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The former Ashotur Domain

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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After the collapse of the Ashotur Swarms this sector has seen a lot of strife. Power struggles ensued both between races and powers within these races. The Juris Alliance decided (against protest from the Garikian Imperium) to not expand its territory into that sector. They left the races there to fend for themselves and carve out their own niche.
- - -
Draven's ship drops out of hyperspace near a seemingly uninhabited star system. The most notable one of them is a gas giant with deep blue and clear swirls. The other two are a fireball of molten rock and toxic gas and a cold rock at the outer edge.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Almost immediately, Draven engaged his cloak. He wasn't quite willing to bank that his smaller ship would prove as tough a fighter as one of the pure Ingrali warships would, and didn't want to attract hostiles if it could be avoided.

Once they were cloaked, he began running sensor sweeps on a band that wouldn't attenuate the cloak. While slower than a full scan, it would be next to impossible to pierce the cloak while he ran these scans. Nothing of course was impossible, but this minimized the risk to Thall and himself of being detected.

"Hmm, seems not everything was destroyed in the attack here. Life sign readings are scrambled here, so it's feasible to hide a ship in here if you ran low power near these planets. Of course, that scrambles their sensors some too, but any ship from this galaxy has a slight advantage from knowing the area. Time to begin mapping out the area."

And so he started.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall leans back into his seat. "I think it could take a while for us to find something. Do you have-"
"Well I'll be damned."
Draven's scans have found some kind of space station hovering in the upper atmosphere of the gas planet - if one can speak of an atmosphere in that case. The planet is composed mostly out of dinotrogen trioxide (a toxic gas) and butane - which is highly flammable.
A visualization shows enormous tanks on the space station - maybe it was meant to harvest one of the gasses?
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven peers at the station, now displayed on the grid. "Hmm, definitely newer type and not an old one from the appearance, though I don't recognize the design, so that might be a good thing. Could be a gas collector of some kind, could be something else. I don't suppose you recognize the structural build do you Thall?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

As Thall looks at the design he notices a system of pipes lowering into one of the enormous butane clouds. "Yes, it does look like it collects the butane. It may serve as fuel for something. . ." After a few more moments he points at something like a dock. "There seems to be a way in. You think it's worth checking out, or should we continue mapping?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven thinks for a moment. "We'll have to decloak in order to initiate the docking procedure, and can recloak when we're down and the door open. Just have to remember where we park is all."

He chuckles then adds, "I can rig the transport system to bring us back if we need to leave in a hurry, so yeah, let's go have a look and see what's in there and maybe figure out who built it. I can't tell if it's inhabited from here or not, but we should be able to when we get near enough to dock."

He sets everything, then pilots close to the station. Once near, he initiates a full life scan reading, figuring if there is anyone there inside, it's better to know now and risk being seen than not know and walk into a fully inhabited place and be mistaken for hostiles.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

As soon as Draven decloaks his ship, a message is sent towards them. It's not in a language either of them have ever heard though; A series of chirps and clicks comes from the speakers. After it ends, a brief pause ensues. . . And then the same voice speaks in a gruff language of grunts and squeals that doesn't ring a bell either. It seems there is a communication problem here.
The life sign check shows a fully staffed station. The creatures are about as big as a human, but that's as close as the scan gets.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

"Well that can't be a good sign. Definitely a language barrier here. Let's pull back and try to get the translators working."

He moves back a respectful distance, then transmits back. "This is Draven Naros of the Ingrali hailing the station in front of me, we recieved your message but could not understand it, I am hoping you will have better luck understanding us. We come in exploration, and welcome the chance to open dialogue between our species, please respond if you can understand us."

He closes the channel then waits. "Lets see if that works."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

There is a long pause before the voice answers. As she does, one can't help but notice it imitates only the words that Draven used. "Please respond. . . We receive, we understand." Thall tilts his head and thinks for a moment before nodding. "Hmm, seems they learn our language by listening to it. Fascinating." He motions towards Draven to talk a bit more.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

"Indeed. This may take some time but I think we can work a communication out here."

"We hear you. We're curious as to where you originate from and what you call yourselves. Perhaps we could meet in person on your station? My ship is really too small for a meeting point so that is why I suggest the station."

Draven sits back and waits again for an answer. "I'm guessing you've never heard their language before?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall shakes his head. "It's strange enough that I'd remember if I would. They probably stepped up in the wake of the Ashotur's destruction." Their answer doesn't take that long "Yes, we meet. We're curious. . . Dock-onto-the-station?" The last part sounds very unsure as the alien seems to try and speak their language on its own.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain


Draven speaks back. "Very well, we will dock in five minutes and meet at your airlock."

Keying off the transmission once more he shakes his head. "Not what I expected on the first voyage here. Still, they haven't given us a reason to distrust them, but I'd prefer they not know what I really am unless absolutely need be."

With that he quickly shifts into a more human form, resembling something of your average MLB baseball player in height, weight and muscle mass. "This should suffice. You ready?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall is more than ready. If he would be more eager, he'd jump up and down in his chair and clap his hands. "Oh, first encounters are always fun!"
- - -
Birds. They are birds. Long-legged, long necked. Birds. With arms and hands. And a beak looking massive and sharp enough to crack open a child's skull. A tuft of feathers is erected to a colorful crest on the one that faces them, his coat of an otherwise bland brindle mix of brown tones. It's eyes look intelligent enough as they fixate Draven. As it speaks they can identify it as the one that initially called out to them. "We. . . greet you, yes?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven and Thall exited the ship after landing and powering down, and even Draven was slightly amazed at the species before them. They reminded him of stories of the Tengu, but only Tengu wouldn't have even spoken to them, they would have just attacked. Still, they looked like Tengu.

"Yes, and we greet you as well. I am Draven Naros of the Ingrali, and this is Thall of the Telarin." He indicates Thall.

"What shall we call your people, your names?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

The bird tilts his head for a moment as he tries to translate what Draven says. After a moment he emits a few chirps before answering. "In. . . tongue, Ittaax." As he speaks Thall and Draven both notice a fleshy tongue not unlike a human's. Maybe this is what enables the bird to speak.
"My - tongue name, Ffaryn. Ffaryn of the Ittaax?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

A wave of success washed over Draven at this, the Ittaxx, as he had called himself had in fact understood perfectly, though he probably didn't realize it yet. Now they were getting somewhere.

"Ah, it is good to meet you then Ffaryn. I must admit, I've not heard of the Ittaxx before today, then again my people aren't from around here. Perhaps we can exchange star chart information later on. I'm sure you may have some questions for us, so feel free to ask."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Ffaryn clatters his beak for a moment. It's not until he speaks that they realize he is upset about something. "No, Ittaax." He pronounces it "Ihtax" with a drawn out I, and it seems it's important to him that the name is spoken correctly. "Yes, questions. What are you doing?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven blinks then apologies. "My apologies, I did not mean to offend in any way. As for what we are doing, we came to this sector to conduct sensor surveys, explore it. As I stated, my own people are not from this galaxy, and the Telarin have interest in this region, so we decided to explore it. I must admit, we were surprised to find you station so soon after arriving, impressive really."

He then waits, knowing Ffaryn probably has more questions he wishes to ask.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Ffaryn tilts his head from left to right as he listens. "Yes. . . Sun system is - safe? No enemies." He ruffles his feathers for a moment as he looks at Thall. "Take off your suit?"
The Telarin shakes his head, trying to sound polite as he answers. "This suit is safe. Taking it off may kill me." The Ittaax tilts his head and chirps something, but doesn't expand on that topic.
"Two species. Are you - ?" Unable to find the word, the bird raises his thin fingers and crosses them.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven raises an eyebrow, not quite sure he's getting the question. He turns to Thall with a questioning look as if to ask he thinks we're a couple?