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The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

"I take this isn't a means of understanding between two warriors." Routa said as she looked at the drink, inspected it, sniffed it. "Sake? It both does and doesn't smell like alcohol." she said. "Not a Crolian brew, is it? Might be why I don't recognize it." she said. Upon seeing her length, Routa chuckled at the sight of it as Haro would feel Routa's boot lightly poke it, making it bounce. "Ever seen a boar with a dick that big? I'm wondering if my mount is still around here somewhere. If I was with Nidhogg, I'd be unstoppable."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Father of Giants -> Bakan

The beautiful man in the hellish armor was left to his own devices. Spurned and rejected by an orcish warrior, seemingly ignored by all others, possibly even mocked by those that surround him, there was nothing left for him to do but sit and whittle away the hours.

But the sound of heavy armor approached. The steady drone of mailed greaves clunked as something started to pass, but once the presence stood behind him Bakan would feel a giant practically looming. The other warriors nearby would give the newcomer a strange glance, some amount of trepidation crossing their faces as they took in the massive mountain of steel as it bent down to get a closer look at the lonely man, and once Bakan finally turned he would be greeted by a face.

The mask that judged him rose, the man beneath clad in a golden armor showing age yet polished and gleaming as if well cared for over the ages. A massive sword lay resting over the giant's shoulder, both hands holding its hilt as if this monster was prepared to cleave a man in half at a moment's notice, but even then a step forward brought that sword down into a single hand. That step led to another, the arms raising as if in challenge, and as the Father of Giants stood waiting only one thing could match his greatness.

Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Bakan -> Father of Giants

Seeing the strange apparition in all it's golden... Wonder? Bakan looked up at it before leaning forward, putting his left hand to his face. "Hey." Bakan replied. As if in greeting.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Haro blushed a little when Routa poked her with her boot but scowled. She pushed the foot away and pointed at Routa's serving "You're right, this isn't an understanding. We're doing what I want. That means a little drinking. Not fantasying about servicing a glorified pig." She held up her hand to stop Routa's response. "Drink. Then I'll let you talk about your pet."

Faerly Alien Nyx

Some distance away from the irritated giant, a new arrival slipped into the hall. This wasn't her usual kind of place, too many warriors with short tempers. But maybe she'd find something interesting here that she wouldn't be able to find out otherwise. Or she might end up in a fight. Fair enough. She hadn't had a lot of combat experience and at least she didn't have to worry about rumors alerting nearby settlements here. She looked like a human, pretty but not beautiful, with brown hair and light freckles, wearing form-fitting leather armor with two daggers in their sheathes. Of course, her true form looked nothing like that but no one had to know that. She attempted to blend in, though those with experience in stealth might notice her footsteps were light for someone in armor and she made her way through the crowd just a little too easily. More glaringly, they might notice that the daggers seemed to be merged with the sheaths. Unfortunately for Nyx, weapons could not be duplicated the same way armor could. She wondered how many people would get that close, or at least how many could get that close without her noticing. It'd be a good test of her abilities..
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Routa -> Haro

"I'll speak of him how I will. And he is no pet, a companion. And with him I'd be unstoppable." she reiterated, talking over her if need be. Routa hadn't been made to truly think this woman deserved to have such say that only Kavika had. She was evidently under the impression she was somehow the superior here. It might work that way in some noble's court, but she is a beast rider of the wastes. Technicalities are moot. "And if this is about servicing a glorified pig, I don't see how that's not what you're talking about." she replied with a smirk before holding up the sake. "Cheers," she said, taking a mouthful. No stranger to alcohol, if the monster was hoping Routa would be a light weight and pass out, she'd be sorely mistaken. Routa's liver had seen it's fair share of rampant abuse. After a sigh followed by a belch, Routa continued. "If what you want happens to align with what I want, that's all the better. But the day I look to you as a superior is not today. I more look forward to seeing if you can outperform such a pig. You can do that much, right? Either way, win or loss, I was going to milk your cock dry and see if a young born can be better tamed. We can keep up the role play though, if you prefer pillow talk~" she cooed at the oni attempting to be dominant towards the beast master.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Tamonten -> Kavika

The swordswoman didn't necessarily have the willpower to avoid going back on her word, but she did have the pride. As tempting as it was to take her favored place with fluffy-tailed women and slide in behind Kavika in order to turn the archer's efforts into a two-person show, Tamonten avoided doing so for the time being. There'd be plenty of time for that later, and she'd almost definitely indulge when it came. For now, she simply stood back and admired the show being put on for her.

And it was an impressive show. Kavika had paced herself just right, keeping the pale swordswoman enticed enough to follow her every motion and eagerly awaiting the next inch of flesh to be revealed as the northerner methodically disrobed. Her eyes traced the woman's taut stomach from her waist up to the exposed underside of her breasts. For a few moments following that initial reveal Tamonten indulged in fantasies pertaining to a very specific fetish she'd picked shortly before her own marriage as she imagined that same taut stomach rounded with her seed, and eventually her children. It was a bit of a shame that Krig wouldn't be there for it. Her fluffy-tailed wife never seemed to get off as hard as when Tamonten bred another woman in front of her and then turned her demonstrably virile, still-wet cock on the kitsune. Unfortunately for her lover's fetishes for voyeurism, competition, and creampies, the pale swordswoman hadn't been as willing to even come close to impregnating anyone recently, but in the goddess of war's realm she saw no reason to hold herself back from adding to the family tree.

The formerly possessed warrior snapped back to reality as the section of cloth came out and Kavika's breasts were finally briefly bared. Tamonten watched the archer play with her own nipples with a wide grin. The flat-chested swordswoman normally wouldn't readily accept the presence of such massive orbs on a fellow warrior and an archer to boot, but since she was about to get to enjoy them in any way she desired she made an exception. And Tamonten licked her lips as her opponent moved into the last part of her show, finally showing off the other woman's assets in all their glory. "What a prize I've stumbled into," she quipped as she admired her topless former opponent.

"Now, for the next part... I want you to take this," she offered what remained of the container of faerie wine to the archer. Rather than continue her instructions once Kavika took hold of the pitcher, Tamonten would take a seat of her own in front of the archer and position herself to plant a few quick kisses against the other woman's stomach before looking up into the northerner's eyes. "Now, lean back and give me a nice fountain to drink from. Pour that down your chest nice and slow~" she instructed, and assuming the archer did as much, Tamonten would in turn do her part by drinking each and every drop she could catch as it rolled down the other woman's flesh. Her lower lip and tongue pressed against Kavika's stomach as she worked to keep the fruity wine rolling into her mouth instead escaping elsewhere, mixing its flavors with the tastes on the other woman's skin.

But, while she would content herself like that for quite a while, almost finishing off the remainder of the pitcher in the process, eventually Tamonten would decide to begin moving up the other woman's body. She pushed herself up, standing up a little as her mouth traveled up the archer's midriff, catching as much of the falling wine as she could in the process. By the time she'd reached Kavika's breasts, she'd collected a mouthful of the liquid and her hand moved to the pitcher in order to wordlessly guide the archer to stop pouring the liquid. Once the wine was no longer flowing, she went even further upward and pressed her lips against Kavika's, sharing her mouthful of wine with the archer's even as she invaded the northerner's mouth with her tongue. Tamonten only maintained that kiss for around ten seconds though, her tongue swirling with her former opponent's own the entire time, before breaking it.

Her next target was the wolf-eared archer's breasts, and she wasted little time in trailing back down toward them. The earlier dribbles of milk hadn't escaped Tamonten's notice, and while normally she would never follow up a drink like wine with milk, there was no way she was passing up the opportunity to take advantage of her defeated opponent's lactation. Placing her hands on the table for balance, Tamonten would lock her lips around one of Kavika's nipples and begin to suckle. She gave a muffled coo of delight as liquid squirted onto her tongue, and coaxed a few mouthfuls of the archer's milk out before pulling away and repeating the process on her other breast.

"You are just full of surprises, aren't you?" Tamonten asked with a grin as she pulled away and sat back down in her seat. While the fluffy-tailed archer's show alone had been enough to earn them some spectators, the addition of the pale swordswoman drinking wine off of Kavika's body and suckling from her breasts had grown the crowd. The formerly possessed warrior's blood had already flowed from her brain straight into her groin though, something which had only worsened as she began to work her demonic magic in order to shift herself a massive erection -- human in shape but equine in size -- which she would soon put to good use, so she had no shame or hesitation whatsoever as she started to give her next order. "I worked up a bit of an appetite from that fight of ours and intend on having a snack before we retire. I know you said you weren't hungry but... there's a treat for you under the table too, and I'm going to have to insist that you take care of it~"

Anthea -> Probably a pixie, but pretty open otherwise.

What a bust that had all turned out to be. True to her word, the short witch had gone straight to work after finishing up with the vampire knight who'd tried to stop her from 'disrespecting' the dead. Indeed, she had the skeleton bits in her backpack to prove it. But in the end, the bodies she had unearthed turned out to be completely without any unusual traces of magic; they were just regular old skeletons. In other words, they were boring and didn't help her a lick in figuring anything out about daemonic powers. And because it had seemed like such a promising lead that had turned out to be a complete dead-end and she hadn't wanted to give up on it until she'd hit that dead-end head on, it had ended up wasting a massive amount of the witch's time. Worse than that, her poor choice had also cost her an opportunity to experiment on a vampiric specimen who very well might have yielded something truly interesting. If nothing else she could've had fun repeatedly raping the other woman and then had a chance to witness the miracle of vampire birth. By the time she had been done collecting bodies and swords and analyzing them and made to return to the feast hall, however, the vampire was already gone. Oh well. It was a bit irritating but she supposed it was all just part of having dedication to her craft. She'd just have to start searching for more leads tomorrow.

For the time being, however, it was time to enjoy a nice snack, a bath, and then get a good night's sleep so that she'd have plenty of energy in the morning. She'd stopped at the room she'd claimed as her bedroom-slash-workshop just long enough to drop off her shovel and then made straight for an open spot at the feast hall table. Anthea looked incredibly out of place amidst a hall mostly filled with burly, rowdy warriors armed to the teeth and itching for a fight. The five-foot-nothing petite witch might've been invisible sitting between some of the much larger warriors if it weren't for her massive black witch hat, a backpack crammed to the brim with her tools and potions that looked to weigh as much as she did, and an unusual broomstick that never left her sight. She didn't let relative size discourage her from filling her stomach though, eagerly pouring a large glass of milk for herself and taking a plate of sweet rolls to serve as her meal and wasting little time before beginning to enjoy that meal. After all, the brutes around her might have been taller but she had the greatest power of all on her side: Crolian witchcraft. If any of them thought they could stand up against the might of her ancestral teachings then, well... she'd just have to give them a lesson they'd never forget.
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Iris -> Anthea

Aside from occasionally having to avoid the hands of some of the big, drunk, and clumsy men who didn't even seem to notice her, Iris was enjoying this place so far. It was big—massive—and loud, but it was full of interesting people. She'd had to fight a few of them when she decided to take a look outside, but none of them had actually taken her seriously yet. It was rather rude of them, but she was used to it by now.

The diminutive pixie had found herself a seat on one of the feast table, leaning up against an overturned bowl that someone had left behind, a pastry of some sort she didn't recognize and nearly half her size clutched in her hands, a few tiny bite marks where she'd been making some small progress at eating it. Somehow, despite the fact that she glowed, people managed still managed to miss her. The man who had until a few minutes ago been sitting in front of her had nearly smacked her in the head a few times when reaching for food!

The next person to take that seat was a different sort, however. Very different. Iris glanced curiously at the young woman, a significant contrast to the brutish warriors she had been seeing a lot of around here, but upon looking up to the woman's hat, she immediately sat up straight, pastry quickly forgotten and dropped at her side. Her eyes practically sparkling and the glow her body was giving off intensifying, Iris wasted no time hopping to her feet, smoothing out her skirt before taking to the air. She would recognize that kind of hat anywhere—It was just like her teacher's!

"Heeeeeey!" She waved her hands as she fluttered up towards the woman's face, doing her best to try to get her attention. "You're a witch, right? You have the hat and everything! My teacher had one just like it. Do you know Lilura? Oh! Lilura Aldana. She was my teacher, and she was a witch too. She said she used to be part of a coven, with other witches, but she never talked about that. Were you?" Iris didn't even give the woman time to respond to a question before she launched into another, her excitement at meeting someone who might know her teacher overriding any idea of observing proper manners. She didn't even consider the fact that it was incredibly unlikely that this woman knew her teacher, that she could be from anywhere in the world, rather than the quiet village in northern Crolia where her teacher had lived, only staring expectantly at the witch once she had finally finished speaking.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Anthea -> Iris

Was that a tiny, tiny person trying to get her attention? A pixie, even? Anthea had never seen one in the flesh before. They really were as tiny as the books portrayed them to be. And humanoid, too. That made her wonder if she'd been choosing the wrong test subjects all along. After all, there was enough of a difference between mouse, frog, and humanoid physiology that it was pretty difficult to be sure that the things she tested on one creature would work as expected on another. A pixie, on the other hand, was tiny, easily kept, and probably much closer anatomically to her intended targets. All she'd need was a breeding pair and she'd have an endless number of perfect little test subjects. Perhaps the other witch that the pixie was talking about had come to the same conclusion? But the pixie was referring to her as a teacher, and surely no witch in her right mind would take a test subject on as an apprentice.

Well, she wouldn't step on another witch's toes. Anthea couldn't imagine how teaching such a little thing could ever make more of a contribution to witchcraft than experimenting on it instead, but she'd never met the other witch to determine whether she was a genius or a fool so she'd give her the benefit of the doubt. Plus, she could already see the appeal of having such a little being approach her in such a starstruck manner, so that was at least one point in favor of the decision made by the unknown witch. The short, blonde witch surveyed the pixie patiently -- at least in-between preening in order to make herself look slightly nicer for the apparent witch-admirer by straightening up her hat and brushing a few errant strands of blonde hair away from her face -- while waiting for the excitable little faerie to go through her list of questions and trying to mentally take note of each one so that she could respond to it when the woman's little lungs finally exhausted their air supply. Then, after pushing her plate and cup to the side, the witch tried to answer each in turn.

The first one was an easy question to answer. Anthea would always take any given opportunity to brag about her witchcraft and her own lineage. "Yep, I'm a witch! I'm Anthea, daughter and student of the witch Thea and granddaughter of the witch Anthea. I was named for my grandma! She helped to spark an entirely new school of thinking in witchcraft with her combination of engineering, alchemy, and magic! This was her broomstick, actually, she designed it from the ground up and I upgraded it when it was passed down to me," she hoisted the broomstick and propped it against the table for pixie. By design, nothing outside of being in the general shape of a rifle was odd about the implement. The barrel of the shotgun and the spring-loaded blade it possessed were hidden until Anthea chose to employ them. Still, she was proud enough to show it off even without revealing its inner workings to a hall full of warriors she might have to face.

The other two didn't require as much verbosity. "I'm afraid I'm unfamiliar with your teacher. And I've never done the coven thing either. I like to work on my own because it gives me complete freedom to pursue whatever I'd like. I'm not a fan of the mother, maiden, and crone rule either! I mean, the thought of a cute witch like me moving onto the crone role is laughable! Plus, why would I ever want to become a mother when it would take time away from my witchcraft?" With that, she was pretty sure she'd answered all the pixie's questions, and as such was left with one of her own which she really wasn't sure whether she should ask or not. Still, curiosity got the better of her. "So, are you a witch-in-training, then? What made you decide to pursue witchcraft?"
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Iris -> Anthea

Iris' eyes never left Anthea as she answered the questions, her wings keeping her hovering at roughly eye level with the witch. She nodded along with each statement, looking a little awed at the idea of a family line of witches. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as Anthea brought out her broom, fluttering closer to get a better look. If was a bit of a strange shape, but it looked well made, and it was passed down from her grandmother too! Iris' own broom, currently held somewhat loosely in her left hand, was nowhere near as impressive. The metal the handle was made from helped with her spellcasting, but she didn't really need it to fly, not like the enchanted one her teacher had. She had even had to mostly make it herself, because nobody made brooms in her size!

Her face fell a bit at the mention that Anthea hadn't heard of her teach, but it wasn't that strange. Witches were pretty secretive after all—her teacher had never told her about any other witches either, even if she had once been part of a coven with several. She did understand Anthea's talk about crones, though—Why would anyone want to be a crone? Her teacher was cute too, definitely not a crone.

"Ah! Yes, I am!" Iris puffed out her chest proudly at the declaration, even if she was admitting she was still in training. "Teacher says I'm not ready to be a full witch yet—She won't even let me wear the hat! But I know a lot already. I can do alchemy, and enchanting, AND magic!" She counted on her fingers as she spoke, even if she was being fairly general about her skills. Her grin held for a few seconds before she sighed animatedly, "She hasn't taught me any curses yet, though. Do you know curses? I'd reeeaaally like to learn one..." She had floated back to her previous position in front of Anthea's face at this point, giving the witch her best attempt at puppy dog eyes.
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Anthea -> Iris

The short Crolian watched Iris's effort to guilt her into teaching the pixie curses with an amused smile on her face. Even narcissistic Anthea thought the display was at least a little bit adorable. She could really see how a less principled witch might feel empathy for the pixie and forget about what forward progress could be made by using the little being as a test subject instead of a friend -- although, again, perhaps the unknown witch did keep others as test subjects and had chosen this one as a friend for unknown reason, she'd never immediately assume the worst of another witch. But Anthea herself was much more cold and calculating, and most of the goodwill she showed toward the pixie was the direct result of Iris's flattery of her. The rest was because she didn't believe in stepping on another witch's toes by correcting what she believed was the unknown woman's mistake, which also happened to be a reason why she'd have never taught the little faerie curses even if she had been proficient enough to do so. The fact that she had very little grasp on curses just gave her an extra excuse.

"Sorry to say it but I'm no good at curses. I've never had the patience for them or the organized magics in general. My mother tried to teach me, but alchemy, engineering, and explosions were always more my passions. I just have more of an affinity with pouring my soul directly into my work. Manipulating the world's energies with my own to produce a result has always just been too roundabout for me," Anthea admitted her limitations candidly. "When it comes to defending myself or sending a message to someone who's wronged me, I go with the fun stuff! Meteors, lasers, lightning, and all that sort of thing. I've actually just come back from teaching a vampire who tried to interrupt my research a lesson." The witch indicated her own torn, bloody clothes. "I'd hate to step on your teacher's toes by trying to teach you anything she didn't think you were ready for, anyway," she added aloud.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Haro sneered "You think you're so tough? You're going to be squealing so much that people won't be able to tell the difference.." She was getting angry despite herself. Routa had pricked Haro's pride and no one had ever really stood up to the oni, or rather, been able to stand up to her once she had grown up. Of course, Haro hadn't walked the world much, yet. The woman's sister would have been able to handle Haro easily and Haro was getting the feeling many of these warriors had been through many battles and grown stronger for it. So maybe she had to be more careful. But she'd be damned (more damned, anyway) if this girl was going to talk like she was Haro's equal. She poured another drink for both of them and swallowed her drink down. Now things were getting tricky. She was ready to fuck but her anger was getting the better of her and she was entering a dangerous area where she was too angry to realize how horny she was getting.
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Iris -> Anthea

"Ah..." Iris sighed, slowly dropping about an inch in the air before stabilizing herself again. She had hoped she would finally get the chance to learn a proper curse. She had thought that all witches knew curses, but apparently this one didn't either. As much as she might not always act the part of the studious type, Iris did have a good teacher, and a good understanding of magic. She nodded to the witch's words, understanding full well what Anthea was saying. She was one of those types then, spirit wielders. Her teacher had always called them lazy, that they never had to work for their powers, but Iris wasn't about to say so to Anthea's face—that would be rather rude, after all.

"I'm good at lasers too. Really good." Iris immediately latched onto Anthea's mention of lasers and explosions. While she was best at the more subtle applications of magic, Iris was also fully capable of blowing things up if she so desired. "And they're bothering you too? These people keep trying to attack me whenever I go outside! I tried to talk to one the last time I was in that forest, and he tried to hit me with an axe! It's like none of these people have any manners!" She huffed, crossing her tiny arms over her chest. "Acted so surprised when I fought back too!" She took a moment to look over the witch properly at her gesture, noticing the damage to the woman's clothing for the first time with a surprised gasp, "Oh! Are you all right? What did you do to the vampire? I've never seen a vampire before, not in person, but my teacher always puts curses on people who cause trouble for her. You said you don't know any curses, though. Did you blow them up? That's what I'd do."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Anthea -> Iris

"It's the nature of this realm," Anthea patiently explained to the exasperated pixie. She folded her hands and rested them on the table as she attempted to fill the little faerie in on exactly what was going on. "Our host is a daemon who loves battle, so we're all encouraged to fight one another for her amusement. Despite how it sounds, it's actually a little liberating because everyone springs right back to life after they die without a wound to show for it! That means that we get to use all our powers without guilt! Aaand, if you beat somebody in this place you get a really fun prize~" The blonde witch's last remark came in a wistful voice as she internally replayed the memory of her raping the arrogant vampire and filling her fertile womb with cum. Anthea really wished she could've been there when the other woman gave birth to her children. She'd have liked to have mentally recorded the dumb bitch's face for posterity and personal amusement as the vampire went into labor, not that she'd ever admit that sort of thing aloud lest she draw the attention of justice-dispenser types. Plus she suspected the pixie was naive, which was why she went ahead and preemptively clarified what she meant in a more family friendly manner; "you get to make defeated opponents do whatever you want for pretty much a whole day!"

"And, as a fellow witchcraft practitioner, surely you understand the potential in this place! If I can figure out what makes daemonic magic tick, maybe I could figure out how to emulate whatever the goddess is using to make us all immortal. It'd be a major breakthrough for magic as a whole, and Crolian witchcraft would get credit! That's why I was doing research earlier in the first place!" Anthea had slightly risen from her seat and leaned in toward Iris as she excitedly proclaimed her goals, momentarily thinking less about Iris's value as a test subject and more that, given her education, the faerie might understand her ambition in a way that none of the brutes around them could.

Of course, she also quickly remembered that the brutes around them could hear her as well and might think her efforts sacrilegious, and either try to stop her or bring them to the attention of the goddess of war. That thought led her to nervously clear her throat and sit down before moving onto a different subject. "As for the vampire... well, of course she never stood a chance. Crolian witchcraft is the greatest school of magics in the world, after all! After I shocked her into submission, I made sure to teach her a really thorough lesson," Anthea explained with a wicked grin that didn't even begin to show in her eyes. "She's probably somewhere around this hall now, but I'm sure she'll never dare to interrupt my research again!"
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Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Iris -> Anthea

"Ooooooh... That's what they meant." Iris nodded, thoughts racing through her head of what she could do here. She had been a little worried about blowing up people who might not deserve to be blown up—her teacher had always warned her to be careful about that, after all—but if everyone just came back to life when they died it was fine! And she could make them do anything she wanted? She wished she had known that before. She could have punished that guy! "I did hear something like that when I got here, but it was really hard to hear over the loud guys next to me. And they didn't seem to notice me at all when I told them to be quiet."

When the conversation turned back to witchraft and what could be learned from this place, Iris immediately snapped out of her thoughts and returned her attention to the witch. That was right! This was a Daemon's world! And if they could figure out how this resurrection worked, maybe they could replicate it! "You're right! Why didn't I think of that? This is amazing!" Iris rubbed her hands together, imagining the possibilities. What would Lilura say if she discovered something like THAT while she was away? She would have to be impressed!

"But where would you even start looking? This place is huge, and EVERYTHING is magic around here... They come back here, in the hall, right? Maybe there's something here that... draws in the souls?" Iris began to ramble, fluttering back and forth somewhat erratically in the air in her distraction, and glowing brightly enough to cast shadows across the table below her now. For the first time, however, she actually began to sound like what she claimed to be, her voice taking on a serious, if distracted tone. If she noticed the other witch's wicked grin she made no indication of it, too lost in her own thoughts. "No, no, there has to be more to it than that. What about the bodies? Does it heal the old one, or just make a new one? And what about possession? I haven't seen anyone just appearing naked, so their things must all get brought with them too... Is it just transportation, or recreation? I'll need to see it happen to make any guesses..."
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Anthea -> Iris

"I can see why your teacher agreed to teach you!" The witch flashed the pixie a toothy grin. Such an inquisitive mind to be packed into a tiny body. Iris would probably make a good witch. It was a bit of a shame, because no matter how good she was as a witch she'd probably still be better suited as a test subject. Not that Anthea could act on it in the daemonic realm anyway, but if she remembered anything after she was free of the place then she'd start collecting pixies instead of frogs for the future.

For the moment though, she was perfectly content to become swept up in the pixie's enthusiasm. "I went through the same thought process, actually! That's why I figured the best thing to do was to start by establishing a baseline. How can you tell what's unusual for a god's realm without determining what's usual, right? So..." she moved her head closer to the pixie then, shielding each side of her mouth with her hands to prevent anyone from reading her lips. "I went to find the warriors who didn't rise again," she admitted in a low whisper. "I went to a place some of the others call the warrior's graveyard and did a little digging around...."

The witch stood up then, taking a step back from the table and before pulling her backpack off in order to set it on the seat she'd just been using. Then, she carefully opened it up to reveal its contents to the pixie, perhaps the first other living being in the world Anthea had ever allowed to get an intentional look inside her mobile laboratory. The inside of the backpack was reinforced by small steel struts, which had been necessary due to the dozens of pouches that lined the inner canvas walls that were loaded with the Crolian witch's everyday equipment. Ammunition for her brooms was sorted into a few of them, flasks and sealed glass balls with various labels and questionable liquids were in others, and mechanical tools were in other still, all neatly organized so that its owner could pull them out quickly and easily. But the thing that Anthea intended to show Iris was on the bottom of the bag: a bleached skull and several bones that Anthea had dug up just hours prior.

"I found these," she continued as she gestured at the skeleton pieces, still whispering. "Everywhere else, the bodies disappear before they even have time to start the decomposition process. That place has skeletons that are downright ancient though! I thought it might be a lead or maybe even offer a thread to follow back to our host's magic, but unfortunately they're completely mundane," she shrugged. "It's hard to say for sure without a fresh body to compare against, but I think its mundane nature might be a lead all its own. For academic spirit wielders, at least, the typical school of thought is that the body and mind are just tools of the true center of a person, which is their soul. Through the body and mind, a soul is able to interact with the physical world and have experiences imprinted upon it and ultimately become stronger. We spirit wielders skip the physical constraints of our minds and bodies entirely and use the raw strength of our souls to directly manipulate the physical world as often as possible," she grinned proudly.

"But in a place like this, maybe the body and mind aren't needed at all and it's all just high level spirit wielding moving souls and all the things imprinted upon them around at our host's whims? The idea of a mortal being able to so directly influence and even manipulate the souls of others, let alone so many others, is obviously unheard of. A god, on the other hand..." she shook her head, having realized that her voice was rising as she rambled excitedly and forcing herself to calm and quiet down before continuing. "But anyway, while hypothesizing is all well and good, actually proving any of these theories is going to be another thing entirely. Some of the meatheads around here are quite reverent of the goddess of war and her realm, and at least one took a dim view to my methods of furthering my research. Even the ones who are less pious are perfectly willing to pick a fight with anyone wandering outside the hall too. And that's to say nothing of our host herself..." she trailed off, allowing the pixie to finish that thought.
Re: The Feasting Hall (ToC IC Fun)

Iris -> Anthea

Iris showed no signs of being particularly disturbed by the idea of digging up graves, continuing to nod along enthusiastically with Anthea's explanation. She hovered closer as the witch opened her bag, peering inside. The bag was full of assorted tools and other things, many of which Iris recognized and several she did not. It reminded her of the shelves in her teacher's workshop, though the contents were certainly different.

"Ah, yes... Hmmm..." Iris' eyes settled on the bones in question. She was hardly an expert on bones, but it only took a quick cantrip to confirm that they were indeed entirely mundane. She briefly considered trying to pick one up, but didn't want to take something from the witch's bag without permission. "What if they aren't even real bones, though? She made all these landscapes around us, surely she could make bones too, just to add to the scenery?"

Iris frowned a little at Anthea's talk about spirit wielding, but continued to hold her tongue. It would be rude to start an argument over it, even if she wanted to correct a few points the other witch made—or potentially intentional exemptions from her explanation? She did seem rather proud. Regardless, what she said did make sense in general terms.

"Yes. The soul could theoretically be separated from the body... but what about the mind? It would surely take a powerful soul to be able to compensate for the loss of ability to think and still function." Iris glanced around the hall before leaning in even closer to whisper even quieter than before. "I don't think a lot of these people really qualify."

"It seems clear that all three elements are present here, though it raises the question of what is real... Were our souls taken here, and the forms we take created artificially? It doesn't seem to matter how much you damage them, the body always seems to be repaired. It's not regeneration, more like... recreation? That would suggest that the realm is capable of creating bodies, at the very least. but what if she can do more than that?"

Iris glanced around to make sure nobody else was listening, Anthea's mention of the reverent nature of some of the people here towards this goddess, and the superstitious nature of some in general reminding her that she perhaps should be careful who heard her say such thing. She'd had to hide from a very angry orc just the day before. Had it even been a day? There didn't even seem to be a sun here, so keeping track of the time was difficult.

"What if she could do more than just take our souls and make bodies for them, though?" Iris whispered, "Do we really understand what a soul is, though? Physically, I mean. Magic can manipulate the soul, but I've never heard of anyone who could actually create one. But what if you could copy a soul? Has anyone ever tried? She's a goddess, right? Maybe she could! If you could do something like that... Just think of the possibilities!" Iris' skin continued to glow brightly as she spoke, not quite to the point of being uncomfortable to look at, but getting close. It wasn't often she got to talk to people who could understand such concepts besides her teacher.
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(Mega belated lewds that I had like half or more finished a week after they were originally owed)

Nadia -> Alex

Nadia listened to Alex’s retelling regarding one of her kindred, blushing at the mental images created by the tale despite her own naked and bound status. She wasn’t immediately given a chance to respond, however, given the dragon’s intent; “W-well, I… W-w-wait, like wh-Hahn! Hnn!” The angel gave surprised murmurs as the dragoness’s tongue flicked at her already excited petals; the physical stimulation was accompanied by the infectious heat that seemed to suffuse Alex’s every touch, a heat that seemed to make every subsequent touch even more intense. She had already been fairly aroused, but within moments of the dragon warrior’s tongue coming into play she was practically soaked, offering a substantial sampling of her flavor to her victorious opponent. “Nnnnnggg! Aahahn… That’s! Ahhhnnnn… T-too deep!

It would take next to no effort on the dragon’s part to get her going, and once she did and that tongue began to slip into her Nadia was left panting and tensing. Her sex fluttered vigorously around the dragon’s tongue as it was invaded her, going far deeper than she’d expected and quickly beginning to glance artfully - and spread that intoxicating heat - directly against her g-spot. If Alex couldn't ascertain that she’d found one of her sweet spots from the texture that her tongue was grazing against alone, the sudden squeezing and incoherent blissful gibbering that the redhead unleashed probably tipped her off. Her legs tensed and relaxed repeatedly as Alex’s lingual muscle did its work in her sex, and the twitching accompanying those strokes of the dragon’s tongue was further signal of just how effective Alex’s tongue-work was on her.

It’s - guh - too much! It’s… Ghn! I can’t… Gnnn! It’s like it’s - aaaahhh - g-getting more… Hnk… Intense…” She groaned into the air, managing to find a few words before the flicks against her sensitive point left her babbling incoherently again, and with every moan rewarding her with another followup stroke against her g-spot the journey to her orgasm would be a very short one. “Ohhhhh, oh fffff! I’m… Ccnnnnnnn!!!” Her eyes rolled into the back of her head a few seconds after her incomplete sentence gave way to another incoherent outcry of pure pleasure, and from then on her folds shuddered and squeezed around the tongue that had invaded them, and Alex was treated to a small flood of the angel’s honey. The dragoness proved relentless too, and Nadia couldn’t tell if her orgasm was being prolonged or if she was chaining them together at this point, and when Alex finally pulled her tongue free the redhead would still be delirious while she rose back to her feet.

The tap of Alex’s cock against her clit shook Nadia out of that stupor, however, and she looked down to eye the rod that was about to impale her while a pleasurable aftershock left her trembling. Her eyes trailed back up over Alex’s body slowly until they met the dragon’s gaze, letting her see the naked want blazing behind them at that point while the dragoness mode those initial teasing prods. She said nothing, couldn’t quite conjure the words to plead for Alex to just plunge that beast into her, but that desire was visibly smoldering behind her icy blue eyes even as she chewed her lower lip in anticipation. “What it’d feel like inside one of us?” She completed after Alex’s remark, but unleashing that purred groan once the dragoness finally gave her what she’d been waiting for.

The pressure might have been gentle, but it was enough even given Nadia’s tightness, and her folds enveloped the rod pushing into them with a wave of bliss that crackled up her spine. The unique texture on the dragon’s tool became readily apparent then, and it was more than just the very visible ridges that dragged against her every sweet spot on the way in either. The little scales that she hadn’t seen followed up those intense bursts of stimulation with many more miniature bursts of pleasure. First the sensitive nerves around her entrance, then half the length of her quivering passage, then across her g-spot, and finally the second half all the way to her cervix. The moment that the dragon’s prick touched her inner gateway, gentle though that initial touch might have been, Nadia’s folds clamped and fluttered around that intruding member, at once inviting it even deeper into her and pressing to pleasure every nerve along its surface.

That internal reaction wasn’t the only one, however; On the heels of an orgasm though she might be, Nadia found the breath to let out a deep, intense groan, her chin tilting downwards and eyes snapping shut as she centered her every thought on the bliss of that penetration. Her legs shifted, and as the dragoness before her reveled in the bliss of filling her, Nadia wrapped her legs around Alex’s back, locking her ankles together to give a clear indication that the dragon wouldn’t be pulling all the way out. Those fluttering motions never stopped, and as Alex simply held herself hilted, Nadia’s hips would begin giving the slightest of shifting motions, grinding against the hilted dragoness in a steady shifting using the muscles of her lower body. Those weren’t the only ones at work, however; Her inner walls were working to practically stroke the dragon’s shaft all the harder, giving Alex’s shaft the experience of a lifetime even as she wasn’t moving.

Whether that heightened the rise of her impatience or slowed it, when Alex reared back and gave a firmer thrust, one in which the dragoness deliberately prodded into her cervix firmly, Nadia’s grinding finally ceased again as she threw her head back and moaned. It was clear that she took the same enjoyment from having her deeper reaches explored by her partner that Alex herself did, that firmer prod against her core prompting the angel’s eyes to flicker up into the back of her head as the bliss from that touch left her body trembling around the dragoness who had inspired it. The rising pace of Alex’s strokes, each of them leaving her bouncing against her victorious opponent and sending ripples running across the softness of her shapely rear and thighs, left Nadia racing to another orgasm that left her pussy practically pulling the dragon’s cock deeper into her so hard that the dragoness would have to exert a degree of effort to resist being drawn to the hilt and simply milked by those spasming inner walls. The harder Alex pumped, the harder Nadia seemed to cum around her, and when that peak finally ended and she came down from that climactic high, Nadia felt a switch turn in her psyche.

She had long felt the urge to breed rising in the back of her mind, an instinct to keep her ever-besieged race in a state of, if not population growth, population replacement, but she had suppressed it against all odds… Save, at one point, for an incident with a shorn weed anyway. That insatiable desire to feel herself swell would no longer be denied, however, not now; This was no monster that she was mating with, no random mutant plant, and no rapist orc. Their union would make for worthy offspring; dragons who might carry some of her inborn virtue, or angels who might have the strength to survive to reach the height of their power. That understanding erased the last of Nadia’s hesitation, and she intentionally switched her body from totally infertile to as fecund as she could make herself. Her womb began to twitch, and after a couple of seconds Nadia felt the twinges signaling her ovulation, once to either side of her womb. As a pair of angelic eggs tumbled into place, ready to welcome the contents of Alex’s liquid gift whenever it arrived, she opened her eyes to look the dragoness in the eyes, a position they would not leave again until they reached that messy conclusion, save for when she was cumming from the dragon’s thrusting. All the while, that smokey gaze made what her ankle-lock had suggested as clear as possible; Nadia was absolutely not about to let Alex try to pull out.

From that point on, Nadia bucked as much as she could to meet Alex’s thrusts, her shapely rear providing more than enough cushion Alex’s hardest thrusts. A pale golden glow slowly emanated around her, much like it had when they had had the bout that had landed Nadia here, and as it spread Alex would feel her sex tightening even further. It was a clear sign that she was using her spiritual power to enhance her partner’s pleasure and her own resilience, and if, at any point, the dragoness used the demonic nature of her conjured rod to begin taking portions of the angel’s soul, Alex would have her cumming her brains out even harder.

Whether or not Alex found that particular kink of hers, Nadia was open to the hardest pounding that Alex could deliver. The steady PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP of their bodies meeting joined her needy, often high pitched moans from the regular prods against the entrance to her womb, and Alex’s deeper, more sultry ones. It was a siren call to anyone who might be walking by, though for the moment no one opened the door to peek in on the oblivious duo as they approached the final moments of their mating. Alex’s steady strokes and the flame burning away any will to resist them left Nadia enjoying one wave of orgasmic bliss after another, and each of those peaks that hit left her inner walls quivering all the harder around the wonderful draconic cock pumping into her, inviting if not demanding that it surrender its liquid gift as quickly as possible.

As soon as Nadia felt that first throb of the draconic cock pumping into her, the redhead quieted her moans with an effort of will, steeled herself for the oncoming ecstasy, and purred; “Do it… Hnnnkk… Cum in me… Nnnggg… Fill me….. Gghhhnn! Breed me…” Every orgasm on her part had left her folds milking the dragon’s cock, and her cervix dipping to give Alex’s helmet an easier target to pound… And deliver her cum to whenever her stamina ran out.

Whenever it came, that first dose of liquid gift finally had Nadia’s eyes rolling up into the back of her head again, that first burst igniting the most intense orgasm of all in the redheaded angel, a wave of bliss that she was consumed by for minutes to come. Every burst inspired her inner walls to milk the dragoness all the harder, and after the first few her legs closed in, pulling Alex in until she was hilted and not letting her pull back until every drop of the dragon’s cum was spent into her. Every spurt was met by a quivering from her folds that inspired the next to give even more, and drew the precious liquid gift directly into the angel’s womb where that pair of ova lay in waiting to greet the draconic sperm that the stuff contained. All of it was announced by one long, deep moan on Nadia’s part, and a flaring of her aura that only strengthened the work of her inner muscles further and allowed them to better extract Alex's semen and provide further bliss to the dragoness who was donating it...
Kavika -> Tamonten

Smiling in response to the complimentary quip, Kavika silently took up the decanter of wine on command and then waited as Tamonten took a seat in front of her. The brief stream of kisses against her stomach drew a series of light gasps, her abdominal muscles fluttering lightly under the swordswoman's lips, and Kavika watched through her cleavage as she took up the position in accordance with her schemes. On command she leaned back slightly, planting one hand on the table on which she sat while slowly tilting the decanter with the other.

Gasping again as the cool liquid hit her skin, staining the pale creamy a bright violet as rivulets began to trail down her body, Kavika carefully poured a stream of wine down her chest. Her stomach continued to flutter slightly under the kisses and licks that the swordswoman used to gather up the fluid trailing down her body, but other than that Kavika remained as still as possible while providing her pale conqueror with the desired stream. Her belly tightened as Tamonten began to ascend towards the lower curve of her breasts, but the strange woman would stop her pouring before she began to travel up that curve. Stopping on command, the huntress would let her lips part in expectation of the kiss that inevitably arrived, her tongue launching into the pool of wine in the swordswoman’s mouth and settling into a dance that she allowed her former opponent to lead.

The sharing would only last for a short while, however, and when Tamonten broke the kiss Kavika simply stared back at her expectantly, waiting for further orders. Her conqueror seemingly had plenty of ideas, and when she started descending towards an all too familiar target of her partners’ attention Kavika bit her lower lip and tensed slightly. That tension only served to press her impressive bosom further outwards for Tamonten’s enjoyment, however, and when the pale woman’s lips closed upon one of her leaking peaks Kavika moaned earnestly. Her mouth closed, teeth digging lightly into her own lower lip as her chin tilted upwards and her canine ears flicked, the outcry of pleasure cut off midway through as that first bout of suction offered her a burst of intense stimulation and earned the swordswoman a modest burst of her nourishing milk. Sweet, rich and warm, the initial suction drew out only a taste, but the second extracted a modest squirt and broke Kavika’s concentration, causing her lips to part in a sound that combined moan and gasp. Her ears continued to flick randomly, and her tail straightened and puffed slightly.

Arching her back to better press her chest into her former opponent’s lips, each further bout of suction would cause her to yield a large burst of her milk and emit a heady moan of both pleasure and relief. Five such efforts would leave the swordswoman’s mouth full of her milk, but after that Kavika’s bounty proved easier to extract. No more than three and often no more than two bouts of sucking would prove sufficient to extract a mouthful of her milk from then on. Shuddering softly as she felt Tamonten swallow only to begin suckling softly anew, Kavika intermittently allowed herself to express her pleasure and tried to suppress her moans, but each time her resistance held it would inevitably break on Tamonten’s next effort upon her sensitive chest, and after the second portion was swallowed her hand would rise of its own accord to settle on the back of the swordswoman’s head, urging her silently to continue. She would tilt her gaze back down when Tamonten finally released her nipple, barely suppressing the urge to demand that she continue but failing to suppress a needy whimper that expressed similar sentiment, albeit in a far more submissive manner. Whether or not her moment of rebelliousness was detected, however, Kavika hardly cared once the swordswoman proved willing to repeat the gesture on her as yet unmolested breast. This one was already leaking more copiously, as if in wanting for similar attention to what its twin had received, and the busty huntress did even more poorly at suppressing her groans in this second bout.

By the time Tamonten pulled away and sat down again, Kavika would be bright faced and panting heavily, her frame trembling lightly. She glanced down towards the seated warrior with an appraising look; even with her relatively simple attentions, she’d proved fairly good with her tongue. There was no telling what other surprises she might have in store… But the next one wouldn’t be long in revealing itself. She hadn’t been able to see the pale woman’s crotch from where she was sitting on the table, but when she leaned forward to obey she paused as she spotted what was growing in the pale girl’s pants. Her lips spread into a knowing grin, and a confident one; this she could deal with. This, she had dealt with before.

Kavika’s eyes flicked over the crowd they had garnered, but to her it hardly mattered; she had fought in a wrestling arena in which sexuality was not only a weapon, but the primary one. In front of a crowd of thousands who had often called for her to be raped and tossed into the pits for public enjoyment. And she had won there, too. A few gawkers staring at her tits was not only nothing new, but it was almost tame compared to her more recent encounters. Ears tilting sideways, Kavika would murmur; “As you wish… It seems that I’m not the only one with surprises.

With that she would slide forward off of the table, directly towards her recent competitor. It probably would have been easier to shift to the side next, but instead Kavika turned around, essentially giving the pale woman a faceful of her bubbly rear. Planting her hands on the table, Kavika slowly lowered herself via a squat, tail swishing all the while, that ultimately thrust her plump rear into the swordswoman’s lap. That left the appendage freshly conjured onto her opponent’s crotch rubbing against her meaty rear through their respective clothing, but even through the tight leathers she wore and the lighter material of the swordswoman’s trousers, that conjured cock would be smothered in the softness of her embrace. For a few seconds she rolled her hips gently into Tamonten's lap, before continuing downwards to ultimately crawl under the table following her brief buttjob.

Once she was on her knees, Kavika would reorient herself to face towards her recent opponent, crawling closer until her head was between the pale girl’s knees, raising her hands to rest on Tamonten’s thighs as she got into position. There she waited for a few seconds, tail swishing back and forth while she nuzzled into her former opponent’s legs, before ultimately asking; “So… Where’s this treat you promised me?” Her tone was playful, and her cheeks brushed against Tamonten’s legs - first one, then the other, and then back and forth - as she slowly swayed forward, inevitably drawing Tamonten’s legs apart, leaving her shaft drawn down one of her pant’ legs, and planting her own head in the pale warrior’s lap.

Is it here?” She murmured playfully, rubbing her head against the opposite thigh and slowly nuzzling forward, until her chin gently rested just over the base of Tamonten’s conjured shaft. At the same time, the hand on the knee nearer the swordswoman’s shaft drifted until it was stroking along the top of that trapped cock, just the fingertips glancing against the head of her opponent’s rod. “Mmmm… I think I’ve found it,” Kavika murmured, lowering her chin to nuzzle her cheek against the stem that she had just reached, “but it’s in here…” Kavika retracted slightly to view the object on which she worked, sliding her spare hand to join the first in drifting up and down the swordswoman’s length from below as well. At first those motions were discordant, moving at different paces and along different portions at any given time, but over the course of a minute or so Kavika’s fingers gradually harmonized until the pads of her digits were sliding back and forth across Tamonten’s rod through her trousers, moving painfully slowly but adding pressure as she progressed towards the tip and then softening again as she moved towards the base.

These will have to come off,” she declared after another few minutes spent with her slow stroking, moving her hands to the waistband of Tamonten's trousers, hoping that the teasing would be enough to allow her partner to ignore any concerns she had about showing off her own goods for the audience they’d gathered. Even though the swordswoman hadn’t seemed to care about sucking on her tits in the middle of the feast hall, that didn’t necessarily mean that she would have no problems with showing off her butt for whatever remained of the audience they’d accrued. If she was allowed to, she would drag the swordswoman’s pants down from her hips all the way, leaving them pooled around her ankles. Whether or not Tamonten bothered to step out of her pants entirely, when her erect shaft finally bobbed free Kavika gave a pleased coo and leaned in towards it, letting her warm breath assuage any discomfort created by its sudden exposure to the feasting hall’s air. Even so, she didn’t touch it directly just yet, letting it bob freely as she just barely didn’t kiss various portions of it, enjoying it with her eyes. The pale girl’s skin was actually quite pleasant to look at, smooth and unblemished despite her militant lifestyle as it was, and it let the blood vessels that were pulsing visibly just beneath the surface plainly visible.

Oh my… This might take a little while! There’s just… So… Much of it!” Kavika purred brightly, and in the meantime her hands drifted up Tamonten’s legs. They crawled, spiderlike, over her subject’s kneecaps and up her thighs, ultimately closing to cup the base of her opponent’s conjured shaft from either side. She gave a light squeeze momentarily around the trunk of that shaft, but the huntress didn’t hesitate much longer before starting to deliver some proper stimulation.

Her lips finally brushed over the surface of that cock a second or so after her hands reached their new home, making first contact about midway down the shaft, and they quickly parted to let her tongue slide out across a bit more of the warrior's engorged cockmeat. Flicking strokes gave Kavika her first taste of what she expected she would become quite familiar with, but a very satisfying one if her demon-blessed partner knew at all what to do with the massive dick that she now sported. Her cupped hands slowly stroked the shaft, remaining near the base while she ran her tongue back and forth over the the nearest portion of the foot or so of dick that she was working with. “Mmmmm~” Her pleased moan came as the swordswoman’s flavor flooded her senses, and led her to drift finally towards the tip, though as she neared it her progress slowed.

For several seconds she alternated between kissing the portion of flesh just beyond it and running the tip of her tongue just behind the ridge, all while her hands continued their insistent stroking. The mushroom tip itself remained untouched, however, and instead Kavika tilted the woman's shaft downwards so that she could dribble some of her gathered up spittle onto it, only to spread that lubrication down the upper portion of Tamonten's shaft with a few full strokes. With that done, she shifted to the other side to repeat her efforts in near perfect symmetry from where her mouth had first met the pale swordswoman’s member, still at an entirely leisurely pace, but again she would stop just shy of offering the sensitive cap any attention.

After a couple of minutes, Kavika would draw her head back to align the tip with her lips, but she still wouldn’t quite touch it just yet. Instead, her hands shifted, her left forming a tight grip around the base and her right starting to slide back and forth in long strokes that ran from base to tip and back. “It’s so big… I can barely get my fingers around it… Mmmm~” Kavika murmured softly, and following her pleased coo she raised Tamonten’s shaft and leaned in to lay a kiss against the underside that turned into a lick that ran all the way back to the tip. For several more minutes, she would repeat that motion over and over, lapping at the underside of the swordswoman’s shaft over and over and over, and after the first pass she paused near the tip to give the sensitive zone just behind the head a series of languid flicks every time she reached it and gave the shaft a series of slow jerks while she was drifting back towards the base to start it all over.

Her efforts would continue with dedicated purpose; the first globs of her opponent’s pre might have already been visible upon her initial explanation, but Kavika wanted a proper taste of what she was working with. Every motion was made as much to draw out more of the woman’s pearly goo, and it wouldn’t be until enough had gathered that it began to ooze down her shaft that Kavika finally offered the domed tip any attention. The very moment that the flavor profile shifted from pure cock to the salty presence of the swordswoman’s pre, Kavika’s flicking tongue flattened against her shaft and ran all the way up, gathering the released cum all the way to the helmet. Her tongue rolled over the tip as her lips sealed around its head, after which her cheeks dimpled inwards as she sucked lightly to extract every bit of the gathered pre. All the while her tongue kept on rolling, and Kavika moaned as the pungent flavor of her victorious opponent’s pre-cum danced constantly across her senses.

After spending a few seconds at that, Kavika pushed herself a little bit forward, allowing her to slowly slide her tongue back and forth across the pale swordswoman’s frenulum while Tamonten could enjoy a bit more of the warmth of her mouth. There she remained for over a minute, her tongue never stopping in its fervent attention to that sensitive zone while her cheeks dimpled inwards to embrace the tip whenever she drew upon the bit of shaft she’d claimed. Once those few moments were spent, she slid forward until the head of the member she was worshipping threatened her throat, paused for a moment as a soft moan rumbled up to tease further, and then slid back to release the shaft with an audible pop. “You taste good…” she murmured quickly before leaning back in to lather the tip of Tamonten’s conjured rod with the attention she had long denied it, kissing and licking all across the fattened dome to stoke the vulnerable nerves nestled among the hardened tissue. “So… Potent...

After that breathy muttering Kavika leaned in again, the defeated huntress lapping playfully at her conqueror’s tip for another few moments, before her girding was finished and she launched forward, swallowing fully half of the pale warrior’s shaft in one go. She paused as her throat objected to such a massive intruder, but Kavika had grown used to well endowed partners by then, and forced her muscles to adjust with practiced ease. She withdrew, letting her gag reflex relax while her tongue dragged across the other side and then rolled over the once-ignored helmet once it was all that remained in her mouth, but after that roll she slid all the way back down Tamonten’s drool-coated rod to meet her earlier stopping point. She would claim just a little bit more of the swordswoman’s shaft with every descent, and with every slurping retreat the drool coating it grew thicker. Her view might be blocked by the table, but the deeper she went the less her view was obstructed, and as she passed the two-thirds mark she flicked her eyes up to meet Tamonten’s and let out another soft, muffled moan around the woman’s conjured shaft.

From then on her technique essentially didn’t change, barring a very short pause when finally her lips met the fingers holding Tamonten’s shaft aloft at its base. Kavika would slip her lips gracefully backwards and forwards across the demonic woman’s rod, over and over and over, going deeper with every descent. Bit by bit the swordswoman’s shaft was drawn into the warmth of her mouth and embraced by the tightness of her throat, and during the whole process Kavika deftly controlled her gag reflex to provide the upmost pleasure in her dedicated servicing; squeezing when it was deepest and relaxing as she withdrew.

Kavika would more or less continue steadily bobbing, pausing briefly to lap lovingly at the tip and sensitive region beneath it only occasionally, until Tamonten forced her to do something else or was clearly about to cum. Only when she felt clearly that the pale swordswoman about to hit her peak would Kavika deliberately slow, forcing her subject to hang on the edge of it rather than letting her finish fast. Seconds stretched to a minute as she carefully serviced her near-orgasmic partner to keep her on edge. Tamonten could, naturally, have forced her down on a whim to finish things up, but if she didn’t Kavika would take a moment to enjoy her momentary position of power before she withdrew her mouth, letting a bit of drool ooze down her chin while she sighed and looked up past Tamonten’s shaft, to her face. “On me? Or…” she purred softly, leaning forward to slide her lips back over the swordswoman’s sensitive helmet, letting her tongue circle over it twice before she began to slide back down. If Tamonten didn’t bother to answer, Kavika would resume her bobbing at an even faster pace, intent on drinking down as much of the warrior's liquid gift as she could and moaning as soon as she felt her partner’s first spurts.