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The former Ashotur Domain

Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall himself thinks about the gesture for a moment before releasing a short whistling sound. "We are allies, yes. My race is part of an Alliance, and the Ingrali are interested in establishing a partnership with it." Behind his helmet he casts Draven a look. Truth be told he doesn't exactly know what the goals of the Ingrali in this galaxy are.
Ffaryn chirps again, obviously satisfied with the answer. He turns slightly and motion deeper into the base. "I bring you to Commander now, yes?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven nods, making a mental note to speak with Thall later on his own questioning look. "We would be honored to meet your commander, please, lead the way."

Thall would note he specifically did not say him or her, not wanting to risk being wrong and offending Ffaryn again.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Ffaryn nods and turns fully, leading the two down the corridor. Behind him. Both Thall and Draven notice that despite this being an industrial complex, the walls are decorated with a pattern that vaguely reminds them of a musical staff, along with signs that could be notes. It's not until Ffaryn stops and looks at it that Thall realizes something.
"This is your language, isn't it?" He reaches out and lets his hand wander over the lines and dots.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven stops to look as well, slightly puzzled by the 'symbols'. A thought occurs to him as Thall asks if it's their language, and at that point Draven is almost certain it is a written form of it. Only one race they had known before had actually used symbols for a language, but it had been NOTHING like this. He had new respect for this new species, even more so than he'd had from the start.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall turns his head towards and releases one high-pitched noise. "It's a song! They're writing in notes, look at that!" He follows the lines and tries to hum the melody, only to be interrupted by Ffaryn, singing it out loud in perfect melody and harmony. "To the command center", he adds with a slight wrinkling around his eyes. It's hard to read an avian face, but they do get the impression that he is amused. "We shall, yes?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Even Draven breaks a bit of a smile here, having an appreciation for music, regardless of what species wrote it. He nods to Ffaryn. "Yes, that would be good, thank you."

Once more he falls into line with everyone else.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Ffaryn mimics Draven's gesture - a brief nod - and turns down the left corridor. It is then that they see another Ittaax for the first time. It's coat is of a dark blue so dark it's almost black, and some very much black stripes form an almost invisible pattern. Mounted on one of it's arms is something that looks like a steel shield, but Thall's eyes notice a second handle mounted on it, equipped with something like a trigger. As the two aliens approach it takes on an alert position, the "shield arm" moving slightly forward.
Ffaryn and the black Ittaax exchange a complicated series of chirps before their leader turns towards them. "Charaa does not want to let Thall pass. His suit could be a weapon."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven considers this for a moment then asks, "Thall, if they lowered the gravity in here to accomodate for the loss of the suit, would that be sufficient to protect your health?"

He waits for an answer, clearly unsure of if that would be enough. Truth told, if it wasn't he didn't have much of a way for any ideas.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall nods. "Yes, that could work. . ." He turns towards Ffaryn. "My body is very weak. It could break under its own weight. If you would lower the gravity I could shed this suit." He raises his arm and grabs it from below, pulling it down to demonstrate what he means.
Ffaryn stares at him blankly for a moment before he seems to understand and chirps. He turns towards a computer panel on the wall and makes some adjustments. A moment later the two of them can feel their bodies getting lighter.
Thall nods towards Ffaryn and reaches up to undo his helmet, revealing his big-eyed hairless skull to the Ittaax. Charaa chirps something, but they both remain quiet while Thall disassembles the suit from the inside out. He wears only a loose-fitting grey jumpsuit underneath it.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven nods, then steps back, giving the Telarin some room to work with. He says nothing even after the suit is off, instead waiting for Thall to be ready to move on.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall bends his digitigrade legs for a moment, the toes with the bulbous end flexing under his weight. None the less they are able to hold him. "Yes yes. This will work just fine. Thank you for your cooperation."
- - -
The command center of the Ittaax station is layered like a colosseum, with steep steps leading down to the work station of the commander. The roof domes high above them, and the generally round design gives the entire room the shape of an egg. Many Ittaax in a wide array of colors work on computer panels all across the room.
Ffaryn and Charaa walk ahead of the two, bringing them all the way down to the circular console of the Commander. A bright white Ittaax with blood red spots along his coat greets them with a brief chirp. His avian eyes study the two of them intently as he waits for them to say something.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven waits for a moment before he realizes the Ittax is waiting for THEM to speak. Finally he does. "Greetings, I am Draven Naros of the Ingrali, and accompanying me is Thall of the Telarin."

He stops there, most likely waiting for the Commander to say something so that he can properly address him, something that would likely be picked up by anyone else in the room.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Ffaryn starts to chirp a translation, but the Commander quiets him with a brief click of his beak. "I am Mabranai, Commander of this. . . facility, yes?" Thall notes that unlike Ffaryn and Charaa, Mabranai doesn't have the tuft of feather on his head. . . This could be a gender indicator, but Thall isn't sure how to approach the subject. "We, the Ittaax, are- happy to meet new races and learn from them." Well, the voice is not helping a lot. Each one of them is speaking in somewhat of an imitation amalgam of Thall and Draven.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

If Draven noted the difference, he showed no outward sign of this at all, but it was hard to imagine detail like that would slip past him.

"As are the Ingrali. We always welcome the opportunity to meet new races, new people and learn from them. We also relish any opportunity to explore new space. That is part of the reason we entered this system was to explore. My own race is not native to this galaxy, we come from much further out, beyond the void."

((Figure 'beyond the void' would be something any race should be able to understand, since MOST galaxies have a void between them and the next.))
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Mabranai tilts his (her?) head and clicks his beak. "We meet, yes. We ally, not very often." The Avian straightens its head and neck. "Only the Pan Kor are allies to the Ittaax. We fought the Ashotur." Pan Kor - this rings a bell in Thall's head, but he can't quite remember. . .
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven is silent for a moment, then gives up trying to identify the name Pan Kor. Probably a species his people hadn't encountered yet. It wasn't unheard of. While the Ingrali WERE highly advanced and had met a lot of races, knew a lot, there WERE things they just simply didn't know about. It was Dravens point of view that when the day came his people knew everything there was to know about the universe, life would cease to have meaning for them. Of course, it was unlikely to happen since the universe was so large. Ashotur however, he did recognize.

"Ah the Ashotur, yes that name I recognize. My people me them once in battle. It was something they didn't try again, though we're not sure why that is."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Mabranai nods at the Ingrali. "Enemies of the Ashotur are welcome in our territory." He waves his hand and chirps a few sounds, and one of the other Ittaax brings him a small device. "As a sign of - friendship? I want to give you a map of the Ittaax Territory." He presses a button on the device, and a holograph of this part of the Cyria galaxy (formerly the Milky Way) pops up. A part of it is highlighted in blue.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven looks at the map, silent for a few moments as his eyes take in the detail, automatically placing various systems his people DID know. "Interesting, it seems you have mapped most of this galaxy then. Ah, here."

He points to a section of the galaxy, near the outer fringe.

"This is where my people first entered this galaxy and discovered there was life in it many centuries ago. If I had my data pad with you I could show you an overlay of my own galaxy, and the star systems within it. Unfortunately, I left it inside of my ship not knowing if it would be ... acceptable to bring such a device with me."

Assuming the device is being offered to him for him to take, he would do so and thank Mabranai appropriately.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

The white Ittaax waves its hand. "It is nothing. The map was found in a - wreck, yes? The bodies looked like you", it says and points at Draven's human form. "Maybe it is a ship of your people?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven was silent for a moment. The chances that a death had occurred so fast to a ship full of Ingrali that their bodies hadn't reverted was ... well, one small fry short of impossible. Still, it could have been a human ship, which meant it had possibly belonged to the Juris alliance.

"Might I ask how long ago you came across that ship and what became of it? If it was one of the Ingrali ships, it was a very long way from home being out here in this sector. To my knowledge, I'm the first of my kind to step foot in this particular part of the galaxy."