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The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvE)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Behind one of the feast hall doors lies an incredible part of the would-be goddess of war's realm. Anyone who steps through finds themselves in a random patch of wilderness which seems to span forever. And amidst a never-ending field of tall, bloodstained grass and underneath clear blue skies present at all hours of the day despite the complete lack of a sun, combatants from across Donevrion and beyond battle one another in a grand melee for pride, glory, and the spoils of war. This is the eternal battlefield.

True death doesn't exist here. Those who are slain by weapon or spell wake up in the feast hall in one piece. The worst of wounds heal within minutes as long as they didn't kill the combatant outright, allowing injured warriors to fully recover between opponents. Even falling victim to a soul eater isn't enough to permanently end a person here. Thus, all manner of combatant is free to employ any means they like without guilt.

They would be wise to do so. There are only two ways for a person to leave once the feast hall door closes behind them: either claim victory or be defeated. Defeat is self-explanatory. Once someone has been slain or if they're rendered unable to continue and the victor has grown bored of toying with them, they're transported back to the feast hall. The victor may choose to go with them or continue fighting if they lust for more glory.

It's not just the prospect of experiencing death or loss of pride which makes returning a victor preferable to returning as the defeated though. Should the goddess of war enjoy the winner's performance enough, the conquered might find themselves the conqueror's spoils of war for a time following their battle....

(PvE version of the arena Haf made. Starting out with a FITE immediately. As I've stated elsewhere, I intend to do very minimal fluff/description for PvE, basically allowing people to describe how the fight goes entirely in their own posts. Make things as simple or as cinematic as you like. First up is Haf, vs difficulty 4 goblin swarm.)

Nocri came upon a wide dip in the battlefield, a patch of sloped grass descending a hill down to a glade of tall grasses blackened by some skirmish that had taken place recently enough that the goddess hadn't done away with its consequences but too long ago for any participants to remain. The dragonblooded giant was not to bear the annoyance at her present lack of opponents to crush for long, however, as the descent down the hill brought her through a bumpy pass - boulders hidden beneath layers of dirt and grass - in which she heard the sudden cries of oncoming war. She hardly had to wait long, for down upon those boulders came a quartet of demons, diminutive and green skinned but bearing arms as they crashed down to assault the lone woman with screams of blind fury and sadistic glee.

How this works:
In addition to the relative power and number of the enemies, the difficulty setting determines how much you recover between rounds, which in this case mean waves of enemies and not just full turns.
1 = full recovery, small groups of weak basic enemies
2 = regular between combat recovery with a full recovery every three rounds, modest groups of weak basic enemies
3 = regular between combat recovery, a full recovery every five rounds after a boss fight, either larger groups of fairly weak enemies or small groups of fairly strong enemies, some enemies will use tactics
4 = regular between combat recovery, no full recoveries, bosses every 3 rounds and modest groups of strong enemies or small groups of elites, enemies will always use tactics if they have them available
5 = regular between battle recovery every three rounds, no full recoveries, a boss every other round and the enemies are harder than level 4, enemies will always use tactics

As per normal PvE, the PC(s) get first turn. I'll make up some basic templates as I need them, and people can make a repository of things that can be used in various threads.

Round 1: 4(?) Goblins
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvE)

Not more than a day had passed following Nocri's defeat at the hands of Liselotte when she decided to pick up her poleaxe and prowl the eternal battlefield anew. In the end, the violations she had suffered were nowhere near as bad as the grievous wounds her pride had taken. Time and daemonic magic had healed her body in mere moments following it all, but only defeating more cretins would stitch her pride back together following that terrible experience. So, she donned her plate armor and picked up her poleaxe and went hunting. And in the back of her mind, she hoped to find the vampire again so she could get her hands on that foul wretch and teach her a lesson she'd never forget....

The goblins who accosted her first would do just as well, however. "Ah, good! I was hoping to find someone to turn this frustration of mine on!" She called out to the charging group even as she swiftly took a fighting stance of her own, taking her poleaxe in both hands and brandishing the point at the goblins' collective eye level. "But do not think it makes any difference to me if there are four ants instead of one!"

Time to test how strong difficulty 4 goblins are. Nocri waits and uses Heavy Metal + Supreme Might 20 + Aggressive Fighting 3:3 + Whirlwind, along with spirited warrior x = 10 into AV just for safety's sake.

HP = 126, PP = 46, EP = 42/52.

Nocri's attack resolves last this round.

Attack: 3d10 + 16d10 - 15 (15d10+5 base, -2d10 whirlwind, +3d10 aggressive fighting, -20 supreme might). +1d10 for each attack against her before she swings.
Damage: 4d6 + 67. +5 damage for each attack against her before she swings.
Reflexes check or be stunned against +35 and +2 for each attack against her before she swings.

Dodge: ... 1. (-3d10 aggressive fighting, -2d10 whirlwind)
No parry.
AV: 59 (13 natural AV, 10 spirited warrior, 10 heavy metal, 26 plate.)
Reflexes: 30
Focus: 16
Willpower: 20
Grapple: 3d10+14d10 with an additional +27 against smaller creatures)
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvE)

Nocri: HP = 126, PP = 46, EP = 52, Status = Fine

Wave 1, Round 1, Rolls!
The goblin raiders charge and attack!
Attacks: 1 glance that does nothing, three hits. They are all using Crippling Blow.
Damage: They essentially only deal 1 damage each to her Reflexes to inflict Weakened.

After taking all of that, Nocri SPINS TO WIN
Attack: 118 vs 62, 60, 72, 51, all are hit.
Damage: 99 - 20 = 79, splatterrrrr

Nocri: HP = 126, PP = 46, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine,
4 goblin raiders killed
3 goblin raiders and 3 goblin snipers have arrived and set up positions, the snipers are on the top of the rock and the raiders are surrounding Nocri.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvE)

The dragon stood her ground, seven-foot long poleaxe brandished to keep the goblins from being able to safely close on her without taking a dangerous swing for their efforts. Still, the four proved bold enough to make the first move, moving in and fruitlessly attempting to strike at what limbs they could reach, namely her leading arm. With their relative shortness and the thickness of her armor and hide, they didn't do much more than put a little bit of extra strain on her joints and, unfortunately for them, their battlelust put all of them in the perfect position for her to sweep them all away at once.

Nocri had planned with her own resilience in mind, and attacked as they swung at her, foregoing any defenses and relying entirely on her own toughness and her plate. Her gamble paid off. As their blows rained uselessly against her, she impaled one with the tip of her polearm and, while the first goblin was still attached and screaming in agony as he went along for the ride, swung the axe-side of her weapon through two of his comrades who hadn't been quick enough about trying to get their own blows in and scurrying out of range. The first ended up with an axe blade halfway through his torso, and was slammed against the second so hard that both went unconscious as they toppled to the ground. The fourth and final of the goblins decided to try to get in closer, only for Nocri to bring the butt of the weapon around and slam it across his head, knocking him to the ground unconscious. Finally, to stop the wailing of the original goblin who was still impaled, she planted the tip of her poleaxe against the ground and stomped on his head to knock him out, before ripping her weapon out of his stomach.

"What a joke," she complained as she wiped her blade off on the impaled goblin's shirt. "You've got cocks, but what use could rabble such as you ever serve besides as breeding bitches? I'll correct nature's mistake right away and-" Nocri was cut off mid sentence as more goblins arrived with war cries on their lips. She quickly spotted three of the melee combatants along three wielding crossbows, the former charging her while the latter took up a position on the boulders. Despite the interruption, Nocri was amused rather than aggravated by the appearance of more enemies. "Oh good, more ants! Come on then! Come and add to my trophy pile, and we'll see how many of you I can fill up in a single night!" She brandished her weapon and prepared for another round of combat.

IGNORE GOBLIN RAIDERS (edit: use bull rush to get through them, don't start a grapple with them though). Go murder the snipers. You mentioned they were supposed to be, like, 30 feet away. Nocri can move 25 feet per round. Assuming she gets the 2x bonus I assume she can get into range of them. Given the 5 feet as one AMBIGUOUS SQUARE model, I think she can get into range regardless?

Then whirlwind + supreme might for 20 + aggressive fighting 3:3 the bastards, I guess regardless of whether she gets past the raiders or not.

Attack: 3d10 + 16d10 - 15 (15d10 base - 2d10 whirlwind + 3d10 aggressive fighting - 20 supreme might)
Damage: 4d6 + 67 (44 base + 28 supreme might - 5 whirlwind)

Dodge: ... 1. (-3d10 aggressive fighting, -2d10 whirlwind)
No parry.
AV: 39 (13 natural AV, 26 plate.)
Reflexes: 30
Focus: 16
Willpower: 20
Grapple: 3d10+14d10 with an additional +27 against smaller creatures)
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvE)

Nocri: HP = 126, PP = 46, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, 27/30 Reflexes
4 goblin raiders killed
3 goblin raiders and 3 goblin snipers have arrived and set up positions, the snipers are on the top of the rock and the raiders are surrounding Nocri.

Wave 1, Round 2, Rolls!
Nocri tries to rush past the raiders to go after the snipers.
Bull Rush: 80 vs 65 on the first one, but he got a natural 29 so automatically succeeds. Nocri is stopped and grappled. GO FOR THE KNEES.
The other two raiders pile onto Nocri. Attacks: Neither autofails, so both join the grapple.

The goblin snipers spread out and get farther away.

Three more goblin raiders arrive.

Nocri: HP = 126, PP = 46, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, Grappled
4 goblin raiders killed
3 goblin raiders grappling Nocri
3 goblin snipers spread out and waiting for clear shots.
3 goblin raiders freshly arrived
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvE)

Nocri's next move was to attempt to simply charge and bowl through her melee opponents on her way to the crossbowmen. After all, she was nearly seven feet tall and they were a mere four feet at best. What could they possibly do to stop her? Her arrogance was quickly punished, however, as the goblins proved more technically minded than she expected. One dodged her charge and got hold of her by the knee, allowing the building momentum behind her larger frame to cause her to stumble off balance when her joint wasn't able to move the way she was expecting. She had to stop her charge and plant the butt of her poleaxe into the ground in order to keep from falling over, which allowed the other melee goblins to attempt to dog pile onto her.

But Nocri didn't feel a hint of fear at her new predicament, only annoyance as she regarded the goblins attempting to pull her to the ground and disarm her by weight of numbers. "Filthy little creatures," she spat in irritation. "You dare to put your hands on a goddess? I'll cut them from you as punishment before I fill your new wombs," she threatened, and then she willed her supernatural magics to work. She mutated her own body in order to grow black tentacles which snaked out from between the joints of her plate armor nearest to each goblin grabbing her and wrapped around their wrists, evening the odds of their little grapple by offering her as many appendages to work with as the group working on concert against her had.

Spend 5 EP and 1 HP in order to use warp shell to gain Tentacles and Regeneration 3.

Regenerating 3 HP a round after Regeneration 3 kicks in.
Dodge: 5d10+1
No parry.
AV: 39 (13 natural AV, 26 plate.)
Reflexes: 30
Focus: 16
Willpower: 20
Grapple: 3d10+14d10 with an additional +27 against smaller creatures)
Group grapple actions have no additional affect on her unless she's grappling a creature with Tentacles.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvE)

Nocri: HP = 126, PP = 46, EP = 42/52, Status = Fine, Grappled
4 goblin raiders killed
3 goblin raiders grappling Nocri
3 goblin snipers spread out and waiting for clear shots.
3 goblin raiders freshly arrived

Wave 1, Round 2 Turn 2, Rolls!
Nocri uses Warp Shell!

Clearly some of the goblins will grope her butt before being grabbed by tentacles.

They will also try to take off her armor, I guess.
Grapples: 132 vs 58, 60, and 91 with a natural 28 for an automatic success.
ONE LUCKY GOBLIN MANAGES TO RIP OFF NOCRI'S ARMOR. Obviously he got a lucky strap and it just sort of... Falls apart, somehow, idk. I'm not writing the fluff for this, you are! :D

The snipers take pot shots with full deadly aim.
Attacks: 106, 123, and 105, the last with an automatic success. Nocri's Dodge is 31, the goblins that she beat dodge rolls are 40 and 43, giving Nocri a +42 bonus to Dodge for a total of 73, meaning ALL of the goblin snipers hit their mark.
Damage: 29, 28, and 26 with 10 AV ignore, so each - 3 for a total of 74 damage.

Not going to subtract that from Nocri's Dodge for these melee attacks.
Attacks: 58 vs 71, miss but hits a shield goblin, 71 vs 66, hits, and 66 vs 61, hit again.
Damage: 27, 28, and 25, each minus 10 to the goblin or 13 to Nocri, for a total of 17 damage to the goblin and 27 to Nocri

Those raiders have swords.

Nocri: HP = 27/126, PP = 46, EP = 37/52, Status = Badly Injured, Grappled, Tentacles and Regeneration 3
4 goblin raiders killed
3 goblin raiders being tentacled by Nocri, one has taken 17 damage
3 goblin snipers snoipan
3 goblin raiders swinging swords about