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The 'Etiquette' Bin


Apr 12, 2009
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Name: Jaylene Harris
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Physical Description:
Tall and muscled, but with relatively few curves, she has an androgynous, tom-boyish look to her when she's not careful to cover that up. Jaylene has long, darkly auburn-brown hair with a few grey-strands already starting to fill in one side of her bangs, much like her mother (an early grey) and two of her elder sisters. She's caucasian, with heavily tanned skin and darker freckles across the more exposed portions of her skin. Her face is chiseled with a sharp nose, carefully plucked but relatively thick brows, and thin lips. Her eyes are a ruddy hazel colour, often adorned with eye shadow to help smooth her boyish face into something more feminine and attractive.

Jaylene tends to wear denim and flannel when she's not working, though she prefers form-fitting garments (with a little help from bra-padding!) to try to look less... mannish. Her parents would probably be shocked with her dressing habits, but she finds the freedom of living with only her roommates has allowed her to experiment a little more, and quite frankly, after 18 years of living boyishly, she sees cat calls as accomplishments.

Occupation: Waitress (taking a year off between classes and college)
Aptitude: Social, Physical, Mental
A local farm girl born in Red Deer but raised on a farm a little further east, just south of Lacombe, Jaylene is a roughshod, pragmatic young woman who wants to do something with her life aside from driving tractors and helping during calf-birthing season, but she's not sure what that is, yet. Born the fourth of seven daughters to her parents, she's the most tom-boyish of her sisters -- her mom had gotten desperate enough for a boy by the time that she came around to treat her more or less like one, which is something that Jaylene kind of found (and still finds) stigmatizing, especialy considering her build.

Going through school with more of an eye on the social side of things than the book learning, she was quick to pick up on a lot of stuff like making friends (and enemies) and making trouble with the opposite sex. Though not at the top of the totem pole, she managed to retain the rights to a decent position by keeping up to date with her cousins from Toronto, despite the fact that both sides of the family were estranged on her father's and uncle's parts. Jaylene became a conduit for new and interesting things in the high school world, with the bruiser attitude to beat anyone down who thought that she was being a freak. She also managed to keep free of the slutty farm girl stereotype that some might try to pin on her with the same 'freedom through fear' attitude.

Then graduation hit, and the young woman found herself cut loose without real plans to head to college. She followed her friends to Red Deer and took up a job at one of the city's several bars, working and helping to pay lion's share of rent while her two roommates went to school. Jaylene would prefer to be in classes herself, but she's looking for somewhere bigger than Red Deer to go to... however, Toronto seems like a long way away for a farm girl living by her own means.

Day in the Life of:
Jaylene usually starts her day out around 11am or noon, spending her afternoon on errands or doing research about different colleges, technical schools and universities in Canada (or the US) that might take her fairly average school scores... though she's undecided about what she wants to do, as yet, she's leaning towards law or perhaps law enforcement... though this may yet be impractical for her. Once a week she gets a package from her cousins (Michelle and Sarah) in Toronto including whatever the latest trends in music, fashion and so on can fit in the size of a shoe-box, and in return she sends out whatever she has found in Red Deer that they might appreciate. During the short break between when her roommates (Kristina and Heather) get out of classes and when Jaylene has to work, they tend to make supper together, get into fights about whose turn it is to do whatever chore, and gossip about said classes (or work, in Jaylene's case). Jay' starts work around 7pm, dressing in tight black clothing and making herself up before driving to the bar (it's not entirely high class, but it's not the dregs, either.) and finishing up around 3am. She serves drinks and helps the bar tenders when needed, cleans up, and does her best to make tips to augment the sort of crappy pay that she gets. Rinse and repeat for most nights, though she spends most of her Sundays with family.
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Re: Characters

Name: Rashar
age: 19
Gender: Male
Physical Description: Rashar is of medium height and rather on the thin side. He has stormy gray eyes as well as black hair. Generally, he either wears his standard employee dress code clothing (The store issued shirt along with a pair of khakis) or dark clothing to make it hard for 'them' to see him. Tinfoil hats are generally not included although other odd objects will pop up about his person on occasion
Occupation: Retail Worker (+ shoplifting occasionally)
Aptitude: Mental, Physical, Social
Backstory: Rashar was originally born to a family that, while not rich, wasn't poor either. They mainly lived in an apartment because his parents were against taking a loan to buy a house as they didn't want to be in debt for any reason. He had a fairly good infancy and early childhood, his parents doting on him and spending much of their frre time playing with him. As he grew older, however, he started noticing them giving him strange looks when they thought he wasn't looking and he also noticed that they were often on edge when they were around him. Of course, everything changed shortly after his eight birthday.

No one knows much of what happened that night. The only thing that is know for certain is the apartment building burned, illuminating the skyline for several miles. The building didn't colapse during the fire, however, and later when authorities started combing through the skeleton of the apartment building looking both for bodies and the cause of the fire, they found Rashar lying in a half-full bathtub of sooty water in a tile bathroom that had escaped most of the flames. Horribly, stretched out on the floor, as if they were reaching for him, were the charred remains of the charred remains of his parents. Reports later given about his miraculous survival explained it as being a result of the bathroom being unintentionally fireproof due to the materials used to make it resistant to moisture rot as well as an open window which let out the smoke and let in enough fresh air for the young boy to survive. No mention was made about his parents, and later investigation was unable to discover who exactly had lived in that particular apartment.

The fire that night as well as something else that happened during that time, left a permanent mark on Rashar's psyche. At the orphanage, not only did Rashar have an understandable terror when confronted with fire, but he seemed to occasionally space out while staring at shadowy areas before slowly backing away from them. Throughout the rest of his childhood, Rashar was often taunted and teased about his claims of seeing things in the shadows, watching him. In addition, the adults running the orphanage often had to confiscate flashlights from him as he would frequently shine them through his shared bedroom in the middle of the night, disturbing the sleep of the other children. Whenever couples came to adopt children, Rashar was always skipped over as the couples wanted a nice child who didn't have mental issues.

Eventually, Rashar grew up, having gone trough the public schools. Unfortunately, given that he was never adopted, he would have needed a full scholarship to go to college. A thing which he wasn't quite good enough for, although he was one of the best students at his high school. Of course, the reason he was so good was because he often hid himself away in a brightly lit room not trusting those who wanted him to come over to their 'house' to 'play some games'.

Currently, Rashar lives in a small apartment and works at a local electronics retail trying to save enough money to supplement any scholarships he could earn to go to college with.

HP: [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
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Re: Characters

Name: Rosary (Rose) Belmonte

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Physical Description: She stands at around 5' tall. She has a decently lithe body with lovely lightly tanned skin. Overall, reasonably toned, with very light muscle definition, though definitely not a hulking brute. Her face is heart-shaped, with dull gray eyes with an blue, almost violet, tinge to them. Atop her head is dark red hair, that goes to shoulder length.
She likes to wear scarves. A light red one is her favorite. Rosary usually wears jeans and a snug black t-shirt.

Occupation: Student, becoming a nurse.

Aptitude: Mental, Physical, Social.

Backstory: Rose is from a fairly wealthy family. Meaning, they had a small fortune. Unfortunatly, upon her parents' death, she wasn't a favorite amongst their other children since she was a child in the middle, on the younger end of the spectrum. Rosary was also the one that was picked on the most. Her two elder siblings got the majority of the wealth, while her younger brother got most of what was left. This was because the older brother and sister were already up and coming businesspeople, already making their own money easily so the parents could trust them. The younger brother, well, because it was the youngest! They had to take care of their precious little one. So, Rose was stuck with a comparitevly small amount. It was enough to put her through college, which is what she went with.

She moved to Red Deer, to go to college as well as to get away from her accursed elder siblings and the spoiled youngest. She just spends much of her time studying and taking classes, being too shy to make much in terms of friends. Although, she had taken up movie watching, computer-filled antics, and swimming as a means of filling her rather lonely void, though it hasn't quite filled up her slowly growing depression.

Health= [][][][][][]
Willpower= 4/4
Bloodpoints= 6/12
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Re: Characters

(Ironically enough... I can't help but think Luna would fit as a vampire for some reason, given how she's already a "monster" when she's a mortal *points to gore happy scenes in AWMBI. )

Name: Luna "Siesta" Ashworth
age: 19
Gender: Female.
Physical Description:

While the picture above shows her appearance in public, she often sports instead, an apparel of pure black, consisting of covert ops combat fatigues adorned with a black trenchcoat in which she stashes many things such as knives, ammo, etc.

Occupation: By day, she appears as a typical anti-social student enrolled at the local community college who works part-time at the local library. At night however, she is a hitman who takes on jobs involving the assassination of mob bosses, politicians, etc so long as they match with her own personal criteria. Living expenses that aren't met by these two jobs are supplemented by a mysterious "sponser" who supports

1. Physical
2. Mental
3. Social

Backstory: (Eh, copied and modified slightly from her AWMBI profile)

Luna "Siesta" Ashworth was your typical relatively intelligent high school student two years ago. Smart, athletic, beautiful perhaps... She was a girl that would become a fine model citizen...until the day she returned to her dorm to find a murderer standing over her best friend's dead body. No one knew what happened to her that night, but when morning came, the vivisected remains of a man's body was discovered strewn about the room and the girl in question was no where in sight.

"I will cleanse the world of all sinners."

That was the message that had been painted on the wall with the man's own blood. And that was the beginning of a string of murders that would shock the public and baffle authorities for a long time to come. From corrupt politicians to mob bosses to lawyers... none were safe from the apparently maniacal murderer. Victim aside, the murders all possessed the same similarities.

1. The victim was always vivisected into six pieces and then strewn about at the scene.
2. Each murder appeared to be the work of a katana, with the occasional revolver bullet to stop the victim from running.
3. A message was always painted on a nearby surface with the victim's blood alongside a crude drawing of the current phase of the moon at the time: "In pace requisstat..."

It did not take long for the media to come up with a name for the murderer, and that was: "Last Siesta of the Bloody Moon". And that name suited the person in question just fine as she continued her "vigilante works"...

Recently however, after taking out a high-profile member of an underground society, she had taken to hiding in smalller scale towns and cities where the reach of the organizations is not as strong...

Day in the Life: The time her day actually "begins" is dependent on whether or not she is carrying out a night-time job, or has recently carried one out. On days when she is not working out the assassination of a target, she begins her day by carrying out her daily sword practice and morning exercise. Following that, her life is that of a typical college student's, attending classes, working part-time at the library, before returning home in the evening. On days where she has a night-time job however, she becomes solely focused on preparations in the morning, before actually carrying them out at night.
The 'Etiquette' Bin

Right, well, apparently if you erase the first post in a thread, it erases the thread. Check down a little further for a little story ;)
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The 'Etiquette' Bin

This is where I'm going to throw all the posts that should be deleted, because I can't figure out how to delete them without leaving a message behind. This is also a place for a little story.

Now, I'm not sure how many of you play the LARP version of this game, if at all or even if other people playing the game do this, so I'll start with a quick explanation. There are abilities in the game, that allow you to do things better if you have them. One of these abilities is Etiquette, representing your ability to talk and such in society, the rights an wrongs, and so on. When I was visiting Red Deer for this game, I witnessed someone making a Social blunder. Usually, you spend a point of Etiquette, effectively removing it from your sheet for the night, in order to rewind and act like you hadn't said that. Instead of just saying 'whoops, I'll just spend an etiquette to erase that comment, let's try this again, shall we?' The person proceeded to pantomime jacking themselves off and spraying a load over the area in front of him, saying that he was 'Blowing an Etiquette', to which everyone just smirked and continued playing. I nearly pissed myself laughing, after having to have it explained to me. Apparently, they had started exchanging 'spend' for 'blow' in nearly all they talk, and somewhat had made a comment about just such a thing, to which everyone laughed, and it stuck.

Anywho, thanks for reading this little bit of fond memory, let's get back to gaming, shall we? :)
Re: Characters

Name: Clara Jones “C.J.”
age: 21
Gender: Picture would suggest female. Unless that’s a very pretty guy.
Physical Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=133&pictureid=1675
Usually wears her jacket even on hot days. One side of her jeans is cut off while the other side is normal. Has green eyes behind her sunglasses. When she is training for MMA she would wear blue shorts and a very tight black tank top. She appears to have a shitload of the same outfit for some reason…
Occupation: Landscaping or mowing people’s lawns
1 Physical
2 Mental
3 Social
Backstory: Clara was always a loud showoff. She acted out for attention and never followed the norm. This caused her to be isolated but she never seemed to care all that much. Against her parents wishes she wrestled most of her life and when High school ended she took up MMA. Her parents ended up disowning because she wasn’t the model daughter and always seemed to be a tomboy. This caused her to drop out of college and the only work she did was going around mowing people’s lawns for them. She goes to the gym everyday to work out and practice MMA. She hopes to start competing for money to be able to do what she loves on TV and kick other people’s ass. Qualifying for UFC would be a huge step in achieving her dream. She seems close to her dream because she is one of the best at the place she trains. She lives in a tiny apartment and watches a bunch of fighting videos, anime, and porn. Her apartment consists of a small bedroom with an old laptop in it, a Living room with a tv in it, and a Kitchen where there is only enough room for a fridge.
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Re: Characters

Byron Riggs



Physical Description:
Byron has dark brown eyes, almost like two drops of oil. His shoulderlong hair has the color of gunmetal and is worn in a businesslike style. He is of average height and athletic build. His skin is very fair, almost to the point of appearing pale. He has thin eyebrows and his facial features are very sharp. His wardrobe is simple and professional, with grey and black being the most prominent color scheme.

1) Mental
2) Physical
3) Social

Byron can look back on an almost rocket-like career in the pharma-industry after completing his college education. What at first looked like a dream come true, with a salary that others could only dream of, took an ugly turn soon thereafter though:
One of the projects he was working lead to the death of several test-canditates - the scapegoat quickly found in the new guy that nobody actually got to like much: Byron. Deeply traumatized by the events and unable to continue his career in medicine and research, Byron fell into deep depression, his wife and daughter soon no longer able to bear his presence.
Trying to put some distance between himself and those disgraceful events, Byron moved to the city of Red Deer, taking the job as a pathologist on the nightshift - little company, simple work, not many questions besides the paperwork.. and he tries to forget, building a new life.
Recently Byron took some interest in fencing to keep at least a little in shape and satisfy his minimal need for social contact. He also has a deep interest in antique literature, especially the mystical side and has a small collection of some more rare folios.

Typical Day:
Byron usually starts his shift at around 20:00h, working mostly to 05:00h in the morning, after which he often drops by in a small coffee bar. Depending on his personal needs, he will make use of the morning hours to do some shopping or spend some time reading or running before dropping back to bed - not being the most outgoing person anyways.
Re: Characters

I'll need to wait a few weeks before I can be sure I'll have time to play a V:TM game, but if I can, this is the character.

Name: Charles "Charlie" Andrews
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Physical Description:
Charlie is fairly short, standing at only 5'2", though he as a tall personality, prone to exaggeration. He's clean shaven, dark brown hair, with well tanned skin and green eyes. He generally wears moderatly proffessional clothing- Jeans, collared shirt, probably a hunting related hat, and clean tennis shoes
Occupation: Co-owner of the local Hunting Supply store, Polowski Hunting Supplies.
Aptitude: Social, Physical, Mental
His childhood in Chicago wasn't particularly pleasant. The Windy City isn't known for bean gentle. While popular in high-school, he was a fairly weak scholar. While he played basket-ball for his team, he was easily the worst player, due to his height. His best friend, Mark Polowski, had a plan to leave the USA, and move in with his family in Red Deer, Canada. He talked Charlie into going as well, instead of going to the local university.

Meeting Mark's uncle, and his family, at first was somewhat awkward. They grew on each other though, the simple nature of the small-town family and the charismatic Charlie Andrews, and he was perhaps closer than the nephew, Mark. Uncle Polowski gave them a job at his Hunting Supply store, teaching Charlie about life "outside the big cities". He introduced Charlie to hunting, and though he's an able marksman, he prefers to use the shop's workbench on a variety of projects. Mainly, taking an average, every-day item, disassembling it, and re-assembling it, then checking to see if it works. Certainly not a good, formal education, it has taught him a great deal about how guns, appliances, and other things work.

After Uncle Polowski's death, and since he had no childeren of his own, his will stated that his store should be given equally to Mark, his closest nephew, and Charlie, his "adopted" son. Mark runs the shop very efficiently during the day-time, while Charlie usually takes the night shift, or hires someone else to work part-time.

Recently, Mark has wanted to expand Polowski Hunting Supplies to other nearby towns, to increase profit, but Charlie believes that's not what Uncle Polowski would want. After a recent arguement, they have avoided talking to one-another, though they both still work their seperate schedules at the store.

Day in the Life: Charlie usually works only four days a week, sometimes less. When he works, he usually takes the night shift - starting in the mid-afternoon around four, until close at eleven. During the hunting seasons, the store opens up at six, so on occasion, Charlie will stay the whole night, getting some extra cleaning and paperwork done, and helping the opening shift get setup for their early day.

While off of work, he generally sticks around his house just outside of town, where he does his favorite hobby- disassembling and re-assembling whatever he brings back from town that day. This can keep him up pretty late at night, until he either gives up and goes to bed, or figures out how the damn thing works. In recent times, he made a bet on that he could dis-assemble a car engine and put it back together, but it was too much for Charlie. His old '99 Ford Escort was ruined, and just got his new car, a 2009 Ford Focus [black].
Clans Interested: Ventrue [Shop owner], Toreador [Mechanics can have mechanic-art, right?], Nosforatu [fits the Loner stereotype], or whatever else the Storyteller feels is appropriate
Re: Characters

Name: Jessica Collier.
age: 19.
Gender: Female.
Physical Description:

Always dresses like that, doesn't wear the scarf and jacket when it's warm.

Occupation: Now finished with high school, Jessica simply works at a small gas station for another woman who owns it.

Backstory: Jessica grew up in Red Deer alone with her father. Her mother had actually died during child birth, leaving the man alone with her. The man did his best to raise the girl, and did a decent job. She managed to get through school without failing a grade or without having anything significantly bad happen to her. Jessica ended up not being all that social, she usually kept to herself and didn't make too many friends. She was the shy type, although she did meet a few people and made a few friends. Her school years simply went by and soon, she was done with high school. Her father, who these days just hunted a lot, couldn't afford for her to go off to college nor could Jessica herself. This didn't bother her all that much, while she would go if she could she was fine with her education stopping now.

Jessica ended up moving out of her fathers house, not enjoying the company of his hunting friends who these days showed up a lot and were annoying, and into a small house not too far away. She already had a job at a gas station and the house she moved into was actually a lot closer, making getting to work easier for her. Jessica is wondering what to do with her life now, as the days grow by she's getting more and more bored, wanting to break away from daily life and get out and have fun experiences.

Day in the Life: Jessica usually wakes up around nine in the morning then gets ready for work during the week days. She starts by eating a breakfast that usually consists of fruit and cereal, then goes and takes a shower. After showering she gets dressed and heads for work. Getting to work only takes a few minutes, as it's the gas station right now the street. There she simply manages the counter, helping customers and ect. She does this for eight hours, then heads home. At home she winds down, eating a light dinner usually then spending the rest of the evening in her bedroom, watching television or surfing the internet on her computer.

During her days off she usually just stays at home doing nothing really productive, or goes to her fathers house and visits him, assuming his friends are not around. Sometimes Jessica will go out and do things with one of her friends, although this usually only happens once or twice a month.
Re: Characters

Name: Leonardo MacIssac, Ph.D, MEd
Age: 62
Gender: Male
Physical Description:
Leonardo is a small, thin man who looks older than even his 62 years. He is bald, and, in fact, has no hair on his body at all, a side-effect of his treatments. His hands are long and boney, almost skeletal. He walks with the aid of two canes, refusing to use a walker. His eyes, however, appear much younger. Behind heavy glasses, his clear blue eyes miss nothing.

Officially retired. Still does his own research whenever possible.


Leonardo (Don't call him Leo) grew up in Washington DC during the hippy movement in the 60s and was an outspoken dissident, not of the government, but of the hippy movement. Leonardo always voted Republican and fully supported the US mission in Vietnam, and later, Iraq and Afganistan. He would have gone to 'Nam too, had he not been disqualified due to his health. Even as a young man, Leonardo had health problem, suffering from severe athsma and a minor heart condition. He instead focused his life on academic persuits. Although his parents were typical middle-class americans, Leonardo won several scholarships to Harvard where he developed a nearly obsessive interest in history. Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman, Germanic, African, Asian, Middle-eastern, Native American... It didn't matter, if it happened in the past, he was interested in it. Even with his frail health, he always tried to travel to historic locations and perform archeological work. He completed his Doctorate in only eight years, and his Masters in Education four years later. For almost twenty years, he taught history to uninterested students, increasing his already cynical nature. Leonardo's classes were nearly always ranked in the lowest 10 in the country for grades, he was a terrible teacher. When he finally retired in 1998, much to the relief of students fearing his classes, he decided to travel, retracing his archelogical work before ending up in Red Deer, Alberta where he visited a nearby Native American site. As he was preparing to leave, he suffered a minor stroke and was rushed to the Red Deer hospital where he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Leonardo opted to take whatever treatments he could to try to slow the progression. Through a combination of chemotheripy and radiation therapy, his life expectancy jumped from less than a year, to two years, at the cost of his already failing health. Now emaciated and looking more dead than alive, Leonardo stubbornly works to try to complete the project he set out to do when he first became interested in history: Eternal life.

Day in the Life:
By and large, Leonardo doesn't keep a regular schedule. His illness and the side-effects of his treatments prevent him from sleeping for long periods of time. His only scheduled times are traveling to Calgary for treatments once a day with the rest of his waking time spent pouring over books that he's had brought to his place in Red Deer searching for the Holy Grail, The Philosopher's Stone, anything that could extend his life.

A health worker routinely comes to his house to ensure he is doing well, though he rarely pays any attention to them.
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