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The Hotsprings

Re: The Hotsprings

He grins again and continued to give her a massage, saying nothing, just smiling down at her and periodically brushing his lips against her neck.
Re: The Hotsprings

Between Siphon's hands and the warmth of the water, Sho was actually starting to nod off. Doing so in the water was probably a bad idea, but she had Siphon around to fish her out if it really did happen.

After a time, she found herself at that hazy twilight between still awake enough to hear, but practically asleep, all thanks to his arms and attention. It was because of that feeling that she jumped in his arms, hearing a strange noise echo along the walls.

Assuring Siphon that she was fine, she urged him to investigate it. Turns out someone had left their phone on vibrate and it was rattling against the stone, echoing around the cave.

"And here I thought you'd just brought your gun," she chuckles. "I think I'd prefer it if that were the case." She shifts over to see if she can peek at the caller registry before he puts it to his ear.
Re: The Hotsprings

He looks at her a bit embarrassed. "Had to bring it so Simon could call in case of trouble, speaking of which.... Simon left a message."

He plays it back quickly, his body showing only the slightest of motions as he prepares to move quickly if need be, but then after only ten seconds or so visibly relaxes before hanging up.

"That was Simon, he was just calling to relay the message that Aya made it there safely and is waiting for us whenever we are ready. I told her we probably would be quite some time still so.... Let's not leave just yet."

Unspoken is the look in his eye stating that if SHE want's to leave, they can, but as far as he is concerned, since there is no emergency needing their special talents, they can damn well wait their turn.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Right, right. I'd forgotten about that." Must be the fact that things had been pretty quiet. She waits for him to put his phone down before wrapping her arms around his neck, settling against him. "Yeah, maybe not just yet, but it would be rude to keep them waiting for too long." Seems she's a little more awake now than she was a moment ago. "Maybe once we turn into prunes it'll be a good time to go." For now, though, she's mostly on his lap, head resting on his shoulder with her arms around him, still, just enjoying the peace and quiet and the occasional ripple along the water caused by a slight movement or shift.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Indeed, when we are prunes we should at least get out of the water."

He had set the phone down back where it was, then went back to be with her, smiling as he did so. He runs his fingers through her hair softly, almost as if he's combing it with his fingertips.
Re: The Hotsprings

Thankfully, her hair is short and soft enough that his fingers, even though they might be wet, don't get tangled in it. Even if they do, she doesnt' seem to mind, just letting out a soft laugh when it happens. The peace and quiet of the cave, the warmth of both him and the water, they all help the previous day to simply melt away, giving her nothing to concern herself with but the promise of tomorrow night and the enjoyment that will hopefully bring.
Re: The Hotsprings

He strokes her hair carefully, trying not to get tangled up, and the very few times he does he is able to fix that without yanking any out or hurting her, or so he hopes.

He catches a look on her face and tilts his head. "What ya thinking? Or are you just relaxing and enjoying this? Or both?" He's smiling at her while he speaks, clearly enjoying the time they have together right now.
Re: The Hotsprings

"Enjoying the peace and quiet," she replies, opening her eyes a little to look at him. "Which I may have to do something to keep things that way." She tries to sound annoyed, but really isn't. Of course, her idea of keeping the peace and quiet is to get him to stop talking. Which means kissing him. Rather deeply, too.
Re: The Hotsprings

He opens his mouth to chuckle, and ends up drawn into a surprise kiss, blinking once in surprise before kissing back. His hands no longer run through her hair, but rather wrap around her back, holding her close to him as he just sits there, savoring every moment. She can see in his eyes, just before they close some, he's taken a little by surprise, but definitely not complaining one bit about it.
Re: The Hotsprings

And it's not often he's taken by surprise, so she savors that for the moment, before getting caught up in the kiss. Drawing back a little, she keeps up the gesture, tugging lightly on his bottom lip with her own, mostly just enjoying the notion of sharing constant, warm kisses with him holding her. They're more warm and sweet than totally innocent, but at the same time, they don't seem to be leading much deeper than they're already at. This is a time to relax and enjoy, until they turn into prunes, anyway.
Re: The Hotsprings

Relax he does, any residual tension in his body melting away in seconds, though his heart rate and breathing pick up slightly. It's clear he's fully enjoying the moment, and hasn't a care for anything but her right now.
Re: The Hotsprings

And this brief moment turns into a longer one, lazy kisses and gentle massages helping to keep the two of them distracted from the passage of time until a good portion of it had passed. They were now sitting on the "shore," a warm and gentle breeze playing about them to keep them warm and also help them dry off.

"I think it's sufficiently dark enough for us to sneak back onto campus, how about you?" A bit of wind ruffled Siphon's hair. "Then we can be concerned friends and visit Elisia in the infirmary. And bring foodstuffs to those camped out there for now. Sound like a plan?"
Re: The Hotsprings

"It ought to be dark enough by now. If you want to start out then we can get dressed and move on, only if you want to though."

He thinks for a moment then says, "if we are though, what should we get them for food?"
Re: The Hotsprings

"The universal food, of course. Pizza." She grins, slipping away from his lap to wriggle into her jeans and pull her shirt over her head. "Besides, I want to get back before it gets too dark, y'know?" She holds out a hand to him.
Re: The Hotsprings

He nods with a smile, "ah, true. Yeah that's not a bad idea, just light enough to get back and see, but dark enough to not be seen."

He pulls on his own clothing, a faint snapping sound being heard as the belt snaps back into place, and then he gently pops his back, stretching. "Ready when you are love."
Re: The Hotsprings

A faint smile pulls at her lips as he says that. "Ready." She reaches out and takes his hand, definitely wanting the feeling of someone being with her as they make their way out of the tunnel. Going in when there was light wasn't so bad, but now, the dark makes it almost absolute. Having him to hold on to really helps.
Re: The Hotsprings

He smiles warmly and take her hand, gently squeezing to reassure her, before starting to move onward, half leading, half following. "And off we go."