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The Hotsprings


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Siphon quietly led Sho to the area occupied by the hot springs, stopping as they arrived to take in the general area, as well as to scout it for any unwanted guests in the area as well.
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Re: The Hotsprings

Unwanted guests or others that happened to be occupying the location at the same time. Of course, being out here wasn't really allowed, so it was something of an 'honor among thieves' deal, but when you didn't want to be interrupted, company was bad.

"I think we're in the clear. Shall we?" Slipping her hand in his, she led the two of them into the cave, heading for the pool of water further back. Already the steam was starting to cling, dampening their clothes the closer they got, making the bathing suits seem like a better idea all the time.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Indeed. First however..."

He pauses long enough to remove everything but his bathing suit, having not expected it to start getting so damp in such a hurry. "I suggest if you have your suit on under your clothing that you shed the outerwear now, otherwise it's going to be totally soaked in sweat by the time we get to the actual spring itself."

He finished fully removing all but the bathing trunks, and then stooped over to collect everything into a bundle. To do so, his backside was facing her for a moment or two, and it would be now she would catch the faint outline of what at first would seem to be a surgical scar between his shoulders, and extending upward several inches. A closer look would reveal that while this it wasn't bleeding, the "scar" was in fact very much an open wound, albeit not by much. Knowing about the symbiote he carried, it wouldn't be a huge leap of thought to realize that THIS was the entry "scar" created when he had first taken in Talvesh. Obviously it seemed that the symbiote could indeed be removed from him, though it would take a bit to forcefully remove it. What might be a bit more unnerving was, this also meant the symbiote could EMERGE on it's own if it chose to, with this opening there.

It would only be visible for roughly three or four seconds, enough to be seen for sure.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Yeah, good point. Not like it won't dry out, or I can't make it dry out, but still..." She slips off her shirt, revealing the bikini top that she's wearing, though it's more in a sport cut than something flattering. Looking down while she wriggles out of her jeans, she does happen to glance up and catch sight of his back. He might get his first clue that she has when he hears her let out a very soft, almost worried sounding noise.
Re: The Hotsprings

Immediately upon hearing the soft noise she lets out, his head snaps up to look in front of him. Spotting no one, he turns around looking behind her, and spots nothing there. A slightly confused look crosses his face, and then he catches the look on her face, in her eyes. For a moment he draws a blank, then it suddenly dawns on him as to what she must have seen. An unrecognizable look crosses his face as he lets out a short sigh.

"I'm sorry, I should have warned you that the entry was a bit... open. Are you alright though?"

Now worry does creep into his features as he looks at her, not certain if it just startled her, or if it really creeped her out badly.
Re: The Hotsprings

She's standing there, holding her shirt to her chest, jeans hugging at her hips, but open, showing the matching bottom to her suit between zipper teeth. "Y-eah. It was just a bit...sudden." She looks flushed, but it could be because of the heat, too. Or a combination of both that and seeing him. "It's, um, that...doesn't hurt?"
Re: The Hotsprings

"I'm sorry... I should have warned you before doing that. I'm so damned used to not being around anybody in situations where they would see it and so used to it.... I didn't even think...."

He trails off at her question, almost seeming surprised by it for a moment. "Uh, actually no it doesn't. The opening is... I suppose the best term would be desensitized to feeling the opening. The first few years I had it, it was a bit awkward if I bathed feeling water flow into it, but eventually I got used to it. Actually, with what I understand, it's actually a good thing to periodically let water into the opening, since the symbiote natural habitat is in liquid."

He stops for a moment then says, "I'm fine. Really, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't bother me at all. I just... you sure your going to be ok with this? I can keep the shirt on if it is too much for you to bear right now?"
Re: The Hotsprings

"It's okay. I guess...it just...surprised me, that's all." She gives him a little smile, though it might seem slightly forced at the moment. As he mentions putting his shirt on, she shakes her head. "You don't have to do that. I mean, it'll be warm enough as it is in there without having to wear that, too." She pauses for a second. "It just seems...strange." It's actually a very honest-sounding admission, not meant to be cruel or a substitute word for her true feelings on the matter. Not quite acceptance, but not outright repulsion, either.
Re: The Hotsprings

He nods. "It's just that if it makes you uncomfortable and you would rather not see it, I want to be able to do something to make it so you don't have to. Wearing the shirt is no problem, I will have to wash and dry it later on anyway, so what makes the difference if it gets wet from the spring water?"

He pauses a moment before going on. "I just feel bad that it probably turns your stomach knowing what it is, and expecting it to gush or something at any moment. I suppose I could try finding a way to cover it for next time you might end up having to see it?"

He seems a bit down that it bothers her, not because he's upset with her, but because he feels badly about having shaken her up like that. It probably showed in his speech too.
Re: The Hotsprings

"It doesn't...turn my stomach. It's just, okay, yeah, I do expect...something from it. It just looks like it would be painful and I don't like seeing something like that."

This was going downhill in a hurry. They were supposed to be relaxing, but even looking at him, she couldn't get the image of the cross-shaped wound out of her head. Letting her shirt dangle in her hold, she stepped up to him and wrapped her arms around him, head bowed a little, just brushing against his chest. It was something she needed to do. Even though he said it, she needed the reassurance.

"Just relax with me, like we promised we'd do. I don't want you to have to not be comfortable on my account." The words for herself as much as for him, repeating them silently in her mind. It might be difficult, but this was Siphon. She'd already accepted a great deal about him. She could accept this, too.
Re: The Hotsprings

He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her to him, a little surprised by her words. "Damn right we're going to have some relaxing time here."

His words softened after a long pause. "Sho, it doesn't hurt at all, believe me, if it did, I would have willed the damn thing closed regardless of if it needed to or not. And I'm comfortable so long as you are. I just don't want it to be so unsettling for you every time you see it."

He paused again for a moment to think and then added, "if it would be easier for you, I can still close it shut. I probably should have done that a long time ago since I can't ever really remove Talvesh even if I wanted to ever anyway."

She might be able to see in his eyes, while he was willing to accept if she said she would be fine and could adjust to it, he was still feeling slightly bad that it seemed like she was having to constantly re-write what she considered normal regarding him so much. She could tell too, he wasn't mad at her or disappointed or down about it, but he was genuinely concerned if she would be ok with it on a more regular basis, and a bit sheepish and looking as if he felt he was pushing too many changes and too many things to adjust to on her.

The look only lasted for a few moments, as he looked at her, tilting her head to look into her eyes deeply. Taking a small breath and a chance, he gently leaned in and gave her a quick, but light kiss on her lips, before drawing back and smiling at her again. "Now... I do believe I offered you a shoulder, neck and back massage, and I intend to keep that promise."
Re: The Hotsprings

"Well, chosing to close it is up to you. Don't to it simply because of me. I mean, you said it's a good thing about water and such getting in there, right? Besides, it's just the first time, so I won't know if it will keep bothering me if you close it up."

He can feel her smile as the two of them part from the kiss, a willingness in her gaze to try this. Not seeing it so much as re-writing normalcy for herself, but as learning something new about him. "You did," she says of the massage, grinning. "So now I think you're just stalling. Let's go." She takes his hand and tugs him further along the tunnel, heading for the open area that housed the springs proper.
Re: The Hotsprings

He slowly nodded once or twice at her first words, knowing she had a point about having to keep seeing it before she would know if she could really get used to it. "Fair enough and good, valid point there."

A grin creeps into his features as she teases him about stalling. "Oh I'm not stalling, and your not going to miss out on that promise."

He budges quite easily, the only hiccup in the movement being when he takes hold of her hand, otherwise they move quite smoothly onward.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Of course it's a good point. I made it." She grins, happy to have his hand to hold as they finish making their way inside. So she'd have peel out of her jeans. Wouldn't be the first time.

The warmth from the spring hit them like a wall, the cave going from humid to outright steamy in a matter of a few steps.

"Whew!" She lets go of Siphon's hand only long enough to finish getting out of her clothes, now in nothing but a sporty bikini. "Think it's safe to just plunge right in or should we take it slow? I've never headed out here before."
Re: The Hotsprings

A wide grin, and then the really hot air hits them hard. "Wow, that is rather steamy up there isn't it?"

He considers for a moment then says, "well I haven't been up here before myself, but if we're getting hit with that much heat from here, I'd wager that water has to be quite warm. I'd say just to be safe we should ease in, that way if it is too hot we don't scald skin off by just leaping in."

He waits for her to finish removing the rest of her clothing, not quite able to help himself from admiring her body for a moment or two. Recovering fairly fast though, he points to a spot along a wall. "That should be good enough a spot to leave our clothing so it doesn't get drenched."
Re: The Hotsprings

"Just a smidge," she replies with a laugh. "And that seems a good spot, too, yeah." She neatly folds her clothes up and takes them over with him.

"Siphon soup. You go in first." She laughs, gently nudging him on his arm, though she does follow him toward the edge of the pool.
Re: The Hotsprings

He too folds his clothing in a pile, the soft sound of something metal brushing against the rock face there as he sets the bundle down. A smile on his face as she steers him toward the pool.

"Alright, here I go then."

He dipped his feet in first, and was surprised it wasn't as hot as he expected. He moved in more, and got about waist high before stopping for a moment. "Hmm, not as hot as I expected, but definitely hotter than I normally have for a shower, that's for sure."

He waited another moment before moving in to his chest level, and then with a smile, he dunked under the water and out of sight for several moments, waiting and watching her from under the surface.
Re: The Hotsprings

Figuring it for one of his 'toys,' she doesn't bother to question the sound. Watching him as he wades in, trying hard not to stare at the 'scar' on his back, she chuckles, leaning over a little to dip her foot in the water.

"Yeah, a bit toasty, but then, I like hot showers." She watches him dunk, waiting for him to crest the surface again. When he doesn't after several seconds, she frowns and steps in herself, letting out a soft hiss at the heat. "Mmm, a girl could get used to this." She slowly wades over toward where he dunked, the water a little higher on her, due to their differences in height.
Re: The Hotsprings

Somehow he managed to move under the water around to behind her, and surfaces. Reaching up he places both hands on her shoulders and starts to rub at them, as well as her neck, his hands quite soaked with water now that he had been under. "How does that feel?"
Re: The Hotsprings

As he came up behind her, she let out a soft, surprised noise, one that echoed through the cave and over the water. Even though she should have expected it, it still surprised her. Guess she was still a little on edge from the walk, the scar, and everything.

He can feel her shiver as water droplets from his hands trickle down her skin, even warm as they are. Though initially tense, she starts to relax under the pressure of his fingers. "Feels good," she murmurs, letting her head tip forward a little.