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The Game Thread

Re: The Game Thread

Yeah, you need, like, a ping-pong table to have enough room to play all of them at once *laughs*
Re: The Game Thread

And then you get to optional rules. For example:

Every game you fight against the awakening of an Old One. Failing that you fight, and probably lose to, an Old One. One expansion adds heralds, which predict the awakening of the Old One and make the game more difficult. If the Old One is Cthulhu and the herald is Father Dagon or Mother Hydra, you can play the other of the pair to also be a herald making things harder still.

There is also the option to add the King in Yellow, which is basically an auto-fail condition that advances on it's own based on the events you draw.

There are also three other boards, I think: Dunwich, Innsmouth, and a third I don't recall that has portals on the side. Each of these all have their own fail condition.

The game adds individual missions for each character that can be passed or failed, helping or hindering players. There is one character who's mission is to die.

There is also a set of cards listing modifiers for the game to make it more or less difficult.

There are also benevolent beings, though they are not remotely so effective as the evils that lurk in Arkham.

There are also institutions that can change gameplay: Either the Mob, the FBI, or Miskatonik U.

There is also a deck to be drawn from during your last stand against the Old One that basically turns it into a Final Fantasy boss fight. You still cannot win.

We did knock Cthulhu to half once, though.
Re: The Game Thread

Don't forget injuries and insanities.

Broken leg - Movement reduced by 1.
Agoraphobia - Take sanity damage if you're outside.

And let's not forget gate bursts. And the stuff from the one expansion my friend got me: gate characteristics. For example, if a particular type of gate opens and a character falls through, the character is devoured.

And then there's the ones that make them move.
Re: The Game Thread

And if you get the same injury or insanity twice, you're devoured.

Basically, shit's bananas and there's a lot of pieces, but it's way easier than it looks to play. Son of a bitch to pick up after though.
Re: The Game Thread

On a slightly related note, .

I linked it in the shoutbox a while ago, but, yeah! Tokyo Jungle.

Fuck that game for being PS3 exclusive yet so interesting. ;_;
Re: The Game Thread

One game which I really enjoyed was 'Cave Chaos'. It is basically a sidescroller about this extremely cute fluffy thing with a helmet which runs for it's life in a cave, while the whole world is just falling off right behind him.


Arrow Keys: run and jump (no crouch)
You navigate through the menus with mouse and left click.

This game can also be played with two people, the mechanics would be the same but with the WASD keys for the second player.
After an extreme marathon of this game I stopped playing it for who knows how long, but it's really enjoyable+addicting.

Also, the music's hype :D

EDIT: Simply added the full link now that I can.

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Re: The Game Thread

Has anyone heard of Kerbal Space Program? It's basically your very own space program. It's a sandbox game where you build rockets and send them off to plants, moons, etc. ...or you can make rockets and space-planes that just blow up most spectacularly. It's kinda nerdy and there is a bit of math that you probably need to understand, but it's pretty cool.
Re: The Game Thread

Click the cookie to make cookies.
Purchase objects to passively make cookies.
Purchase upgrades to make cookies faster.
Grandmas are OP. Just sayin'.
Watch out for the Golden Cookie.

Just a fun little game I found thanks to NerfNOW!!
Also, pretty sure it's designed to be played on your phone, but I don't have any of that fancy future-tech, so I wouldn't know.
Re: The Game Thread

This reminds me of the blowjob game
Re: The Game Thread

I saw an forum thread elsewhere utterly annihilated for a few pages by that Nothx.
Re: The Game Thread

Lila has good news for budding game developers.

Now you are able to get the latest in Game Maker for free, in an unlimited resource version.

The standard version used to cost 50 dollars until today.

Today the cost is zero dollars and zero cents. I do not know if this is temporary or what, so grab it while it is free.

The link to the page discussing it, and the link inside that link which leads to the download of the installer can be found here.

I hope Lila did a service and may many posreps be gained from this, news.wav.
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Re: The Game Thread

Coming out of retirement to say that


Re: The Game Thread

Coming out of retirement to say that


Wow. This feels like resurrecting a thread... only it's a profile. Welcome back? :p
Re: The Game Thread

Well, some people in the shoutbox may have heard me griping about some STO (Star Trek Online) stuff recently... Specifically, the fact that some items/unlocks are only available to a fleet.

Talked with Hardware, and he's agreed with me on a small plan...

So, putting out feelers (sort of) to see if there's any one on the forum that would fall under one of two categories. Either:

A) A current STO player with a free character slot/current character not in a Fleet, specifically on Tribble, the free Public Test Server.

or B) Someone that might be willing to pick up the game, and give it a try.

For those in the second category, here's a few things about STO:

It is a Free-to-Play game with the "Micro-transaction store". However, major updates, including expansions, are completely free. The Testing Server, Tribble, requires separate set-up, but is also free. (That's the server we've been playing on recently, and are looking at setting the Fleet up on.)

It's available through Steam, and although PWE (the managing company) wants people using their new Arc program for access, it's not required.

Active players would be appreciated, but not required. The fleet will have RP stuff going on, using story stuff created by Hardware. You can PM him for details on that aspect, if you want.
Re: The Game Thread

Hi thar!
I've been searching for a damn game for so long, I actually forgot about it and then remembered like about 100 times, along my whole life... I used to play this game when I was still like 10 y.o. probably 1 year after the game was released lol and I didn't have a clue on how computer related stuff was all about. Anyway, the game is called Rival Realms (had a long ass pain remembering the name) and it was released on 1998. If you follow this link you'll find out a brief description and a few screenshots of it:

Since this game is so damn old, I've been having a really hard time finding anything related to a direct download or torrent of this treasure...
So I came here to ask if anyone has this game. All I can find is demo files, if anyone has this game or knows anyone that has it please share it.

Edit* Finally found a working link, on a shady russian website lol.
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Re: The Game Thread

Click the cookie to make cookies.
Purchase objects to passively make cookies.
Purchase upgrades to make cookies faster.
Grandmas are OP. Just sayin'.
Watch out for the Golden Cookie.

Just a fun little game I found thanks to NerfNOW!!
Also, pretty sure it's designed to be played on your phone, but I don't have any of that fancy future-tech, so I wouldn't know.

Oh gosh, this game. A friend showed me this a few months ago with the comment "this game has absolutely no gameplay and is maddeningly addictive". Three hours later I was still clicking a cookie.
Re: The Game Thread

Oh gosh, this game. A friend showed me this a few months ago with the comment "this game has absolutely no gameplay and is maddeningly addictive". Three hours later I was still clicking a cookie.

Just watch for the updates and possible lengthy times without play is all, as well as cleaning cookies (heh). I stopped checking in on it for 2-3 months starting in December, and when I came back to it all of my progress was wiped.
Lesson learned: if you want to keep progress and you know you'll be away for a while, Export a save.
Or you could find the wiki and cheat.