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The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin initially smirked at the human's lack of response, assuming she had realized just what a terrible predicament she was in as Nocri slowly closed in on her, but her smirk quickly twisted in agony as it felt like a hand grabbed at her organs and attempted to wrench them out through her mouth. Far from a random stomach ache, she could feel her skin threatening to rip away as something seemed to try to break out from within her. She doubled over in pain, coughing up a copious amount of blood onto the ground as she fought against the explosion of pressure with her own supernatural nature. Despite the complete lack of warning or detectable attacks from her opponent's direction, there was no doubting that it was the 'little morsel's' work.

After she had weathered the assault her cool composure and arrogance was gone, replaced with single-minded vengeance against the lesser being who had dared to stand against a living idol. She straightened, her poleaxe shaking as the hand holding it trembled with rage directed against the impudent human who dared to make her bleed. "You arrogant... little... WORM!" Her vision was red with fury despite the darkness, and she began to plan every step of what she'd do when she'd finally found the target of that anger. "I'm going to strip you and let every filthy cretin in that feast hall have a turn on you! Then I'll chain you to my bed as a personal toy until you understand your proper place!"
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 39/126, PP = 46, EP = 28/52, Status = Probably Fairly Upset, still in the dark, Reflector X = 10
Liselotte: HP = 61/80, PP = 50, EP = 12/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, Weakened
Sword: Taken 13 damage

Initiative: 39 vs 29, Nocri wins.

You didn't give me an action for the sword, so I'm not letting it attack this round.

Nocri swings!
Attack: 82 vs 152, including an 8 on the base dice. Miss.

Listelotte tries again.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 7 * 8 = 56 - 50 - 13, aaand derp Nocri takes 1 damage.
Nocri also regains 16 EP again.

Nocri: HP = 35/126, PP = 46, EP = 25/52, Status = Probably Fairly Upset, still in the dark, Reflector X = 10
Liselotte: HP = 61/80, PP = 50, EP = 5/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, Weakened
Sword: Taken 13 damage
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

As it turned out, knowing the general direction of her opponent wasn't the same as having any idea when and where to swing. Nocri took a wild, sweeping swing with her poleaxe when she thought she'd come to the location of the original noise but managed to hit absolutely nothing. She didn't realize that her weapon hadn't even come within two feet of the intended target's shield, let alone the actual target. But that was fine. She'd march through the whole damned field swinging her weapon like a harvester's scythe until she felt it smash against the surprisingly resilient human, if she needed to do so.

The sensation of the human attempting her trick a second time only to be nullified by her defenses made the woman roar aloud. "The same trick won't work twice, little rat! Stop your hiding and come out now and I might allow you some pleasure of your own when I break you of your filthy impudence!"
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin's angry shouting was enough to give Liselotte pause. THAT was what she wanted? And now she was very angry, by the sounds of it. She was close now, too, so Liselotte kept her mouth shut. Her opponent knew where she was, but not exactly where she was, and that was still an advantage. She was beginning to get worried, though. She was running out of options, and the dragonkin's armour made almost everything she could do with what she had left ineffective.

Trying to repeat her previous performance only ended in failure. She didn't have enough power left to overcome whatever was shielding her. Fortunately her opponent's attack went wide—the darkness was keeping her safe for now. But how long could that last?
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 35/126, PP = 46, EP = 25/52, Status = Probably Fairly Upset, still in the dark, Reflector X = 10
Liselotte: HP = 61/80, PP = 50, EP = 5/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, Weakened
Sword: Taken 13 damage

Initiative: 44 vs 38, Nocri wins again. The sword strikes first at 55 though.

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1, again. You know the drill.

Nocri goes for a bull rush.
Bull Rush: 71 vs 86, miss.

Liselotte applies a buff to her sword and attacks.
Attack: All three hit.
Damage: 38, 37, and 39. None are quite enough to get through Nocri's AV, so 1 damage each.

Nocri: HP = 31/126, PP = 46, EP = 22/52, Status = Probably Fairly Upset, still in the dark, Reflector X = 7
Liselotte: HP = 56/80, PP = 50, EP = 2/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, X = 5 on her sword as well, Weakened, Battle Dance
Sword: Taken 13 damage
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte's mind was racing as she tried to come up with a solution. This wasn't looking like a fight she could win. The dragonkin had to be hurting from her attack that had got through—She certainly sounded angry enough about it—but she couldn't repeat that attack, it had taken too much out of her. The armour was the problem, but she didn't have any way to deal with it, not as she was now.

The vampire darted to the side as the massive dragonkin tried to grab her once again, shield continuing to float along beside her. She focused the remainder of her energy on her sword, coating the thin blade in a shield much like the one protecting her body, only designed to pierce rather than protect. With that done she lunged for her opponent's back, making three quick thrusts that managed to snake into gaps in the armour, but failed to do more than scratch the skin beneath.

"Tough one, aren't you?" She hissed, annoyance obvious in her tone. Even enhanced, her blade simply couldn't seem to cause any significant harm to the woman. "But I've got all day. You can't keep this up forever. And you can't seem to find me, let alone touch me~" She hopped back, quickly vacating the space behind the dragonkin as her animated sword darted in from the other direction for an equally fruitless strike. She may be out of energy for her powers, but an undead body had its advantages, when it came to worrying about physical fatigue.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin's furry ears picked up the crunching of grass. In her increasing fury, that alone prompted her to charge and try to grab whatever had caused it. Unfortunately, rather than catching the human she only managed to grab air. The ensuing pokes into her back followed by another swing from the animated sword elicited a frustrated growl from Nocri, which deepened as her opponent issued her own words. How dare the little whelp speak to her that way? She had only escaped being split on Nocri's cock by trickery alone, not by proper skill!

"I don't need forever. I only need long enough to get my hands on you and relieve you of the illusion that you're anything close to my equal," she uttered, pure malice in her voice. "You have no idea how much I'm going to enjoy administering your lesson. You'll worship me as your new goddess when I'm finished."
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 31/126, PP = 46, EP = 22/52, Status = Probably Fairly Upset, still in the dark, Reflector X = 7
Liselotte: HP = 56/80, PP = 50, EP = 2/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, X = 5 on her sword as well, Weakened, Battle Dance
Sword: Taken 13 damage

Forgot Liselotte's heal from her strikes and Nocri's upkeep on reflector, fixed that.

Initiative: 38 vs 47, Liselotte wins. The sword strikes first at 48 though.

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1, again. Might be a pattern here.

Liselotte attacks.
Attack: All three hit.
Damage: 42, 35, and 45. Still poking for 1 damage, but Lis regains another 12 HP, 4 per hit.
Edit: I forgot vampire, she can't go above half max HP with that. So, nevermind. I'M AN IDIOT. Lis gains weakened from Fragile.

Nocri swings back.
Attack: 152 vs 145, hit.
Damage: 96 - 40 = 56, 56/2 = 28 damage.
Reflexes: 51 vs 85, not Stunned.

Nocri: HP = 27/126, PP = 46, EP = 9/52, Status = Badly Hurt, still in the dark, Reflector X = 7
Liselotte: HP = 23/80, PP = 50, EP = 2/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, X = 5 on her sword as well, Weakened x2, Battle Dance
Sword: Taken 13 damage
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

As much as she hated to admit it, the little worm was right. Nocri was never going to lay a finger on her if she kept swinging wildly. But it quickly occurred to her that she had no need to do that, if the human was now willing to bring the fight to her. It was time for her to stop this uncharacteristic pursuit of a lesser being and instead let the human come to her better to face her punishment. So the dragonkin simply stood there, poleaxe in both hands, listening for the next attack.

And when the human tried to take advantage of her blindness and poked her sword through the dragonkin's armor against her scaled flesh again, she swung with all of her might at the source. There was no mercy in her counterattack. She intended on literally splitting the human in two if necessary and then returning to the feast hall to find the recovered woman and administer her lesson. But when her blade bit into her opponent's flesh, it felt almost like she was trying to saw through steel. Nocri could tell that she'd dealt some damage, but it was nowhere near as much as she should've against a lightly armored opponent.

It was more than enough to transform her scowl into a sadistic grin though. Even if she hadn't been able to finish her opponent or follow up with something that would guarantee her own victory. "What was that about me not being able to touch you?" She looked around, trying to listen for any indication on whether or not the field mouse faced with a tiger had scurried away to lick her wounds. "But even if you are a little rat, I will pay one compliment before I catch you and give you the gift of my seed. In this moment, even if it's only because of all your cowardly tricks and wretched magic, you are tougher than you have any right to be."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte continued to circle her opponent, darting in to make three more quick stabs, with similar results to the last. If she had just a little more power left, she was confident she could end this fight, but as it was she couldn't manage to do more than scratch the woman. Given enough time she would surely succumb, but Liselotte wasn't sure she had that much time. She was proven right in that assessment a moment later, and the dragonkin's massive weapon swung around faster than she could avoid, slamming into her from the side.

Fortunately the psychic barrier she had erected around herself took much of the force of the blow, but she was thrown back by the force of it regardless. It was only thanks to that and the unnatural durability of this body that she managed to remain standing afterwards. "A lucky hit." Was the only response she gave the dragonkin's taunt, quickly moving again to disguise her position. Inwardly though, she was a little more worried, especially with the dragonkin's constant mentions of what she was planning to do when she won.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 27/126, PP = 46, EP = 9/52, Status = Badly Hurt, still in the dark, Reflector X = 7
Liselotte: HP = 23/80, PP = 50, EP = 2/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, X = 5 on her sword as well, Weakened x2, Battle Dance
Sword: Taken 13 damage

Initiative: 45 vs 31, Liselotte wins. The sword strikes first at 53 though.

The sword does what the sword does.

Nocri steps out of the darkness. She had to move... Ten feet. Ish.

Lisolette's attacks: A glancing blow that does nothing, and two hits.
Damage: 40, 44. Doesn't beat out AV.

Nocri: HP = 26/126, PP = 46, EP = 4/52, Status = Badly Hurt, Regeneration 3 and Natural Armor
Liselotte: HP = 26/80, PP = 50, EP = 2/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, X = 5 on her sword as well, Weakened x2, Battle Dance
Sword: Taken 13 damage
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri decided against immediately reusing her trick. Instead, she chose to back away from the next series of pokes in order to focus on shifting her own supernatural body around. She hardened her scales and set her innards on the road to healing from the havoc which had been wreaked upon them. As an added bonus, her trajectory happened to cause her to back right out of the sphere of darkness, finding herself able to see daylight again, along with a large pitch black wall in front of her.

She winced as her eyes readjusted to proper light. "So this was your trick? It wasn't that I was blinded by magic, but that everything was covered in shadows," she remarked to the human still hidden by the sphere of darkness. "So, little mouse, will you come out here and face your reckoning? Or must I march back in there to end this foolishness? It makes no difference to me, but the latter option will hurt you more in the long run."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte cursed under her breath as the dragonkin finally stepped out of the area of darkness. She'd got a few more hits in first, but they had done as little damage as ever. Fatigue was quickly creeping over her—she didn't feel tired in the sense she was used to, before she had become what she was now, but her body was growing sluggish. She was beginning to worry that she wouldn't be able to keep this up as long as her opponent, who didn't seem nearly as affected by Liselotte's previous attacks as she should have been.

"So you're running away, then?" She called after the woman, making sure to keep herself moving even as she spoke. She was hesitant to leave the cover of darkness so easily, but her opponent had always been the aggressive one so far. As tired as she was, she was in no danger of running out of time. She simply couldn't handle many more hits.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 26/126, PP = 46, EP = 4/52, Status = Badly Hurt, Regeneration 3 and Natural Armor
Liselotte: HP = 26/80, PP = 50, EP = 2/70, Status = Psychic Shield X = 15, X = 5 on her sword as well, Weakened x2, Battle Dance
Sword: Taken 13 damage

TIME FOR A LOT OF DRAGON POKING. Both sides gave me actions they intend to repeat until the fight is over, so... Lets do this I guess.

Initiative: You both want to go last, Nocri because heavy metal and Lisolette because fuck heavy metal. As such, you go back to initiative, which Nocri wins handily. Impatience! I guess I'll just alternate from now on so I don't have to roll that over and over.

Round 10
The sword does what the sword does successfully.

Nocri swings.
Attack: 95 vs 153, miss.

Lisolette's attacks: All hits.
Damage: All min, so 3 HP regained. Net loss of 2.

Round 11
The sword does what the sword does successfully.

Lisolette's attacks: All hits.
Damage: All min, so 3 HP regained. Net loss of 2.

Nocri swings.
Attack: 140 vs 159, miss.

Round 12
The sword does what the sword does successfully.

Nocri swings.
Attack: 123 vs 178, miss.

Lisolette's attacks: All hits.
Damage: All min, so 3 HP regained. Net loss of 2.

Round 13
The sword does what the sword does successfully.

Lisolette's attacks: All hits.
Damage: All min, so 3 HP regained. Net loss of 2.

Nocri swings.
Attack: 131 vs 171, miss.

Round 14
The sword does what the sword does successfully.

Nocri swings.
Attack: 98 vs 132, but with 10 10 10 on the base dice. Automatic hit.
Damage: 56 - 40 = 16, 16/2 = 8 damage.
Reflexes: Success. No stun.

Lisolette's attacks: Glance and two hits.
Damage: All min, so 2 HP regained. Net loss of 3.

Round 15
The sword does what the sword does successfully.

Lisolette's attacks: All hits.
Damage: All min, so 3 HP regained.

Nocri swings.
Attack: 140 vs 138, hits. Barely.
Damage: 74 - 40 = 34, 34/2 = 17 damage. LISELOTTE IS DEFEATED.

Nocri: HP = 21/126, PP = 46, EP = 4/52, Status = Badly Hurt, Regeneration 3 and Natural Armor
Liselotte: HP = 0/80, PP = 50, EP = 2/70, Status = Not Dust... Too bad for her.
Sword: Probably lying on the ground now.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin made good on her word. When her opponent refused to come out, she moved into the shadow and fought her there. What followed wasn't really a show of skill on her part, just an abuse of her inhuman stamina and strength. She would swing wildly to provoke the human into trying to breach her defenses, only to attack the source once those inevitable jabs did come. She got hit a lot more often than she hit back, but it had only taken the large half-dragonkin two such swings to end her opponent. Nocri knew victory was hers when the light returned and she spotted her opponent's sword and shield laying on the ground alongside the smaller woman.

And then calm washed over Nocri, along with an incredible amount of pain as her ignored wounds began to demand attention. The adrenaline of the hunt was gone now, and she could feel each prick which had made it through her armor and the way her insides had been tangled. Thankfully though, now that she had claimed victory it seemed that her own wounds were knitting more quickly than her own magic could ever manage and taking the pain along with them. Likewise, the cuts she'd left upon her opponent vanished as well. Looking down at the little morsel left Nocri increasingly excited as she prepared to take the delectable prize she'd just won. But looking at her opponent in her calmer state also offered her a sense of clarity.

"You fought well, human. Better than any I've ever faced before. Though you are still my lesser, you are an impressive combatant worthy of some respect for managing to stand against me for so long," and for once there was no sarcasm behind her words. Nocri meant it earnestly. The little human who had managed to defy her for so long had truly impressed her. The tall warrior planted her poleaxe in the ground by its spike and approached her defeated opponent then. The woman Nocri had repeatedly mistaken as fully human wouldn't be allowed much time for hope due to the dragonkin's words, however, as she quickly continued. "In honor of your prowess and tenacity, I've decided that you'll be one of my brides. We'll consummate our marriage now," she said, offering no room for Liselotte to refuse her proposal.

The dragonkin removed her own greaves and allowed them to clatter to the ground. She pulled down her pants just enough to reveal the latest workings of her shapeshifting. A creation that matched the length between the vampire's fingers and elbow and was thicker than her wrist jutted from Nocri's crotch. The head was drastically pointed, almost to the point of being cone-shaped, with small, soft, fleshy barb-looking things ringing it, all but the underside of the shaft's length was covered in smooth silver scales providing bumps and ridges, and at its base was a bulge. Nocri would continue by tearing Liselotte's pants and underwear off of her, but she wouldn't immediately try to put her new manhood to use just yet.

Instead, the dragonkin grabbed the smaller woman by the ankles and lifted her up into the air despite any struggles her weakened opponent might put up. She re-positioned in order to grab the smaller woman's waist once Liselotte's crotch was at face height. For the moment, Nocri was content to offer some small level of foreplay to her former opponent. She planted little kisses around the apparent-human's sex and attempted to coax her clit from hiding. The new position also happened to leave the vampire with an extreme closeup of the cock intended for use on her. Whether Nocri continued to offer Liselotte any foreplay depended entirely on how defiant the nearly-immobile spirit wielder attempted to be, however.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte managed to prolong the fight as long as she could, slowly whittling away at the dragon's defenses once she stepped into the field of darkness once again, but it was still too little. If only she had conserved a bit more power... Eventually she slipped up, taking a little too long to move after striking, and the dragonkin's poleaxe slammed into her side, biting through the psychic shield around her body and cutting another gash into her flesh. She could ignore the pain, but it only slowed her down even more. It was only a matter of time after that before her opponent landed another hit on the exhausted vampire.

She wasn't certain exactly what happened after that, having blacked out for a moment. When she came to, only a few brief moments later, she was on her back on the grass with the draconic woman towering over her. The darkness she had cast was gone, as was the barrier she had erected around herself. A glance to the side revealed her shield lying about a metre away, but it was inanimate once again, and while she could feel her injuries knitting themselves back together even now, the use of her powers still escaped her, leaving her all but defenceless.

The compliment the dragonkin gave her was quickly overshadowed by the following declaration, one Liselotte got the feeling she wasn't going to be allowed to refuse. She had thought shese were fights to the death, that she would merely wake up back in the feast hall when she was done, that the Dragonkin's threats had just been threats... but realization began to dawn on her that she was not so lucky.

Liselotte's eyes went wide with shock and fear as the dragonkin removed her pants, eyes glued to the absolutely massive endowment she had just revealed. It was huge, even for the one bearing it, more than half the length of Liselotte's arm, and just as thick. She didn't even notice until the dragon's hands were upon her that she had begun to tremble. She tried to escape, crawling backwards only to be forcefully stopped by the much larger woman's strong grip. She tried to push against the dragonkin's grip, but it was like trying to push down a stone wall for all the good it did her.

Nocri made quick work of the clothes that were in her way, the simple enchanted cloth being easy enough to tear or remove, but Liselotte had little time to worry about that before being bodily lifted into the air by her legs. She struggled against the dragonkin's grip, but even at her best there was no way she could escape without the aid of her powers—Powers that continued to elude her.

"Nnnh..." Liselotte groaned as she felt the other womans lips on her, an uncomfortable yet oddly pleasurable feeling. On the other hand, her eyes were about level with the oversized cock she would surely be feeling much more intimately before long, if she couldn't find some way out of this. "You may have beaten me, but you're a fool if you think I'll submit so easily." Liselotte hissed as she twisted her body around, trying to wrench one of her feet free so that she could make some attempt at escape.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin would remove her head just far enough from Liselotte's sex to respond. "No, after that fight I don't expect that you'll submit easily. But you will submit eventually, if only because it's easier and more pleasurable. Not to mention that it's the proper order of things. Until then, you can still bear me many strong heirs." She would return her lips to the vampire's crotch then. The efforts of her mouth were a cruel imitation of romantic foreplay, only intended to wrest control of her opponent's own bodily responses away from her. She would plant each teasing kiss frustratingly close to the vampire's erogenous zones to force the blood to rush into the other woman's genitals rather than out of any desire to build her up to intimate lovemaking. And once Liselotte's arousal began to show, Nocri included her tongue into her efforts to increase her dominance over the spirit wielder's body.

The vampire would manage to squirm a leg out of her grasp, at least for a few seconds. Though whatever she did with it, it wouldn't take long for Nocri to wrangle the limb back with her hand. For her efforts, the dragonkin would take a firmer grip on the other woman's thighs. She began to stroke and knead the other woman's soft flesh, treating her unwilling partner like little more than a toy to be fondled for her personal amusement. At the same time she turned her attention on the sensitive, hooded nub that she was trying hard to coax out, lapping across it and the other woman's lower lips softly with her tongue to further arouse the vampire. Once she had exposed it in full, she ceased what minimal efforts she was making at being creative and unpredictable. Nocri began to focus entirely on her partner's clit. Her strokes steadily built in pressure and became more centered as she gradually worked toward a pace intended to force Liselotte's body into orgasm, regardless of whether the vampire desired it or not.

Nocri had no intentions of stopping either. She didn't care to bother with any sort of control play in an attempt to make the vampire more pliable. Liselotte didn't have any say in the matter of their coming union. The tall warrior merely wanted to enforce her will by forcing her new 'wife' to cum, and to prepare the other woman's body to accept the gift she would soon receive. Unless the dangling human made some effort to stop her, Nocri would continue right up through Liselotte's peak.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte finally managed to get a leg free, kicking at the arm still holding the other, but once again she only proved just how much she was outmatched in strength. The dragonkin managed to get her free leg under control again in short order, and her ministrations only got more aggressive. It was getting harder and harder to ignore the effect it was having on her, and her body was certainly already reacting the way Nocri wished it to.

This was rather new to her, and that made it even harder. Liselotte was a noblewoman, or had been before she had been turned into this. Sex before marriage would have been wrong, that was what she had been taught, and she had never been married. Her poor health certainly hadn't gained her any prospects in that regard. Once she had become a vampire, it had become the last thing on her mind. She hadn't even been certain that her body could still react like this, but she was quickly learning that to be the case. Could she even still bear children, as the dragonkin apparently desired? She wasn't certain of the answer to that. And now it seemed she was to married as well—whatever the dragon's definition of that actually was—without her consent, yet there was nothing she could do about it as she was. It would be some time before she would recover enough to put up a fight, and that was time she was certain she didn't have.

Liselotte finally let herself fall limp in the dragon's arms, realizing that struggling right now was futile and simply focusing on what the dragonkin was doing. She could do nothing to resist physically, that much was clear, but at the very least she could deny giving her tormentor the satisfaction of hearing her moan or cry out. She closed her eyes to get the image of the massive cock waiting just in front of her out of her mind, doing her best to distance herself from everything she was feeling. If not for the occasional twitch, and the fact that her body was reacting to the stimulation whether she liked it or not, she might very well have appeared dead for how stiff she was.

Eventually, despite all of Liselotte's effort, the dragonkin's own efforts bore fruit. A tremble ran through Liselotte's body as orgasm finally approached, followed by a muted moan as Nocri's assault on her clit finally pushed her over the edge, the first sound she has made since her struggling had stopped. "Just... Get this over with..." She spoke a few moments later, panting softly, and still fearing that she was not at all prepared for what was to come.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

(Smut spoilered for thread scroll-ability.)
"I wasn't waiting for your permission," the dragon responded softly as she lowered her opponent to the ground. Nocri had originally intended on taking this enemy like a dog, as she did to all the others. This time though, she wanted to see the face of the opponent that had been such a thorn in her side. The half-dragonkin wanted to watch as Liselotte's defiance melted into ecstasy with each forced orgasm. And she was confident it would. As brutish and selfish as she might have been, and as mismatched as the organ she'd grown was for such a small woman, Nocri was still a soul eater and would wrack her partner's body with pleasure regardless of the tools used.

The fluffy-tailed dragon would position Liselotte face-up. She wasted no time in dropping into her own position between the other woman's legs, spreading them with her own hips in order to provide her access to the smaller humanoid's crotch. Nocri's incredibly long hair fell all around the two, almost acting as a privacy curtain for the vampire. Any spectator wouldn't have needed any guesses to figure out what was going on though. The dragonkin had pinned the vampire's wrists on the ground above her head with her left hand, while with her right hand she had taken hold of the massive organ between her own legs and pointed it at her victim's sex. The rest of the vampire's small frame was pinned underneath the dragonkin's much larger one and the weight of her armor in their missionary position, cutting off any effective struggles before Lisolette could even begin.

"You should've returned the favor," she remarked just as she began to prod the tip at Liselotte's folds. She wasted little time in parting the other woman's lower lips with the efficiently designed head of her cock. "This would've been much easier on you," Nocri would add as she began to sink herself into the vampire's depths a centimeter at a time. The conical shape of the tip made the task of spreading the vampire easier, at least, along with the adaptable nature of Liselotte's vampiric body. Nocri's slowness wasn't out of any concern for her partner either though. It was merely so that she could savor each and every second of claiming her new 'wife' for the first time. She openly exulted in the sensations, letting out a prolonged groan that lasted through each inch of cock entering the wet tightness of her partner right up until she had hit Liselotte's current limit and could fit no more in.

"Hnnn.... Nothing beats the feeling of feeling of claiming someone for the first time..." she groaned happily, even though she hadn't been able to fit her full length into the vampire just yet. The dragonkin shifted her position then, pinning Liselotte's wrists with her hands and pushing her own upper body up far enough so that she could watch the other woman's face as she took her. "Now..." Nocri cooed as she began to rock herself back and forth in the vampire's depths, "let me watch that defiance melt away as I make you my wife."

And with that she would begin to move more substantially, drawing a little further out after each thrust intended to claim a little more of the vampire's body. Nocri let out delighted little moans as Liselotte's body betrayed her and the former human's wet folds clung tightly to the massive invading cock, providing the rapist dragon with no small amount of pleasure. In truth, the incredible tightness and the fact that she'd been unable to hit base yet was a primary reason for her choice to take it slowly. Nocri only cared for Liselotte's pleasure insofar as it amused or enhanced her own experience, but a broken wife would provide no heirs. So her build up was gradual. Each thrust only bringing a little bit more of her untouched shaft inside the woman with help from her victim's own juices, each motion of her hips imperceptibly more forceful.

So it became the case that Lisolette's own inexperience added to the length of her violation. The dragonkin delayed working toward her own orgasm in order to train the vampire's body to accept all of her cock, rather than shifting it to a size that the inexperienced woman could handle outright. Only then did she begin to take Lisolette in earnest. Her thrusts didn't immediately increase in speed, but they became much more forceful, each one coming with enough power to cause the vampire's small chest to jiggle and the pieces of Nocri's armor to clank. The dragon's moans became forceful grunts as she moved from preparing and savoring the woman to outright claiming her.

She continued like that, pounding away at the woman beneath her and slowly picking up pace. Regardless of Liselotte's attempts to resist the pleasure, regardless of how little she may have wanted to feel anything from her attacker, and regardless of whether or not the size or the stimulation provided by Nocri's manhood had helped her along in the least, the dragonkin would eventually make her cum if only from brute stamina and steady effort alone. But the sudden spasms as Liselotte's body betrayed her and attempted to milk her conqueror's manhood didn't slow the experienced half-dragonkin warrior down in the slightest. "Yes! That's it! Accept your place as my wife and cum for me," she groaned in triumph as she watched Liselotte's reactions, but she sped up rather than slowing down.

The dragonkin showed no mercy to the vampire in her afterglow either. She prolonged Liselotte's first peak as long as she could and continued without pause. Her continued thrusting wasn't for the benefit of her victim. Now that she'd forced an orgasm out of her defeated opponent, her efforts became focused entirely on her own pleasure and the end result of consummating the marriage and inseminating her unwilling bride. She began to rut the other woman at a pace entirely designed for her own pleasure. The fact that it would eventually cause Liselotte to cum a second time a few minutes later just ended up being an added bonus.

But after continuing through the second set of the vampire's pleasure spasms, Nocri didn't have much stamina left. The tall warrior felt herself passing the threshold of no return, aided by her victim's unintentional efforts to milk her, and settled into quick, shallow thrusts into Liselotte as her cock throbbed dangerously and the bulge at the base of it began to expand and eventually locked them together so tightly that Nocri could barely move her hips. But even that wouldn't be enough to stop her from claiming one last victory before she finished. The half-dragonkin would last just long enough rubbing her knot against her victim's g-spot to humiliate the vampire a final time, forcing a final orgasm out the woman's traitorous body which managed to in turn trigger her rapist's own climax.

"Accept your goddess's gift!" The dragon roared before claiming her vulnerable opponent's mouth with her own as she began to empty herself into the human's womb, firing rope after rope of her seed into her victim's depths. The quantity of her cum matched the size of her organ, filling Liselotte to the brim and beyond though it couldn't escape past the knot holding it in. The dragon's climax lasted for minutes before the waves of pleasure dissipated and left her in an afterglow that had her lying limply atop Liselotte. Between Nocri's weight and the way they were joined by her knot, there was little chance of escape for the vampire before she regained her senses. "It is done. You are now my bride," the rapist half-dragonkin cooed contentedly as she began to recover.
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

(I suppose I will do the same)
The sense of dread that had been building within Liselotte began to grow even faster as the dragonkin woman lowered her back to the ground. She tried to pull herself away to moment she got a chance, but it was no use. The much larger woman had her pinned down in short order, and she didn't seem to be wasting any more time. She watched as the oversized cock approached, finally clenching her eyes shut as she felt it prodding at her entrance. There was no way out, no way she could escape this. Maybe, if she was lucky, this would kill her—It certainly looked big enough, and death wasn't very permanent in this place.

It was not to be, though. While Nocri was by no means gentle, she took her time, slowly pushing herself in and stretching Liselotte around her girth. If it wasn't for this unnaturally durable body, she wasn't sure if she could have taken it at all, but take it she was, slowly but surely. It was painful, certainly, but pain had never felt quite the same since she had been changed. It was still there, but too muted to drown out everything else she was feeling. Inexperienced as she was, this was an entirely new feeling to the vampire. Without the sort of pain she expected, the pleasure was all the more pronounced.

As much as she tried, she couldn't just ignore this like she had previously, this was on an entirely different level. Cracking her eyes open again, she could see the outline of the dragon's cock inside of her, pushing deeper with each thrust. Every time she was sure it couldn't possibly go deeper, and every time she was proven wrong. Her hands were clenched into fists so hard her nails were biting into her palms, but as much as she squirmed and pulled, she couldn't get them free. She could do nothing but watch as the dragon claimed her, the treacherous feelings of pleasure rushing through her body with every thrust.

Liselotte wasn't even given time to adjust, the dragonkin speeding up her movements until her entire body was left rocking under the force of the thrusts. Her control could only go so far, and with no experience to draw on it was impressive enough that she had lasted this long, but Liselotte simply couldn't hold it any longer. A soft moan escaped through grit teeth as the dragonkin finally pushed in far enough for the bulge at the base of her cock to press against her, threatening to force its way inside as well. From there the floodgates were open, each thrust eliciting another muted moan or whimper. With every thrust she felt herself growing closer and closer, another orgasm approaching inexorably as much as she wanted to deny it.

Spasms ran across as she finally gave in, a scream of mixed pleasure and pain echoing through the forest around them. She thrashed about as the dragonkin continued regardless of her comfort, her senses already overloaded, but Nocri did not seem willing to let her ride out the most intense orgasm of her life in peace, prolonging it a little more with each thrust.

"I will never... be your wife..." Liselotte managed to protest between thrusts once she had regained her senses fully, but her voice was slurred, and entirely lacking the air of nobility it had held previously. She wasn't given even a moment of rest though—If anything Nocri was now thrusting harder and faster, enough that Liselotte felt like every time the dragonkin bottomed out, her back was tearing up the ground beneath her, digging a furrow into the dirt.

As much as she might protest though, as much as the dragonkin's efforts were only to bring herself pleasure now, this primal, violent mating continued to push Liselotte closer and closer to the edge as well. She could no longer even describe what she was feeling, the pain and ecstasy mixing together in her mind, but there was something undeniably pleasurable about this. She would never have believed that being treated like this could bring her pleasure, being used like some toy for her conqueror's pleasures, but the effect it was having on her was undeniable.

Her next orgasm came much quicker than the last, her body never even having the chance to recover from the first before she felt the peak approaching again. She clamped down even harder on the massive cock inside of her, filling her up more thoroughly than she had ever thought possible, as spasms ran through her body once again in the wake of another orgasm crashing through her. This time Nocri did change her pace, but it wasn't out of mercy or concern for her, Liselotte soon realized. Her eyes shot wide open in shock as she felt the bulge at the base expanding, another ragged scream escaping her throat as she thrashed desperately about.

She wasn't meant to stretch like this, yet at the same time it only intensified the feeling of the now-expanded knot pressing against her g-spot, the dragonkin's shallow thrusts ensure it never stopped rubbing against it. There was no resistance left in her at this point, so there was no stopping the third orgasm. This time, the dragonkin joined her, as she felt the first jet of warm seed directly into her womb. More and more came, until Liselotte was sure there couldn't possibly be any space left to fill, but the oversized knot kept even a trickle from escaping. If she was still capable of getting pregnant, was there any way this much wouldn't take, she wondered, her mind feeling like it was in a haze. She wanted to refute the woman's words, to protest that she was no one's bride, but the words simply wouldn't form, only a soft whimper escaping her throat. With the knot still locking them together, even if she wasn't being held down Liselotte wouldn't have been able to escape, so all she could do was wait, lying limply in the grass, for whatever other torment the dragon wished to inflict upon her before she was finished.