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The Gardens


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
The Gardens - A clearing surrounded by jungle plants. Has a 25% chance per turn of a random vine tentacle or shorn weed flower intervening in the fight.
Re: The Gardens

~ Maya vs Enigma ~

Character Sheet

Name: Maya
Class: Free Spirit
Race: Daemon Spawn (1/4 Su-Ku-Ta, 1/4 Anudorian, 1/2 Daemon)

Body: 24
Mind: 10
Spirit: 58 (+16 SoS, +8xp)

Hit Points: 58 [24+5+25]
Pleasure to Orgasm: 51 [12+10+25]
Spirit Energy: 105 [12+5+50] (+30MEP)
Speed: 15
Dodge: 46
Armour: 1
Resistance: 29

Experience: Reptile exterminator supreme, and vengeful burninator of grey things. (0 xp) spent 24
C͙̗̾̄ͫ̈́̑̐ǒ̧͇̭͙̣͈̖̼̐͒̈̃ͤ̑r̮̼̙̝͉̫͒̔r̵͍̪̫̥̜ͯ̓̏͗ṳ̻̘̳̬̩ͤ̔̄ͅp͐͗ͣ̀t̨̺͕̹͓̠̦̳̓̓̋ĭ̝͊̌̏o̭̺̥͈̲ͮͭ̀ͫ͊ͣͅͅn͔̙̰̓͊̈́̽̿: Impressionable soul~ (One mutation + 0 cp)

(Ⓡ = Racial, Ⓕ = Flaw, ⓧ = XP purchased)

Psychic Spirit Powers
+Additional Powers
Spirit Warrior Spirit Powers
+Additional Powers
Massive Energy Pool: Increases EP by 30.

Ⓕ(Natural Warrior) Grapple Expert: Any action attempted by the character while in a grapple, such as escaping, or forcing the opponent into submission, gets +12.
ⒻStrong of Spirit: +8 to Spirit
ⒻStrong of Spirit: +8 to Spirit

ⓇFuck Me: The character deals an additional 10 pleasure per round during sex. (Vaginal or anal.)


Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +4 to Energy damage.
Open Soul: Whenever anything feeds on the characters spirit energy, it rushes out like a river. +4 to Energy damage.
Plant Lover: Pleasure taken is increased by 4.

ⓇSensitive: Pleasure taken is increased by 4.
ⓇFertile: Your character always automatically gets pregnant when something cums inside of her, unless that something is sterile.

Fetish (Draining): Whenever the character comes on the receiving end of their fetish, they start taking +10 to all pleasure rolls.

Spirit Powers:
Spirit Ceiling: 21

~Psychic Shield:
~Memory Plunder:
~Mind Cutter:
Spirit Warrior
~Instant Transmission:
~Energy Blast:
~Energy Wave:
~Gorgons Gaze:
~Vampiric Futanari:
~Form of the Swarm:

One birthday suit

Left behind:
-Some burnt rags
-One charred sandal, and one broken sandal
-Small burnt and scuffed soft leather backpack:
--Small pack of smushed dried food
--Water Skin
--Broken bottle of sterilised Shorn syrup
--Felt coin pouch: 50 Denarii

(No weapon.)

Racial attribute bonuses +4 Body +4 Spirit (included in stats)
10 bonus xp applied at character creation.
Unarmed attack (+24) [2d4 + 6] {None}



The daughter of a runaway circus girl and a long imprisoned daemon.

After leaving Artmirst Red continued her travels and left Baddaria, aiming to escape the threat of the bounty on her head. Eventually finding a small abandoned homestead surrounded by forest, she was able to evict the plant people squatters who had inhabited the farm, and claimed it as a home. In the midst of hunting, scavenging, learning to tend to her new land and fending off small plant people incursions attempting to reclaim it, she gave birth to her "Demi god" offspring. In a simplistic tip of the hat, she named her Maya.

After the supernaturally short pregnancy, Maya matured at a phenomenal rate. The manner in which Maya learned various simple skills and tasks seemed almost instinctive at times, picking up the basics virtually first time and never looking back. Red taught her all she knew to the best of her ability. Beyond the rudimentary schooling on the typical subjects, she also told about her own story and past, including the details of how she met Naya, and how Maya came to be. Red made all her best efforts to nurture a simple set of honest morals, and a down to earth view of the world as she knew it.

With the powerful daemon blood of her "father" and inheriting the energetic soul of her mother, Maya rapidly developed an impressive spiritual aptitude. Coming naturally and instinctively, she developed powers almost day by day, with a formidable reserve of energy to fuel them. She learnt to move things from afar, to move herself both from place to place in an instant and via levitation, to project forceful and dangerous blasts of energy, and how to look into and even manipulate peoples minds. When a further reaching persistent band of bounty hunters showed up at the secluded homestead, the family of two were quite able at driving the hunters off their land. The area's plant people entertaining the rest as they fled.

Previously Red had been at odds with the native plant folk, with only her blades and own single loyal "pet plant person" to maintain her territory. In time, Maya changed things. She got along well with the plant people that remained surrounding their home, and a more peaceful truce was established. They ceased to trample the crop patches, and stopped harassing her mother. When an opportunity came to test an idea Red came up with back in Artmirst, the pair introduced a new crop. Whether raw, dried, or baked into sweet blue buns, the wealthier folk of the nearest towns paid good money for Red and Maya's "Shorn Syrup" products. The revenue making the winter months much more bearable.

Eventually, Maya decided she wanted to see more of the world beyond just the forest homestead. Driven by a yearning to learn of and experience the world, as well as an unknown and subtle deep instinct to grow in power. One day turning her powers upon seducing her mortal mother, who proved severely incapable of resisting those nostalgic green eyes. As Red lay stunned in orgasmic bliss, she whispered her a farewell and promised she would return, leaving the farm for destinations unknown.

Description & Personality:

Lower back length black hair, with occasional subtle tints of green showing when catching the light at the right angle. Extraordinarily vibrant green eyes that seemingly take on a cat like gaze a certain times, before returning to a normal human shape. Bizarrely possesses both typical Human like ears, and Su-ku-ta cat like ears, though the cast back way the upper ears rest and emerge from the hair could potentially be mistaken as part of a quirky hairstyle at a distance. Just as unusual are the sleek twin tails that play in the air behind her. Both black. She has a lithe but smoothly rounded figure that looks as if it could develop further in latter years, but thus far retains modest proportions. Surprisingly flawless skin that retains a softness rare in a rough semi-wilderness lifestyle.

Her favourite expressions include sly, playful and curious, which matches her common mindset. She is impulsive and wilful, with a relaxed attitude to potential threats and hardships. Restraint and caution are not traits she often displays. She knows what she is and enjoys occasional self glorifying moments, yet is plenty aware she's still really a small fry in a large and unknown world. Whilst intelligent and a quick learner, there remains a great amount of things she knows nothing of thus far, with some potentially unexpected gaps in her knowledge. Sexually, her "fertility goddess" origins are plenty apparent. Easily roused, affectionate and immediately curious about anything of a sexual nature. Her virginity was a fleeting moment in time, lost at around the same time the tiny family took to farming their new special crop. Ensuring that she tended for the shorn weeds in a proper, clean and cautious manner proving to be a constant struggle for her mother.

Ref images:
Add some Su-Ku-Ta cat ears and a pair of twin tails poking out a special hole in the dress, and these pics are about right.

Another momentary blanking of the senses and short dizzy spell, and Maya finds herself in yet another strange new location. This time jungle scenery and exotic plants, but with an almost garden like deliberate feel to the place. Humid air and the chirping of unseen wildlife. "Oh what now? Plants... it's like the forest from home, but greener and... uh oh..." Maya muses to herself until something around the edges of the clearing catches her attention. Shorn weeds and subtly mobile vines, hidden between the plants, spread across the entire span of the garden. These ones looking a little different than the ones she was familiar with back home, but unmistakably shorn weeds.

"Oh hell, how am I meant to get out of here?" said sidestepping over to stay in the middle of the current clearing at the furthest point from any vines, even though she couldn't be certain if it was enough to be safe. Attempting to test her powers, the normally potent spirit wielder finds her energies to feel like treacle inside, refusing to properly respond to her will. With a frustrated twist of expression she ceases her efforts and resumes scanning the surroundings for any clue or feature that might help enable her escape before exploring further.
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Re: The Gardens

"Paper, paper, paper doll. How you bend and how you twist! Marvelous little thing, that you are. Spin, spin, dance, dance...dance until the rising sun, oh burning little paper doll~.."

*Click*, there was that bit of her "sanity" restored to her, her clothing of choice too...At least her benevolent host had that courtesy. A sigh would ensue, from an all too odd looking elf, seeming... frustrated, if not annoyed. The new ability to split her body from her soul had proved useful in more ways than one. the means by which she had split her soul to prevent the "true self" another loved so dear from being too negatively affected, yet that wasn't to say it wasn't exhausting still. To split her dominant self, into two amidst all the contenders. If not for the external force giving her a hand, chances are something "undesirable" would have already happened by this point.

But that's not what was important for now. Instinct, no...perhaps a prompting had told her of an interesting specimen in this arena...one, despite her hatred of plants, would be worth all her while, should she take some time to...investigate. A pity she could only do any investigations here though, with her condition "outside"... Thus when she finally located who she sought...a faint smile would grace her lips once more, as she called out,

"You there! Are you lost?"
Re: The Gardens

"Oh!" Maya chirps upon hearing the call, glad to see another person in this strange and unfamiliar garden. Though that wasn't to say that the person she turned to see wasn't somewhat strange and unfamiliar herself. But a person regardless! "Hey! Hello!" Maya greets back cheerfully. "Lost? Well... yes, actually. I've been lost all day. I don't understand this place at all. Do you know what's going on? Or where this is?" She replys with her own enquiry, still warily watching the plants.
Re: The Gardens

Unsuspecting and good-natured too... Heavens knows this one would make a lovely pet, if she herself could get out of being one while in this realm. That said however, now wasn't the time to think about such things, as before she was allowed free reign...the elf still had to score a "win" first, before she could investigate her opponent as she willed.

With a light bow of sorts, and an uneasy glance of her own at the plants, Enigma would opt to smile at the daemon spawn...that much being certain from what she could feel of the creature's spirit.

"I suppose it can be said I know a few things as to the nature of this place, and where we are presently. However, dear duckling, if I am to discuss to my heart's content of such things, I am afraid I'll have to ask for a little favor or two in return first. Would that be a problem?"

Her goals were simple, "win the game" with a trick, then move on to discuss what she considered to be more..."important" things, soon after.
Re: The Gardens

Someone that actaully knew what was going on here? Fantastic! Maya responds with a relieved smile, followed by simple unassuming curiosity regarding the request, "Hmm? A favour? I suppose I might be able to. What is it?" she enquires, wondering what a duckling might be at the back of her mind, though not wasting much thought on it. "My name's Maya by the way. Nice to meet you."

She had considered warning about the plants, but noticing the woman seems to be aware of them, doesn't raise the issue.
Re: The Gardens

"You may call me Enigma dear. As for the favor, it is a simple one perhaps, though one I'd have to apologize for after. "

There is a moment's pause as the elf, opts to take a few steps away from the plants before continuing, not trusting them in the slightest as she swears one had just moved...

" I ask for you to play a little game with me. One where you allow me to...shall we say, pleasure you to your fulfillment, and then perhaps have you grant the same favor following. Though the latter point is completely optional. Quick, simple, though perhaps a bit...embarassing, but harmless nontheless. What say you?"
Re: The Gardens

"Pleasure, me to my fulfilmen... huh? You mean you want to!?" Maya says with a bemused laugh on hearing the description of the 'favour'. "You haven't been smelling the flowers have you?" she asks rhetorically, clearly surprised by the request, but not exactly showing any signs of being adverse to the idea. "... eh, well I don't really understand why we need to play a game first... "

A mix of cautious uncertainty, amusement and lewd curiosity. She was unsure what to make of this overall. Caution was warning her that she was being led around a lot here, being promised vague information and asked of vague favours. Unfortunately caution was not one of her stronger instincts. Curiosity however, was.

"...but I do like games. Are there any rules?~"
She asks sliding into a coy grin and folding her arms behind her back. The twin cat tails poking from the back of her small white dress beginning to swish and curl in the air, entwining round each other several times before unfurling and going in the opposite direction to repeat.
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Re: The Gardens

"I do wish it was just the flowers some times dear. But as for the game being mandatory...let us say that is because there are worse alternatives. Ones I'd prefer not to speak of at this time."

Despite the situation, and how she was utterly exploiting it, Maya's curiosity brought a genuine smile to Enigma's face out of simple nostalgia. How long ago was it, that she was able to pursue the simplest of interests with little care for the perils that accompanied them? Knowledge had brought her power, and knowledge she indeed sought still, but it had also caused her to become wary at times...perhaps unnecessarily so...

All the more valuable this daemon-child before her now was, for her research, and perhaps as a p-...an accomplice, at least during her time here.

"As for rules...there are a few, perhaps. For one, the use of magic, or powers of that nature is mostly prohibited in general. The other being that to exit a closed space such as this...a "game" needs to be played. The one I spoke of earlier being one of them."
Re: The Gardens

"Ohh so that's why my tricks aren't working? I've been feeling all locked up inside and it's horrible. And we need to play the game to get out of here? Why didn't you say so in the first place." Maya replies with a slight sigh. This Enigma spoke in riddles to Maya's ears. Yet they had to play this game to exit this worrisome garden, she understood that much. She presumed that Enigma had to have played this game before to know this stuff. The amused and thoughtful expression returns as she attempts a understand and picture what needed to be done. Looking up to Enigma again to speak, "So... to get this straight." lifting the front of her dress to reveal her dainty panties, "To play this game, you make me feel good, and we get to leave? What happens if... I make you feel good first?" she enquires cheerfully, with a strong hint of added enthusiasm towards the end.
Re: The Gardens

And she had even came to the "natural" conclusion!...Truly a brilliant child. If not for the urgency of the matter, Enigma would perhaps be overjoyed. Though as it stood now... that she would prefer to spend as little of time possible in "this" place...and to maintain her own personal goal of "balance" in terms of wins and losses, she really couldn't afford for such.

"Well then, it's hard to say~... Perhaps we would be allowed to skip freely away, with little consequence. Perhaps we would remain trapped, and become things of play for these droves of...plants. I for one, prefer the more guaranteed means of escape, if you don't mind."
Re: The Gardens

A quizzical smile. So Enigma didn't know for certain what would happen. Though was quite confident of the first option. If that much was true, then it certainly didn't sound too unappealing. But again, that feeling of being led around in half light surfaced. This time coming to the front of Maya's mind. The one sided game that the robed lady suggested seemed incomplete to Maya. The most fun games in her opinion, always had some kind of competition. Racing home, hide and seek, milking shorn weeds, and fucking Lily. Yes... how silly! She knew how this game was really played all along. It was her favourite one!

Sneaky Enigma had been playing games from the start.

She finally chirps happily with a wide smile, sitting down on the spot and spreading her legs toward the elf, "Let's play. <3"
Re: The Gardens

((And realized I forgot Enigma's sheet))

Name: Enigma
Class: Spirit (Necromancer)
Race: High Elf

Body: 12+0 = 12
Mind: 10+4 = 14
Spirit: 46+20 = 66

Hit Points: 12+ 14/2 + 66/2 = 52
Pleasure to Orgasm: 12/2 + 14 + 66/2 = 53
Spirit Energy: 12/2 + 14/2 + 66 = 79 + 30 = 109
Speed: 12/2 = 6
Dodge: 92/2 = 46
Armor: 4
Resistance: 33+6 = 39

Experience: 0
Corruption: 70

Soul Drain Resistant
Necromancer: Life Leech and Aspect of Spirit and Nightmarish Image
Strong of Spirit x4
Soul Sense
Additional Power: Animate and Puppeteer
Massive Energy Pool

Open Soul (Race)

Spirit Ceiling: 109/6 = 18.5 = 19
Powers: Animate, Life Leech, Call Spirit, Nightmarish Image, Gorgon’s Gaze, Summon Demon

50 Denarii
Melee weapon - Ceremonial Metallic Staff Nil. Base damage is 1 + 1d4 + 6. Always deal Blunt damage.
Ranged Weapon – x2 Evisceratory Throwing Knives - A quintet of blades that are easily concealable. Base damage is 2d6 + (50/4 = 12.5 = 13), range is 20 feet, come in packs of 5, and up to three can be thrown per round. Note that they must be retrieved from dead enemies to be thrown again.
Wanderer’s Enchanted Robe (Leather Armor: AV = 4, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Blunt.)

Minor item [quantity in digits]

Enchanted blindfold: Binds and conceals Enigma’s eyes, which now turn the weak-willed before her to stone, after beginning to delve into the realm of demon magic. Although Enigma can see through them, others can not.

Enchanted Traveler’s Cloak (Part of her “armor”): The old cloak returns to obscure her face…although is now a bit more water and stain resistant than before.

Tea leaves: After the last trip without a good cup of tea…Enigma makes it a point to keep a ready supply with her. If she could do the same with scones, she would.

Rope: Self explanatory

Collar: For any potential “pets” she may decide to keep, although she may be quite satisfied already with Lanai.

x2 Specimen Jars: To collect odds and ends for experiments.


"Enigma" is the name by which others address this traveling high elf. A name most fitting given her the mysteries that shroud her, for all that is known about her is speculation at best. Some say she is an exile from her home, for the practice of the necromantic arts. Others claim that she is in actuality, male, and a spy for the Badarian Empire. The only facts that are for certain is that she wanders around from town to town across the land, and is searching for something relentlessly... Either way, "Enigma" is a highly shady character, and should not be trusted by anyone...

That is, if you believe what most people say about her. "Enigma", in truth, is merely a highly inquisitive individual, albeit one that has little respect for cultural traditions, diplomatic relations, and such. From acts such as learning necromancy to sate curiosity despite the protests of her family and friends, to practicing the staff to see if a frail bodied person could fell a bear by herself (a feat that she nearly paid her life for), "Enigma" is highly whimsical and perhaps... insane person who does anything that happens to strike her fancy. Her travels across the land and her "searching"? A desire for knowledge at best, or simply because she "wanted" to travel to a certain destination. The "code of honor" she follows? Purely on a whim, where she decided that a "code of honor" was an excellent thing to have. Throwing her name and past away? Merely an experiment to see if anyone would ever be able to connect the dots. All in all, if anyone ever came to know who "Enigma" truly was, they would find her to be a horrible eccentric and perhaps "lunatic." The fact that she is traveling to a place infested with demons and monsters "for science" does not help in the slightest...

Asides from her bizarre mentality, there is also the matter of her physical appearance. From an average passerby's glance, she would appear to be a fairly normal elf, possessing the slim dainty frame and pointed ears that all elves had, albeit with a slightly disappointing bust size, but an elf nonetheless. That is...until one took a look at her face. Possessing long hair a mixture of purple and white with pink streaks and a pair of impossible heterochromic eyes (one eye being purple, while the other was red) due to a breast enhancing experiment gone wrong (in which her bust also decreased a size to barely a B-cup), her appearance is a fashion designer's worst nightmare, as well as the most probable reason for which she keeps her face hidden at all times...

(Keylo's tl;dr for "Enigma": Insane lovable eccentric I suppose?...)

DG 2:

As of Enigma's last trip though the elf has begun to change in the company of her demon pet, or more accurately...as a result of various forbidden experiments. In a horribly unsuccessful attempt at infusing herself with demonic magic, so as to increase the extent of her powers...Enigma found the energies from devoured foes over the years becoming...unstable, threatening to devour her from within and render a horrifying and truly mad abomination of unbelievable power. Through seals, magical contraptions, and the occasional help from her pet though...the high elf has managed to avoid such a fate for now...yet knows that it is inevitable unless a permanent solution is found. Eyes now possessing faint arcane glyphs inscribed in their center, whose gaze turn all but the strongest willed to stone, and an chaotic aura that attracts demons to her servitude... Enigma now travels the land with her pet, with her eyes bound by an arcane blindfold in search of a means by which to truly bring her power under control. Lest those which lie dormant within her consume her being...and make the remnants of her soul and conscience slave to all those others she had thought to attained dominance over.

Contest: After having learned her pride to be one of her downfalls, Enigma had begun to seek out not only wins but losses as she pleases. When she longs for victory, she'll opt to utilize a forbidden variation of her magic that she dares not try in a mortal realm...when she longs for loss, she enters with naught but her wits and utter boredom. She however, does not accept challenges, but rather, only seeks out challenges to those who interest her on her own volition.

There is a faint smile upon Enigma's face, as she begins to move over towards Maya...perhaps to wrap her arms around her or the likes so she can begin the..."game" while she does so however, her eyes begin to glow just a bit... perhaps an invocation of power or sorts.

"Let's play indeed dear~...The faster we finish, the more we'll have time for other games..."

((Puppeteer 4, Attempt to "grapple" Maya on the following turn (if she doesn't do so while Enigma's buffing herself))
Re: The Gardens

Maya lays in wait for her partner, with simple intent to pull the taller woman in and begin exploring her hidden places. The shimmer in the elfs eyes cause the cat girl to tilt her head just a little, but she doesn't make any particular response to it.

((Allow grapple to be joined))
Re: The Gardens

Arms wrapped around the Daemon-child, Enigma would attempt to lift the girl onto her lap...attempting to position herself in a manner that would make it hard for the latter to do anything in return while she set to work. While there was some degree of certainty her trick had succeeded...one could never be too careful. And if she secured the girl now, she wouldn't have to worry about...retaliation later.

((Submission Hold))
Re: The Gardens

Maya likewise had the very same idea. As Enigma began to lift, she would instead wrap her legs round and pull back with a twist to bring the woman on top of her, followed by rolling over to end up straddling her floored partner.

If you didn't hold your partner well in this game, you risked exposing yourself to their attentions. It was a bit of a mental hurdle to deliberately avoid such things, but made for a much more interesting game overall. Maya's was hardly the strongest frame around, but against the likes of Lily, she had learned a few good tricks in order to stay on top.

((Also attempt submission hold!))
((Grapple stat of 36))
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Re: The Gardens

Stats, round start
Enigma: HP = 48/52, PP = 53, EP = 109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Grappled
Maya: HP = 58 PP = 51, EP =105, Status = Grappled.
Initiative: Enigma = 10, Maya = 4

Grapple: 19 + 24 = 43 vs 38 = 4 + 24. Maya has been put into a submission hold.

Plant Interference: Nope.
Stats, round end
Enigma: HP = 44/52, PP = 53, EP = 109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Submission Holding
Maya: HP = 58 PP = 51, EP =105, Status = Submission Hold
Re: The Gardens

Securing her hold over Maya, Enigma would begin roaming her hands over the smaller girl...dainty elven fingers moving to remove her clothing, so that she might begin to establish...dominance over her. As she did so however, she would also move her head right by the Daemon-child's...whispering into her ear in a slightly sultry voice.

"You will have to forgive me dear...I am rather poor at this type of game...However, I'll try my best to make this...swift."
Re: The Gardens

((Fairly certain we both have 36 grapple mod, but it makes little/no difference.))

Finding the elf woman significantly stronger than she appeared, Maya's attempts at controlling the scene are quickly foiled. "Hey no fair. I can't do anything like this~" she protests playfully. Going into deliberate and obvious attempts at reversing the situation, she begins twisting and trying to find ways out of the compromising position. Wriggling up against Enigma's body, as deft hands seek to get free and make light passes at any opening in her defences.

((Attempt to break submission hold))
Re: The Gardens

((Squid is correct, they both have 36 Grapple.))

Enigma: HP = 44/52, PP = 53, EP = 97/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Submission Holding
Maya: HP = 58 PP = 51, EP =105, Status = Submission Hold

Initiative - Enigma = 2, Maya = 9

Maya: Break Submission - 24 + 12 + 16 = 52 vs 55 = 19 + 24 + 12
Maya is unable to break free

Enigma: Shift Clothes - 12 + 24 + 2 = 38 vs 39 = 3 + 12 + 24
Maya keeps her Clothes in place

End of Round Stats
Enigma: HP = 40/52, PP = 53, EP = 93/109, EHP = 24, Status = Puppeter X = 4, Submission Holding
Maya: HP = 58 PP = 51, EP =105, Status = Submission Hold
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