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The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
And here is where the noncombat stuff shall go, if it is to happen.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Oh it shall

For a moment she did nothing. The dragoness simply stood there in her resplendent armor, her eyes closed and a frown gracing her lips as her mind simply swam in every direction it could following that odd bit of dizziness she felt as she overlooked Ochre. But as that mind cleared odd thoughts and recollections started to bombard her. Visions of vampires and angels, of monstrous bug women and even more monstrous shadows, of the strong and the weak and all the battles fought between them all, and... and that damned idiot...

Gods, Alex really could have gone without remembering him.

But such was life, and as her senses finally came into focus the warrior let her eyes wander while false memories assaulted her mind. Her frown deepened a bit, the hall in which she sat impossibly vast and filled with warriors of every sort. Masters of blade and magic and powers beyond comprehension sat beside mundane soldiers that were most likely far more experienced than she, and as the supped together she could catch tales of valor and victory and the struggles that led to both.

This seemed like an impossible realm, a custom world created at some god's whim, and at that Alex couldn't help but let out her exasperation. "Someone is playing games with me again..." There was no telling just who had done it this time, but with the memories of an equally impossible island returning from the nothingness from which they were born the dragon knew one thing. This wasn't really her.

No, some being of power was looking to have fun, and somehow Alexandra had caught their eye and caused them to create an aspect of the dragon for everyone to enjoy. Unfortunately that aspect had been used once before by some other god or daemon or whatever the hell ruled here, so it let the woman realize just what her plight was and how she had no real connection to her true self. Or maybe someone was just to lazy to find someone else. Whatever circumstances led her hear Alex decided to make the most of it. If someone wished her to battle then so be it. She would fight and show her captor just how powerful she could truly be.

"Hey, make some room." But in the meantime she would enjoy herself, and what better way than to take a seat and enjoy part of the feast surrounding her? Maybe some of these people would like to hear a tale of her own. The mad angel Dina, the thwarting of the Autumn Queen's conspiracy, the death of a fullblood dragon at her own hands... any one of those would probably earn her at least some respect.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

"We meet again, it seems," Nadia said as she shifted aside to make room for the half-dragon, sweeping a glance up and down. She wasn't wear a bikini this time, however, and though she lacked the other warrior's armor her weapons were no on her back, held securely in sheaths strapped to her back over the angel's pure white robe.

"You look like you've grown... Or perhaps you just look better properly attired and equipped," she continued after a second, offering Alexandra an opportunity to sit beside her.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

"And I'm telling yeh, there's never enough fucking elves." Haro gulped down another drink from her jug and leaned on a particularly unlucky human who'd stared at her chest for too long and she happen to notice him. Now he was trapped in a one-sided conversation with Haro and lacked the excuse to leave it. "I'd even settle for half-elves but no, elves have to be prigs about things. I'm surprised they haven't gone extinct." She let out a belch and sighed some more. "I'd hope I'd have more luck in this... what was it called..." She pulled out the invitation and stared at it with bleary eyes "Tournament of Champions, yeah. I'd figure at least some of the candidates would be up for something interesting but so far it's either some assholes who have entire histories behind them and they just ache to share them with you or... or... whatever." She filled her plate again and began the process of eating an entire pig by herself.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

From arena, to feline, to this. It almost felt like a separate existence. given to her by the su-ku-ta woman before ending up in this place, having cut her hair again since she no longer needed to hide her identity, Routa took to the strange feast on display. Like a true savage of the north she took the cooked meat and tore into it with her maw of human teeth as if she were a wolf like her battle sister and leader. She ripped the meat apart, filling her stomach with juicy meat so that she could ensure she was strong and healthy for any challenge ahead.

But to everyone else, she was a woman with a face of beauty that was ruined by a scar and various bits of food that didn't go into her mouth as she gorged at the table hungrily. She would stop eating for a moment, going still. She realized she should probably find a way back to Kavika. Then, she continued eating. She wondered if delaying her return would be good or bad. Maybe Kavika would be more forgiving if she made her wait. Maybe not. The other side of difficulty of her return would be dealing with Kavika's punishment. How to explain to her that she thought the sukuta was a friend of Kavikas, and that's why she followed? It seemed so organized, like a rescue from that den of debauchery. Later, she only had mornings of waking up to a feeling of claws kneading into her back and ribs while the she-creature played with her... In the most childish sense. Indeed, if she finds out how much a fool this Mushi is, then Routa would never hear the end of it. Not even a champion among fools, she'd say.

Yes, eating food for now is best. Maybe Kavika won't ask if she waits.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

And speak of the devil... "That we do." Who's actually an angel... Hm, bad metaphor... Either way, it seemed the angel remembered her own experience back on the island. And now that the both of them weren't lounging around Alex was given the chance to see the more martial side of the redhead.

But she still accepted the offer, and once she was seated her gauntlets came off so she could grab some of the more interesting food stuffs. She even shared with the angel, and as she did it brought a rather interesting fact to the dragon's mind. "I don't believe we've properly met. I am Alexandra Alistar, youngest daughter to the dragon Aureus." A moment was given for Nadia to introduce herself even though Alex remembered the woman's name from her eavesdropping. "I'd ask what brings you here, but that sounds like an awful question. Maybe 'Do you have any clue WHY we're here?' would be better."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

So I have too many character options here, considering I threw up 8 of them in the OOC. That is a little too much here, so I suppose I'll just pick the one that seems most fun here out of my actual active characters.

Luminita frowned as she surveyed this new place she found herself in. Her memory was failing her on just how she had found herself here, among countless other she knew nothing of. She remembered an invitation of some sort, but she certainly did not recall accepting it. She had important business, and being here was bringing her no closer to her goal.

Unless... She looked over the gathered men and women once again, taking note of their appearances. Warriors and magic users of all kinds, it seemed. None she recognized, but she could hardly see everyone, her short stature not aiding her in that regard. If whatever being was playing host to this gathering had taken an interest in strong warriors, then perhaps the ones she sought might end up here after all. For now though, all she could do was wait, and watch.

The scent of food caught her attention as she passed close to the large table, finally drawing her gaze away from the others gathered here. It had been quite some time since she had seen a feast like this. "Hmph. Well, at least the host is hospitable." The diminutive dragonkin remarked as she found herself a free space at the table. This would prove a good distraction for the time being, until the host decided to tell them why they were here, or she found something else of interest. Hopefully the food was as good as it smelled.
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Nadia -> Alex

Nadia accepted her dining-mate's offered food, though she didn't seem to eat much of anything beyond a few bites to sample things. There was cuisine present from every imaginable locale, and some unimaginable to boot, but they tended to favor the savory in terms of the substantive foods and the sweet for the beverages. "I am called Nadia," the angel replied graciously, a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance in full."

Alex's next question came as no surprise, but Nadia gathered herself - and took a light sip of faerie wine - before actually giving her answer; "Well, I imagine you have already guessed a few things... This place is not so different from that island, in most respects. We are here to fight one another for the amusement of our host," she gestured with her chin towards a woman of seemingly average height sitting upon a throne built from twisted metal and what looked to be bone, clad in dull battered gray armor without adornment from head down to her toes, "but here we may do so without so many restrictions. We decide who is the winner in any given match at the start of it, though during the day wild melees break out in the lands beyond the hall, so it can be a bit chaotic to arrange anything formal at times.

"We might until one wins. We are not protected from the consequences of our losses here as we were before though; we can die here. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to last long, and any injury seems to heal quickly even by magical standards. Unfortunately, that isn't all... Our host seems to practice by... Well, faerie rules. Winners may do as they like with their conquests, on the field and for at least a night after, and we are bereft of the other protection that that island offered as well. I do not know what happens to the children we bear, but I do know that we carry them for only a night regardless of their ancestry. As to exactly WHY we've been brought here... Well, isn't it obvious? For sport. Tis a daemon toying with those weaker than itself, again."

Kavika -> Haro and possibly Routa

It was all but impossible to figure out what was happening in this place at any given time, so when she had spotted her second wandering into the room Kavika had taken the chance and rose immediately. She had lost Routa in the chaos of the massive feasting hall, but after a bit of frantic wander she spotted her again. She was almost upon the wayward boar rider when she was knocked from her feet by the flailing arm of some gigantic woman, and rose with a huff.

"Watch where you're.... Uck," the strange woman, who was perhaps twice the size abroad and maybe that much tall as well, seemed to be eating an entire pig to herself while ranting about elves... Kaviika found herself staring, her lupine ears and tail twitching as she stared in mixed fascination and horror at the monstrous woman taking her meal.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

A voice. Familiar voice. One that normally wouldn't, but this time would raise hairs on her neck. As if she spoke the devil's name and she did appear in the flesh. Into view, Kavika, with her black ears and tail. Of all bizarre places. Routa's eyes were wide with shock, and cheeks puffed with food in them, before she swallowed, and stood.


Her voice resounded. The kind of voice that could be heard in the chaos and screaming of battle. Past that, she'd approach Kavika. "You were victorious? Or did you escape that fey?"
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Haro spun around and looked down at the human "Hey, you watch where you're going. I'm sitting here, minding my own business." She burped again. Then she pushed her hand in front of Routa "Hold on a second, we're talking here." She frowned and stood up "Hmmm... but puppy ears? On a human?" She reached out and touched them "Warm, hmm... and a tail too..." She sat back down, "Look, just apologize and then you can go talk to your sister or whatever. I'm not going to hold a grudge against a puppy. Hell, if you know an elf, we could even talk business!" She grinned suddenly and gulped down some more booze from her jug. Meanwhile the unfortunate human saw his chance and bolted for safety the moment Haro was distracted.
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

In almost a heartbeat, Routa was upon the rude woman. Eyes were wide, veins of red in the white. "Tell my sister what to do again and I will break you."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Kavika -> Haro and possibly Routa

"Apologize!?" Kavika replied, affronted after Haro's sudden fondling of her ears. Routa's intervention at least meant that she wasn't alone, but Kavika's scowl signaled that she wasn't about to let the overgrown stranger's derision go uncontested. "I am no... Puppy, you witless brute!" She said through clenched teeth, though Routa's angry response occurred before she could demand; "It is YOU that owes apology, for the intrusion of your elbow into the aisle!"
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Haro smirked at the two "Wow, you two are really riled up. It's kind of adorable and kind of annoying at the same time." She pushed a large finger into Routa face "First, you need to settle down before I give you a good spanking and possibly more after that." She kept her eyes on Kavika "And you need to be more careful. I was sitting down with my back to you. You're the one who started this whole mess. Just apologize and, on my honor, I will settle for a simple spanking of your sister when she does something she's going to regret." She stood up, looming over both of them "Or we could just take this outside and settle this the fun way. I saw a door that didn't seem to lead to a broom closet. It looked like grass and open plains. I'd be fine with that kind of conversation too. So choose, Puppy. Or let sis choose when she opens her mouth again."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Those words. Such words they were. Honestly, it made Routa burst out laughing, grasping at the hand with it's pointing finger and throwing it aside. "Hah! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! I've ridden beasts bigger than you! You'll not be pointing that finger much longer, when I make you eat it as I shove your whole hand into your mouth to stop your ignorant blabber against the savior of the Crolian wastes, defeater of beast, fey, and magicians alike. There'll be no apology, ya big lizard. Only regret for you makin' demands when ya really shouldn't. And if ya point that big dildo you call a finger at me again, I'll bite it."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Tamonten -> Open

As far as kidnappings went, this had to be the best one ever.

Since her arrival, Tamonten had gotten involved in the melee, impaled someone by throwing her sword at them, melted a person's face off with hellfire, gotten into a climactic bridge duel with an orc, beheaded the orc, then went through at least a dozen chickens in an eating contest with the same orc, got into a fistfight with other feast participants going back to back with the orc, then had retired to a bedroom with her. At least until the two had broken the bed. Now she was feasting again before she went out to fight more people. All over the course of six hours.

Gods above - or she guessed goddess at the place of honor in the feast hall - why couldn't every kidnapping be like this? She just needed to make sure Krig never found out about what happened during this one. What happened in strange daemonic realms stayed there, after all. And she really didn't want her lover to know about the orc.

For the time being though, she was content to eat, drink, and be merry without a care in the world. It wasn't every day that a warrior woke up in a paradise like this. The pale swordswoman packed away more food and drink than her lithe frame ever should've been able to fit. She practically inhaled an entire string of sausages before downing a cup of faerie wine in one go and then turned her attention on a chicken leg. She'd need all the energy she could get before heading back out into the melee, or finding an interesting challenger in the feast hall proper.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Alex -> Nadia

The explanation left a bit of a sour taste in the dragon's mouth. Once again she was summoned solely for someone else's enjoyment, and she had absolutely no say in the matter. "Mh. I'm starting to understand how the Elders must feel whenever they're summoned..." With that she took a hold of some sausage and practically swallowed the entire thing in one bite, but impossible as it seemed the whole maneuver contained an air of sophistication that contrasted against the general quaffing happening all around them. Especially from that weirdo with the odd arm.

But that all changed when she finally found a flagon. A taste revealed it to be a rather rich mead, and the moment it hit her tongue the dragon practically upended the thing before slamming it down in satisfaction. "Gods, that is good." It put her in a much better mood, and now that she had some spirit in her step she considered the angel. The girl was young, most mature angels choosing to forgo physical weapons for those they can create themselves, but Nadia must have had some strength if she was hand-picked to fight for the Lady's pleasure. "Feel like getting into the spirit of things? It's not every day that an angel gets to test herself against a dragon."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Nadia -> Alex

"I know the feeling," Nadia replied sympathetically, thinking of her own kin briefly. She wasn't yet old enough or experienced enough to answer such calls, but her own kind were in a similar position more often than other. She smirked as Alex found a taste she favored, and at that point opted to quip; "I'm sure the host appreciates the thanks."

The half-dragon's offer drew a wide grin from the redhead, however, and though she glanced briefly at the enthusiastic antics of Tamonten - whom she had met on the island in a far more intimate sense - she quickly turned back to Alex and nodded. "Sure!" She had slid smoothly to her feet before the word had fully left her mouth, "better this way than the usual manner our kind and yours might end up fighting!"

(To a fight thread!)

Kavika -> Haro and possibly Routa

Routa got to berating the strange giant before Kavika could even respond, and by that point her tail was swishing back and forth angrily. "Twas your wild flailing as you ate that came into my path that started this, you grotesque cretin.... But it is too late for apologies now. I think you will come regret your rudeness," Kavika replied coolly, "when you are lying at my feet."

(Also to a fight thread. Though, Haro is probably super outclassed given how much xp Kavika and Routa have, so uhhh... Maybe some sort of compensation for that should be figured out.)
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Alex -> Nadia

Well well, it seemed the young angel was quite the enthusiast. That brought a bit of a grin to the dragoness, and after one more swipe to steal another sausage her gauntlets were reclaimed and fastened into place.

But that last comment caused a bit of confusion to come over Alex. "I didn't think our races tended to cross paths." Father would have mentioned it when he regaled his children with his exploits. Unless there was bad blood between them, then he definitely would have brought the angelic menace to mind.

Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

(Fuck it, I'm doing the dumb thing.)

Tamonten -> Haro, Routa, Kavika.

Somewhere in the 10% of the swordswoman's brain that wasn't being used to calculate the most efficient way to consume literally everything on the feast hall table, it occurred to her that there was an altercation starting nearby.

But what to do about it, if anything? The oni had been boisterous, arrogant, and insulting -- although that was pretty much the norm around here -- and had certainly made her own bed, so to speak. One of the two women had exacerbated the conflict by being pretty arrogant in return -- again, she'd probably have been more judgemental if they hadn't boasted about their own accomplishments and tried to escalate things. The third one hadn't really done anything other than draw a line but... she did have fluffy ears and a tail which were ripe for scritches and other activities. Also it was two versus one. Yeah, actually, being outnumbered and the other side having fluffy bits was all the reason the swordswoman needed to jump into the middle of other people's fights in this particular daemonic realm.

She took one last bite of her chicken leg and then dropped it on the table before jumping up and moving to the site of the altercation. "Oi, you three. The human with the wolf bits, her sister, and the big oni," Tamonten called out to the trio to make herself known. The armored human would present herself with the utmost confidence. "Rude or not, it's surely not defending your honor to gang up on someone. How about a little two on two? Indulge in the nature of the place, that sort of thing. It'd be a lot more fun, don't you think?"
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Kavika -> Haro, Routa, Tamonten

"Hu.... With... I would ask if anyone here had the least bit of sense or courtesy, but I suppose that I should not have bothered to think otherwise," Kavika retorted in response to the sudden interjection of the strange half-pale half-dark demonic looking woman. "Fun... Sure, I will spread the lesson if that is what you wish."