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The Great Price (Game Thread)

Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Mallia made her way to the mess hall, not particularly enthused with the lack of information she was receiving, but deciding that perhaps greater knowledge of the dread xeno race was best left to the Inquisitors who were going to deal with the issue directly. She ate in relative silence unless any of her fellow acolytes wished to address her. When she was done, she would fall into murmuring prayers to the Emperor and his Saints until she was called upon to attend to the Inquisitorial wishes.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Markus saluted before leaving the briefing room, following Mallia to the mess hall. It was pretty obvious that the Inquisitor considered the group dismissed even without him saying so. It seemed that whatever the Ordo's plans were, the presence of xenos upset them greatly. Like the psyker, he did not start a conversation during his meal, though he certainly was responsive to one started by another member of the cell. He mostly focused on mulling over what happened during the mission once more, trying to find any errors in judgement or deduction he might have made.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Drake bows his head after being dismissed, then makes his way to the mess hall, finding the rest of the cell and sitting, not bothering to get himself any food. "Logic dictates I speak my concerns about the situation." his vox speaker issues out, though the volume was fairly low to prevent anyone not at the table from hearing. "What in the name of the Omnissiah was that about? He appeared rather downtrodden, despite the fact that we uncovered multiple heresies." his speaker says, the volume tuning lower to further prevent those not of the cell from hearing.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"Heresy is everywhere, my acolyte brother. Uncovering it only leads to the next question: how to cleanse it? I fear the xenos presence was an unwelcome addition to the Inquisitor's problems - perhaps made more complex by the caustic presence of a rival from another Ordos. I am but the Emperor's tool and know little, but this much seems clear to me."

Mallia folded her hands across her chest in the sign of the aquila, and murmured a prayer to Saint Thor, the great reformer.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"It is shameful to admit to such heresy being so rampant." Drake states, his eyes closing and his hands coming together for a prayer to the Omnissiah, binary cant issuing forth quietly, before he speaks again. "Sitting idle like a defective Pict Recorder is not conducive to our mission. Every moment we are idle, is another moment we might lose what little a trail we have to the location of our quarry." the Mechanicus speaks, his respiration system gurgling and both tubes shaking before a slurping sound is heard, and a white liquid begins to ooze from one of the vents on his neck, though he seems to not notice it.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Returning the equipment she had used before, Seraph too bowed and saluted to her commander.

Upon reaching the mess herself, she sighed a little, laying her bolter on the bench next to her, one ceramite-clad hand snatching up a fruit and biting a chunk of it's flesh away. Her eyes avoided the psyker's, but she bowed her head respectfully at the various litanies spoke.

"The actions of the Heretic is a ever-growing chains of lies and deceit. Even the most base of clues may assist, but it may take time to unravel it from the other lies and hollow truths. I'm afraid there is little we could do without acting rashly, something that I fear would only make us yet more martyrs in this conflict. An old saying states 'Slow and steady wins the race'. In this case, this may be the best course until further leads can be found for us."

"The inclusion of xenos in this investigation, especially of this caliber, however, is indeed a cause of grave concern," she muttered, her head giving a quiet nod to herself.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"It would be foolish to deny the realities of widespread heresy," the faithful psyker warned. "We are the scourge of the faith, and we bear the attitude of the chirugeon's knife - cutting off the gangrenous limb so that the body survives, and knowing that what we do is a good thing. We are all of us living martyrs. Our souls belong to the Emperor; we merely fulfill the duties of our corporeal form before we are taken unto the Throne in righteous death. However, it is the lost fool who jumps at chasing shadows while not knowing his path. We have given what clues we could to our lord inquisitor. It falls upon him to direct us, for without his knowledge we do not have adequate data to render a pursuit. I advise patience, techpriest. Contemplate the mysteries of faith, for they have already worked through you."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"Besides, what information we have gathered so far suggests that the priest may be no longer on the planet." Markus interjected, taking a more practical stance. "Recall. The location where he was supposed to be was likely the place the Arvus took off from. Said Arvus was later observed docking to a ship which left quickly. If that is the case, then there is nothing we might do." The Arbite concluded. "If we are to pursue him then yes, a decision needs to be made quickly. But should we go after the ship? Or maybe the priest didn't leave this world? We don't know enough to make an accurate choice." He sighed. "It may very well turn out that further pursuing him is counterproductive, and our talents will be employed elsewhere."
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

As the cell discussed, a servo-skull bearing the same Inquisitorial marking as Varnias' Rosette floated over near them. In fact, it stopped in the middle of their group, with a scroll carried underneath.

The scroll itself bore a summons back to the Inquisitor.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

Finishing up a silent prayer and making the sign of the aquila, the psyker got up and made her way back to the office of the inquisitor. It would seem that he had made his decision about their next task rather quickly.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"Didn't take long." Markus commented with approval. Done with his meal, he stood up and followed the psyker, wondering what sort of steps the Inquisitor wanted to take now.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"At last." Drake's vox speaker spits out, the techpriest standing from his seat and following the rest of the group, a thin mist spraying from his neck vents.
Re: The Great Price (Game Thread)

"Good, they aren't being idle about this," Seraph muttered, rising from the table and following the rest of the cell, still carrying her fruit.