynn. As long as Syla remembers, she has been mistress Taelynn’s student, and since Syla was a child, Taelynn taught Syla to fight with fist weapons. Although Taelynn wants a much closer relationship then mere student and master, Syla made it time after time clear that she isn’t interested in her mistress in any sexual way. At first the rejections didn’t bother Taelynn at all, but after a while they started to grate on her, and on Syla’s twenty-first birthday, Taelynn had enough of the brat’s dismissive and ungrateful nature. Although, at this moment Syla has no clue that Taelynn was going to get her revenge for being rejected that many times, and Syla was still eagerly awaiting her birthday present, without having any idea what is awaiting her.

Syla usually speaks in an uncaring monotone way, and tends to be stoic when faced with insults or physical trauma. However, being extremely inexperienced with lewd things, such things are the only things that can break through her emotionless exterior, and reveal the shy panicked girl deep inside. Syla is also incredibly dedicated to training, and will pretty much do anything Taelynn tells her to, if Taelynn can convince it would benefit Syla training.

Mistress Name: Taelynn Red Heart
Mistress Age: 35
Mistress Gender: Futanari[/QUOTE]

Both, teacher and student decided to take a ship to train in distant lands, a place filled with new challengues and danger. For weeks Taelynn has made arrangements before depart and mostly wanted to start soon her revenge against her ungrateful student. She waited two days after set sail, Syla was reclused in her room, training and getting her body used to the waves, she never noticed what else could be in the inmense ship, just looking at it when she come inside, it was inmense, even when they got inside first she could notice the luxury of the whole place and the food was of four stars even when they werent here for taste the cuisine.

"Its time to continue your training" Just this made Syla blood boil. "Some powerful mages had helped me to create a special room for you, there i will train you, with this certainly you could face anything than you could find in the new lands than we will meet in the end of this travel" Taelynn said, as she open the door toward the corridor out their room. She tried her ebst to act as always, ready to ask any question to make this selfish girl enjoy a training than both will never forget.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

When Syla saw the ship that her teacher arranged for them, she didn’t look all that impressed, and once she headed inside together with her teacher, she pretty much ignored all the unnecessary luxuries, as she voiced her worries about missing their training sessions and if they could continue them on this ship. After two days of being on the ship, Syla kept on voicing her dissatisfaction for how long the trip was taking, without any care if she was getting on her teacher’s nerves, as Syla really didn’t understood how someone could get on someone’s nerves.

However, once Syla heard Taelynn talk about them continuing their training, Syla’s eyes immediately began to sparkle with life and she couldn’t help but feel pumped. ''Finally, it already has been way too long.'' Syla said excited. ''Oooo, that sounds amazing, and I can’t wait to see this room. Sometimes, you’re alright for a teacher.'' Syla said sounding impressed. ''Quick, quick, I want to continue training.'' Syla said, trying to urge her teacher to quickly escort them to the room.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

"I share your excitement, let's go now." Taelynn answer smiling, trying to wait for her revenge. "The magic in this room will try to use your weakness against you, so dont let your guard down and use this to know your true self" Said this they reached the place.

It was a normal room for any common mortal, out of the sudt and webs there were seals in the door than Taelynn easily remove. "Now, get inside and focus on your inner self, that will make the room work" She then opened the door to show an empty room and a passage to a similar empty one.

Once Syla got inside, she was invited to walk and focus, the student then follow the orders until she decide to turn back to ask any other instruction to her teacher, but the door was not there anymore, just another passage to a similar room as the one she was. No matter how many rooms she get all were conected and it was as if she was running in circles until she started to focus.

The many rooms ended to turn into a large corridor and as she walk many white puddles started to appear. After a while a large one was in her path before reach the next door, she could still turn back and go all the way or continue.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

''Hmm, weakness?'' Syla seemed to be in deep thought after Taelynn explained what was going to happen. ''I wonder if either my speed or strength is lacking, in either case, I’m fairly confident I’ll be able to beat whatever challenge it throws at me. I’ll be sure to not let you down.'' Syla stated with excitement, as she was pumping herself up for the challenge.

''Ooo, spiritual training, you haven’t ever taught me that.'' Syla said with sparkles in her eyes, as the girl was rather excited to learn more advanced things, and she was completely unaware of the trap that’s waiting for her. Once Taelynn opened the door, Syla went inside without hesitation.

However, before she could ask for more guidance, the door suddenly had disappeared. Although, it didn’t bother Syla too much, as she assumed it was part of the training she was about to face. At first Syla took a curious look at the place and explored it a little, but she quickly realized that she was merely walking in circles. Thus Syla decided to listen to her teacher’s advice, and move forwards while focusing on herself, as she started to walk around while meditating.

Syla concentrated on both clearing her mind and focusing on her inner self, trying her best to figure out what her true self was. Once Syla noticed a strange white puddle in the way, she wondered if she should turn back. However, it was only a white puddle, and turning back would mean she failed her training. Considering Syla didn’t want to fail her training because of a strange puddle, she decided to continue further, walking straight over the puddle while meditating.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

"Certainly you can" Taelynn answer as she smirk, she really couldnt wait to see how Syla will end after this little trap. She of course let her student imagine what will be tested there, the answer was obvious but Sylla will never think in it, not until she change and accept her teacher will and desires.


Her walk to the white substance continue, every step made her get the time to focus on herself and she expected than this will be enough. Her foot touch it and her skills and instincts made her notice than something was not right. She could notice a sudden move inside this fluid, just by teh feel in her footwear.

The student tried to get away and remove ehrself from the unknown danger, but something was holding her leg, making her unable to get away from teh white substance and instead getting more inside in it.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

The first few steps within the white substance was easy enough, Syla even had time to meditate while walking through the sludge, as it didn’t seem like it was doing anything to her. However, when Syla walked a bit further, despite her focusing on her meditation, she noticed that something was moving inside the white substance. Of course Syla’s first instinct was to move out of the substance as quickly as she could, and see if she could lure the unknown creature out of it, but as soon as she tried to move her feet, she noticed that she was now slowly sinking inside of the substance, as it looked like the more she’d try to get out the worse it got.

Although Syla didn’t look distressed, you could clearly tell from her expression that she wasn’t exactly happy with her current situation. The first thing Syla did after gathering her thoughts for a bit, was to look for something she could grab onto to pull herself out of the substance, but if nothing like that was around, she’d prepare to strike the thing as soon as jumped out of the white substance. Syla hoped to be able to down the thing in one hit, as she knew that her inability to dodge gave her opponent a massive advantage.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

The young one was in middle of a large room, still far of the exit and distant from the walls. She was indeed far to be trapped, but her options were quite reduced. Even then she focus on the strange white fluid below her, waiting for anything than could come out it, she could had expected it or not, as she waited a large part of the fluid raise up toward her.

She tried to hit what she expected was something hidding in the fluid, but it was the own substance what attacked and wrap her arms on her torso, as if a warm sticky strong fluid, stoping her fists for now and some of it trying to pass under her clothes, pulling her down, trying to make her get at her knees.

(Syla was damaged and tied)
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

When Syla punched the white fluid that rose up, she was quite surprised when she hit absolutely nothing, as she started to realize that there wasn’t anything in this fluid, but the fluid itself seemed to be alive and moving. Shocked, Syla tried to pull back her arm as a reflex, but when she noticed that her arm was now in the grasp of the white goo, she desperately began to pull on her arm, trying to free it from her imprisonment.

Although Syla managed to remain calm during this whole ordeal, even when her fist got stuck in the sentient goo, the moment she felt the warm fluid travel under her clothing, she could feel herself starting to panic. ''Eh! Quit it and let me go!'' Syla demanded of the goo, as she began to panic and desperately tried to struggle free of the substance grasp. ''W-What kind of sick training is this!'' Syla yelled out, as she desperately tried to pull herself away from the goo that was dragging her down.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

There was not answer for her words. The substance have a good hold on her, the strange substance would restrain a man easily, but Syla has trained herself for a long time and thankfuly her struggle was enough to free one of her arms, but only that.

She still couldnt stop to fall at her kness for too long, in seconds her legs couldnt hold her body away from the strange fluid, falling at her knees and leaving more of this cream thing go all up inside her clothes, she could feel the warm of it, causing a strange effect at her skin, giving where it touch a pink tone and wetness on it. Her whole shivering as this progress on her, as a white cream latex trying every second to cover her whole.

It has already covered her chest, back and neithers, every inch taken was licked and teased, once her flower touched, the young warrior could feel her power slowly falling by the strange itch and unknown needs. Syla just havent trained herself to endure this.

Syla: 3/5HP 4/10 Arousing points
white living fluid: 3/4
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Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

Despite getting one arm free, Syla didn’t feel herself getting any calmer, in fact the more warm slime started to coat her body, the more frantic she became. Frantically Syla started to punch the white liquid, while desperately trying to tear free the other arm. ''Get off, get off, get off me!'' Syla started to yell angrily at the slime, desperate to get free away from this odd sensation.

Despite trying to desperately stay standing, eventually Syla’s knees gave in, and she found herself kneeling down in the white goo, giving it a much easier time to envelop her body. Syla’s body wouldn’t stop shivering, as she felt the warm slime covering her body, and wherever the slime went, her skin became wet. Syla got extremely worried once she noticed that the slime was giving her skin a pink tone, making her more desperate to get the goo off her. ''Noooo, s-stop it, what are you doing with me?'' Syla yelled out in desperation trying to punch the slime.

It didn’t take long before the slime had enveloped her small breasts and crotch, as she could feel nearly her entire body being covered by the warm goo, and goo’s constant teasing and licking left Syla panting with desire, as her flower started to leak, her tiny pink clit started to swell and her nipples erected against the white goo. ''L-Let go of me you perverted slime….'' Syla panted out. Confused by the sensation she was feeling.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

The creature continue its invasion, covering more of the fighter every second. Syla couldnt free her other arm or let out the strengh enough to really cause any injure to the white substance. She could feel how her ass is invided and some of the creature press deep inside to get to her bowels, at the contact with the strange substance, her insides got the sensitivity needed to bring some strange pleasure to the poor girl.

The strange arousal in her ass was many times more intense than the one in her whole self and the goo was just starting to get inside. In such intense torture, her legs started to spread apart by themselves, affecting her stance what made her hits being even more weak. Her whole was completely wet inside the strange cream thing, almost in its mercy, the strange thing tried a new trick in this victim.

A painful pinch at her nipples made her scream, as some kind of needles pass through them, then other without advise do the same to her clit, the pain was so intense than Syla got the adrenaline enough to free her other arm, but this has taken most of her remain energy, she could feel her body reaching her limit, by such pleasure her legs were unable to get her up and this goo was close to reach her neck.

Syla: 1/5HP 6/10 Arousing points
white living fluid: 2/4
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

With the two enormous metal weapons attached to her hands, Syla was completely helpless at the slime’s advance, and while feeling panicked, she didn’t even consider dropping her weapons to tear of the slime. Instead she kept hitting it, even if her punches were getting weaker by the second. However, when she felt the slime pressing against her asshole, she tried her best to clench it, but eventually it managed to slide inside of her. ''N-No… don’t enter that place.'' Syla panted out, as she could slowly feel her bowels growing more sensitive with the second.

The sensitivity continued to grow, until Syla could barely take it anymore, as the strong arousal from her ass, made her entire body tremble with pleasure, and the only thing she could do was managing to land weak hits while panting with lust. ''S-Stop….'' Syla groaned out, while her legs started to slide apart, as the intense pleasure was slowly make her lose footing.

However, the worst had yet to come, as Syla suddenly felt like needles were going through her nipples, and though her entire body flinched, but since Syla actually enjoyed getting roughed up, she managed to hold back her screams. Until Syla felt the same sensation on her poor swollen clitoris, as the intense pain made her able to rip free the other arm. However, the force made Syla tumble backwards, with her ass landing straight into the liquid, and without any energy left to get herself back up, she had no other choice but to sit in the liquid with her legs spread. Without any strength, Syla couldn’t even manage to clench her asshole, giving the slime the freedom to do with it as it pleases.

As a final act of defiance, Syla tried to desperately tear herself away from the slime that was slowly enveloping her.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

In middle of the white fluid, the fighter used all of herself to get out that dangerous place, using her arms to impulse her body as her legs werent able to endure her body. Slow but certainly she was leaving that puddle until her arms stop, she could feel something wet inside her ears in middle of that pleasure sea that strange substance went all the way to her brain and now she looks to had lost control of her whole body.

Syla was there without move an inch, her insides perpetualy assaulted and slowly turning into a second large clitoris. Then the goo went inside her gauntles and ended to turn into a full white skin suit behind her clothes, her hands drop away her gauntles and then pull out her lower clothes. Then her hands hold and spread Syla buttlocks giving a complete access to the monster and a full view to Syla of her insides and how the creature was stretching her dark hole.

For a long time the creature pound and eat any leftover in her bowels, never giving her any climax, as this stop the enough to cool down a little her arousal. Only this torture stop when there was nothing inside and Syla was clean at her insides, her whole insides were ready for the next training lesson. The creature could sense her needs to reach her climax but the young one would need to work to get her reward.

In front of her, the goo in the floor rise up with the shape of a huge dildo or cock, her weak legs move and put her in place with her legs spread and her hands behind her head she was positioned until her sensitive back door touch the irresistible phallus, the goo dont made more for her, she could try to endure with her weak legs close to fail and her needed hole or she could get her first orgasm doing squats over the long dick, in any way she know than these were her ony two options and the large object will end inside her like it or not, as she know than she cant remain like this all the time.

(Syla was at one roll to escape, but lost the battle. The goo suit have control over her moves, but let her able to do some, like do squats or not)
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Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

When Syla slowly managed to tear herself free from the white goo, she had some hope of freeing herself from the encroaching slime, and after a lot of effort she almost managed to free herself. ''O-Only a little bit.'' Syla muttered to herself completely exhausted. However, when syla nearly managed to escape, she suddenly felt something slither inside of her ear. ''What is…?'' Syla tried to say surprised, but instead her lips stopped moving, and when she tried to move her body, it refused to listen to her. Despite losing complete control over her body, she still could feel the intense pleasure moving through her body, and it looked like all of her senses were still completely intact.

Without being able to call for help or being able to move a muscle, Syla couldn’t do anything but endure the constant assault on her insides. With the slime turning Syla’s insides into a second clitoris, she quickly wished that the slime also took away her sensation of pleasure. Without being able to resist, the slime was free to cover up the remainder of Syla’s body, until it looked like she was wearing a full white skin suit, and at first Syla figured she was only paralyzed, but when she suddenly felt her body move on its own, she began to panic that it was much more than that, as she unwillingly removed both her gauntlets and lower clothing, completely exposing herself to the white slime. Desperately Syla wanted to cover up her body, but instead she started to spread her ass cheeks widely, giving the slime full access to her asshole, as she felt her mind slowly growing blank when the creature pushed more of it inside.

Although the creature kept on mercilessly pounding her spread hole and cleaning her bowels, there wasn’t any form of release for her, as her brain was begging for some sort of release at this point. However, all Syla was able to do was spreading her ass cheeks and asshole widely for the creature to invade her, until it was finally satisfied and left her bowels, leaving it completely clean.

Although Syla’s mind was still screaming for release, she couldn’t help but feel relieved once the tortuous assault finally ended. However, panic grew into Syla once more, when she realized a huge cock made out of goo appeared in front her, and when she realized that she was walking over to it, she tried to desperately resist. Though with the slime having full control over Syla body, all she could do is curse the slime controlling her body for putting her in such an awkward and embarrassing position, and she was surprised as she suddenly felt herself being in control of her legs once again, as quickly realized how weak they were, when her overly sensitive asshole kept bumping against the slime cock’s tip. Despite the Syla’s brain screaming for release, and the intense feeling of pleasure pressuring against her asshole, she tried her best to keep the slime cock out of her, only occasionally bumping her asshole against the tip, as she continued to keep that position for quite some time. However, eventually Syla’s legs started to give in, and once she felt the tip slip inside her overly sensitive ass, her mind went completely blank with an explosion of pleasure. This seemed to have pushed her mind over the edge, as she quickly shoved the entire thing inside her sensitive hole, and quickly pulled it out, as she started to do squats in the awkward position, impaling herself onto the slime cock each single time, trying to desperately seek release.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

With her legs close to fail, she couldnt stop the phallus invasion, just the point was enough to cause an intense fire on the inexperienced girl, she could feel her flesh getting apart and squirm in enjoyment, her natural juices coming out in joy coating it and then finally pressing on it to feel every inch. Just two inches were enough for lost herself and need baddly all the lenght, lossing her mind for now, the young girl went all the way down without think twice. It was most of anyone could resist, her eyes rollback and her face turn into one lost in complete lust, looks like the goo notice her rational lost and allow her express her true self to the creature.

Thanks to the slime covering her walls to protect her and some control to mantain her able to continue, the sex crazy little slut made squats for a long time, it was just needed a few times to feel her release, but once it happen it was so intense than she would had faint without doubt, but the goo was there to make her brain control this, making her body to create and use adrenaline and others similars to mantain herself awake and her tired legs to continue enduring her weight. It was countless the times than Syla got a climax, but the substance wanted to train her more, making her arousal never drop until her legs were close to fail completely.

As a doll she fall and impale herself, her bowels endured the hit, as she cum baddly with her butt in the floor. The large dildo earn little tendrils than lick inside her carnal walls, making her mewl as she recover. Her hands move to remove the remain of her clothes to espose her nipples and the small white piercing rings on them, her clit maybe had a ring too, all of them connected by a small white string than she started to pull to pleasure herself in many ways as she rest, looking her reflection in the goo as she plead for more.

Somehow she tried to get up by herself to bounce on the cock again, but her whole get in pain, enough to awake a little of her state and see herself. She would of course lost herself soon again leaving these images as mere dreams at least. Just when she was close to fall, two arms were created and hold her grappling her butt before hold her hips.

The creature then continue her training, making her body to remember how to pleasure anyone with her butthole and how good she feel by doing it, with its help she dont placed more effort in her legs and slowly by herself started to move correctly her hips and bounce on it, feeling slolwy how it create some small buldges all over the phallus for her to fall even more deep in lust, for a long time it mantain her avoiding her to faint and then finally the long phalus turn into huge bead balls united at the end to a butplug dildo, she look and desire it for moments before it invade it, every ball bigger than the last and finally a huge butplug than vibrate and made all of the bead balls do it too, she faint, there was not help bigger enough for her to endure this. She just fall over the white puddle to rest for a long time as her insides were loved and teased.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

Quickly after Syla started to impale herself on the slimy cock, she realized that the slime stopped controlling her body. However, the thought of escaping didn’t even cross Syla’s mind, as the only thing she wanted to do was continuing her squats on top of the thick slimy phallus, and with each squat she tried to force the phallus as deep into her ass as it would go, making her pant like an animal while her eyes were rolling back into her head.

''I-I shouldn’t…!'' Syla groans out, but despite those words, there was no way she could hold herself back after experiencing such intense pleasure, and thanks to the slime, she could go way beyond what a normal person could do, as the energy flowing through her body made her realize that she wasn’t going to stop squatting onto the slimy cock for a long time. With how roughly Syla was moving her body and how sensitive her ass was, it didn’t take long before she had her first orgasm, as the intense waves of pleasure made her entire body tremble, and she made sure to sit down on the entire length of the cock, enjoying the full feeling while shockwaves of pleasure coursed through her spine. However, that was only the first of many, as Syla couldn’t help herself but continuing to do squats on top of the thick phallus, and forcing herself to orgasm time after time, as she continued to do this for as long as her legs would allow her to.

Eventually, even with the help of the slime, Syla’s legs completely stopped working. Forcing her to sit down on the large cock she was pleasing herself with, making her pant and tremble continuously, while she lustfully grinds her ass against the base of the huge phallus, trying her best to shift the cock around the inside of her sensitive asshole. While Syla was gathering her breath, she was shocked with how many squats she managed to pull off, as the number would’ve been ridiculous without slamming her ass onto an enormous cock. However, any rational thought was pushed out of Syla’s mind once again, as the inside of her sensitive ass was being teased by dozens of tendrils, making her tremble with pleasure and forcing her to groan softly.

However, that wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy Syla, as she quickly removed her remaining clothes to play with herself, only to discover the three piercings that were stuck on her body, attached to each other by a white small string. However, Instead of being shocked about the discovery, in her current state she was quite happy to find out about it, as she immediately started to pull and wiggle onto the string, happily stretching her nipples and clit with a blissful looking smile on her face, and when she saw the reflection of herself, she started to pull onto the string even harder, as she tried to see how lewd she could make her clitoris and nipples look. ''More, I want to be ravaged more!'' Syla begged, as she gritted her teeth with pain and pleasure from pulling the string.

However, the rough pulling onto the small string and the tendrils licking her inside would be nowhere near enough to satisfy her in her current condition, as she once again tried to bounce onto the slime’s cock, but when she tried to stand up, a sudden wave of intense pain hit her body, clearing up her mind for a few seconds. When Syla saw the piercings on her body, the outline of the slime’s cock through her stomach and the way she was holding onto the string, a bit of tears welled up in her eyes, as she couldn’t believe what she was seeing right now. However, Syla’s distressed expression quickly disappeared, as she once again started to pant lustfully while letting her tongue loll out of her mouth, and with a bit of help from the slime, she soon enough was able to rise onto her feet, with the full intention of slamming down on it once again.

However, this time the slime forced Syla to do it properly. It didn’t take long before Syla got the hang of rhythmically sliding her asshole over the slime’s large phallus while twisting around her groin to please its cock even further, and she managed to slowly ignoring her own need to slam down on it, in favor of pleasing the large phallus with her sensitive wet insides. Luckily for Syla, the phallus decided to reward her for her work, and made small bulges over the entire thing, making the already trembling girl shiver with excitement whenever her sensitive asshole rubbed against them. But, Syla would soon have to endure something even more intense than the bulges, as the slime’s thick cock became a set of huge beads instead. Syla only had a couple of seconds to admire the lewd toy, before she could feel the first bead being forced into her ass, as her abused hole quickly devoured it, and each single bead that followed the first one, made her pant louder, as her body would shake more intensely with each bigger insertion. Syla’s mind melted away more and more, as she could feel her mind nearly shatter when the largest beads were forced into her butt with a loud plop, and while gritting her teeth with her eyes rolling back into her head, the huge buttplug managed to force itself inside of her overly stuffed insides, locking everything securely in place. If that wasn’t enough to break Syla’s mind already, once the beads and plug started to roughly vibrated against her sensitive insides, she quickly fell unconscious, as the plug continued to tease her poor abused hole.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

Some time later Syla awake in a different but familiar place, a alley in a town, she could see some very strong people far away, not of the kind than she wished to meet, not even humans. The worse part was than someone has taken her weapons and clothes, she could notice some clues of that in the floor and over her. Somehow who found her let her alone just cuming over her and stealing all.

For her fortune she still have the goo latex over her, yet it was so pressed at her body than it dont let anything to the imagination and the piercing rings were also in place. The thing looks to had changed, it was feeding of her juices and sweat, but at least her pussy was protected, not like her butt as all of the creature has come inside, leaving her ass gaping and wet to be used. Her body feel a constant pleasure, it must be the beadballs inside her, but it was not so intense as before, she could act and endure it for now but could be a problem in a battle.

The girl would be certainly noticed outside, she could see an open business with a girl sign on it, some kind of prison far away and two paths than she can choice to go to different streets, one going to the outside and other to the center mostly, she could find clues about her things in one of these parts but then she notice some signs about allow any civil to punish perverts females who expose themselves in public.

(Syla is unharmed and naked with some cum over her)
She got cursed with the chastity latex cage goo suit. It make her have a permanent starting AP over 4. But no one cant take her virginity until the goo get removed itself.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

When Syla first groggily opened her eyes, and realized that she was lying in an alleyway, she hoped that what happened to her was just a nasty dream, but as soon as she got onto her feet, she noticed that she was still wearing the latex suit from before, and by the looks of it, it only looked like she was wearing the latex suit, as someone had stolen everything else and left her with a parting present, as she was covered with the perpetrator’s cum. ''Ugh… what horrible person would do such a thing.'' Syla panted, quickly trying to wipe off the sticky cum he left on her body.

When Syla looked at the latex suit covering her body, her cheeks would quickly flush with embarrassment, as she realized how little it hid. Syla could clearly see the outline of everything through the latex, as anyone that would even glimpse in her direction would be able to see the outline of her pussy, nipples, clit and her three piercings with ease. The worst was the constant assault of pleasure she had to endure, forcing her to constantly breathe heavily with lust, as she could still feel the huge beads pressure her insides, together with the remainder of the slime. Even if Syla didn’t feel the constant waves of pleasure from the beads, she could easily tell that her stomach was slightly swollen, and her asshole was gaping and moist, ready to accept any cock that would come its way. Syla wanted to die from embarrassment when she realized, that anyone looking at her from behind, would be able to straight up look at her slightly spread cheeks and into her gaping waiting hole.

''Uuu… I-I have to get this thing off me before it drives me insane, m-maybe someone can help me.'' Syla said, before she almost called at the group of strong looking people she noticed earlier, but luckily before she called out to them, she noticed the sign with the warning. ''W-What kind of horrible rule is that? W-With this suit on they’ll most definitely think I’m some type of exhibitionist pervert.''

With that in mind, Syla decided that it probably wasn’t the best idea to call over those people to ask for help, and with that rule in mind she’d probably didn’t want to go to the shady looking business or the prison either, at least not before she found something to cover up her body with. With only two choices left for now, she decided to take the more risky route, and go towards the city center while trying to stay out of view of the public, in hopes of finding some sort of cloak or blanket she snatch and wrap around her body. Syla wasn’t exactly proud of the thought of stealing something, but she was rather desperate at the moment.
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Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

Just with her first step, the side effect of all the squats come out to make her day even worse, Syla could endure them thanks her training but even she have a limit, for now that limit her the speed and time than she have to run, as also if anyone see her they could think than she was a butt sex lover after a whole day session, what maybe was not far of the reality.

For minutes she move deep inside the city, trying to dont be noticed, hidding herself when someone come, enduring her perpetual lust and that itch in her wet pussy, her clit ring made such tease as she move, almost inviting her to use her hand to calm her needs, all this mixed with the adrenaline and images of what they could do to her cause her walk a lot far of be a relaxed one.

For now get anything to cover herself would mean let herself be exposed, as she ponder if she should risk herself, she notice at least four males taking turns with a woman in a alley, the poor one was a young woman, naked and begging "No, please... someone let me out my house... i was just taking a bath...please" Her screams only incite them to fuck her harder for both sides. Not so far from there Syla has noticed a large group of women talking about the dangers of do indecent acts and trying to fidn a way to help the affected ones, most of them look to be strong one.

Also she could more far away see a plaza where some people looks to be leaving after an event.

The only thing possible to steal was a pink coat in a not so secured shop, but even that could be risky.
Re: The Endless Training (Fmokou)

Walking through the city was exhausting, as Syla’s legs were still tired from what happened before she fainted. However, Syla had no other choice but to press onward, as staying in one place would most likely end up in her eventually getting discovered, but with the clit ring constantly teasing her and people walking everywhere, it made the walk a lot more torturous then she first would’ve imagined, as her heart wouldn’t stop pounding in her chest. What made it worse was that her hand subconsciously kept stroking over her pussy and grabbing a hold of her pierced clit, as she subconsciously kept fondling her piercings. ''Ah… I-I really have to get these things off, before they turn me into a real pervert.'' Syla whispered, as she started to roughly shake her clit piercing, in an attempt to calm herself down a little.

Syla continuously kept fondling herself, until she finally reached near the city center, and hopefully here she could find something to hide her exposing body suit with. However, her search was stopped short, as she noticed a bunch of men raping some poor girl in an alleyway. The poor girl was screaming for help, and even though there were people nearby, it didn’t look like anyone was going to help. ''Don’t they hear her, or are they just ignoring her?'' Syla wondered, as she looked at the woman getting fucked from both sides, making Syla’s ass tremble a little. ''I-I really shouldn’t… b-but she clearly needs help….'' Syla said worried, as she fully realized how bad things could go if the women came to help the men, but she couldn’t just turn a blind eye to this.

Although Syla first wanted to grab the coat and cover herself up, this was much more important than her modesty, as she jumped from the corner into her regular fighting stance. ''Let go of that poor girl right away!'' Syla demanded with red cheeks, as her fighting stance forced her to show off her piercings, swollen belly and outline of her pussy, as she was forced to spread her legs with the stance she was using. Although Syla could die from embarrassment right now, she didn’t drop her stance for a second, as she was ready to floor anyone that was going to approach her. ''Can’t you savages tell that she just made a mistake?''