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The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The crisp air leaves the breath of all who walk among this boggy tundra, the air too frigid for the pestilent annoyances that one might expect in a marsh such as these. The soggy ground crackles with frost, and the fetid pools are covered in a thin layer of black ice through which any who tread here can see the remains of those who have fallen before them. Some of the remains are skeletal, staring up with ricktus smiles, but others are fresh enough that white eyes still stare up from beneath the ice.

Delfyn: HP = 65, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Fine

In the distance, Delfyn hears the sound of a horn of battle, one she might have learned to fear even in her sheltered life. It was the clarion call of her people's ancestral enemy, the orcs, who had proven to be an all too common sight here in the realm of the goddess. The horns grew louder over the following minutes, followed by shouts of encouragement, and all too quickly the first wave came out from the sparse trees and stopped as they sighted Delfyn.

"Aahhh.... A she-elf! A fine prize!" One of the quartet of orcish warriors who had appeared declared, grinning from beneath a half-helm that concealed the upper half of his head but left his jaw bare. The other three warriors chuckled as they picked their way around the marsh towards her, giving Delfyn a moment in which to prepare herself before they were fully upon her.

Orc Warrior 1: Unharmed
Orc Warrior 2: Unharmed
Orc Warrior 3: Unharmed
Orc Warrior 4: Unharmed
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn wandered through the cold marsh, her breath coming out in little white puffs as the ground cracked and crinkled beneath her with each step, her heavy armor clanking about. She was here in search of combat, in search of the first real test of her abilities since being pulled into this strange paradise for warriors. Well, really, her first ever test. She wasn't finding one here, though, and for good reason probably; it was a deeply unpleasant place to be. There were differences in opinion on the matter, however, and she had heard that this part of the war goddess' domain was a gathering point for its orcish inhabitants thanks to its similarity to their homeland. This desolate waste, the bodies of the dead buried perhaps forever beneath ice so thick the elf could walk on it even in her armor without fear.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, she heard a sound off in the distance. One she had never heard before, but that she knew even still, as if it were a sort of racial memory. A horn, a call to battle. The elven noble grinned, brushing a strand of lavender hair from her face and beginning to prepare herself for their coming. Four of them burst from the trees and challenged her, leering at her despite how fully clothed she was... "Ahhh... Orcs for the slaughtering. A fine chance this is!" she shouted with a wide grin as she drew the rather large sword she wielded with both hands and began to chant out her spell...

Cast Greater Strength on Combat: Costs 6 EP. To-cast is +49 which auto-succeeds. Gives ((44/8) + 1 + 1) * (4 + 1) = +35 to-hit and dodge, +30 to damage. Will cost 3 EP per turn upkeep.
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 65, PP = 59, EP = 58/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength

The orcs closed in upon Delfyn quickly, wielding stout shields and hand weapons that they brandished at her as they came into range.

(Buff round over. Fight time now.)
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

The orcs approached as Delfyn cast her spell and felt strength surge through her comparatively frail (for a warrior, at least) frame, her heavy sword now easily wielded. Still, numbers were against her, and she would have to be careful... She lashed out at the first orc to get into range of her blade and then ducked back, trying to keep from getting too close to her opponents.

Attack Orc Warrior 1 with Slay and 2 dice of defensive fighting. 7d10 + 44 to-hit, 6d12 + 53 damage if hit, 9d10 + 47 dodge
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 65, PP = 59, EP = 58/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength

Delfyn's Attack: 94 vs 86, hit.
Damage: 102-not enough to make that orc not dead.

Orcs attack back! Delfyn's Dodge: 101

Orc 2 Attacks: 98, miss.
Orc 3 Attacks: 71, but 25 base dice so an automatic glancing hit even though it doesn't beat her Dodge.
Orc 4 Attacks: 66, miss.

Orc 3 Damage: 24 - 14 = 10 bludgeoning damage. Delfyn got hit by a mace.

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 55/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn's attack found its mark to brutal effect, her blade cleaving through the unwary orc and leaving him but a twitching corpse on the frozen ground. She managed to back away enough to keep two of them from countering her effectively, though one of them was a bit faster than she expected, and she just barely ducked the heavy mace he swung at her. Even so it clanged off her armor, sending a jolt of pain up her right arm and causing her to grimace and snarl. That orc would see the error of his ways very soon...

Same song second verse. Nothing could go wrong, right?

Attack Orc Warrior 3 with Slay and 2 dice of defensive fighting. 7d10 + 44 to-hit, 6d12 + 53 damage if hit, 9d10 + 47 dodge
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 55/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength

Delfyn's Attack: 100 vs 92, hit.
Damage: 84-18 = 66, leaving him at 4 HP

Orcs attack back! Delfyn's Dodge: 100

Orc 2 Attacks: 63, miss.
Orc 3 Attacks: 91, miss.
Orc 4 Attacks: 65, miss.

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 52/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn lunged forward, slicing the orc who had dared to harm her across the torso, though by some feat of will and strength he kept his feet and continued to attack with the others, though this time she was more successful at fending off their blows. It was a bit frustrating not to have dropped her target with the first blow, but the elf was still confident of her ability to finish these greenskins with relative ease.

Attack Orc Warrior 3 with 1 die of defensive fighting. 8d10 + 44 to-hit, 2d12 + 53 damage, 11d10 + 47 dodge
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 52/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength

Delfyn's Attack: 111 vs 91, hit.
Damage: he's at 4 HP

Orcs attack back! Delfyn's Dodge: 118

Orc 2 Attacks: 82, miss.
Orc 4 Attacks: 89, miss.

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 49/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength
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Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn lunged forward once more, her blade sliding into the wounded orc's gut and putting an end to him, allowing her to pull her sword free and position herself to deal with his friends, ducking out of the way of one blow and turning another aside with her sword. Already half of the orcs were gone, and she intended to add to her kill count again immediately!

Attack Orc Warrior 2 with Slay and 2 dice of defensive fighting. 7d10 + 44 to-hit, 6d12 + 53 damage if hit, 9d10 + 47 dodge
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 49/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength

Delfyn's Attack: 99 vs 71, hit.
Damage: 90 - 18 = 72 damage, ded.

Orcs attack back! Delfyn's Dodge: 88

Orc 4 Attacks: 85, miss.

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 46/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

With a single swing Delfyn took the head off one of the remaining orcs, practically cackling as his corpse stumbled backwards a few steps and easily twirling away from the last of them standing. With a few choice shouted words her sword burst into flame as she began to swing it once more, now throwing caution to the wind and looking to obliterate this last orc before any more could arrive.

Enchant Weapon as a free action. 4 EP, fire typed damage. Attack Orc Warrior 4 with Slay, 9d10 + 44 to-hit, 6d12 + 53 damage + 15 fire damage, 7d10 + 47 dodge
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 46/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength

Delfyn's Attack: 115 vs 49, hit.
Damage: 105, dead.

Round 1 complete. I lost the regular rules for this, so basically Delfyn can take a short rest - regain half her lost HP and EP, the EP only if she turns her buffs off - before the next wave shows up.

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 39/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength, Enchant Weapon
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn's sword cleaved through the last of the orcs with ease, nearly cutting him in two before he could even react. By the time he hit the ground, however, the elf knew that things weren't going to be so easy for her... More were coming, she could hear them all around. She wouldn't have long to prepare... So she cast another spell, setting healing magic to work through her body and maintaining it. This was going to be a long fight, and she felt she was going to need it.

Cast Regeneration for 6 EP, add 1 EP upkeep for 12 HP regenerated per turn.
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 55/65, PP = 59, EP = 39/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 3 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength, Enchant Weapon

Delfyn pays a turn of upkeep on enchant weapon and greater strength, and casts regeneration!

More orcs show up!

An orc in heavy armor wielding no apparent weapons
Two orcs with heavy weapons and armor
Three more shield and hand weapon orcs

Delfyn: HP = 65/65, PP = 59, EP = 29/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 5 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength, Enchant Weapon, Regeneration 12 HP
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Soon enough more orcs began to appear, six of them in total. These were better armed and armored it seemed, which could wind up a problem for sure... The one in the heaviest armor had no weapons, it seemed, which left Delfyn suspicious. A spirit wielder of some kind? She didn't intend to find out, however, and she flew at him with vigor to open the fight.

Attack the heavy armor guy with Slay and 1 die of defensive fighting. 8d10 + 44 to-hit, 6d12 + 53 damage + 15 fire damage, 8d10 + 47 dodge
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Delfyn: HP = 65/65, PP = 59, EP = 29/64, Status = Fine, +35 to-hit, Dodge, +30 melee damage, 5 EP Upkeep from Greater Strength, Enchant Weapon, Regeneration 12 HP

Delfyn attacks: 112 vs 96, hit.
Damage: 105 - 44 = 61 damage.

The orc warriors start out by trying to attack her.
Delfyn's Dodge: 105
Attacks: 88 misses, 89 but 25 base dice glances, 70 with base 6 double misses. BUT HER DODGE IS NOW DOWN TO 90 FOR THE NEXT ORC.
Damage: 18 - 14 = 4 damage. From a short spear.

Orc Ragers gonna rage. Then going to swing.
Attacks: 106 and 110, would have hit her anyway.
Damage: 49 - 14 = 35, 55 - 14 = 41, total of 80 damage this round. Regeneration reduces that to 68, leaving Delfyn at 0 HP. She has been DEFEATED.

Delfyn: HP = 0/65, PP = 59, EP = 24/64, Status = Defeated.

Unarmed Orc: Taken 61 damage
Orc Warrior 1: Fine
Orc Warrior 1: Fine
Orc Warrior 1: Fine
Orc Rager 1: Fine, Raging
Orc Rager 2: Fine, Raging
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

This time things didn't work out quite as planned for Delfyn as she charged into the midst of the orcs, and though her attack struck the most heavily armored of her opponents it didn't quite kill him... and the orcs were ready to counterattack. Three of them swung their weapons nearly at once, forcing her to duck and weave quite desperately to avoid their blades. Not entirely successfully, either... one of them managed to bash her about the head with a spear, and though she wasn't cut or pierced it certainly threw her badly off balance, and yet more orcs were ready to attack.

Two more, both carrying axes, screamed and babbled as they rushed the elf, and with her head foggy and her reflexes dulled she couldn't evade them. One of the axes sank into her right shoulder, cutting through her armor with ease and drawing a scream of pain from her, the arm falling limp at her side. That was the least of her worries, though, and though she tried to twist away from the other of them he was just too quick for her, and his axe found its mark in her side. Delfyn let out another sharp scream and dropped her sword, her knees knocking together and then going out from under her as the raging orc pulled his weapon from her. Her armor had kept the blade from piercing through to her spine, but that simply wasn't enough, and she hit the ground with a heavy clank, face-down on a patch of icy grass. It was cold, very cold... the elf closed her eyes tightly, gritting her teeth and trying to bear the waves of pain that rippled through her every time she moved, feeling her body weaken significantly. Then, of course, the magic of the realm began to kick in, to save her from dying. Unfortunately. She cursed quietly, cursed these filthy orcs for bringing harm to her and herself for losing to them. She knew what that meant, especially in this particular world... so why was a small part of her excited?
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

The magic of the goddess' realm ensured that Delfyn's wounds - mortal though they might have been under normal circumstances - were quick to heal, and as such she never even lost consciousness after being defeated. That left her able to hear the orcs as they recovered from the battle.

"Gruhh.... Damn, she hits pretty hard for so slight a thing," said one, likely the only one of this most recent group she'd faced that she had managed to wound before going down.

"Heh, well you're still lookin a good bit better than this lot!"

"Musta been the first ones to come 'pon 'er. Unlucky them... But lucky fer us!"

"Bwehehe... Yup! Hope she'll be a squirmer, it's more fun to fuck the defiance outta the spirited ones."

"Hng... Ngh... You won't be fucking anything tonight! Her ass is all mine! I brought her down!"

Grunts of defiance echoed through the group, but none were louder than the orc the spoke next, who apparently moved directly to confront the claimant; "You wouldn't ever 'ave managed it alone, ya braggart! Ye weren't even the first to hit her solid!"

The two argued for a few moments, and eventually a scuffle broke out, but apparently the one who had hit her last lost, as after a moment he said; "Bah! Fine! But her cunt is all mine!" There was a loud thud, a grunt of pain, and the other brutish orc said; "Fuck that! You ain't gonna hog her all like that, I hit her too!"

"Oi! I smacked her in the head, ye wouldnt'a hit her at all if I hadn't landed that one and thrown 'er off!"

The argument continued, but eventually it became clear; While the three who hadn't managed to touch her would be allowed to enjoy her, only those who had actually managed to hit her would be given the opportunity to breed her. They laughed about it, gloating and boasting of their potency, and by the time her wounds were fully healed Delfyn felt them close in around her. With the pain gone, the prone elf could appreciate the gesture when one of their number reached down and laid a powerful smack upon her backside, causing the meat of her rear to jiggle beneath her clothing before her assailant briefly kneaded the flesh beneath his fingers appreciatively.

"Heh... This one's got a nice ass on her!" The hand on her ass released only to grab her by the hair near the scalp, giving the orc more than enough leverage to lift Delfyn and force her to look up into his brutish, leering face. "You hear any of that, she-elf?" He demanded gleefully, "you're all ours now... Maybe only fer a day here, but that's more 'n long enough for me to get a half-orc in that belly 'o yours!"

"Lets get her back to camp," said another orc as he sheathed his sword, "can't enjoy her out here... Fuckin swamps gimme the creeps." There were murmurs of agreement, and the orc taunting her grabbed Delfyn and threw her over his shoulder, allowing the group to start off through the swamps. They passed a few other groups of orcs, trading jibes or congratulations in equal measure, but all too soon Delfyn found herself in a war camp the likes of which her grandparents had spoken of at times, and it was into a large tent near the outskirts of it that she was taken. There was a fire smouldering off to the side, and one of the other orcs who had captured her tossed some logs and tinder onto it while the rest began unbuckling their armor.
Re: The Frigid Marshes (ToC PvE Arena)

Much as Delfyn didn't want to die, even in this magical realm where death meant little, she was starting to wish she had at least been allowed to lapse into unconsciousness. Hearing the orcs bicker over what they were going to do to her, over who got to do what... it was both disheartening and infuriating to hear them talk about her like that. They even got into a minor physical fight before finally settling on an arrangement they found acceptable; all six of them would get the opportunity to use her, but only the three who landed hits would be able to try to breed her. They kept talking about it just like that, too... the word made her shudder as she laid on the frozen ground. Her belly, full of little orcs... If not for the magic of the goddess she wouldn't be alive to suffer such an indignity, and she couldn't say she preferred it this way.

So why did something about the mental image excite her? One of the powerful, virile orcs before her pounding her weakened body into submission, filling her full of his seed and all but ensuring that she would bear his child... She bit her cheek to try and get that image out of her head, though if the pain of having her side knit back together didn't distract her then probably nothing would. She was completely unprepared when one of them brought his hand down on her thick rump, a grunt of surprise and pain escaping her as he began to grope her stinging flesh through her pants. He grabbed her by her lavender hair then, conveniently done up in a ponytail for him, and forced her to look at him. She found his face so revolting she flinched a little bit at the sight and tried to turn away. "I heard you brutish bastards making fools of yourselves, yes" she replied with a snarl, though inwardly she shuddered at the thought of spending an entire day in bondage to these foul beasts... She had heard that in this place he was right, that something about the goddess' realm would allow her to become pregnant even in a single day.

He picked Delfyn up then and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her off through the swamps apparently towards the orcish camp. She felt so utterly helpless like this, all of her strength having drained away such that she couldn't even really protest. They passed other bands running out to hunt in this magical realm, trading barbs and congratulations with one another all the while, until finally they made it to the camp. There were so many greenskins, and though she'd never seen a warcamp in normal life this fit more or less exactly what she had imagined. They took her to a large tent on the edge of the camp and tossed her down onto the ground with a clank, her damaged armor shifting around somewhat painfully, and one of them quickly set to building a fire off to one side as the others began to take off their armor. The elf said nothing, made no moves even though she probably could have, dreading what was surely coming soon...