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The Green Lizard Tavern

Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"I go by the name of Finster, or 'Oh God please make it stop' - depends on who you ask", the warlock says with a slight chuckle. "My family has several Dungeon Keepers in their pedigree. . . but that was long ago. The dungeon is a complete mess now, almost completely collapsed. And I don't even want to think about it's heart", Finster adds with a frown, once again bringing his fist up to his face and glancing inside. "Damn it, work faster", he murmurs.
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Big hulking demon... boring. Overactive annoying catgirl? Only amusing as a pet... Pleasure obsessed female? Better off whoring herself on the streets... A night elf... It's been a while since I played with a magician..."

Approaching the night elf who seemed to be absorbed in her book completely in a manner completely unmatching with the minute form she had taken, the demon began her first conversation with what could possibly become her "dungeon keeper" during her stay in the world.

"Little little mage... Do share with a demon regarding what you're so currently absorbed in... please?..."

The "innocent" smile she wore was deceptive enough that no one would believe her to be a threat... unless they looked deeper into her eyes...
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Mostly, I'm waiting for my new lair to be finished because the builders don't want me hooking up my inventions until the structure is stable. I mean, my last lair got ruined by some damn peasants and their 'heroes.' All I did was accidentally damage most of their town and they decided to come up to my lair and wreck the place. The over reacting ingrates. They even damaged the machine I had hooked up to use the volcano's heat to power to place. The idiots set the damn volcano of because of that and destroyed everything. To top that, the guy I had supervising my minions had failed to tell me that lava was bad for his health. Dravan replies, annoyed by the memory.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*making short work of that meal she ate she stood up from the bar making to approach the big hulking demon hands moving to rest upon her hips as she looked him from head to toe*
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Something about the way that the Reaper spoke made all of the hairs on the back of Lene's neck stand on end. She had a feeling that she was probably getting into the deep end of potential employees; considering she was merely mortal, and this fellow was nothing less than a hulking demon -- potentially an experienced one at that -- she had a nagging feeling that she was a little out of her depth.

Still, she mustn't show him that. Ignoring his warning, she settled her gloves neatly on the table between them, folding her hands atop them and interlacing her long fingers to keep from fidgeting. "My aspirations are perhaps a little more sprawling," she noted, her voice sounding somewhat small and mundane compared to his menacing rumble, "however, considering that my current undertaking is meeting with some difficulties, I've been considering hiring some aid to whip my working crew into shape..." Pausing, leaning back in her chair so that she could look the Reaper in the eye again, she added, "and to help hold down and secure future opportunities for expansion, of course.

"What are your terms? I'm not interested in taking any leaves of absence, inspired by my faithful aides or not." She hadn't liked the way that he remarked upon his last employer, not one bit.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The warrior chuckled darkly. "I am the Overlord, master of the deep, and I will gladly help you in m-erm, OUR assent to power..." he said silkily, noticing your looking at the progress. "Imps going too slow?I can smash one, that usually speeds up the survivors..."


The demon laughed boisterously at the comment. "I assure you that the leave of absence was not my own choice, though cruely death has some funny ways of working. As for my terms, me and my kind will aid you for only a small sum on payday,I assure you," he replied, waving over the other watcher. "Come come, I'm here until the dm gets a map syste- erm, until your dungeon is ready..."


The mage didn't peer up. "Page 713 of the Necros Incantium. My last employer let me get it for light reading, but only started it today..." she said, her eyes still roving the pages.


The catgirl giggled at the responce. "Yeah, I can't pretend that if I landed in the red stuff I wouldn't come with a terminal case of 'Knocked Out,' but it wouldn't be the first time! Well, it stinks your last dungeon got wrecked like that..."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

well you certainly do look...pointy enough to be a good motivator..you better be as strong as you look if i hire you or one of your ilk...i would be very angry to find ya just some oversized pincushion.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Yeah, so why are you here? And since you're already at the table with me, have you had any experience supervising minions? Dravan asked, filing away the fact that the cat girl was not immune to lava into his mind.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"The Necros Incantum is it?... Arams alstair alcruz...

Snapping her fingers, the demon proceeded to "simulate" basic necromancy as a skeleton with glowing green eyes tore its way out of the floor into the tavern.

"Something like that is it? If you're really interested in such things, I could teach you far more than what a simple book can..."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Lene looked the younger, white-haired woman over, slight resentment crossing her face briefly before she smoothed her expression back to polite neutrality. To the Reaper, she replied, "if you're expecting to wager in sums, it's not cost that I'm worried about. I'm more interested in your kin's potential loyalty."

Now she pulled the chair beside her out so that the scantily clad woman wouldn't have to stand. "Please, do take a seat..." she searched for the white-haired woman's name, raising her brows in question. As much as she disliked competition, she also knew that it was important to keep an eye on potential allies and enemies. Selesia didn't look like much of a threat; just an upstart twenty-something dressed in clothing better reserved for a brothel... but Lene knew that looks were almost always deceiving. The fact that Selesia questioned the Reaper's overbloated appearance attested as much to that!

"I'm guessing that you're on the employer end if this little gong show, am I right?" Lene asked the newcomer. She'd hate to question Selesia, only to find that the woman was a Keeper, herself!
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*casting a glance at Lene she didnt think much of anyone so this woman was no exception. so she simply huffed at the woman breifly before offering a polite smile at the offered chair* thankyou..I am Selesia..and indeed looking for someone..or something to properly motivate the workers to keep on their blasted toes when i'm not there to smack them around.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Mm hmm..." one of Lene's brows dropped, though she didn't cast Selesia a questioning look much longer. Casting a side-long glance at the similarly scantily-clad woman a few tables away from them -- she still had no joy from the potential Keepers in the area -- Lene licked her lips and began, "I don't suppose you're looking for that kind of motivation...?" she tilted her head towards the seductress and smiled faintly. The smile gave her a patronizing look. "Apologies if I'm making too hasty a judgment, but you two appear to share a similar sense of fashion; perhaps there's more that you and she would have in common?"

Lene could defend her turf! Really, she could!
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*gave a coy smile leaning towards Lene slightly a slender arm resting on Lene's chair "why so adorable..you have a sense of humor.." *the hand squeezing cracks a piece of her chair off a bit out of frustration. * "Dont worry about what you think i need for my employment..thats my job deary"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"I've had some experience, but not too much," the catgirl explained, blushing a bit. "I'm not as... experienced..." she mused.


The Reaper chortled again. "Quite a pair. I'm sure we're all gonna get along just fine, Keepers, I'm skilled myself. This isn't my first dungeon I've been in..."

At the comments from each side, he tried to break it up. "Hold it ladies, amazingly I CAN be in more then one place..."


The barkeep noticed the breaking floor. "Hey! Leave heavy magics for the dungeon!" he barked across the dungeon, the sensual one giggling at the comment. The magi blushed. "Er, forgot to mention that..."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*casting a glance to the demon she raised a brow* sure being in more then one place is fine and dandy you gonna be able to keep on the job being in more then one place? not distracted with two jobs?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"Oh, the Imps respect me, they just don't fear me. Yet. They have not been in my possession long enough", Finster replies in a cool tone. "Before we make a deal, Overlord, be aware that any uprisings will be punished rather severely. Are we clear?" The warlock extends his own hand, looking small against the warrior's mighty paw.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

As Selesia made her little show, breaking a chunk off of Lene's chair, the long-haired woman's lips thinned. She would have made a reply, had the Reaper not intervened. Given Selesia's understated strength, it probably would have gotten Lene into trouble. The big demon had chosen a good time to intervene.

Visibly smoothing her ruffled ego, Lene turned her attention back to the horned man, "and how does that work, then? I'm not sure I want a Lord who's going back and forth between a reputable establishment such as mine and a... well." She looked Selesia up and down, expressing her disdain for the likes of the other woman's Keep without words.

Grabbing her gloves and pushing her damaged chair back, the mortal made as if to leave, though she wanted to hear the Reaper out, yet.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

At least you aren't one of those who says their an expert and then gets gang banged by the imps. That woman was rather silly, good for morale though. Still, I need someone to make sure people are doing what they are supposed to while I focus on my labs, so if you want a job, you can have it. On to other things, though, I'm Dravan, and you are? Dravan said, a long spree of incompetent supervisors having lowered his standards.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*the woman was as short tempered as some demons were rumored to be and with such an obvious implication as Lene made has Selesia rising to her feet as well although hearing the demon out wasnt on her mind but she held fast for but a second*
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"How boring... it's not like some broken planks is a big deal anyway. Your fault for building a bar above where corpses are."

Stretching out a hand towards the summoned skeleton, in an annoyed manner, the undead's own shadow then rose up and wrapped around it completely, crushing it into dust.

"Well then, how about it? This demon can offer you much if you choose to humor her... Especially more than the other weaklings and harlots around here..."

The same smile as before reappeared on her face, except this time it was obvious that behind the child-like body, she possessed much power...