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The former Ashotur Domain

Re: The former Ashotur Domain

"We found it - three years ago? A big hole runs through it, like from a Kraken Ray, yes?" The high-energy "eye" beams of the Kraken battleships, the biggest Ashotur ships ever built, do have enough power to punch straight through a ship if its shields are weakened. Thall steps forward. "Would you show us on this map where you found that ship?" Mabranai nods and zooms in on their territory - it's not very big, but it at least contains a dozen suns - and points at it's far edge. "This is the spot, yes? We lost contact with an outpost nearby", it mentions. "If you go there, could you take a team of us there?" Thall turns towards Draven. "I don't know, if that is really a damaged battleship maybe we should get some back-up from the Line. It could take a bit to search it with only a few people."
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Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven thought for a moment then nodded. "At the very least Kars would love the chance to help out, probably do him good as well. I have to agree, a full out battleship, especially if it is an Ingrali vessel would take a significant time for only a half dozen people, let alone fewer to properly search."

He turns to Mabrani and adds, "if it's alright with you, we'd like to bring a few more humans along with us before heading out to that ship. It would make the process of searching the ship much smoother."

He also didn't like the fact that they had lost contact with an outpost, and decided to ask. "You said you found the ship three years ago, but you also lost contact with an outpost. How long ago was that?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Mabranai chirps, seemingly amused. Charaa, however, does not look very happy. Maybe. It's hard to tell.
"If we lost contact to an outpost, do you think the Ittaax would wait for three years to go there? No, it was only a few days ago. The Great Mother asked us to look at it, but our troops are. . . stretched thin, yes? Help would be appreciated", Mabranai adds, calling the dark Ittaax back with a sharp click of her beak.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven answers quickly. "No, I wouldn't think that. However the time between the loss of communication and now is critical in determining if there's the possibility if someone attacked your outpost, if they may still be around. We'll definitely want more than one ship for sure. I've learned it's better to not assume something is clear, and to be prepared for any situation. Thall, how long do you think it would take to get a recovery and recon team, led by us out here?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Thall tilts his head and thinks for a moment. "Hm. Round up the Mercs, maybe some of the Alliance crew? A day, maybe two. Earth Standard Time. We should bring one of the Human's gunships. . ." He motions with his hands. "Their name eludes me right now. Came after the Axe, anyway."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven nods. "Alright, so a day or two Earth time before we can get anyone else out here. Is that acceptable?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

The Commander tilts its head and thinks for a moment. "If you want to leave and return later, do you want to take one of us along? Ffaryn is our. . . Tonguespeaker, yes? He learns fast." Thall turns towards Draven. He himself would be okay with it - what with all the secret technology locked down in the Research Dept.
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Re: The former Ashotur Domain

((Reading that as Thall wouldn't see a problem with it, and you called me Siphon not Draven lol :p ))

Draven thinks for only a moment before nodding. "I don't see any problem with it, it might even help speed things up on our end as far as returning goes."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Mabranai nods, and Ffaryn thanks her with a prolonged series of chirps. After that he turns towards the two. "I will get my. . . gear, yes? And meet you at the docking station." Thall nods and turns his slender neck towards Draven. "If nothing else is important, I think we should get back to your ship as well. I'd like to get back into my suit so they can return to their gravity."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven nods. "Agreed. Let us get moving. The sooner we do, the sooner we can return, find that ship, and hopefully find out what happened to their outpost. I just pray it's a solar storm that knocked out their communications for a while and not something more threatening."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Mabranai nods and chirps, waving its long fingers to indicate they may leave. Thall bows in answer, and the two leave the command center. Outside, the Telarin puts his suit back on, finishing it off with the seemingly solid steel helmet.

As they get to the docking bay, Ffaryn is already waiting for them. By his side stands a fairly big box on wheels, and one of these shield-like objects is on his back, fastened with a strip of leather. "I am ready, yes?"
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven bows as they leave, showing respect once more.

Once they reach the ship he nods to Ffaryn. "Yes, we're just about ready to go. All that remains is to power up the ship's engines. Oh, Ffaryn, have you ever traveled at hyper-speed velocities before?"

He proceeds to describe how the hyper-drive works specifically for Ffaryn, just in case it's needed.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Ffaryn nods, probably taking the opportunity to learn some new words. "Interesting. We are using a near-light speed and very quick navigation, yes? The - mathematics are very complicated", he explains as he shoves the box up the ramp using his foot. "But our sensors react quickly. One day the Ittaax will learn to use the subspace." So, no FTL drive in their ships yet. That is one criteria to be adopted into the Juris Alliance. . . Thall shrugs mentally. Maybe this drive will push the Ittaax forward a few years.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven nodded as Ffaryn loaded his stuff. "Alright, well then this should be a unique thing for you."

As soon as they were loaded, he powered up the ship, then gently moved it away from the station. Once they were a safe enough distance away, the ship jumped to hyper-space, vanishing quickly.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Krysta blinked into existence and smiled, settling back to wait on the others.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

She didn't have long to wait, as moments later The Deadly Mist exploded out of hyper-space.

Draven sent a brief greeting to Krysta, then sat, waiting for the others.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

The Pillar appeared nearly an hour later, and surprisingly close to The Deadly Mist, though it immediately veered away.

Caitlin's voice came on over the channel, sounding a little panicked. Sorry! She's old, gets a little lost sometimes!
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Krysta giggled and said, "No problem hun! If you'd taken a bit longer i might have gotten worried though.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven chuckled.

"Welcome to the party dear. Just waiting on Kars before moving in to communications range."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Last I checked, he's attached to the Pillar's hull, we should be fine. Caitlin remarks. So, uh, where are we going?