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The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Routa seemed insulted by the woman's claim. Her eyes narrowed at the approaching woman. "I was either going to take on this one on my own or allow my battle sister the pleasure. You assume too quickly and too much." she stated. "Nevertheless, it would have become one against many if she provoked it so." was her final answer on the matter. Though, Kavika's reply made her turn in a bit of shock.

"... Huntress? Er... Should I keep calling you that?" she seemed a bit uncertain if that was necessary with these incessant strangers. "This one has nothing to do with us, is it really necessary for you to accept such a thing?" she said, as if finding it odd how Kavika was acting. "In fact, she's staring at your ears, just like Clavicus. I think she's a dangerous person, just like Clavicus." She spared a look over the woman. "Probably not as pathetically weak, maybe."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Haro was about to open her mouth and take on the challenge when another person joined the little party they had going on here. The woman... wasn't making a bad offer. As large as Haro's ego was, she had noticed that she was perhaps out of her depth here. She had mostly fought people who thought they were tough. The people here were actually tough and Haro hadn't had much of a chance to improve her skills. "Hmph... that's alright by me. You get your choice first if we win since I'm feeling generous. Let's go."

Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Alex -> Nadia

With the portal swirling around them only to collapse and leave the pair standing once again within the Grand Hall the dragon strode forward with confidence. And a leash in hand. That was an oddity, but as soon as Alex turned she found it attached to a collar placed around the angel's neck. The realization that the dragon's prize lay quite literally in the palm of her hand led to another concerning the collar's unique nature, and after a cursory glance and a bit of thought the collar itself began to change. The band tightened and hardened, not enough to choke Nadia but enough to make sure the golden choker was firmly in place. Etching began to form, and those close enough would be able to read:
Property of Alexandra Alistar
Prize #1
With her claim in place a light tug would signal that the dragoness wanted her prize to follow, and though a few open spaces were available Alex made sure to strut her pet before everyone present until she had returned to her original seat. A motion was made for Nadia to take said seat, and once the woman was in place Alex would join her. "Eat up. I'm going to need you nice and strong for what comes later." That smirk returned, a bit of a blush accompanying it as ideas began to march across Alex's mind, but surprisingly enough it was only a mild flush of color. Normally she would be turning a rather vibrant red by this point, what with flaunting her victory before the entire crowd, but the look in her eye said she actually had a plan and was simply waiting to see what Nadia would do next. Some would even say she looked ready to pounce...
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Nocri -> Liselotte

(Spoilered for thread scroll-ability)
It would almost certainly make for quite a sight as a 6'10" dragonkin with her pants pulled just far enough out of the way to expose over a foot of pointed, knotted cock stepped into the feast hall, leading a naked vampire on all fours and using her long black hair as a leash to pull her about. But Nocri wasn't content with that base spectacle. She had intentions of making it more memorable still.

Nocri walked her new 'bride' to the end of one table, and then so closely past nearly an entire row of people that they could touch her. Some did. Pairs of rough hands reached out to pet the vampire's head. One grabbed one of Liselotte's breasts and squeezed. A few others spanked her as she passed, leaving highly visible hand prints against her otherwise pale rear. The dragonkin pretended not to notice any of it, but she stopped every single time, allowing random strangers to molest her misbehaving bride to show the woman just how much meaner she could've been. One particularly bold bystander, a male orc only slightly shorter than Nocri, shoved two fat fingers into the former human's sex and fingered her halfway to orgasm before the half-dragonkin got tired of waiting for him to get his fill and continued pulling her along.

It continued until Nocri found a free spot on the table, nearly at the entirely opposite end of it. She swept aside the dishes in her way and then pulled the vampire to her feet by her hair. "If you are not my bride, then you are nothing more than a beast I'm taming. And I'll breed you like one." The half-dragonkin took hold of the human's shoulder with her free hand and forcibly bent her over the table. Without wasting any time, she began to sink the unflagging cock which had just violated Liselotte not too many minutes prior back into the vampire's abused sex. This time, however, the vampire would find that it had been shrunk while it was behind her. It was just shy of large enough to cause pain, and the bumps and ridges it possessed had been rearranged specifically to hit all her sweet spots. Nocri hadn't done it out of kindness toward Liselotte though, but instead so that she could take a much rougher pace with the vampire while still humiliating her by forcing orgasms on her body in front of the crowd.

She built into a rut, as quickly as whatever had recovered of the vampire's tightness allowed it. "This is how beasts do it," she grunted between slamming her hips against Liselotte's backside with the full force her large frame could offer. If the vampire had thought the last act was a primal, violent mating, then this was a step further than even that. The dragonkin jack hammered into her like a wild animal. She was practically using Liselotte as a masturbatory aid.

"Look at all these people watching you be bred like a bitch." Once she had reached her maximum pace, Nocri wound the vampire's hair around the hand holding it and pulled back to lift Liselotte's head and force her to look at the faces of the crowd watching their act. The feast hall was massive so it hadn't reached everyone's attention, but they certainly had a localized audience. Some watched the act with little more than curiosity. Some made barely audible bets on whether or not Liselotte would cum before the dragonkin did. Some even openly played with themselves to the free show. A few offered looks of concern at the scene, but didn't dare to do anything lest the aspiring goddess of war punish their interference in winner's rights and instead chose to move away so they could ignore it.

The dragonkin didn't pay much attention to the crowd herself, she only forced that upon the vampire as she pinned the woman's chest to the table with one hand and used her hair as a set of reins with the other while putting the former human through a savage fucking. And again she would hold herself back and draw the act out as long as possible. The dragonkin did aspire to make the vampire's body surrender to as many orgasms as she could force upon it even under its current abuse. But she didn't really pay much attention to the orgasms she did cause the other woman, those were hers to count. The most important aspect of the act to Nocri was that it allowed her to display her dominance and stamina to the crowd. She kept the artless, furious rut up for fifteen minutes before she could go no longer.

Once again, Nocri's cock began to throb dangerously in the vampire's depths. And once again, she would switch to rapid, shallow thrusts as the base of it expanded, leaving her rubbing primarily against the sensitive bundles of nerves at the entrance to Liselotte's depths. And when that first pulse of cum shot into the vampire's uterus, the tall warrior roared anew with dominance and pleasure and drew full attention to the fact that the small human was being filled with her conqueror's seed. The added length and ferocity of the act combined with the audience coaxed an even larger load out of Nocri, and rope after rope launched into Liselotte. This time the vampire's belly would visibly round with the cum trapped inside her, causing her to look like she was already pregnant.

But Nocri didn't collapse in her afterglow this time. She took a few moments to catch her breath but then moved to give a further show for the crowd. The half-dragonkin re-positioned by wrapping her left arm around the vampire's belly and holding her close in order to minimize the level of tugging on her still-sensitive rod as she straightened up to full height, bringing Liselotte's body up into the air like a rag doll in the process. "Let's make sure it took, pet," Nocri remarked as her fingers of her right hand moved to press against her partner's clit and began to rub the sensitive nub in small little circles. Her aim had finally shifted wholly to the vampire's pleasure, even if it was only for the purpose of humiliating the other woman in front of a crowd. And she sought to draw a few more peaks out of the woman, regardless of how many she'd already had that day.

Through it all she purposely rubbed her knot against Liselotte's sensitive g-spot as she simultaneously made those small circles with her fingers. Nocri would make sure that she drew at least one orgasm out of her partner that way, but other than that she would simply continue until the bulge at the base of her cock had deflated and see the vampire through as many as she'd give in the meantime. Once the dragonkin was no longer locked to the vampire, she would slide the other woman off her shaft, allowing a second flood of cum to escape her forced wife, and set the smaller human on her feet, guiding the likely dazed woman onto her knees in front of the tall dragon and her slightly less ludicrously proportioned cock and taking hold of her hair as a leash once more.

"Now, I'm going to offer you a choice. You can either accept your place as my wife or you can choose to remain a beast," Nocri offered calmly and coldly. "If you choose the latter, I will bring myself back to full length and then my knot is going in your ass next. And then I'm going to let every interested party in this hall form a lineup for you afterward. Do not doubt me, either. I won't risk a lucky cretin replacing my heir but your other holes are safe enough," she warned with deadly seriousness. "So, if you want to avoid that, admit that you are my wife vocally and appreciatively. And then do your wifely duty and clean your juices off of me," she tugged Liselotte's hair to force the woman to look at her cock and make it clear just what she meant. "Afterward we'll retire to a bedroom and enjoy our honeymoon until I am fully satisfied. But if I feel even a hint of those fangs of yours, I'll begin calling for the line."

And with that choice offered, Nocri would stare down at the vampire with cold, golden eyes and wait impatiently for Liselotte to make her decision.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Liselotte -> Nocri

(Also, for reference for anyone looking at this in the future, this is all a continuation from here)
Liselotte kept her head as low as she could while she was dragged back through the door to the feast hall. The biting pain in her scalp ever time the dragonkin tugged her forward by the hair was nothing compared to the humiliation of letting everyone see her in this state. She didn't want to see the eyes on her, and she didn't want them to see her face, to recognize who she was. She could hear the myriad of voices, hear people talking about her as she crawled along, entirely nude and still dripping a steady trail of the dragonkin's cum along the way.

She endured the hands that reached out to pet her head like she was some kind of animal in shame, silently vowing that she would pay the dragonkin back for this once she had recovered. It wasn't until one of those hands groped somewhere else, squeezing one of her bare breasts, that she let out a small yelp of surprise, doing her best to hurry along. The dragon didn't seem in any hurry though, slowing down to let another set of hand slap her across the bottom. The stinging pain of each could be ignored, but the shame of fact that complete strangers were doing this to her could not. She could at least grudgingly admit that the dragonkin had defeated her fairly, even if she didn't believe that what she had done afterwards was at all acceptable—But these were men and women she had never even seen or spoken to before, all watching her humiliation and treating her like she was some kind of toy to amuse themselves with.

One particular hand went farther than most, not only groping at her, but sliding his fingers into her sex as well. She was still all too sensitive from her previous abuse, so it took little effort for him to push her nearly to another orgasm, a soft whimper escaping the vampires lips as she tried to endure, limbs trembling, before the dragonkin finally tugged on her improvised leash once again, dragging her further along. They had walked nearly the entire length of the table before Nocri finally stopped, and this time not for any random pair of hands to grope her more. Liselotte bit her lip to hold back another cry of pain as the dragonkin pulled her to her feet by her hair, before forcing her down onto the table. She didn't respond to her tormentor's words, but the dragonkin didn't seem to care one way or the other.

A moment later she felt the head of the woman's cock pressing against her once again, the dragonkin wasting no time in resuming where they left off. If felt different this time. Smaller, but still large enough that she was forced to stretch to accommodate it, and the textures were different. Was she just getting used to it? Was it just the change in position? Or had the shape actually changed? She didn't know. She had been a virgin only minutes ago, there was no way she could have the experience to make that sort of judgement with any surety. This time though, there was no slow start, no time to get used to the immense girth or length, Nocri had merely started pounding away with little if any regard for Liselotte's comfort.

Yet she could not deny that it felt good. As brutal and painful as it was, it was as though the woman's cock was tailored to hit every sensitive part of her body just right. Her nails scraped at the surface of the table, struggling for some sort of purchase as her comparatively tiny body was rocked back and forth with every powerful thrust the dragon gave.

"You... are the only beast here!" Liselotte managed to respond to the dragonkin's words in the brief moments between thrusts, but her strained voice robbed to words of any of the venom they should have held. As much as she protested, the dragonkin's brutal methods were pushing her all too quickly to her peak. And then Liselotte felt a tug on her hair once again, pulling her head up off of the table forcing her to show her face to the crowd of onlookers, flushed red with a mixture of exertion and shame, with tears running from the corners of her eyes. This wasn't the face she wanted people to see, this wasn't how she wanted to be known, as the nameless girl some dragon had dragged in and fucked in front of everyone. Yet there was nothing she could do. As much as she hated it, these were the rules of this place, no one would help her. A few looked concerned by the scene, but they offered no aid, merely relocating themselves somewhere they wouldn't have to watch. So many watched with interest or open lust, though, she caught a glimpse of at least one openly stroking himself while watching her, bringing the vampire yet another humiliation to add to the list of many.

Whether by accident or design, Nocri had also picked the perfect time to show everyone Liselotte's face—just as she was getting close to her peak. She tried to endure, hoping the grip on her hair would relent and she could hide her face in shame once again, but she was given no such mercy. A cry ripped its way past her lips despite her attempts to keep it down as the brutal fucking finally pushed her past her limit. The dragonkin didn't slow in the slightest though, treating Liselotte like some sort of doll to use for her pleasure.

Liselotte quickly lost track of how long Nocri continued for, another orgasm rocking her body fast on the heels of the first, but yet again the dragon showed no signs of stopping. How could she have so much stamina? Liselotte felt more exhausted than she ever had in her life, yet Nocri barely even seemed to be getting started. Any sort of resistance had been quite literally fucked out of her once again, and she could only try to keep from breaking down completely in front of the audience of onlookers. She wasn't given a moment's rest, until in the midst of her fifth orgasm she felt the now-familiar feeling of the dragon's knot expanding, Liselotte's entire body shaking violently as the pressure against her g-spot continued to increase while she tried to come down from her orgasm, the quick, shallow thrusts rubbing back and forth against it, but never leaving it.

Then the first jet of cum came, adding more to her already filled womb. Yet as full as Liselotte felt, the dragon's knot continued to prevent even a trickle of her cum from escaping, leaving only one way for it go. It felt like even more this time, until Liselotte not only felt like she was being filled beyond her limit, she could see the flesh around her stomach stretching and expanding to accommodate the dragonkin's massive load. By the time she was done Liselotte was lying limp on the table, propped up slightly by her now pregnant-looking belly, and her head held up only by Nocri's grip on her hair. She was fortunate she no longer needed to breathe, because she was fairly certain she would be having a lot of trouble doing so right now if she did.

A few moments later and Liselotte found herself being lifted off of the table's surface, in no position to stop Nocri from propping her up for all to see like some kind of trophy mounted on her cock, bloated belly a testament to the dragonkin's virility. She moaned softly as Nocri began to tease her clit, well beyond the point of trying to hold back her voice. Her body hung limply aside from the occasional shudder as the stimulation continued, between her clit and the constant grinding motion of the knot inside of her. Liselotte was sure that she couldn't possibly orgasm any more at this point, but the dragonkin proved her wrong once again, coaxing another shuddering peak out of the vampire while she waited for her knot to deflate, and eventually a second and third before it had finally shrunk enough for her to pull Liselotte off of it.

A bit of a struggle and an audible pop later, and a veritable torrent of cum poured from Liselotte's abused depths and onto the floor below, her belly slowly regaining its natural shape as her overburdened womb forced the excess out. Even once it was done, though, she felt bloated, like even now she was filled beyond what her body was supposed to be able to handle. She didn't resist as the dragonkin took hold of her hair once again, or when she was lowered to the ground and then to her knees, barely even registering the fact that she was kneeling in a pool of cum that had been inside of her only moments before.

The dragonkin's words barely seemed to register with her for a moment, before her previously dull and vacant eyes lit up with a sudden spark of fear. She would allow others too? To do what?

"Y-yes, please!" Liselotte pleaded, her voice shaky, but clear enough to be understood. She couldn't handle any more of this, couldn't continue to resist knowing the punishment that awaited. In that moment, Liselotte was willing to say anything if it meant avoiding being passed around through this hall, given to any of the countless men or women who wished for a piece of her. "I... I will be your wife! A good wife! Whatever you want from me!"

Her words were cut off by another tug on her hair, bringing her face level with the dragonkin's oversized cock, still glistening in the light with a mix of her own cum and Liselotte's juices. It took her a moment of staring blankly before realizing what the dragon wanted from her. Hesitantly opening her mouth, Liselotte leaned forward, licking first at the head before recoiling from the unexpected taste. Nocri had proven herself not to be the patient type before though, so Liselotte forced herself to continue, earnestly cleaning every inch of the massive shaft with her tongue. She had never done this before, and the size made it an added struggle, but she was desperate to please the dragonkin and avoid further punishment. The daunting size prevented her from trying to fit it inside her mouth, however, despite knowing that was how this usually went—She had read some romance novels before after all, and a few featured this sort of thing... if only among humans. If Nocri demanded it, or forced the issue, however, she would not resist.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Nocri -> Liselotte

"Good girl," the dragonkin purred in a low rumble as she indulged in the sensation of the vampire's tongue dragging along her shaft. And for a while her cruelty would return to its normal levels, as she contented herself watching her subjugated former opponent willingly clean her cock if only for fear of the punishment that awaited if she didn't. Most of the pleasure of the act was the mental pleasure of knowing she'd broken the woman into something which she surely would've fervently denied just a few minutes ago. Liselotte's efforts were pleasantly enthusiastic for a woman who was clearly new at such an act, but Nocri had enjoyed far more experienced and enthusiastic service from her cultists in the past.

Nocri made her 'wife' continue like that for several minutes past the point of it being a cleaning, until the mental pleasure began to fade. The tall half-dragon wasn't even halfway to her third peak yet, and it'd take Liselotte a long time if she continued with just her tongue. She briefly contemplated grabbing the other woman's head and just shoving herself to the base, but ended up deciding that the woman would need more training time to manage that without breaking and that she didn't want to spend the time on it now. Instead she came to another solution, which would serve her dual desires to get off and to inflict one final public humiliation upon Liselotte.

The dragonkin would let go of the vampire's hair in order to lean down and grab the woman under her shoulders, picking her 'wife' up once again like a rag doll and setting her onto an empty stool in front of the area of the table they'd just used. Nocri pressed her cock between the other woman's breasts and issued a command; "Squeeze them around it." Once Liselotte obeyed, the half-dragon began to thrust herself against the modest valley provided by the vampire's chest. A little bit later she would place a hand on the other woman's head and guide her to lick the tip and take it into her mouth for extra stimulation.

That would suffice for the moment, and the dragonkin would continue until she'd had her own fill of pleasure from the selfish act. Nocri's third peak would take even longer to achieve than the previous two both due to her own repeated orgasms and the lessened stimulation, but she would get there all the same. This time her throbbing and the inflation of her knot would do nothing more than warn Liselotte of the tall warrior's impending orgasm. The fluffy-tailed woman would offer a low, pleased groan as her climax hit, the first few spurts of it coming out into the vampire's mouth. After the fourth rope landed on Liselotte's tongue, Nocri would pull away and begin to mark her property with the remainder. She would grab her 'wife's' hands and bring them to the throbbing shaft, stroking herself with them until the other woman got the idea and began to milk the dragonkin of her own volition.

And once every remaining rope had landed across her wife's face and upper chest, Nocri would pause just a moment to enjoy the sight in front of her. By that point Liselotte was stark naked and looked halfway broken. More pleasingly to the sadistic dragonkin, the vampire's was an absolute mess of sexual fluids, most of them belonging to Nocri. There could be no doubt to anyone who looked her way that she had conquered the human noblewoman in every way imaginable. And it had been so satisfying. But despite that, the half-dragon wasn't anywhere near done, as Liselotte would quickly find out. Without another word, the tall warrior scooped her new bride up and hoisted her over her shoulder like a spoil of war. The dragon then marched off to the bedrooms, stepping into one, shutting the door behind her, and throwing the naked vampire onto the bed so she could really get started at breaking Liselotte in and training her as a proper wife.

... And many hours later, by the time Nocri had finally finished for the last time and fallen asleep, there were very few ways in which Liselotte hadn't been violated.
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Nadia -> Alex

Nadia twitched slightly as the collar altered form slightly, but otherwise wouldn't display any apparent concern about it. "I hope it says something appropriate," she remarked with a smirk, obviously unable to read it as it was around her own neck. She let herself be paraded in front of the countless souls waiting their turn to earn glory upon the countless battlefields, none of whom had come back with an angel as their prize, with quiet dignity and just the right amount of color to her cheeks and a mix of nervous hesitation and thinly veiled excitement in her expression.

Once eventually instructed to sit, she swept down gracefully onto the bench and nodded, leaning forward to start picking together a meal. Her diet seemed to favor plants over animals where it could, for what little that mattered here where meat dishes seemed to be the norm, but now she dropped some pretense of dignified eating and picked regular mouthfuls of things while piling them onto her plate. Even as she ate, however, her cheeks had gained a bit more color, and she stole the occasional glance towards the plotting dragoness while consuming more or less everything within reach. A nervous tension visibly thrummed through, fueled more by eagerness to learn what her victorious opponent might have in store for her than any fear of it.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Liselotte -> Nocri

Desperate to make sure her new "wife" was happy, Liselotte continued licking well beyond the point she had cleaned off any of the remaining traces of cum. She had long since stopped caring that she was being watched, the shame burned out of her for the moment, replaced with the fear of the consequences of failure. She wasn't sure if she was doing this right, but the dragonkin hadn't scolded her of forced her to do anything else yet, so she continued what she was doing. She could only hope her efforts were pleasing enough to spare her the fate Nocri had threatened.

Liselotte paused in confusion as the had gripping her by the hair released her, only to pick her back up again and drop her into a stool. She wasn't certain what was expected of her now, but she didn't dare protest or question, watching it a fearful eye as the dragonkin approached, pressing her oversized cock against the vampire's chest. She followed the command without more than a brief hesitation, however, doing her best to squeeze her breasts against the massive shaft. While she certainly wasn't flat, she might as well have been compared to the size of what she was trying to envelop, but Nocri didn't seem to have any particular issue with this fact.

Eventually a hand pressed her head downwards, the cocks' pointed tip poking at her lips, and she quickly took the hint, licking at the tip and even taking it into her mouth when the dragonkin thrust upwards. It took quite some time, but it was much less painful for Liselotte than the last two times had been, a little relaxing even, once she managed to drown out everything else around her. The inflation of the knot tipped Liselotte off to the fact that the dragon was going to cum this time, feeling relief at the fact that she was merely watching it this time, rather than feeling it expand inside of her.

She knew the quantity of cum the dragonkin produced, but even with that knowledge she wasn't entirely prepared for what came next. The first few spurts made it into her mouth, which she quickly struggled to swallow before more could follow, but Nocri pulled away before she could accept any more, shooting the next load across her face. She reflexively shut her eyes, only to feel her hands being grabbed and guided to the dragonkin's cock. She took the hint shortly after, doing her best to keep stroking it even as Nocri continued to cover her with rope after rope of her seed.

By the time she finished Liselotte felt absolutely soaked with it, needing to wipe her eyes before she could actually open them again, her hair was a sticky mess, and her face and chest were both covered in a full layer of the stuff. She didn't even get the chance to complain—not that she would at this point—before the dragonkin grabbed her and threw her over her shoulder, where Liselotte just slumped down without a word. Nocri's assessment of her as halfway broken wasn't wrong. She would recover, given some time, but the dragon clearly didn't intend to give her time, carrying her into one of the private rooms and tossing her unceremoniously onto the bed.

Liselotte's memory of the hours that followed was rather hazy after the fact, exhausted as she had already been long before they began. The only things she was entirely sure of was that Nocri never let up on her, the dragon seemingly tireless. She did finally fall asleep, perhaps assuming Liselotte was far too broken in to dare leave her side, but the vampire was more resilient than that, if only barely. It was nearly an hour after the dragonkin had fallen asleep that she finally worked up both the strength and courage to rise, finally making her way to freedom.

When Listelotte stumbled out of the door, she was an absolute mess. In the many hours Nocri had kept her locked up in there the occupants of the room had shifted significantly, greeting an entirely new set of onlookers from the nearest table with the sight of the naked vampire, seemingly covered from head to toe in cum by this time, as she staggered on unsteady legs. It was taking a concerted effort just to walk straight, and she did her best to ignore the lewd comments that several of the tables' occupants called out to her.

Her hand moved to rub against the growing bulge of her stomach and she grimaced. Apparently her questions had been answered, and Nocri had got yet another of her desires fulfilled, though the rate it had grown was unnatural—Just like the rest of this place. That was something she could worry about later, though, right now she needed to find some clothes... and somewhere to clean herself up. Surely this place had baths? She could only hope that no one could see just how deeply her cheeks were burning with shame under the layer of cum, at just how many people were watching her in this disgraceful state.

She would get that dragon back for this somehow...
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Alex -> Nadia

(Because everyone else is doing it...)
For a few minutes Alex was content to sit and watch Nadia eat. The woman showed a preference for plants, and while Alex's tastes swung the other way she was still curious enough to see what the angel enjoyed.

Perhaps that was why she struck. Nadia eventually let out some sign of approval, a moan or sigh of content that said she rather enjoyed the mouthful she had just taken, and after she swallowed she was interrupted by another light tug on her collar. Once she turned toward its source she would find the dragoness leaning forward, their lips quickly meeting, and before she could even think of responding she found find Alex's naked hand pulling her even closer. A moment later the dragon's mouth opened wider, the light kiss now a rather passionate embrace as her tongue explored every contour of the angel's mouth, and after a brief foray to wrestle its partner into submission it finally returned to its home and let the two women pull themselves apart while Nadia would be left a little more flustered then she probably should.

"Tasty... I think I'll take some of that for myself." Alex immediately turned to find the dish that Nadia had just tried, and after taking a portion for herself to enjoy she settled down as if nothing in the world had happened. Of course the slight flush to her cheeks and the grin she wore gave her away, but one couldn't properly play coy without showing at least some bit of mirth.

Nadia would be allowed to enjoy her meal until something else would catch her eye. The moment she voiced her enjoyment Alex would shift her eye, and once the angel had swallowed she would be pulled into another deep kiss. Alex herself would linger a little longer, their makeout session letting her free hand to wander around the angel's side and leaving lingering flashes of heat wherever she touched, and when they finally broke Nadia would find herself panting as her arousal started blooming under the dragon's practiced touch.

Again Alex would pull free and act as if she hadn't a care in the world, and after a few seconds Nadia would find herself being pulled in yet again. This time her partner went straight into dominating her, the angel made to open herself to her captor and the hand that was now brushing over her chest and causing pleasant bursts of heat to excite her every nerve, and that would be the point where she would finally notice the almost unnatural heat pouring out of Alex's body. The heat seemed to settle wherever it touched, pulse and burn into her every nerve, and in its wake she would feel her body thrumming with pleasure. Every caress seemed to excite her in just the perfect way, each embrace sending that heat spiraling down until it started to gather and settle at her core, and though her arousal continued to ramp higher and higher Alex made sure to break contact before Nadia passed the point of no return.

This would be how the angel suffered her defeat. Alex would pull her in, let her inner flame burn sheer passion into Nadia's body, every touch feeling like so much more even if all Alex did was brush the woman's chest or lightly caress the swell of her ass, and as Nadia started approaching her peak the dragon would back away. But she did so with purpose. With every kiss Nadia would find herself edging closer and closer to the brink, her body left panting and reeling under the dragon's assault, and once the angel was left a mewling wreck nearly desperate for release Alex would pull completely. She would survey her prize, the divine redhead turned into a wanton vessel of desire, and the moment any of the others came forward to enjoy themselves they would be stopped. "No, gentlemen, this is MINE."

That was when Alex showed mercy. She pulled Nadia close, enough that the angel was flush against the dragon's armor, and as one hand clenched her ass and the other started fully groping her bust Nadia would feel a pulse of magic nearly as powerful as the one Alex used in their battle. It forced an overwhelming wave of pure ecstasy to crash through the angel's body, her orgasm ripped out of her, and with one hand expertly kneading her breast while the other curled over her rear to allow the dragoness to finger her sex she was forced to cum for what would seem like ages. The spectators around them would cheer her on, more than one stating their deepest desire to feel that divine body pulsing around their prick, and through it all Alex simply held the girl close and let her descend into Hell until it looked like she could take no more.

Eventually the power keeping Nadia in perpetual climax would recede, and as she came down her torturer would support and hold her as her body was thrashed with the after shocks of her climax. She would even receive loving strokes to her hair, all in an effort to help the angel calm until she could finally catch her breath, and once Nadia did Alex would tilt her chin up so she could look into her prize's eyes. "Ready to take this somewhere a little more private?"
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Nadia -> Alex

It wasn't long before Alex got exactly the opportunity she was seeking, Nadia picking a stuffed pepper that proved the perfect mixture of spicy and sweet only to find that, immediately after her vocal appreciation for the pleasant flavor, the half-dragon would like a taste in turn. Turning her head in response to the light tug on her collar left the angel in perfect position for Alex' aggressive kiss, and though she momentarily wore a look of shock it soon melted as the dragon's tongue deftly explored every corner of her mouth. By the time her tongue was wrestling Nadia's into submission, the redhead was unleashing moans akin to the one that had inspired the kiss in the first place. She was a brighter shade of red than she'd assumed even when being paraded as a prize before the entire feasting hall by the time Alex broke away, and for a moment she just stared expectantly at the dragoness, but when Alex simply turned and grabbed a pepper of her own Nadia cautiously returned to eating.

The meal commenced once more, albeit a little bit more slowly for the first few bites, but all too soon it became clear that Alex wasn't done with her entirely yet even if she initially acted like nothing had happened. The next time Nadia picked out something that she vocally appreciated, Alex pulled her into another kiss into which she eagerly responded. Her aroused murmur became a gasp when the dragon's hand strayed over her side, spreading a heat the emanated across every nerve, and her voice turned to a light moan as she tilted her head and allowed the kiss to deepen even further.

The angel was panting by the time time the dragoness pulled away, and at that point she merely looked back at her conqueror while lightly chewing her lower lip while trying to calm herself. Alex didn't give her nearly enough time for that, however, and this time when the highly armored warrior came in she actually let out a moan as the kiss commenced. It wasn't the last to come either, as the other woman's hand spreading that tingling warmth across her chest discovered an immediate weak point and the pure heat now emanating from the dragon's body spread across every nerve in the angel's body. That heat seemed to make every nerve burn with pure pleasure, and that pleasure redoubled wherever the half-dragon touched her directly.

Nadia's eyes fluttered fully closed as Alex' tongue explored her mouth in a purely domineering manner, and the conquered angel let it have free lane while lightly directing her own lingual muscle to dance playfully against the dragon's. Pleasure, pure and without a source that she could seek to put her will against, burned through every part of her body, and it soon left her whimpering and moaning into her partner's mouth as it coalesced in her core. It was torture, every touch so impossibly stimulating despite being little more than a tease; a cup of ass here, a brush against her hardened peaks there, and yet even as it was intensely pleasurable it wasn't enough to properly get her off. For minutes and minutes the dragon's assault tore through her will, building a knot in her core that threatened to explode at any moment.

By the time Alex pulled away again, Nadia was shuddering in her seat, grinding her hips back and forth against nothing while pushing her chest out, revealing the peaks of her breasts as they pressed against the thin fabric of her robe. At that point she would have accepted any source of relief available, and there seemed to be quite a few who were willing nearby... But at the first approach Alex staked her claim and pulled her into her lap, leaving Nadia straddling the dragoness, and with the material of her robe tighter against her body any onlooker could plainly trace the lines of her finely sculpted rear. Fortunately, mercy was to come all too soon.

She might never have expected to be groped into orgasm, but when she was the groan of pleasure that she released was as clear as any she had ever released. Alex had barely needed to reach down and deliver her magically induced burst of pleasure directly to her sex to get her off, the initial surge unleashed against her chest causing her body to seize before the hand curling over her shapely rump finally sent her over the edge and provided glorious release unlike any she'd ever experienced before. Even through her clothing the attention to her erogenous zones was impossibly intense, and the continued molestation dragged her climax on and on and on and on. She came for what felt like hours and must have been minutes, leaving a wet spot on her robes where Alex had pressed them against her sex and her whole body trembling by the end of it.

That orgasm had felt almost like a chain of them, a series of massive waves that peaked and troughed, and the entire hall had been able to see and hear it if they liked. Nadia realized as much once Alex released her from her climactic hold, and her already flushed cheeks turned even redder. Despite her embarrassment, however, she rested against the supporting dragoness without hesitation. When Alex leaned her back a bit to look her in the eyes and deliver her question, Nadia's gaze was half-lidded and with heavily dilated pupils. She was still panting heavily, little tremors surging through her body every few seconds, but still she nodded and, after a few seconds, would manage to utter; "Yes... Wherever you like..."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Bakan -> Likely No one

The explanation did little to help him understand why he was here. Though from what he could gather, it was a grand tournament he was forced into because a strange deity hand picked him as well as many others as potential champions. It was flattering to say the least to call him a champion when he more would have called him a far more proficient smith and builder than a warrior. And he apparently had a knack for taming transformed raccoons. Who then turned into fully grown women, who then raped him. He hadn't a clue what the consequences were for failure in this place, but no doubt, if powerful people were brought here, he doubted he'd stack up. But apparently someone somewhere thought him worth something. So here he was. He just hoped even dismissal meant he could return to his loved ones.

The man with short brown hair, a cute face, and glasses took a seat in the hall, putting his hammer onto the floor between his feet and leaning back into a seat. His handsome face didn't pair well with his blood red plated armor with blue lining as if giving the impression of demonic or poisoned blood. Something akin to what a murderer or warlord would wear. Complete with a single eye in the center chest piece that seemed to look at people. The face that looked like it belonged in a library instead of inside of such hellish armor might make one think he was possessed by the armor. The crowds came and went... People all seemingly ready for warring. Defeated victims carried out by the victors. He wondered where they were going with those victims. He was tempted so much by the thought, that he went to ask a random tourny-goer about it. It was a large orcish man. He learned a lot from Orgrosh about orcs, that they can be reasonable people. So perhaps he could get a good answer. But the orc stated firmly, "I'm not into men, get lost before I smash those glasses into your eyes."

Bakan felt shattered at the man's reply. And incredibly confused. With an awkward sigh he went back to the chair and sat down, idly watching the people go by. There didn't seem to be a way out of here. So he'd have to wait and see what happened.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Tamonten -> Kavika

After watching her opponent's... sister? Battle-sister? Whatever she was. After watching her opponent's battle sister go down, Tamonten didn't waste too much time in carrying her prize back. The swordswoman had considered hanging around the battlefield and using the privacy provided by it in order to enjoy her prize, but the aridity and dust of the place was just no good for her hair. She'd have been bathing for hours to get it clean again. Best to return to the feast hall and find a bedroom.

So she carried the woman in through the feast hall door over her shoulder. The sight was met with cheers of approval from the rowdy group that made up the members of the would-be goddess of war's realm, specifically the ones near enough the door to pay attention to the departures and arrivals. Tamonten, happy enough to consider herself part of that rowdy group, played the crowd. She bounced the woman on her pale shoulder and did a little victory pose complete with a flex of her blackened bicep to elicit whoops and applause, then she gave Kavika a slap on the ass with that same blackened hand and began to grope her substantial backside, gaining a second round of cheers out of her actions. But when she spoke up, she would be greeted with noises of disappointment and even a few boos. "Sorry, boys and girls! I'm not sharing this tasty prize!"

The pale woman would look for an empty spot at one of the great tables, then march over to it and set Kavika down on a seat at the table. Tamonten herself wouldn't sit down, instead standing behind the archer with animal bits and putting her ears to the test. She began to scratch the wolf-like ears at their base, putting a full two years of experience at giving ear scritches to her kitsune wife and two kitsune daughters to use. Living around the three foxgirls she'd quickly learned that properly applied stimulation to the base of their ears gave them a sort of natural high, as long as they were already relaxed enough to enjoy it. She was curious to see if the wolf-like ears were as sensitive as a kitsune's, and in the same ways.

"So, what's your name?" She would ask of the archer conversationally, even as she scratched the other woman's ears. "And have you had anything to eat? You're going to need your energy, because I'm not stopping at your ears. Though, should you choose to beg, 'I might be kinder to you, in the end,' right?" She grinned.
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Kavika -> Tamonten

Though she had been in and out of consciousness after the blow to her abdomen for some time, by the time her conqueror had hauled her back to the feasting hall Kavika was mostly snapping out of her stunned state. That left her unfortunately aware of Tamonten's playing to the crowd, all of whom cheered - in a manner that was eerily familiar - at her conquest. She let out a surprised yelp when the stranger's hand clapped onto her ample backside, the flesh visibly jiggling for all too see and then practically conforming to her opponent's hand given the tight leather she wore. "I can stand on my own now," she said softly, so that only Tamonten would likely hear given how loud and chaotic the feasting hall was.

She was not to be given the mercy of dignity, however, but at least it seemed that the odd demon was either kind or selfish enough not to share her. Once she was set down onto the bench she glanced over at her opponent, unsure of what to do, but her first form of molestation came almost immediately and... Was exactly as had been promised. Kavika's eyes widened slightly, having almost expected the woman to have been joking, but apparently not.

"My name is Kavika," she said, the initial period of scratching having little apparent effect. She rolled her eyes at the repetition of her own boast, but then opened her mouth to speak... And went stiff as Tamonten's fingers found the spots they'd been looking for at the base of her ears. Spots she'd never even known that her mutated additions even possessed, little clusters of nerves in her scalp that the pale demon's fingernails stimulated in ways that she'd never imagined. For a few seconds Kavika simply stood utterly still as the unfamiliar but shockingly pleasant sensations left her paralyzed... Save for the slight back-and-forth swish that her tail began to make with ever increasing enthusiasm as the scratching at the base of her ears continued.

"Uhm...." Her ears began to twitch slightly, flicking against the fingers granting them such exquisite pleasure as a bright flush of embarrassment at how tongue-tied she'd become because of something so simple. If Tamonten kept up her molestation it would be at least a minute before Kavika managed to actually answer her, following a quick clearing of her throat and a light shake of her head. "I have eaten, yes... Before we ended up fighting." She gave another shake of her head and murmured unintelligibly, especially if her ears were still being scratched, "and I assure you... I have plenty of energy. You... Aren't the first demon I have been with, though... You are the first that I will be totally submitted to."

Giving her head a curious tilt at that point - though continued ear scratching would begin to make her eye twitch and her tail resume its rapid wagging - after a moment, she asked; "So.... Would you like to retire immediately? Or... Would you prefer to start right here?" The archer's eyes flicked around at the crowd, and then back up towards Tamonten. She had already displayed her willingness to tease an audience, but whether she prefer to engage fully in private or attempt to humiliate further was a matter of curiosity in regards to this odd stranger.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Alex -> Nadia
"Then let us be off." Another touch was given, this one without the burst of magic that would set Nadia off once again, but as Alex rose she kept the angel in her arms. "Can you walk?" Given the way the redhead was shuddering it was an apt question, and if she said yes then Alex would gently set her down and wait for her legs to come under control. But if she couldn't then the dragon wouldn't be perturbed. She would simply start walking on her own, Nadia held in a bridal carry as if the two were off to devote themselves to each other, and as they left the Hall proper she would only give the spectators the barest of glances should any call out.

With Alex searching for something more private she started checking the side rooms, and as she came upon the first she merely took a single look before dismissing it and heading elsewhere. A second didn't quite meet her standards, but a third revealed an open bedroom with a set of straps and restraints hanging from the ceiling. And I thought I'd have to improvise... With a look of approval Alex entered with Nadia in tow, and once the two were behind closed doors Alex made sure her prize could stand on her own before they continued. "Assist me." It was a simple command given with the air of a noble directing a handmaid, and with Alex immediately setting to work at undoing the easily reached clasps holding her armor in place it was quite obvious what she wanted from her servant.

Once the dragon's gear was safely stored elsewhere she was left in a rather simple set of garments she used to protect her more human bits from chafing. It also left her body on display, the clothing itself decent enough yet doing nothing to hide her physique as well as the swells of her ass that tended to make men sit up and notice. If Nadia felt so bold reach out and touch her captor, and Alex would allow it with no small sense of amusement before she gently grabbed the angel's wrists. "Time to prepare." A moment later the robe covering Nadia's body was removed, and with her prize now nude Alex guided the woman toward the restraints.

With Nadia being led into position a rather rosy blush was starting to settle on Alex's cheeks, but that didn't stop her from raising the angel's arms and locking them into place. "You know..." Even as she spoke she kept working. "You're not the first angel I've seen this intimately." Divine legs were placed into straps, those restraints locked and then raised until the angel was hanging suspended and completely open. "Or strung up like this~" As she worked Alex would allow her fingers to linger and slowly glide over anything that caught her fancy, and as her touch passed Nadia would feel little fires sparking to life as Alex once more used that insidious power of hers to keep her trophy excited. "You wouldn't happen to know Abariel, would you?"

Following the answer and the confirmation that Nadia was trussed up and firmly suspended just the way she wanted it Alex would step out of sight for just a moment. When she returned she was just as nude as her temporary pet, and after a moment taken to appraise her work Alex lightly grasped a golden band on her ring finger. A touch of effort was made to connect with it, and once she did the inherent magic in that piece of jewelry came to life. Her body changed almost immediately, her clit sprouting and growing and throbbing with every inch gained until it became nine inches of cock standing proudly at attention for the angel's viewing pleasure. Alex even went so far as to step closer and give Nadia the chance to for a more indepth inspection, and if the girl did nothing then Alex would step even closer and bring her prick to a mere breath's distance from the angel's mouth. Not a word was said, but the implied command was pretty clear, and only once Nadia had started servicing Alex would she finally get a coo of delight. She let the angel continue, her own excitement starting to build and make her summoned prick stand even taller, but after a few moments she would ease herself back to ask a simple question. "Any requests?" If Nadia appeared confused in the slightest Alex would motion to her now free member, and for a moment its shape would change, the head widening until it resembled an equine shaft before it shifted back to a more standard design.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Tamonten -> Kavika

"Mine's Tamonten," the swordswoman would reply, since the pause created by her finding of the wolf-eared archer's sweet spots gave her the room to do so. The pale warrior would intensify her assault on the bases of Kavika's ears, driven on by the other woman's reactions. Mentally, she added another check to her master list of successful animal-girl bit scritching conquests.

She would slow down, however, when Kavika used the D word. It was still a sore spot for Tamonten, even though it'd been two years since she'd been cured of her possession and she'd come to know a lot of genuinely good demons since then. "Hey now. Let's not start calling people demons. I'll have you know that I'm an honorary faerie knight, and a human to boot. My parents were both Amazonian humans, and their parents were too." The pale woman tsked, then more sardonically continued; "sheesh. You grow a tail, some wings, and some horns and suddenly everybody thinks you're a demon."

"Anyway.... As for how I want to take my prize? Hm, that's a tough one..." she traced her hands down the side of Kavika's head, allowing them to drop onto the archer's shoulders. The swordswoman herself would stoop low enough to put her mouth next to one of the archer's furry ears so she could whisper into it. "I'm not the type to just bend someone over a table and start rutting them in front of everybody. Well... except for on a few special occasions. But there is something I've always wanted to try, and only this feast hall has all the tools necessary to make it happen."

"To start, you're going to sit yourself on the edge of the table. Then you're going to make a nice show of stripping out of your top for me. The rest I'll show rather than tell. More fun that way, don't you think?" The swordswoman would grin beside Kavika's ear as she reached past the northerner in order to clear a space on the table for the archer to sit. Tamonten would then grab a pitcher of faerie wine and step back from the other woman so that she could do as instructed. The formerly-possessed warrior would take a large gulp directly from the pitcher as she waited.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Nadia -> Alex
Nadia nodded and rose to initially somewhat unsteady feet, but after Alex's question she nodded and took a step. Her footing seemed sure, and remained as much as she walked from the feast hall into the endless hallways that were open to the countless competitors as they saw fit. Without limit though they seemed to be, her opponent apparently had something specific in mind and the first few rooms didn't quite meet her standards, leaving Nadia to follow with ever increasing curiosity.

Eventually, however, the half-dragon apparently found what she was looking for and strode into a room. Nadia followed, but didn't have much time to observe her surroundings before the dragoness issued her simple command, and it didn't take long for the angel to respond to it with simple obedience. Though she didn't wear any herself - she found clothing oddly uncomfortable - Nadia didn't need much in the way of guidance to help Alex out of her armor, leaving her clad in the padding and underclothing usually worn beneath the protective suit. What she wore beneath was decent but fairly form fitting... And even Nadia would readily admit that the dragoness had a body worth admiring. A fine hourglass figure, full breasts that were neither too flat nor too large, a noblewoman's features, and that ass... Even in her submissive position, Nadia couldn't quite resist the temptation to reach out and give that spectacular rear a testing caress once the dragon's armor was stacked on the floor, though when the dragon turned to smirk at her she returned the look with a sheepish grin.

The next command came quickly, and within moments the sleeves of Nadia's robes were sliding down her shoulders and the garment was slipping down her body. The descent was slowed briefly around her chest, the garment tightening around her chest and the hardened peaks atop it, and when it overcame that resistance Nadia let out a light gasp from the sensation of the fabric sliding over the stiff pink nubs alone. It encountered another bit of resistance when the bunched up fabric reached her hips, requiring some force to tug it down over the swell of the angel's ample bottom, and when it did Alex would find herself handling an ass nearly as eye catching as her own. Nadia wore nothing underneath her robes, so with that garment done away with her slippers were the only thing left covering her body, and those she stepped out of and then waited for further direction.

Drawn towards the bindings, Nadia raised her arms on command only to find them bound high. Next came her legs, raised one by one and bound up to remain so, but her victorious opponent spoke as she left Nadia with as little room to move under her own power as was possible without harder bindings. "Nnn..." The dragon's insidious touch returned, less intense than before but still leaving her nerves burning with sensation more intense than should have been possible given how light those caresses were, and they made the redhead squirm softly in her bindings. "N-no," she murmured between panting breaths, "I don't see many of my own kind any more.... Not strong enough to answer the calls yet."

However Alex responded to her answer, the dragoness would step out of view briefly only to reappear fully nude, allowing Nadia to view the lightly scaled half-breed in her full glory. Her figure overall was fairly similar to Nadia's own, but she didn't get much time to observe Alex in her nude state before a fairly dramatic change took place that caused Nadia to gasp in shock. She had seen this sort of trick often enough before, of course, but hadn't expected a dragon to be able to sprout a cock at will like a demon could. All too quickly she was given a much closer inspection of the long, thick rod that Alex had conjured, but it took that extra step closer to get her to realize what Alex intended.

Somewhat hesitantly at first, Nadia leaned towards the summoned rod and parted her lips, gently lapping at the dragon's helmet with a tongue that was anything but hesitant. She was no succubus, but her lingual muscle slipped over Alex' flesh deftly and quickly, tracing half of the circle of that conjured cock's ridge with her tongue up and down. She couldn't move to shift down the shaft, so she didn't even bother to try, instead sealing her lips in a light kiss over half of the mushroom cap as her tongue continued to flick out against it. She planted those kisses without fully encapsulating the tip of the dragon's cock from one side to the other, her tongue occasionally rolling across the smooth surface in full, but when it she'd reached the other side Nadia reoriented and slid her lips over the head and began to suckle gently. Those enthusiastic rolls of her tongue returned in force, and she murmured softly in pleasure in tune with the dragon's vocal appreciation for her efforts.

When she stepped back, causing her cock to come free with a soft pop, Nadia looked up at Alex in surprise but then let her gaze drift back down as the conjured cock changed form, earning another shocked look. "Well... I wouldn't be opposed to something like that... Exotic," she murmured, though she allowed the dragoness to choose exactly what form her cock would take.

Kavika -> Tamonten
(Also lewd)
The slower scratching allowed her eyes to open fully and her ears to stop twitching, leaving Kavika able to offer a look of muted surprise when Tamonten expressed her offense. The surge of explanations only added to the curious nature of her opponent, but once the swordswoman was done she simply replied; "My apologies, I did not mean to offend. You do look the part of a demon, but... I also did not mean it as an insult. Most of the demons that I have met have been fairly amicable."

Kavika's ears flicked and then reoriented to listen as the swordswoman leaned in, and though she wouldn't see the knowing smirk that spread over the archer's features Tamonten wouldn't miss the return of those excited little flicks. What her opponent instructed was tamer than she'd expected, but there was no disappointment to show as Kavika stood from the bench after the space she was supposed to sit in was cleared. "Very well... But I think I am going to need a little bit more room." As the pale warrior grabbed an amphora full of wine, Kavika stepped over the bench and bent over, causing her ample posterior to strain the tight fabric of her trousers visibly as she began to displace various things. Tamonten had said she didn't want to bend her over the table and claim her for all to see, but as her hips began to sway and her tail began to wag she would make every effort to tempt her into going back on that statement.

Even if Tamonten elected not to take the bait - which Kavika expected - if she was distracted by the display she would likely miss the fact that, as she was languidly displacing a few extra dishes and cutlery, that she was also undoing a few choice straps and buckles. When she turned and sat on the edge of the table, she had to lift her arm as the shoulder straps of her armor came apart to keep her breasts from being exposed too quickly. Her conqueror had asked for a show of removing her top, not just an opportunity to ogle her backside, and a show Kavika would give! She could no longer sway her body now that she was sitting down, but her tail continued to swish slowly behind her as she used one hand to continue visibly what she had done in secret up until that point. The ties holding her armor on were undone one by one, and after about twenty seconds or so there was a soft click and a loosening. The lower portion of it came away, exposing her midriff up to the bottoms of her breasts, and Kavika set it aside while leaving one arm up to keep the upper portion that protected her bust in place, displaying her taut stomach and just the barest hint of the lower portion of her cleavage.

Next, she reached under the protective portion and, after a moment's pause, withdrew a section of cloth padding with a soft sigh. By that point anyone behind her would be looking at her bare back, but her breasts themselves were still concealed. Then she leaned back, planting the hand not holding up her bustier on the table, and she waited a moment before slightly lifting the pressure on the last garment on her upper half. It began to sink, a centimeter at a time, before she suddenly lifted her hand and let the garment fall fully onto her lap. Her breasts bounced free, but only a brief glimpse of rounded mounds and their hardened pink tips would be offered before Kavika's arm settled over them to cover and contain the large orbs. Her fingers had settled fully closed but didn't remain so for very long, shifting a bit upwards and spreading to rub repeatedly over one of her sensitive peaks, leading to a series of light tremors as her digits glanced one of her points over and over as she slid up and down. She ended her display by parting her middle and index finger fully only to squeeze them against her nipple, briefly giving it a light tug - which produced a slight glimmer of white wetness - before finally letting her arm fall and leaving Tamonten to do whatever she'd been planning now that Kavika had fully bared her impressive chest.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Alex -> Nadia
The lack of recognition for Abariel was disappointing, but Alex let it slide. The gasps and shock from the angel were far more interesting, anyway, and as Nadia began to suckle on Alex's prick the dragon made sure her hand was lately gracing her head, that constant outpouring of heat enticing her pet to act even further until it was time to pull away. The answer she received put her into a contemplative mood, but after a bit a smile revealed that she had made up her mind as she circled around to approach Nadia's sex.

If the woman was expecting the dragon to get right to it then she would probably be surprised to find Alex sinking down to her knees. "My Mate and I were given a gift. We were given a chance to welcome Abariel into our bed, and in the end she ended up suspended just as you are." A warm breath was blown over Nadia, the warmth itself stroking her folds and enticing her sex to weep with arousal, and as that breath faded Alex's hands gently stroked Nadia's inner thighs and coaxed her to spread herself even further. "And seeing her like that practically forced me to do something like this." An instant later Alex's tongue came into play, and for the moment she seemed content to simply take her time and stroke the angel at her leisure. The taste of the woman was absolutely divine, and without Aescila's aphrodisiacs clouding the dragon's judgment she could savor her prize as much as she wished.

But there was more to this then just getting the angel off, and after getting Nadia worked up Alex attacked by plunging her tongue as deeply within her pet as she could. The unnatural length it could reach allowed her to taste the angel far more intimately, and as she began to writhe it around she made sure she brushed every inch of Nadia's depths she could reach. With her flame still flaring it would leave that muscle pulsing with heat, every coo and moan from the angel earning a prolonged stroke until she could no longer take any more.

Even then Alex kept her tongue plunging and stroking, the act itself designed to stretch Nadia's orgasm until it was nearly overwhelming, and only then did Alex finally pull herself free and rise. As she did she placed her conjured cock directly over the angel's slit, a strategic vein pulsing with both heat and blood that caused it to jump over so slightly against her clit and would forcibly pull an aftershock out of her. It would also be the perfect chance for Nadia to see what the dragon was sporting, and in that moment she would realize she was facing an actual beast. At first glance it would appear normal enough, the color off as it somehow gained the same hue as Alex's scales, but past the bell of her cock's head Nadia would be able to spy a pronounced ridge that circled the entirety of its girth. And behind that was a third and a fourth, each only centimeters behind the the previous and each growing less and less bold until Alex's smooth shaft was marred only by the veins that beat and throbbed with naked desire. But even that was an illusion, the surface now sporting a thin layer of ultrafine scales that would give Alex's cock a unique texture that would feel like microscopic nodes designed to rub across every nerve the angel had, and with the length and girth seemingly tailor made to fill the angel completely Nadia would be feeling each and every bump and ridge the moment Alex chose to get serious.

For now she was content to merely rock back and forth, the small strokes gently stoking the angel's passions until she no longer needed to worry about being hyper sensitive, and once that was reach Alex repositioned so her cock was resting on the cusp of piercing Nadia's sex. "Unfortunately I couldn't do this back then, and even if I could I was so overwhelmed by my Mate that I wouldn't have even thought to do so. But a part of me always wondered..." And now she had her chance. With the gentlest of pressures Alex pushed her hips forward, and with Nadia fresh off an orgasm the dragoness easily entered the angel and gave out a deep sigh as she finally learned what heaven on earth was like.

For a few moments Alex simply sat there, the angel engulfing her member as it pulsed with life and the promise of unknown pleasures, but her ancestors' impatience eventually got the better of her. It forced her to pull back, every nerve along her cock's surface burning with delight, and as she hilted herself once again she made sure to give that push a little kick that left the angel's suspended body bouncing even as Alex slowly pulled back just to do it all over again. The slow pull back forced every interesting feature of her cock to strike every single inch of Nadia's depths, and the more forceful push brought her head directly to the angel's inner gate and gave it a firm nudge. Alex herself knew how satisfying that little kiss to the cervix could be, and as her pace began to increase she understood just how quickly Nadia would succumb to another release.

But once the angel did the dragon didn't stop. Alex simply fucked Nadia through it, and as the angel's sex quivered in both release and abuse Alex would up her tempo once more. Soon enough she would be pounding Nadia hard enough to cause her own flesh to slap against the angel, and anybody passing that room would be given a small applause alongside a pair of sultry moans that spoke of just what was happening behind closed doors. Hell, someone bold enough could actually open the door and peek inside if they were so inclined, and at that point the dragon simply didn't care. She was far too focused on the pounding she was giving her pet, and she wasn't going to stop until she finally felt herself spewing her seed directly into Nadia's womb.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Haro strolled into the hall, happy as a fallen angel who managed to sneak into an unprotected nunnery. True, she had needed some help but that wasn't important. What was important was that she had the brat over a barrel, at least for a little while. For the moment, she had Routa slung over her shoulder. She didn't really have much of a plan, she wasn't a plan person. So she decided to do what she always did when she didn't really have much to do: drink until she managed to think of something brilliant. She grabbed a small table with two chairs, slid Routa into a chair opposite her, and procured two glasses and some alcohol. She took a sniff and found it to be sake. She wondered what it was doing here but didn't really care. She didn't bother to find the appropriate cups. She poured a drink for both of them and pushed the glass in front of Routa "Drink.." She followed her own advice and drank her glass in one gulp, feeling her body shift in accordance. Her dick, already big, grew bigger and began aching. She had at least a little patience, though it wouldn't last. "Pah, that's good. Someone knows what they're doing."
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

For now, Routa ever so recently was rendered unconscious by a powerful blow to her senses. Unconscious for the duration, she remained that way when placed down upon her seat. Even as the drink was put in front of her, not much seemed to change. Until far after Haro had finished her brew did the muscular woman rouse weakly. "Ugh..." she growled as pain throbbed. "... Surprised I'm not already bent over some table. What is this?" she inquired to the drink. "Some kind of drink to make me more of a recipient to your wiles?" she inquired.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

"Wiles? It's just sake. It's pretty good too." She refilled her glass. "Did you know that sake is not in fact wine but is instead considered ale?" Haro's grasp of knowledge began and ended at alcohol. Well, not really, but she knew enough about it to make and identify several varieties. Home-made alcohol from Haro was generally described as "burning" and had once caused a warrior, some duelist twiggy twit, to faint outright. It hadn't killed anyone... yet. Haro pushed the glass forward again, almost to the edge of the table. "Now, either drink or I'll feed it to you mouth-to-mouth. Starting early wouldn't be terrible but since you aren't an elf, we can take some time to ease into things."