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The Hotsprings

Re: The Hotsprings

She wouldn't be able to see it, but she could possibly hear that he was smiling by his tone of voice. "Good, good. Hope I didn't surprise you too much."

A slight chuckle, and his fingertips gently started working on each shoulder, one at a time, his lips gently brushing and periodically planting light kisses on the back of her own neck.

"I wonder if this is shallow enough for us both to sit in? Want to try?"
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Re: The Hotsprings

He can feel the tension in her shoulders, lessening due to his attentions, but still present at the moment. "Not too much." His lips make her shiver about as much as the trickles of water do.

"Mmm, that sounds like it'd be nice. Let's try. Probably shallower closer to the edge over there." She turns around, slipping her hand into his again and guiding him over to the spot to test it out.
Re: The Hotsprings

He slips his hand into hers and moves to the chosen spot, testing it on himself first. When it proves to be just right, he reaches up and gently urges her downward towards him.

"Looks just perfect. Sit down?"
Re: The Hotsprings

"Sure." She kneels down first, purring as the warmth of the water wraps around her, then turns, settling with her back to him, though leaning into him slightly so the two of them can sit and hold onto one another for a few moments, enjoying the warmth and being close.
Re: The Hotsprings

He pulls her into an embrace, holding her close, the events of the day pretty well catching up to him now. "This is good, having some time together."
Re: The Hotsprings

"Yeah, it is." She settles back against him, her own hands coming up to hold his arms gently. There's no push for the massage. She simply wants to sit and relax with him, let him unwind some, too, given that he'd been through a lot more today than she'd had to deal with.
Re: The Hotsprings

After a moment or so, he very slowly begins to rub both shoulders at once, not too soft, but not too hard either. He leans in a bit and whispers into her ear, "I'm glad we came here tonight, much more relaxing and private."
Re: The Hotsprings

"Mmmhmm," she just purrs out as his hands knead at her shoulders. "Not like we can't find places, but this is definitely more enjoyable than the trees right now." Her head slumps a little, just her body relaxing to his attentions. "If I knew we wouldn't shrivel up, I'd say we could stay here forever."
Re: The Hotsprings

A smile. "It would be nice, but yeah, we'd definitely get all pruny and shriveled up."

There is a moment pause as he looks at her, and then he slowly moves in to kiss her again, keeping his eyes open just in case she doesn't want to so he can see.
Re: The Hotsprings

She laughs softly, having shifted around in his hold. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that it isn't polite to stare at someone?" Reaching up, she cups his cheek, giving him a pat intending to be a smack, then draws him in to guide his lips to hers.
Re: The Hotsprings

He kisses her deeply, a smile in his eyes as he politely closes them now, lost in her for the moment. When he finally does pull back up for air, he opens them again and smiles at her, a look of happiness on his face.


Aya had taken her time erasing everything in the systems inside the hidden cavern, making certain in the unlikely event anyone ever figured out how to enter the place, that they could never access the stuff here, since it no longer existed. Taking one last look around the place that had been her prison and home for who knew how long, she stepped over to the panel inside, and worked at it. She set the device, once she had passed through the wall, to fry out and never be activatable again. This done, she swiped her hand and quickly stepped through.

She stepped through, and then stiffened when she spotted two people over by the hot pools of water. She studied a moment, determining their threat level, then realized they were kissing. Just her luck to stumble across two love birds on the path to making out. The man had his back turned to her, and the woman had her eyes closed for the moment. Neither would have seen her exit the wall, but when the kiss broke, she knew she was going to be spotted.

Oh shit, how the hell am I going to explain this one?
Re: The Hotsprings

Siphon gets to see her smile before her eyes open to find him again. "I'm glad we decided to come here," she says quietly. As she blinks her eyes, and thus him, into focus, he suddenly feels her go stock still in his hold, the gasp she lets out coinciding almost with the howl of wind that blows above. Something's behind him.
Re: The Hotsprings

Once she stiffens he knows something is wrong. Whipping around he spots a single female behind them. He instantly was on guard, until he saw her necklace and the clothing she was wearing. Could that be Ancient design? He decided to test that theory.

"Tua Ani Aqueetus?"

Aya blinked rapidly. He knew her language? "Sembotal Egoo Nehmtal."

Now it was his turn to blink. He turned to Sho with a stunned look and said in almost awe. "My god..... she's an Ancient..."

Aya looked at the woman and spoke in English now. "I'm sorry to disturb you, I... I didn't expect to encounter anyone here. Your.... not like him?"
She seemed to be monumentally embarrassed.
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Re: The Hotsprings

"I thought you said they were all gone," she whispers to him, though it's possible the cave acoustics might make Aya able to hear her. Sho had to keep a chuckle back. They weren't expecting to encounter anyone else here either, but she doubted the girl would understand her humor at the moment. At the statement about being different, though, she frowned a little. "I know enough," she replies.
Re: The Hotsprings

"I though so too..."

He does seem stunned by this.

Aya on the other hand, if she heard the first comments chose not to say anything about it. The second comment though caused her to flush in embarrassment. "I.... I'm sorry, I didn't intend any disrespect. I only meant that your not.... an Ancient like us."

She seems to be quite worried that she has offended her. "I... my name is Aya. Aya Morioka."
Re: The Hotsprings

For the time being, Sho's keeping her smartass remarks to herself, because, well, while Siphon's old, he's not an Ancient either. That, and maybe letting Aya think that isn't such a bad idea for the time being. "I'm Sho. This is Siphon." She suddenly realizes she still has her arms around him and lets them slip back into the water. One hand slips to take his. She figures, too, if he has anything to add, he can. Like Talvesh.
Re: The Hotsprings

Aya pauses for a moment, quietly seeming to absorb things. "I'm sorry, you must think of me as a threat just appearing like that. I don't know how I can assure you that I don't mean you any harm..."

She pauses for a long moment, closing her eyes as she does. When she finally opens them and speaks, it's with a much softer tone, almost as if she is afraid they still may turn out to be enemies that want to hurt her. "I've.... been sealed down here for quite some time. I have no idea how long. Recently I emerged from stasis, I think that is your word for it Sho? I heard a rumor of someone here who seemed to have arrived in similar outfitting to what I am wearing now, an older seeming person..." She suddenly went wide eyed as she realized Siphon's hair color wasn't like her own, as if she were just seeing this.

Siphon shot a look to Sho at this point, and she might be able to see in her eyes that he knew Aya was referring to him. After a moment he said to her, "then you have found the person you were looking for. Why might I ask are you so interested in finding me though?"

Aya's eyes squeezed shut, almost as if she were going through a mix of being happy and sad at the same time. "I was left behind by the others when they left here... I was told the reason was to preserve the new line of our species, our evolution...."

For a moment Siphon had no idea what she was talking about, and then it hit him. "My god..."

He leaned to Sho and spoke quickly. "We always wondered how our species evolved from the Ancients, the entire record of it was lost. She... she might be a step in the path back."

"Wait, you know my language but your not.... could you possibly be.... I'm sorry, this is all so quick. And I have intruded on your time alone. I'll leave if you wish me to."

She seemed again to be apologetic, looking more towards Sho at this point, near the point of being extremely upset as she dejectedly started walking away. "Just great, I finally meet people who are nice and aren't trying to hurt me and I go and alienate them," she muttered, although Sho might catch this.
Re: The Hotsprings

What might not help is the slight frown that Sho wears, just skeptical with all the craziness that had been happening around, and then, to have someone just appear out of nowhere and claim to be looking for Siphon. Not just looking for Siphon, but to be some sort of...missing link...for him.

Still, if what she was saying was true, then Siphon was probably the person she most needed to talk to right now. Letting out a soft sigh, she nudges Siphon. "You probably should go talk to her. Sounds like she's pretty important." She draws back a little, sinking herself further into the water to make up for the lost warmth of him. "But holler if there's trouble, okay?"
Re: The Hotsprings

As soon as Aya was far enough away he turned to Sho. "Are you sure about that? I..."

He trailed off at her look, almost as if she was just insisting that he find out. "Gotcha, you want to see how she'll react. Alright, alright. I'll be back as soon as I can."

He stood and made his way out of the water, taking off after Aya.

((Edge of the Entry, still inside. Red Text = Aya.))

It took him a few moments to catch up to her, and when he did it was near the entry way. "Aya wait up."

She turned around to look at him, surprise across her face. "Oh, hey, what is it?"

"Well it's just... What you said back there. Got me curious. My people call themselves the Alverans, we believe that the Ancients, you, are our ancestors. In fact most of our technology is based off of Ancient tech. I was just wondering if you could shed some more light here."

She studied him for a moment, perhaps trying to see if he was mocking her. Finally she sighed. "Well like I said, the others left me behind in stasis to 'preserve' me. We were at war with a race we called the Draque, worshippers of energy beings called the Sentinels. I have to assume that we lost since no one ever came back for me. My pod ran out of power six months or so ago, and I've pretty well been living wherever I could since then, so lost here. This world is so unlike what I am used to. Filled with so many hostile people who have tried to hurt me. Then I heard a rumor of someone who I assume is you now, and I was hoping they... you, could help me either adjust here or find me a way off this planet."

He was silent for a long while, then spoke with a slow, warm tone. "I can't get you out of here I am afraid, but I can help you adjust to living here. If you follow the woods far enough, you will come across a path that leads to a large school. Further away is a large building where the principle of the school lives. Ask her to help you enroll and get you a room in the girls dorm, as well as some directions, she should be more than willing to help you. Once you have enrolled and gotten a room, there is a building where we can meet up. You'll be given a room in the girls dorm, which is where Sho stays. I'm sure she'll be willing to help you out once I tell her your a good person."

"Are you sure? I... I think she hates me. Or is feeling threatened by me."

"Oh no, it isn't that. We've had some... problems lately with another female who is rather psychotic, and it's unnerved us both pretty badly."

"Oh.... And my just popping up out of nowhere didn't help. Please tell her I am sorry and I hope she'll understand."

He smiled again at her, feeling as if she could finally tell him some things about his own past. "I will make sure to. Go now while you can and it is still light enough to find your way. These woods are very lethal at night if you don't know your way around them, it's easy to get lost and have trouble getting back out."

"Alright. So I'll register with this principle, find my way to these dorms, get a room and then what? How will I find either of you again?"

"Once you have a map, head over to the Nurses Station after you settle in and you should run across a young man by the name of Simon. Tell him that Siphon sent you and have him call me on a phone. We will come and get you after since we have to check in on a friend there, and try to show you around some."

"Alright. Thank you. I just hope that when the time comes to return the favor here that I can help. I know you must have questions about me, what my people were like. I will do my best to answer them later."

"I'm sure everything will be just fine. Just take care and watch yourself out there."

"I will, thanks!"

She took off at a dead run, following the directions he had given her and was soon out of sight.

Siphon stood there for a moment, watching as she faded away. He now knew she was telling the truth about who and what she was. She knew of the Draque and the Sentinels. Even though they were long gone now, it was still a touchy topic for him. He took a deep breath and then headed back into the cave, eager to be with Sho again, and just a bit more than slightly excited now.

((Back by Sho now.))

Perhaps twenty minutes had passed, and finally Siphon stuck his head back into the area where the springs proper were. "Sho, hun? I'm back. We need to definitely have a chat here..."

She might be able to see the look on his face was one of amazement, hope, and he was definitely wound up about something, but in a good way.
Re: The Hotsprings

((I'm not even going to touch that 'more excited' remark...))

Sho sank a little further down into the water, hoping that the warmth of it would help her relax a little more. Getting surprised by Aya had not been the highlight of what was supposed to be a peaceful evening. Of course, she couldn't really relax, since she needed to keep an ear out in case Siphon called for help. She could hear their voices echoing back into the cavern, more sound than words at this point, but she could tell when Siphon was talking and when Aya was.

When he finally made it back to her, if he could grin even wider, she probably guessed that he would be. At his words, her shoulders slumped a litte, but she gave him a smile anyway, straightening. Hopefully he hadn't caught the motion underwater. So much for their relaxing night.

"You don't say." She started to wade a little closer to the edge, stirring up a soft breeze around herself to keep the chill away.