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The Great Price (Game Thread)


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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As the transports that brought each of the summoned ones to the battle cruiser Implacable Dawn reached their destination, there might be a bit of a surprise waiting even those sent as part of a group... Once in the hangar bay of the cruiser... They departed their ships alone. Save for one that delivered a newly sanctioned Psyker. First off of that ship was a man wearing the uniform of a Primaris Psyker, who immediately headed over to speak with one of a pair of Magos standing to one side, working on some manner of technical problem. From the brevity of his stop there, it seemed clear that it was merely checking to see if a message needed to be delivered. As soon as that was done, the man passed through a doorway. The Magos spoken to turned to face the new arrivals, however, one of his mechadendrites that seemingly held some manner of camera was left focused on the previous task. Aside from the seemingly random collection of summoned people and the two Magos, a pair of guards stood by, watching over the new sanctionite.

It would seem that the Magos has either some message, or instructions for the group.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Mallia, the sanctionite in question who accompanied the Primaris Psyker stood uncertainly before the Magos. She was confused at the abrupt manner in which the man had left her standing here with this group of strangers, but she was not of the mind to question her superiors. She recognized the wardens who would be watching her closely, but did not bother introducing herself. These were people whose job it was to execute her should her powers get out of control. They rarely wanted to be friendly towards her. No one had been friendly to her for a very long time.

She touched her left hand to the book of saints that was slung about her shoulder, a reminder that all she ever had or would have would be her faith in the Emperor. Her other hand was heavily scarred and wrapped several times around in bandages. It clasped the metal staff she bore as a standard of her identity as a sanctionite, in addition to the branding marks she bore on her arms, legs, left chest, and on her right cheek.

Mallia was void born, with incredibly fair, almost pale skin and grey eyes. Her raven black hair spilled down to her knees behind her, loose and unbound. Her body was wrapped up in tattered, black robes. At her hip was a simple axe, in the style of a boarding hatchet of an imperial navy armsman. On the other side of her belt was a holster with a compact las pistol. She was trained in the rudimentaries of combat, by the female clerics on Terra who had overseen her rehabilitation and inhibition processes. Constantly instructed to be on her guard against the fickle nature of the Warp, she had been told that her powers were meant to be a last resort. The perils of the warp were not to be trifled with haphazardly, not even by a Primaris Scholar. Her greatest responsibility was not so much to use her powers, but to suppress them until the Emperor absolutely required them of her, for every moment that she opened her mind to the warp was a chance that she would lose her very soul to chaos, and more than likely, condemn those around her as well.

She stole a furtive glance at those next to her, and her eyes widened as they were drawn straight to the Battle Sister at the far end of the line, wisely placed as far away from the psyker as possible. She had heard of the rabid faith of the Adeptus Sororitas. They among all organizations reserved a dislike of the 'witch.' Was she to be a companion to one?

Mallia dare not speak, lest she draw attention to herself. Her hand gripped her book of saints tight, and in her mind she uttered one of the prayers of the Imperial Creed, one that spoke of the Emperor's guidance and protection to those who truly believed.

Eventually, she hoped, the Magos would speak and deliver her instructions.
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Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

At the other end of the short line, Seraph would be standing as resolute as usual, the black and orange power armor that she wore standing out like a sore thumb in the crowd. Violet eyes gave the briefest of glances over the various people gathered on the ship as she shifted a little in her spot, the bolter strapped to her back rattling lightly.

The display that had happened when the psyker had arrived had piqued her curiosity, though admittedly this was more because one of her first times seeing such a event more then any form of outright disdain. The glance by the Psyker would lead to Seraph's eyes instantly turning away from eye contact, looking downward and crossing over her armor's extra little modification, a short lingering of her eyes on it before turning her attention forward, looking to the Magos.

No lingering on it, don't raise suspicions that you are troubled. Lessons she had learned for years by herself, even as daily litanies and prayers that always seemed hollow had rang around her. Her wandering mind was sure to get her into trouble if she wasn't careful, she thought dryly, even as she looked to the man for her instructions. Another escort, another mission, another foe to stop threatening the Imperium and mankind at the end of the day, no matter if the Emperor was listening in or not. The reasons didn't matter, it was the act.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

The first time I've heard I got a new assignment, I didn't pay the news much attention. It was just a verbal order from one of my superiors, to board the ship and wait for a message bearing further details. 'Just another task to perform in the name of the Emperor,' I thought. It wasn't until I got the real instructions that I've realized things would be a little different. The message sounded like your typical run-off-the-mill kind, join up with the taskforce under judge this and this, resolve situation, further instructions on site. Nothing special, save for one brief note. Inquisition. The Ordos typically didn't involve themselves with our work. But sometimes things would get a little... Different, compared to the norm. Sometimes there was more to things than just a breach of Imperial Law. And that, as far as I've heard, was when things always got ugly.

I sighed. This was going to be one of those assignments.

The landing was uneventful, letting me gather all my stuff without trouble. My gun and armor were hidden under my uniform, as usual, with my ID left in an easily noticeable spot. Stepping out my ship, I was greeted to another unusual sight which further reinforced my belief there was far more to this mission than met the eye. The group gathered in the bay was no Arbites task force, I was sure of that. After all, what kind of Arbites squad contains a psyker? Or an Adepta Sororitas, for that matter? I've began to suspect that the Inquisition was the driving force behind this mess. I'd wished I could light up a smoke, but decided against it. I've had a duty to do. With only the slightest frown, I've made my way to join with the group, taking care to avoid getting too close to the psyker. A healthy amount of suspicion always paid off when dealing with those types.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Off to the side, standing with a hunched back and his left hand clutching a metal walking stick, was one of the Adeptus Mechanicus, one of the proud few whose lives are devoted to the Omnissiah. His respiration system hissing as he stood waiting for instruction, he turned his head slightly to regard the others who were standing there.

As he regards the Psyker, he exhales, a fine mist spraying from the grills on his neck as he does so. He seems to straighten slightly, though his hunchback remains, brought on by the massive Potentia coil fused to his back.

When he spied the woman in power armor, however, his expression deadpanned. Or at least, it would if he had been expressing any emotion previously. He knew what that power armor meant, and that was bad for his life expectancy.

Having observed those who were actually of interest to him, he turned his head back to regard the Magos, the respiration tubes hanging from his cheeks swaying as he does so.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Finally, the Magos... speaks. Although, it's in the Mechanicus' own language, so the group for the most part remains unaware of the contents of the statement.

<Ah, Mech-Wright Drake. I am Magos Novus. There has been some abnormal reports from our Brethren on this planet. You've been tasked with assisting to find out the source. For now, learn about what's happened so far from the Inquisitor.>

After a brief burst of that, the Magos spoke again, in Gothic this time. "Well, it seems that the latest grouping is here. There is a cherub in the hallway that will lead you to Briefing Room 42. The taskforce's leaders are waiting there with more details."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

The binary cant between the two Adeptus Mechanicus flew by her, so Mallia just focused on the single line of information that the Magos disseminated to her. Follow the cherub. Go to the task force officers.

She complied and approached the cherub, noting the way it flitted mechanically as it hovered in the air, inspecting her through rose stained glasteel lenses. She had never liked those things, nor anything with wings, to tell the truth. Shadowy wings were in her nightmares as of late, and she did not like the potential omen.

It did not escape Mallia's notice that the others shied from her, but it was not unexpected, so she did not react to it. She merely stepped forward as the cherub led the way, walking calmly with her staff clacking against the ground rhythmically in time with her regular cadence.

"Taskforce," she said to no one in particular. "No end to the shadows. No end to the struggle, until death takes thee."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

With a bowing of his head, a short burst of Binary cant bursts forth from the vox-speaker on Drake's right shoulder. <Thank you, Magos, for entrusting me with this task.> Afterwards, he quickly turns and begins shambling after the Psyker, his hissing breaths almost overlapping the sound of his walking stick tapping the ground with each odd step. "You speak rhetoric from memory. A waste of valuable thinking power." comes a statement from the Mechanicus in low Gothic, though it sounds slightly mechanical, originating from the vox-speaker on his shoulder as he follows behind her.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

After the voice directed to those that didn't listen to the machine's voice, Seraph gave a quick movement in response, standing strait and giving a short bow. "It will be done, Sir," she muttered quietly, before once again moving to a more relaxed position and doing as instructed.

As she spotted the Cherub, Seraph seemed to stop a little, her eyes giving a odd, confused look to them as they took in the mechanized device. As they followed it, Seraph tried her best to keep pace with the living machine, occasionally giving it a long, appraising gaze, as if a child spotting a puppy or kitten for the first time. She was silent the entire time though, and would seem oblivious to any reaction from her colleges at the strange actions.
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Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Mallia spared a glance at the mechanicus that had shambled up behind her.

"I have plenty of thinking power to spare, metal one. This is fortunate for anyone within a certain radius of me." She smirked at the last comment, wondering if such an intonation about the dangers of being around a psyker would cause the mechanicus to miss a step or not.

The truth was that sometimes she was not entirely in control of everything that she uttered. The gateway inside her mind was a mysterious thing, and the lurkers beyond the threshold just loved to whisper things to her.

The battle sister had taken on an odd look and was staring at the cherub in an unsettling and unnatural way. Perhaps she was a broken thing, like Mallia. Perhaps they all were? Maybe that meant that death would soon be on its way.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"Were I not in need of your despicable talents to complete the mission the Magos has entrusted to me, you would not be making such boasts." the Mechanicus states through his vox-speaker, his eyes and facial expressions moving as he speaks, as if he were still talking, save for his lips not loving at all. His steps seem to halt for a moment, only long enough to shift his walking stick to his right hand, before he continues hobbling behind the Psyker, his eyes locked on the back of her head.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"I was not boasting, mechanicus. I was reassuring you. As always, I am happy to be of use."

She let the techpriest stare at the back of her head, still walking forward at her gentle pace. It was interesting that the techpriest was of the mind to antagonize her. Refreshing in fact, that he should take such an interest in her existence, even if it was mostly negative. Then again, he had admitted that her talents were necessary, and that in its own way, was the greatest compliment she could receive.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

I've acknowledged the order from the Magos with a nod before moving on to follow the cherub he mentioned. I've tried to occupy myself with attempts at guessing what kind of mission we'd be given, but the banter between my companions had proven... Distracting. The psyker didn't seem eager to prove the rumors regarding her kin's weirdness wrong, and the Mechanicus reacted... Well, pretty much how one could expect a techpriest to react. I didn't expect our sanctionite to be so sarcastic, though. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a little sarcasm now and then. But with a psyker, I'd first rather know whether they can be... Relied upon, I suppose, to not blow everything up. Or worse. Compared to that, the techpriests negative disposition was easier to understand - he probably really disliked psykers. Probably.

What struck me as most odd was the fact that our battle sister didn't seem to care about the quarrel next to her. Hell, most of her attention seemed to be devoted to the cherub leading us, and she acted almost as if she wasn't paying attention. I couldn't rule out that she was listening, but the Sororita acted in a most unusual way. Was it the first time she saw one of those things? I've heard those raised by the Schola tended to be a bit... Sheltered, at times, but this was a bit much. It was the kind of oddity that sparked my curiosity, the signal that something was amiss. And that usually merited my attention.

I've let myself fall behind the group by a single pace, taking position from which I could observe the sister. I didn't pay much attention to any further dialogue between the psyker and the techpriest - as long as they worked together and didn't jeopardize the mission, all was well. I couldn't care less if they hated each other's guts unless it conflicted with our mission. And if that happened, I would not hesitate to remind them that the Emperor's Law applied to them as much as anyone else.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Once the group reaches the designated briefing room, they would be met with a trio of men sitting at the room's lone table. Four chairs sat at the table, though, arranged to resemble some manner of tribunal that anyone entering the room would be facing. Whatever the three were discussing was dropped as soon as the group entered.

Each of the three had a somewhat distinctive appearance. One of them wore the armor and badges of office of an Arbites Judge. This was likely Garvel Venris, source of Marcus' summons. Next was a man bearing an Inquisitor's Rosette, with a touch of Ecclesiarchial presence to him. Perhaps this was Quintos Varnias, mentioned to Seraph? The third seemed unknown to all, another man bearing an Inquisitor's Rosette, although slightly different from the other's. Whoever he was, it was clear that he had some manner of experience with the Imperial Guard, for a small cluster of medals also adorned his outfit.

It was the robed Inquisitor who spoke first. "Well, here's the latest group to arrive... Come in, and prepare to listen well. This isn't going to be simple to describe, at least."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Seraph almost missed that they had arrived thanks to her wanton curiosity on the making and design of the Cherub, almost running into it as it halted. Flushing lightly as she finally realizes that some of the others were staring at her, she quickly took a few seconds to idly brush her sleeves off, doing her best to avoid eye contact as she entered first.

After entering, she'd take a quick glance over the three people in their seats, focusing for a few moments on the one who shows military honors, before once again going into her bow. Giving a quiet incline of her head, she holds her right arm over her breasts, eyes closed. "I am here as requested, what do you need of me?"
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Entering the room, I've ceased my observation of the sister. It seemed that her bumbling so far stemmed from something akin to childish fascination, not unlike the feeling one got when encountering something new for the first time. Instead, I've focused my attention on the men who'd be our superiors during this assignment. The Judge was impossible to miss - I've never seen him personally, but the insignia on his armor were unmistakable. I gave him and the two Inquisitors a respectful salute. "Enforcer Markus, reporting. Awaiting orders." With that brief formality out of the way, I've spared the few seconds I've had before the briefing began to study the two agents of the Inquisition. One reminded me of the priests of Ecclesiarchy from my homeworld - perhaps he was related to the presence of the Adepta Sororitas? The other one, however, was definitely a combatant. I've attempted to identify the medals he was bearing to get some idea about him.

While I was checking out his medals, another thing struck me. The Rosettes, Inquisitor's proof of authority, were different between the two. Did they belong to different Ordos? A question that perhaps would be answered soon. No doubt there'd be an explanation for the Inquisition's presence given during the briefing.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Medals, and an understanding of the Imperium at large, was not the psyker's area of knowledge. Only the Imperial Creed, and the ideals of a faithful citizen, and the absolute will required to hold at bay the malign sentience of the Warp, were known to her in any great capacity. All she knew was that this man was dressed as though he were someone important, and she had no reason to doubt that he was. More important than her, and the techpriest, and the arbitrator, and even the cherub-obsessed Sorita.

She came to a halt in front of the three men and listened to what they had to tell her. Presumably, they already knew who she was. They had called her here, after all.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Drake inhales with a hiss, straightening as far as his Potentia coil would allow him, his eyes lazily scanned over the tribunal as he remains silent, save the hissing and wheezing of his breaths, and the occasional catch then heave of breath, likely something amiss with his respiration unit, though those uninitiated couldn't POSSIBLY know that.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

The three sitting at the table share a brief glance, then the Judge spoke up. "I'll start." Before he could though, the robed Inquisitor held up a hand. "First, I believe that these folk should at least know what to call us." The second Inquisitor nodded at this, then added himself, "I am Inquisitor Intios Klightus." The Judge shrugged, then stated, "Judge Garvel Venris." Finally, the robed Inquisitor spoke again, "And I am Inquisitor Quintos Varnias." He also added, with a gesture to the empty chair, "Inquisitor Cyrine Solaria would likely also be present, however... She is currently recovering from a severe injury."

Venris gestured to a projector unit in the middle of the floor, as a hologram of a planet appeared. "This is the Hive World Kedonis. It is a primary producer of certain chemicals and gasses vital to the production of plasma and melta munitions. Outside of the hives themselves, the planet is primarily swamps. It's also currently a bit of a hot-bed of calamitous activity."

Three areas on the planet highlighted in red. "Shown are the currently critical hot-zones. The site for the world's Astropathic Choir, the main base of the planet's PDF, and Hive Taron."

Quintos spoke up here. "It is Hive Taron that is the point of interest for you four. The problem we need you to look into is there. The hive is currently in a state of extreme unrest, with sporadic rioting. Normally, that would be a matter simply for the Adeptus Arbites, however there seems to be a pattern of the riots focusing on Ecclesiarchy holdings, or ones with strong connections to them, suggesting deeper issues than mere unrest. The riots themselves are contained. What you will be looking into is a possible source of information as to the nature of those deeper issues."

As Quintos spoke, the hologram shifted to a rough diagram of the Hive in question, with areas of it being highlighted in a bright red. Suddenly, an area between one of those areas and what appeared to be the spaceport went black. "That black section is where your immediate concern will be. An acolyte cell of mine was conveying a Priest I wished to question to the spaceport, escorted by elements of the Adepta Sororitas. Suddenly, all contact was lost with them. I have no doubts that the cell was destroyed, and I suspect that the Sisters may also have been slain. What I want you to try to find out is what exactly happened, and if that Priest is still alive."

Klightus spoke up suddenly. "If I may?" After getting an acknowledgement from the other two, he added. "Understand that what you are about to hear does not leave this room... We still are unsure what exactly is causing these troubles. It may be just random troubles... But the planet's PDF is unresponsive, and the reports coming back make little sense either. That's pretty much why there's three Inquisitors present."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

I gave each man in front of me and my current companion a short glance as they'd introduced themselves. Inquisitor Varnias was without a doubt present due to his connections to the Ecclesiarchy elements on the planet, if his appearance was anything to go by, and the repeated attacks certainly merited his attention. The reason behind the presence of Judge Venris was obvious, and as the three man gave us details regarding the situation on planet's surface, it also became obvious why Inquisitor Klightus was here as well. With things being completely and utterly fucked up all over the place, it was no wonder they'd bring in someone with experience in military matters and commanding troops - that Macharian Cross he was wearing was proof of his tactical prowess. I'd bet he was the one commanding ground forces handling the other hot spots... Assuming there were any.

If I said I relished the prospect of going down there, I'd be lying. Hive riots were nothing special, really, but problems with PDF and astropaths were another thing entirely. Depending on how severe the situation really was, things could go all sorts of horribly wrong very fast. Still, considering they were sending in a single cell instead of a Guard regiment meant that the problems were contained, at least partially. Which in turn meant there was still a chance we could get something done. Though I wondered who exactly was handling things, seeing as apparently there was little to no contact with the PDF.

Still, the more I listened, the more obvious it became to me that we couldn't ignore this. There was definitely some hidden force at work here, undoubtedly heretical in nature if it's attacks on the Ecclesiarchy and other servants of the Emperor were any indication. These crimes could not go unpunished, and part of me was itching to get to the bottom of this. A multitude of questions appeared in my mind as I've analyzed the information I was given. Perhaps I could ask at least some of them? "Understood, my lord." I spoke up, responding to Inquisitor Klightus's warning. "But if I may ask... What happened to Inquisitor Solaria? Was she injured in one of the riots?"