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The former Ashotur Domain

Re: The former Ashotur Domain

"I'm right here mist man. If it's ok I'll sit tight for a while ((stay attached)). I can keep running unseen on minimal power and provide a surprise retaliation if the need arises."

Kars configures the Strafer's deception device to conceal his energy signature. Without a detailed analysis his craft would appear as nothing more than a miscellaneous component of the Pillar.

((For future reference, remember that Kars craft is truly tiny compared to everyone else's here, and that he will likely be using this "hitch hiking" technique every jump. His ship can travel FTL independently, albeit quite slowly, hence why he uses this method. It will save time in future to assume he latches and follows and not worry too much about the details.))
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

((Then do yourself a favour and not latch onto probably the slowest ship in the game to go faster, Dear ;) The Pillar's drive is ancient.))
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

((Doh, my oversight.))

Draven nodded.

"Copy that. The station is very close, we'll briefly check in with them as to if they can spare any people, then move on to the outpost. Standby."

Ffyarn looked to Draven and tilted his head.

"Mist Man? What did he mean by that?"

Draven inwardly winced, having hoped that wouldn't be caught.

"It's something of a nickname they gave to me earlier. Made it easier than trying to say my name I suppose. Inside joke really."

Ffyarn passed off his best imitation of a shrug, seeming to drop the topic for now, for which Draven was very greatful.

He contacted the Ittaax station, and informed them of their intent to check in on their outpost, asking if they wanted to send any of their people along. He was informed yes, and instructed to dock so they could board, given that his ship was faster than anything they had.

"Alright folks, moving in to pick up a few guests of honor, shouldn't take long. If anyone has extra room to accomodate a few extra passengers, speak on up now."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

I have room for maybe a dozen people, but it depends if they'd be creeped out by the ship or not. Caitlin broadcasts simply, starting to drift her ship over, just in case.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

I have room for a small group in here, I even have living quarters. Krysta broadcast.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

"One tight child size compartment, and it's full of guns. Nope." Kars says to him self, not broadcasting. Kars switches on a few direct camera feeds to take a look at the station and the crew. He felt he should probably just sit tight in his craft for now, lest he upset the natives somehow.
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Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Draven piloted his own ship to dock with the station, and when the other ships had arrive, the bay repressurised and a small number of Ittaax entered, armed and ready to go.

Amongst them was Charaa, a significantly darker Ittaax.

Each one appeared to be a form of avian life form, bird-men in a way.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Krysta smiled at her passengers and gestured, "Back that way are the quarters if you'd like to settle."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Caitlin and her ship hung back for the time being, unsure if she was going to be needed to ferry passengers or not. She didn't want to frighten this new species with the creep factor of her ship if she didn't have to, after all.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Some of the Ittaax boarded Krysta's ship, taking up residence in short order, while three of them boarded Draven's ship, Chaara amongst them.

With as many as they were going to fit in their ships now loaded in, Draven keyed his channel.

"Alright folks, setting course for the outpost, maximum possible speed. Be sharp, we have no idea why they went dark."
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Caitlin didn't even reply, just jumped as soon as the order to go was broadcast. If she was going to reach there anywhere near the time the others were, she'd need a headstart...
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

Krysta punched in the coordinates and jumped soon after Caitlin.
Re: The former Ashotur Domain

((No ones waiting for me now right? I've not got much to say at this point. Don't worry though, I'm keeping track, and Kars is ready to spring into action as soon as the need arises.))