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The Hotsprings

Re: The Hotsprings

((Your evil :O))

He looks at her, definitely catching the motion as he slides in beside her. "Hey, listen to me. This night is NOT getting ruined, you hear me? No way in hell we're going to let even one of my ancestors take precedence over our night together."

He gently massages her neck and shoulders again, silent for a moment, seeming to collect his thoughts.

"First off, she's truly upset about startling you and interrupting. She actually thinks that you hate her or that she makes you feel threatened by her being around. Sho... she's telling the truth about who and what she is, she knows of the Draque and Sentinels. There is no way anyone other than someone not of this world could have known of them, I doubt even Mia would know of them."

He pauses for a moment, not sure if she'll like this next part or not. "She wants our help. She's stuck here, with no way to ever reach out to her own kind again. I might be her descendant yes, but let's face it here. All the others of her kind are several million years gone, she's totally alone here, on a planet that to her is so alien... she's scared of us actually. She was afraid I think that you would try to kill her, or worse. I told her to register here and that I would talk to you about what she and I spoke of."

Another pause as he considers. "She's supposed to register, then report in to Simon who will call us. We'll go get her from the Nurses Station tonight, AFTER we're good and ready to head on out. Since we have to go back there anyway...."

He pulls her suddenly into an embrace, slightly shaking. "Now then, unless you want to add anything about what I just told you.... what's say we forget that she was even here and go back to relaxing?"

Despite his earlier elatedness at finally having a chance to speak to what seemed to be one of his ancestors, he definitely was anxious to get back to their own alone time. "I want to just go back to what we were talking about, where we were before she showed up... I'm sorry."
Re: The Hotsprings

She relaxes her shoulders as his hands start to brush over them again, trying to let him ease some of the tension that built up out of them. "Well, I can understand about being confused and if she's been threatened before, I can understand about her wanting to keep safe. Even if I didn't like her, I wouldn't entertain thoughts of murder." She chuckles, just trying to relax under his touch. "Are you sure? I mean, you said it yourself. She's all alone. Even if you are sending her to meet with Simon..." She's cut off as he wraps his arms around her. "Mm, and just what were we talking about, hmm? I think you'll have to remind me. I'm a bit frazzled."
Re: The Hotsprings

He smiles slightly. "Well, she said she was alone and barely surviving for six months without us, now she'll at least have a room. I think she can manage a few more hours or so without us."

A second smile and he adds, "Actually, I think our lips were the ones talking and not us. That and my hands here didn't get to finish their talk either."

As he says this, he gently continues to massage her neck and shoulders, moving them down further along her back, near the small of her back eventually. He leans in again, and while he doesn't kiss her yet, he is just using his own body warmth to knock the chill away from her. "Want to sit down again in the water?"
Re: The Hotsprings

"I think you were right," she says of there not being much actual talking going on. She's still a little tense under his hands, so he's got his work cut out for him, though he does get a nod as he mentions sitting down again. "That sounds good. It's pretty chilly out of it." She does grin a little at that.
Re: The Hotsprings

He grins back at her for a moment, then slowly sits down, gently sitting her down in the water, half sitting in his lap. His fingertips begin working into the muscles of her neck and shoulders, trying to loosen them out some, while holding her close to his body. "How's that feeling?"

A small grin as he added, "I know I'm not a professional, but I'm working on it." He had a laugh to his tone and brought his lips down across her neck again, gently kissing, and trying to relax her.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Getting better." She tipped her head forward some, trying to relax under the workings of his fingers. Her muscles didn't seem to want to cooperate at the moment, so she tried thinking of calming thoughts to help things along. Of course, his kisses were quite the distraction from that but she didn't mind the shivers he caused. "Doing pretty good for an amatuer," she says with a soft chuckle, very slowly starting to relax again.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Good, I'm glad you like it."

He chuckles slightly at her 'amateur' comment. "Are you saying that I should go ahead and pursue a career there and get better?"

He has a twinkle in his eye, semi joking about it. A grin as he continues the massage and adds, "maybe I should have brought some massaging oils too, might have helped loosen those knots up some."
Re: The Hotsprings

"You're doing fine. The oil'd just get lost in the water anyway," she mumbles. Ever so slowly, she start to relax, or tries to. Seems the interruption is still keeping her a little on edge. Her back and arms are loose enough, but there's the knot at her shoulders and neck. Even some deep breathing isn't really helping the situation any, unfortunately. He can tell, though, that she appreciates it, even if her body isn't cooperating.
Re: The Hotsprings

He smiles at this. "That is true. Ah well, we're fine without it."

He can tell she is trying to relax, but her body isn't wanting to let go so easily from the daytime events. He looks briefly around them and notices they are close enough to the 'shore' of the spring for him to try something here. With a grin he says playfully, "time for another relaxing tactic. Down we go!"

Gently, but firmly, he pulls her down into a side laying position with him, turning her more towards him as he does so, so they can be facing each other. Once they were laying down, if she didn't resist it, he would run his right hand over the front of her right shoulder, while the other one snaked around her waist to pull her closer to him. When he was sure they would both be comfortable for a bit in this position, he would simply wrap her up in his arms and just hold her, listening to her heart beat and just snuggling up with her, trying a different tactic of relaxation.
Re: The Hotsprings

She actually does resist for a second, until she realized what it is that he's aiming for. Once she figures it out, though, she can relax against him, trying to stretch her shoulders a little to help with the tension. Closing her eyes, he can feel her tip her head close to his chest, breathing nice and slow to try and expel the tension with her breath and with the help of the warm water and his even warmer hold.
Re: The Hotsprings

He doesn't pressure her into moving, though when she relaxes into it he continues with his plan and motion. A slight shiver goes up his spine when her breath starts tickling against his chest, though he is already rubbing at her back to let her know he is alright.

While he holds her with one arm, his free hand is lightly and absentmindedly brushing against the small of her back, his heart rate just slightly off pace and faster than normal.

He knew he was taking a chance at this point of saying this so abruptly, but he hadn't said it enough he felt, and truly, he wanted to let her know exactly what he was thinking. "You know, I don't think I really have appropriately told you just how beautiful you are Sho, and how damned lucky I am to have met you. I haven't said it nearly enough, and I apologize for that."
Re: The Hotsprings

She stays close to him, not minding the brush of his hand against her skin, nor the feel of the water against it. Her own hand rest lightly on his chest and she could feel his heartbeat. Despite his posture and the water, he still seemed rather keyed up, something the drum under her fingertips couldn't deny.

Smiling a little as he spoke, she picked her head up. The words were nice to hear. What girl wouldn't want to be told she was beautiful? But the timing was very wrong. It almost sounded like he was trying to affirm his feelings for her in light of his going off and talking to Aya. True, she'd told him to and he had come back, but it almost seemed like he was trying to divert her attention from the other girl.

Was she getting jealous? No, not really. But some small part of her couldn't help but think that Siphon might be enjoying himself more if he were off talking to her. It was like a kid with a new toy. Sure, you could get them to sit down and eat their dinner, but they weren't focused on the food in front of them.

"You don't have to apologize. Just don't forget it," she said, putting on a show of her usual smartass nature, even bringing her hand up to poke him lightly in the shoulder. "Though I can't help but think you're just trying to distract me. Is that your game, hmm?"
Re: The Hotsprings

He grinned at first. "No chance in my forgetting that at all."

He blinked in confusion at her comment about if he was trying to distract her, and he stopped a moment to ask himself that question.

Finally he answered, no trace of doubt in his voice at all. "No, absolutely not."

It suddenly dawned on him as to why she would ask that, and he blinked again. It wasn't jealousy or fear that he would stray from her, he could tell, and besides, she knew him well enough to know he wouldn't ever do that to her. No, it was something more subtle, something to do with the fact that he was, admittedly, excited about the possibility of finally answering some of the questions that had been long unanswered about his entire species's origin.

"Hey, let me tell you something Sho. If we both wouldn't starve to death, and didn't have to worry about responsibilities, and I could freeze time, I would just slow it to a crawl so we could spend all eternity together, and just say to hell with everything else. If it were possible, I would gladly give EVERYTHING else up just to spend that time with you."

He pauses a moment, moving so he is draped over her just enough to look her in the eye so she can truly she he means it on his face. "I'd love to be able to do that so much, you have no idea."

His face goes blank for a second, and then is replaced with a slight grin, and she might be able to tell he has a joking idea. "If you want I suppose I could always try and work on some kind of time dialation thing to accomplish that, but that would take time away from you that I just don't want to devote to anywhere else but spending it with you."

((For any who might question, NO I have no intention of doing anything like that. I only said it here as a bit of his own brand of humor, so you don't have to worry.))
Re: The Hotsprings

Sho listened to him go on, knowing full well what he meant by his words, but unable to really let her mind get past that first part of the statement. She knew what he was getting at, even if he were using terms he was more familiar with than, say, Earth jargon, and she could tell by his look that he was sincere. That didn't stop her from letting out a soft snort.

"Yeah, real romantic there. You don't mention the 'starving to death' part when you say you want to stop time at a particular moment." She gave him a look that told him she was teasing, reaching up to ruffle her hand through his hair. Letting out a sigh, she used her hold to tip his head down, giving him a kiss on the forehead. "But if you want to know the truth, I wouldn't mind if you could, either." Her tone is a lot gentler this time as she draws back, gazing up at him with a crooked smile on her face.

So it wasn't the relaxing, romantic evening that they had in mind. It wasn't interrupted by doom and destruction and they still got to spend time with one another. His words to her were reassuring. He'd likely be heading off to meet with Aya sometime in the future, not that she'd blame him, but for right now, their attention was back on one another and that helped her relax again. Who knew when they'd get another chance to sneak off like this. Best not waste it.

Tipping her head up again, she gave him a kiss on the chin, smiling up at him in his hold.
Re: The Hotsprings

The slightest hint of a smile lifted at the corner of his lips as he said, "I'll try to keep that in mind love. I'm counting on you to help me there."

Now he was smiling, a twinkle in his eye that hadn't been there before. His body was beginning to relax now, and he drew closer to her again. His arms now wrapped around her back and waist, and he once more leaned in to give her a kiss, still smiling.

When he broke the kiss finally, he had a thoughtful look on his face. "Sho... something to consider here, and it might be a bit early to think on this since we still have a good chunk of tonight left but... Tomorrow night is going to be six months for us, and I wanted YOU to decide what we should do this time. I kind of feel like maybe I'm taking charge a little bit too much recently, and I don't want you feeling like that either, so I want you to think of something you would like to do tomorrow night."
Re: The Hotsprings

"Has it really been six months? You're better at keeping time than I am." She grins. "Well, if it's tomorrow, I know exactly what you can do. Pick me up outside the dorms and escort me to the dance. I think that will be a suitable anniversary celebration. How about you?"
Re: The Hotsprings

He blinked at this, having actually forgotten about that being the same day as their six month anniversary. "Wow, I had forgotten the dance would be tomorrow actually. Yes, that sounds like a very lovely, relaxing evening in store. I'd say I can't wait for it, but then that would mean tonight has to end, and I don't want it to yet."

He grinned at her.
Re: The Hotsprings

"But if tonight didn't end, we'd get stuck here and starve to death," she replies, grinning at him and just being a smartass, like usual. Still, she seems quite content to be relaxing with him like this, in the water, without having to worry about anything else for the time being. "Oh, yes, and strange ancestors showing up does not get you out of the massage you owe me," she teases, happy right now to just cuddle with him, not pressing the issue in the least. In fact, he can feel her hand rubbing at the small of his back as well.
Re: The Hotsprings

He grins at her first comment, then chuckles at the second.

"Strange ancestors can wait if it means I have the chance to be with you. And I haven't forgotten about that massage."

A wider grin as his hands start up again around her shoulders and neck, somehow finding the spot where they had left off before and not missing a beat.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Mm, good, because that was definitely something I was going to hold you to. Among other things." She gives him a squeeze around the waist, concentrating now on the feel of his fingers against her back, letting out soft, pleased sounds now and again.