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The Green Lizard Tavern


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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A rather dingy establishment, known for it's dark corners and private rooms. Many dark corners rest here, letting private discussions be dealt with easily. It's also known for the fact that many Keepers tend to flock there after a long day kicking at imps...
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*sauntered in looking about her dungeon was truly nothing more then a heart under construction to reach her suitable tastes..so for now she waited letting her eyes take in this dark tavern which she felt she would be visiting often. a cloak pulled tight about herself as she sought a seat amongst one of these dark corners for now*
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Lene, too, had decided to take refuge here after construction of the heart of her small fortress had come to yet another halt; the caravan of supplies had been held up on the north road and current work had ground to a stop as her current stock had begun to run out.

She hadn't even begun yet, and trouble already. Typical.

Unpinning her cape as she entered the tavern, Lene scanned the dingy place as a slight scowl began to form. The Green Lizard wasn't exactly reputable, but then again, Lene wasn't exactly rich enough for better fare.

Folding the cape which kept her warm in the drizzly weather outside across her arm, she looked for an empty hearth-side table. She was cold, damnit; the last thing she wanted to do was to slink into a corner seat to nurse some kind of illness.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*grins eyes finding the new arrival she held a small smirk at the state the other seemed to be in and simply shifted back in her seat one leg crossing over the other* such luck the weather turns bad after i arrive..
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

With a series of clunks and metallic clacking, another person enters the room. The person is fully covered in a massive suit that seems to consist of an array of gears and piping overlain by protective sheets of metal. Why the hell can't I start working in there yet. How dare Selene say I need to wait until construction was finished before I started installing my work. I wouldn't be in the way of the damn imps. They could work around me. The man mentally seethes, upset that he let his second in command talk him out of setting up his lab while the building was still under construction. He then proceeds to check several chairs before moving over to a booth having decided that none of the chairs could hold the combined weight of both his body and his work suit.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Hmmm... so this is the world of dungeon keepers he was telling me about... seems interesting I guess."

Emerging from a shadowed corner of the bar, the child-like demon made a careful observation of her surroundings as she attempted to find something fairly amusing in the rabble.

"A tad boring though...Well, arriving in a world like this always is anyway. Hopefully he'll have a dungeon ready for me in the morning... an immortal needs amusement after all."

Smiling wickedly, the girl allowed herself a small laugh as her eyes danced with insanity.

"Well then... shall I see if I can stir up some entertainment in the meanwhile?..."

A few unsavory characters near the bar having caught her attention, she decided to do exactly that...
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*gave a clap of her hands at new arrivals and then blinked at the small one never-the-less things seemed to be getting interesting..soon perhaps this would all be her competition for who could be the best ruler..she saw it all as a game..*
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

There was a few people in the tavern allready, spotted here and there.

In a darkened corner of the room, the glow of several candles floating in midair helped illuminate the book someone was reading. Dressed in the robes stiled of a magician, the young Night Elf seemed focus in her book, flipping the pages with a wave of her hand, her eyes, instead of the usual silver, were glowing lime green.

At the bar sat a black-cloaked figure, nursing his drink and seemingly not paying attention to the room. A large mace hung from his back, and was messy with various blood, guts, and brain matter of it's victims.

At a table by himself sat a hulking demon, using a sharpening stone on his scythe weapon. Glowing yellow eyes spied the new keepers, each getting a apraising look before another scraaape happens on the scythe.

At a table near the middle of the room rested another female, seemingly of elven decent- except for her black hair and smallish demon wings and horns. The girl was dressed in very form-fitting leather of some strange make- unless the Keepers were familier with the substance 'latex'- and had everything from a whip to a large double dildo hanging from her belt. She was sipping at a small drink as she eyed over the other patrons, an impish smile on her face.

And running between the four of them, seemingly trying her hardest to annoy them the most, was a young girl, who looked to be somewhere around fourteen- though the fact she was in a bar could be misleading. She had a wild, untamed, slightly mangy look as she darted back and forth, her light voice echoing through the room.

"What are you reading? What's that word mean? It looks funny! MEOWCH! Whyd you do that for!?! Nice scythe, can I hold it? ... you didn't have to kick me across the room! Ooh! Can I borrow that pink thigy? I'll return it, I promise! Eep! That hurt!" and so on and so on...
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Despite his unhappiness with the builder team's leader, and her refusal to believe that his imps could work around him, Dravan was soon alerted to the fact that there was an annoyingly hyperactive child in the vicinity.

Kid, I don't think those people really want you bothering them. He calls over to her. Considering that he had the most complex and 'shiny' armor in the room, doing so may not have been the best idea, as he may end up attracting her, but he was used to dealing with the golems and imps at his old lair and tended to assume everyone acted similarly to them.
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*shifting to the edge of her seat both feet touching to the floor again she looked over the other figures amongst the room even the child she eyed briefly*
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Big mistake indeed. The girl practically flew over near him. "Who are you calling a kid?!?" she accused, hands on her hims and pouting slightly. It was actually rather comical.

The magician across the room, however, managed to catch his eyes and mouthed a 'Thank you!" to him.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

As Finster enters the tavern he pulls back the hood of his robe. With a slight scowl he brushes drops of rain off his cuirass before raising one curled fist and glancing at something inside. "Damn it all, still not done. I should find somebody to. . . motivate the minions a bit in my absence." His dark eyes scan the room slowly. The demon? Looks too brutish - they also snap very easily. Not too reliable. The whore? No, certainly not. The witch? He doesn't need another caster. The Girl? Not even in the competition. So. . . Finster steps to the bar and sits down next to the warrior. Without facing him he quietly says "You look like you may want a job."
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*rises from her seat letting her cloak open and trail behind her as she makes her way to the bar giving a sway of her hips as she does she was in need of something warm in her stomache food drink either would do.* "so whats on the menu hmmm?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Well, you look about fourteen or so, and you're acting a bit like a young imp: you're running around poking anything that looks interesting. Which of course is why I had such a problem in getting imps at my old lair. More than half of them got themselves killed before they grew up. Dravan said, looking down at the little catgirl. Their size difference was even more exaggerated by his clockwork armor which added over a foot to his height.
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The barkeep shrugged, listed off his options, then set out to get what Selesia had ordered. "Getting crowded in here tonight," he muttered. "Odd..."


The cloaked figure moved his head to Finstar's comment. "I used to rule this land, you know," he muttered, almost to himself, looking back to his drink. "Before the blasted heros came and upsurred me. Not even my minions could save me. Well, I'll get my chance, one of these days..."


The catgirl still looked annoyed. "Oh, I didn't realize first impressions were soo important!" she muttered. Standing still a bit, she did a strange, singsongy purring noise, and suddenly, her body seemed to grow a bit bigger, less childlike and more older, until now she appeared to be more likely a grown woman, still in her 20's. "Better?" she said impishly as she sat down.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*giving a tilt of her head to the barkeep she went about the small meal before her turning to half watch the room more interested in the biggest the room had to offer in the way of muscle*
"gonna need someone to keep the little beasties in line when i'm not around the watch them..."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"I understand", Ritter says with a nod. "What if I told you that I need a strong force to keep my minions in line? What if I told you that I am going to rip the power out of the hero's hands? What. . ." He turns and looks into the darkness under the hood. "What if I offered you the position of second in command? What if I gave you a chance at revenge?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Dravan looks at her, then looks at those she was annoying earlier, and then looks back, So you relax by trying to annoy demons and aggressive looking people? Odd, but at least you don't attack people just because one of their inventions accidentally ruined half your town. Still, aide from magically making yourself really young and then bothering those who probably won't react well, what are you good at? He asks, needing to replace his last minion supervisor. The previous one hadn't fared to well when he had to leave his last lair. How was Dravan to know that the lava was dangerous to the person.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Lene had to stare about the room at the impossibly exaggerated figures that dotted the tavern's interior. Her eyes first fell upon the latex-clad woman in the center of the room, given that Lene was heading in that direction anyhow. A quick glance at her attire had the long-haired Keeper's cheeks flushed with mild embarrassment and disdain -- Lene had never been a woman of loose morals (at least, not loose enough for a double-ended dildo like that!) and so the provocatively dressed woman and her impish smile left Lene feeling a little... exposed.

Next noticing the great demon and his scythe, she set her jaw firmly, meeting his yellow-eyed gaze with her own red-eyed one; if she were looking for someone to help deal with her current building difficulties, he would definitely be a challenge. She wasn't certain that she wanted a challenge of his magnitude, but on the other hand, if he was made of the right stuff, she felt she might have a good chance to bargain him into her good favor.

Of course, Lene caught eye and ear of the ridiculous cat-girl bouncing about all over the place, and she briefly glanced several others who were either reading quietly in the corner, trying to catch eyes with others, or simply coming in out of the rain... however, chances for conversation weren't as quick to come by as with the demon by himself.

Lene settled into a chair opposite him, draping her cape over the seat's back. "Could I fancy a guess that you might be looking for employment, scraping away at that great wheat-catcher the way you are? You look positively bored to tears." She began tugging her supple leather gloves off of her hands, one finger at a time. "I go by Lene -- what might I call you?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The barkeep nodded a bit. "She's more fiesty then she looks. In a fair fight, she'd outdistance you major. So, you're here for an assistant I take it?" he asked, bringing the order to her.


The man's sunken eyes glowed a bit. "You have no idea how much that sounds perfect, mister. What's your name?" the voice replied gravily.


The catgirl laughed a bit, music to the ears. "I'm pretty good at tracking and with a bow, plus I got some... friends that tend to follow me around. Just don't expect miricals if they get too close," she pointed out. "Why, what you doing here?"


The demon chuckled a bit at the comment. "Quite a smart tounge, Keeper," he noted. "Reaper is the best monicer I can give for my status, and you are indeed correct, as my last employer took a, erm, leave of absence," he said, though the voice is quite menacing anyway, the blade snapping shut as he leaned it against the wall. "I take it you too are planning the journey to the deep?"
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