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The Green Lizard Tavern

Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*extends an arm out to the Horned reaper a small dainty hand held out*
"seal the deal with a shake?..and trust me if ya dont screw up ya wont get treated any worse then i treat myself...if your as good at your job as you look like you can be we wont have any problems." *A dark grin grew over her face as the thought of getting her keep up and running finally ra through her mind.*
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Autumn watched as a couple other keepers filtered off, still content to sit and sip her water until the bustle dies down some.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The Necromanceress suddenly understood, her face blushing deeply. "I....I think I could manage-slash-tolerate that, yes..." she muttered a bit, looking slightly embarrassed before attempting to change the subject. "So, any major plans with the dungeon? Or are you still building? I'm <Insert Name Here>, by the way."


Finstar and Draven both leave, with Jericho and Sarai both coming as well, following thier respective Keepers.


The Pleasuregiver grinned. "This whip ain't just for show, doll. I'd be glad to get you off your feet. As for price, I tend to not charge much. I tend to get my payment in... other ways..." she said not-so-crypticly, a wry smile on her face.


The Reaper gave a evil grin as he shook. "A comment like that makes me think you will be a challenge!" he noted with a grin.


As Autumn sips her drink, she lets herself just sink into the surroundings, as suddenly, replacements to the two keeper lords that had left appeared- A girl in blackish metal and a reddish cloak, and another catgirl, who bounded off the new Overlord's head, electing a curse as she flops into a table, quickly calling to the barkeep for some fish as she transformed older.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The Pleasuregiver grinned. "This whip ain't just for show, doll. I'd be glad to get you off your feet. As for price, I tend to not charge much. I tend to get my payment in... other ways..." she said not-so-cryptically, a wry smile on her face.

Even across the room, Lene gave a blush to challenge the Necromanceress' own, even if both were to two different conversations. Oh, well. Recovering from the innuendo, the noblewoman (ex-noblewoman?) sat straighter-backed in her chair, and announced quite primly, "if you're seeking it from me," (Why yes, she was a little self centered and liked to jump to conclusions like this,) "you're going to be disappointed. However, I can arrange to have better... mm, suitors?" She questioned whether that was the right term to use or not, "brought in for your... payment." By the Gods, this was the most awkward conversation she'd ever had. It even beat out the screaming match she'd had with her brother and father before she packed her saddlebags and raced off into strange lands like these.

"What's your name, then? I'm Lene, not 'doll' or 'dearie' or any of those other fake little endearments." A Keeper should never be patronized... should she? Lene had discarded her family's name. Perhaps she'd have to earn the right to being respected... and that was a new thought. She'd been used to being handed basic respect without having to work for it for far too long.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*shaking the demons hand she nodded before pulling her hand back and ccrossing her arms over her chest* "well the dungeon will be finished soon enough to get started on..those worthless workers always take their sweet time...."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The Necromanceress suddenly understood, her face blushing deeply. "I....I think I could manage-slash-tolerate that, yes..." she muttered a bit, looking slightly embarrassed before attempting to change the subject. "So, any major plans with the dungeon? Or are you still building? I'm <Insert Name Here>, by the way."

"An old... "acquaintance" of mine is preparing things as we speak... I would have done it myself of course, but he insisted otherwise. Something about how the imps drop dead whenever the see me..."

Staring into the Necromanceress's eyes in a mesmerizing manner, the demon seemed to lay the night elf's soul bare. It was as if nothing could be hidden from her, as she continued to tempt her newly designated "toy" while lacing her voice with an unknown spellbinding power.

"As you are inquiring me about the state of my dungeon, I take it you will pact with me my dear Sylvica?... All I need from you is one simple word..."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The elven girl smiled a bit. "I dont think you need to worry about it too much, I tend to draw in enough fun for everyone," she teased. "As fo my name, it's <Insert Name Here>."


"Imps allways do," the demon chuckled.


Sylvica nods, her mind made up. "Y-yes, I accept the offer, if only for more training," she ponited out.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Sylvica nods, her mind made up. "Y-yes, I accept the offer, if only for more training," she ponited out.

The instant she had said these words, was the instant she found herself bound to the chair, unable to move or even speak. The only thing she could do was stare helplessly into the hypnotic eyes of the demon who had gotten upon the table, and was moving closer with each second. When the child-like "girl" finally stopped, Sylvica found them to be at an uncomfortable distance, or rather... a lack of distance.

"Now then my dear... I recommend closing your eyes for this part. It'll sting a bit after all..."

A ominous smile on her face, Mia tilted the chin of the immobile night elf, reveling in her confusion. And after that... forced her into a deep kiss, as a spell circle of sorts appeared beneath them, powerful energy flowing from it. Shadow tendrils began emerging from the circle, behind Sylvica, wriggling in the air for a few moments, before "impaling her", leaving no visible wound upon entry nor exit. Despite that however, the pain of being run through multiple times remained in earnest, seeming to tear at the night-elf's very existence. As the pain grew too much to bear, the necromancess slipped into unconsciousness...

A few moments later...

And with that, our contract is complete. Although I must say... you tasted better than I thought you would.

The demon was once again sitting across from the night-elf, an amused look upon her face.

"Tell me dear... how does it feel to have the mana of an ageless demon run through your veins? Or to carry your one's soul with your very own hands?"

Indicating the "white orb" which the necromancess held, and the almost agonizing (and indeed it would be, for few mortals could withstand such a quantity of power flowing through them) amount of Mana seeming to seep out from her every pore, the demon continued to look on, intrigued by what her reaction would be...
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

*turns to the door and motions for him to follow* let us be gone from here the sooner they see the new taskmaster the sooner those lazy imps get back to work.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The elven girl smiled a bit. "I don't think you need to worry about it too much, I tend to draw in enough fun for everyone," she teased. "As for my name, it's <Insert Name Here>."

"Melisande," Lene repeated back, glancing at her shoulder and picking a fuzz off of it, possibly second-guessing whether or not she was making the right choice...

Well... she had noticed that new, potential Keeper Lords had shown up in the stead of those who had left, and she supposed that she could always stand up and walk away. On the other hand, she had never heard epic tales of family members defeating the likes of someone like Melisande, and had a feeling that defeats by one such as the likes of her weren't ones that a human would tell a single soul, were he to return from such an epic failure. As much as the Pleasuregiver's methods left Lene feeling on edge and more than a little embarrassed, the satisfaction of knowing that she could cause far, far worse for those who dared cross her... well, that was something to be reckoned with.

"Melisande," Lene repeated, "can I buy you a meal and a drink? I'm certain that an hour or two more away from the Keep is going to cause trouble, and I could stand some sustenance... but consider your terms accepted. Travel by horse -- after a quick meal -- will have us arrive about an hour before sundown... There's still work to be done before the place is... homey... however, I don't believe it would be wise to leave the imps to themselves overnight. Sound fair?" She turned her attention back to the point-eared woman.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Autumn sighed almost inaudibly when she heard Lene's comment, sitting back and motioning for another glass of water. There were a couple keepers she was interested in, but dealing with a Sister, even a half-Sister, would probably be easiest to manage. She noticed the changes when the other keepers reappeared, and privately wondered if the elven heritage was the norm, or confined to this version alone.

The new glass of water arrived, and Autumn took a sip and settled herself for the long wait. She wasn't as worried as Lene was about leaving the imps alone, they just seemed to sit there in a daze when they had nothing to do anyways...
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

A tremor passes near the tavern, not that anyone notices, as if something not quite real goes by... towards the dungeon entries...


The Necromancer gave a yell of surprise when the demon first moved- one that didn't reach the rest of the tavern, luckily, as the demon had it's fill...

When she awoke to her voice again, she straitened her hat a bit as she stared at the demon in a mix of surprise, awe, and a little bit of admiration. though still a little woozy from the energy...

"W-wow.... this is a bit of a rush..."


Like the last time, as the Horned Reaper left with his new Keeper, a new one sooned appeared, this one with more darkened skin.


Melisande grinned a bit. "Is that a hiring call? Sure, I'll accept both, Lene," she said, sliding back normaly and surrabtisiously hiding the toys into the sack slightly- either noticing how aquard it was with them out, or just noticing that they were out anyway- bets were held on the former.
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Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"You'll get used to it, you are keeping my company for the next few centuries after all."

Rising from her seat, the "petite demon" prepared to depart.

"Now then... shall we be going? It would appear that the game of "dungeon master" is about to begin."

Of course, as she was "Mia", the chances of her leaving the tavern by the front door were slim to none. Creating a large "shadow doorway" in the empty space in front of her, she motioned for the necromancer to follow as she disappeared into the swirling portal...
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Melisande grinned a bit. "Is that a hiring call? Sure, I'll accept both, Lene," she said, sliding back normally and surreptitiously hiding the toys into the sack slightly -- either noticing how awkward it was with them out, or just noticing that they were out anyway- bets were held on the former.

"Good, I'm glad to get that out of the way," the ex-noblewoman replied, before lifting her hand to get the attention of one of the barmaids. The service here was atrocious, as far as Lene was concerned: she was used to being waited on immediately, not having to call attention to herself to... but then, she'd had to do this sort of thing often in the past few months. She was beginning to get used to it. "Please tell me a little about yourself," she suggested... then, thinking better of it, added, "at least, what you might deign to tell your own grandmother?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The necromanceress nodded, and followed the creature into the portal. Shortly after, a new necromanceress poofed into existance, soon getting into her book.


"It's simple, really," the demon-elf notes. "Mom and, well, mom, had some fun, and I just inherited thier wild side," she note, surprisingly with a tad of a blush a bit. "I have traveled a lot, mostly on buisness with some of the lords and stuff, mostly with, erm, escort jobs. Oddly, the ladies of the lords more then the lords." It seemed with each word, she grew redder and more embarrassed, which was aleviated when the food arrived and she changed the subject quickly. "So, just here for dungeon buisness, or is there other reasons you be in town?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

If Lene hadn't been so busy attempting to look less embarrassed than she felt at Melisande's conversation, she would probably have thought that this strange crossbreed was playing her up. Unfortunately, her mind was preoccupied.

Picking up a fork (she had boggled at first that people only used one for any kind of meal... how crude!) and playing with her food distractedly, she clipped, "family business. Or... ex-family business. The Keep and that business are intertwined, after a fashion."

Wondering if she should explain the entire situation, Lene took a moment to eat as she composed her thoughts. "I come from a long line of heroes -- don't let that put you off. They were chauvinistic damsel-dealing dickheads, under the glitz and glamor of nobility." Those were some of the strongest and crudest words that she'd spoken all night! "As a girl I wanted to be a hero. They wouldn't let me. Spent a while trying to play the part the family wanted of me. Didn't work out, and then I discovered the lucrative business of becoming a Keeper -- I hadn't known that Keeps had Keepers, you see," she told the crossbreed. "So I set off to find a patch of land far from home, and this happens to be rather far enough." Lene glanced away, feeling too refined to shrug. "It's rather uninspiring, but I'm rather new to acting on revenge."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

As the first Pleasuregiver continues her talk, another soon pops in on another table, tucking away a Playgirl magazine.


"Well, Keeping at least can help there," she says with a wink.
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

Lene gave the woman a rather long stare. "Do you think they'll find me so soon? I'd been hoping to have something grand before anyone really began arriving." She cast a quick glance at the second woman who'd appeared a few tables over, then returned her attention to the one in front of her. Apparently this sort of appearance was not so special. "No wonder they always returned with this and that 'honor', if they snuck up on keeps not yet finished..."
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

The creature she was talking to shrugged her shoulders. "It all depends, I dunno how fierice your family would be... either way, I'm sure the dungeon is nearing it's completion?"
Re: The Green Lizard Tavern

"The basics, yes," Lene replied, making a slight face. "I'd rather it be a little more grand, but these things don't get built in a day, hence your help." Nearly finished her meal now, she glanced to see if the other woman had, as well. "We should probably head out shortly if we wish to reach the Keep before nightfall," she mused.