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The Great Rio Insurrection...


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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In the aftermath of the Second Tiberium War, GDI flaunts their power, and their victory over the Brotherhood of NOD. All that remains of NOD is Kane and his most trusted military adviser, LEGION. CABAL is no more, and his cyborg army has disappeared from the world. But while the flames of war have been quelled for a time, the cinders still burn, and move with the wind. From these cinders, the flicker of rebellion will rise. In the slums of Rio, is where they shall begin their everlasting burn.


Amidst the shadows of cheaply built huts and old buildings, movement is seen. If one were to look closely, they would see numerous human-like figures moving through the alleys and backyards of the Rio De Janeiro. If one looked closely, they could see insignias on their clothes and helmets. A black-rimmed red chamfered triangle enclosing a black curved scorpion's tail. The tell-tale symbol of the Brotherhood of NOD. Before anyone could even react, they poured out of the alleyways and shadows, swarming the northwest Administration building. They began firing their weapons, ranging from AK-47 WW2 relics, to modern GD-2 assault rifles, piercing the concrete of the building and showing that NOD is back. Some carry grenadier variant Assault Rifles, such as the M16, used by most armed forces. And others still, carry Airburst Rocket launchers, shooting rockets from the weapons, green streaks in the air behind the rockets, exploding on impact with the building. The building begins to shake, and slowly topple. This is but a spark that will light the fire. There are still 3 more Admin buildings. Meanwhile, a squadron of Attack Bikes speeds South from the city, heading out into the badlands of Brazil.


In response to the attack from NOD, GDI, the Global Defense Initiative, immediately mobilizes a retaliation. Seeing as how the militants have no base of operations, most of the soldiers just think this will be a clean-up operation. They are sorely mistaken. Their convoy, consisting of Predators, APC's, and Pitbulls, heading Northbound, is hit by a quick sweep from NOD and their Attack Bike squadron. All but one Predator is destroyed, with the last one immobile. The Pitbulls explode into fireballs, and the APC's grind to a halt, the soldiers inside rushing to exit, but to no avail. Missiles impact the APC's, exploding after piercing through their armor, boiling anyone inside of the vehicles alive. The Predator crew begin to engage using their cannon, but are not quick enough to destroy all of the bikes before they flee the scene. The lone Predator, exposed and damaged, sends out a distress beacon.

Sortie Overview ((This is how I'll explain where the characters are and what they have been briefed on.))

NOD Status:
NOD infantry units are currently 2 kliks East of the column's last known location, escorting a Saboteur to the site of the column's defeat. The Saboteur will be there to gather intel on GDI's weapons for future conflict, as well as to analyze their technological advancements.

GDI Status:
GDI Infantry are currently 1.5 kliks West of the Predator Tank's beacon, escorting an Engineer to the Tank that has been immobilized near the column's remains. His job is to fix it, and get it moving again.

((Okay. That should about do it. You can start any time you're ready.))
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...

Sgt. Chris Miller

Miller grunts as he readjusts the RPG on his shoulder. He eyes his partner, who is constantly mumbling something and holding on to a silver cross. With a sigh Miller turns and baps Wulfric into the back with the rocket launcher. The younger man stumbles for a moment before spinning around sharply, almost hitting one of the riflemen. "What the fuck, Chris?"
Miller sneers and spits to the ground. "Keep your eyes out, damnit. There may be NOD around, and I'm not gonna scrape you up for a burial. Now move." Wulfric glares, but turns back around and catches up to the soldiers. "I have the same rank as you, you know." "Oh, boo hoo Tom. I lost two good guys to NOD, and I'm not gonna let you be the fucking third just because you're not paying attention." Miller pulls out a pair of sunglasses and puts them on. Fucking Brazilian heat, fucking clusters of tiberium, fucking jungle, fucking NOD. . .
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...


Sgt. Lauren Fairmont

"Keep your fucking head down," Lauren snapped quietly to the engineer attached to her squad. The young man didn't really respond save to shrink lower behind the ridge.

"Capson what do you see?" Lauren asked of the man laying prone with just his eyes peeking out over the crest.

"I can see the predator. She's a ways off, better hurry before more NOD show up. Sgt. Miller's squad is in some dead ground just 200 meters in front of us," Capson reported.

"Alright then. We're going down there, regrouping with Miller and his boys, and moving on to the predator. Klein, get a hold of Miller let him know we're coming, and techie, you stay on my fucking ass," Lauren ordered, and with that crawled over the crest of the ridge and started making her way down the slope to the other GDI squad, the rest of the riflemen just behind her.
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...



Shade was sitting on a small rock as he looked at a small tiberium crystal, appearing to be fascinated by it as he listened to the saboteur and the rest of the NOD group behind him. Something about a tank, GDI, and information. He didn't really care for who they would fight, but being ex-GDI he was interested in the mission, and how they were going to do it.

As the group started moving towards the fallen predator tank he followed, after a short while overtaking the group to take point, activating his Chameleon suit to stay hidden from anything that wouldn't specificly look for minor distortions in view. He moved through the open, while the rest of the group moved hidden, in cover.

"I'll take point, can't see me anyway.." was all he said to the soldiers, hoping they would have the sense to let him go first in case the convoy was just bait for a trap, or if there was rough terrain such as tiberium over the next hill or rocks. He would occasionally wait for them, just to see if they were still moving.
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...


As the group moved closer to the tank, they could see flares burning around it, marking the area to request help. The Predator sat, it's engine smoking as a single GDI soldier inspects it. Chris can see the soldier, as can Lauren.


Shade can see the Tank, and the single soldier inspecting the smoking engine. If he were to listen in, he can hear the soldier speaking "Motherfucking NOD. Shootin' our engine. Stranding us in the wasteland." Shade can also hear another voice coming from inside the tank "Hey. They said they were sending a repair crew. Get back inside the tank before NOD shows up." the voice says, the soldier inspecting the back sighing and climbing up on top of the tank, looking almost directly at Shade and rubbing his eyes, waving the small disruption aside as exhaustion
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...



Shade went down into cover again, moving to the NOD squad to mention the downed predator, and the soldiers by it to the saboteur and anyone who would listen.
"Don't blow the tank till we're done here, I think I could use that gun to cover us while the saboteur here gets the info we need, oh, and I could take those soldiers near it no problem."

He then went back out of cover, and started making his way to the predator, taking the most direct route there. He assumed the group he was with would just stay in cover, as NOD does best while approaching their objective. He would pause shortly once in weapon range, this being his first time using the Chameleon suit he wasn't sure if he was completely invisible to them, or just hidden. Once certain he was not spotted he moved closer again, trying to inspect the predator for a way into it.
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...


Sgt. Lauren Fairmont

"Son of a bitch," Lauren muttered as she looked through the scope mounted atop her rifle. She noticed the movement in the trees a few hundred metres from the tank, and what appeared to be human figures lurking in the shadows.

She knew it was NOD, and wondered if they had any stealth units in the area. They must have, the men in the trees didn't look very well trained, having been spotted so easily, and for them to hold back there might be Black Hand or some other elite unit in the area. She glanced at the tank and saw the turret was not pointed anywhere near the NOD presence.

"I got hold of Miller," Klein said.

"Tell him to have his squad cover us, we're going to move up to the tank. Give them the grid of those hiding NOD troops. 2936 8164. Keep a look out for stealth units. Techie, you get in behind Miller's squad." Lauren commanded, and with that stood up and started jogging down the hill.

Her squad followed, Klein sending his sergeant's instructions over the radio whilst the small squad moved towards their downed tank.
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...

Sgt. Chris Miller

"Copy that", Miller answers into the radio before relaying the information to Wulfric. "If anything moves we alert the boys down there-" "There's a woman with them." "Shut up. If anything moves in we alert the boys down there. If a buggy or a bike charges we blast that fucker off his wheels. Got it?" His partner nods and readies the RPG. "What about a tank?" "If there's a tank we may have to call in air support. One squad of RPGs can't take out a tank without getting hit."
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Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...


The soldier sitting atop the tank gasps as a hand reaches up out of the turret with a cigarette in it's grasp. The soldier takes it and pulls a flip lighter out of his pocket, lighting it and taking a breath, then noticing Miller and Wulfric with a quick smile before turning his head and looking down into the tank "Hey. The reinforcements are here." the soldier calls dowwn into the tank


"Dammit. Do you see what I see?" one of the rocket militants asks his partner, the other leveling his Airburst rocket launcher and aiming at Wulfric "I can take the rocketeer out." the second rocket militant says as he clicks the safety off, his partner reaching over and lowering the rockets "Hey, man. Shade told us to stay put and keep stealthy. You blow this operation, Kane'll have your head." the soldier says, looking over at the tank and the GDI rocketeer getting closer to said tank.
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...

Sgt. Lauren Fairmont

Lauren and her squad broke into a dash, wanting to get to the damaged tank quickly. The engineer broke off to stick with the missile squad in cover while the riflemen moved towards the tank.

It wasn't long before they surrounded it, rifles pointed outwards looking for any threats. Lauren stepped into the back of the tank and yelled in to whoever might be manning it.

"Hey, turn your turret left. Pretty sure I saw some folks over there. Could be NOD," she shouted.
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...



"Turn the turret? That's a nice idea, maybe I'll help him a little.. Shade thought to himself as he ran over to the tank, and climbed on top of it to sit near the hatch. Before hopping into the tank, he looked over the GDI forces, trying to see which of them would be the biggest threat to the mission, or just to find important personnel. He also looked to the NOD squads, or to where he remembered them to be, to see if they were really obviously in plain sight or just spotted while hiding as he hoped.

Shade then slid into the predator, and first found the operator, deactivating his stealth suit and putting a silent bullet through the soldier's head. He then quickly locked the hatch above him as best he could, and started moving the turret towards the most threatening target he found before.
Re: The Great Rio Insurrection...


Sgt. Lauren Fairmont

The almost silent gunshot made Lauren's eyes go wide. She swore, and quickly climbed up on top of the tank. She prepped a grenade.

"Fuck you," she muttered as she opened the loader's hatch and dropped the explosive inside, before slamming the hatch shut again. She stood atop the turret, rifle aimed at the gunner and commander's hatch, knowing the grenade could not destroy the tank.