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The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Ynissa looked into Diana's face, glossy eyed and fragile, her lower lip quivelling like mad. The poor girl looked to be made of fine crystal, likely to break at the slightest touch. After a lon moment, what seemed to be eternity for both of them, she finally caved in, bawling like crazy and threw herself into her new companion for comfort and consolation. WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! DIAAAAAANAAAA! OOOH! Oh, you don't kn-kn-know! I wanted to die! Even while hiding I was cursing myself, hating myself! I cursed the gods for making me so damnable weak! I wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear into nothing! I sat their in the burnt and charred rubble for hours, sobbing helpless and pathetically! I... I just wanted to die..." she said looking down into Diana's bosom shivering, "Than I heard your horse come up and I went right back to hiding, like I hated myself for earlier....." She said before burying her far deep into Diana's cleavage, wiping snot and tears all over sr leather and bust. She laid there sobbing and quivering for several moments before finally looking back into Diana's eyes, "Please.... Help me... Teach me. Teach me how to fight and be strong! Not just for revenge, but so... So I can help other people who may have suffered like you and me too. And so I can never hate myself ever again. Please?" She finished before kissing Diana long and affectionately on her forehead before whispering out a simple "Thank you" and passing out in Diana's embrace.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana let Ynissa cry as much as she needed, pulling her face into her chest and cushioning her between her breasts. Diana showed only kindness to her friend and didn't care for her crying like that.

"Oh Ynissa honey, shh shh, the gods didn't make you weak or anything like that. You hid because you knew what would happen to you too if you came out. I admit, there were times that I wished that Pandora would just kill me and my family and be done with it, so that we could rest in peace. But I'm glad she didn't, because I wouldn't have been able to meet such a kind girl as you. You shouldn't hate yourself for hiding Ynissa, because sometimes hiding is the only thing you can do to stay alive," Diana told Ynissa as she sobbed into her chest for a few moments before talking to her again. "And I don't truly know how to fight like a warrior, but Pandora did teach me some things by making me fight her soldiers and such. It was rare that I won those matches, but at least it helped to train me somewhat. She taught more about things though that would help subvert and coerce her foes... a spy basically. The fighting was only as sport for her to watch me struggle and whatnot. But I will teach you what I can Ynissa, just don't hate yourself so much please, because you don't deserve it," she went on to tell Ynissa in a kind tone.

Laying there with Ynissa, Diana held her tight and closed her eyes again, urging Ynissa to try and get some sleep herself as she herself went on to sleep, hoping the next morning would bring better tidings on anything.


When she woke the next morning, Diana would lay there and hold Ynissa until her companion woke up before getting up, though if she woke up with a boner she would blush and try to keep Ynissa from noticing it as best she could.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

As Diana would wake up in the mornin she would find one hand cupping her breast and another one snaked around back gently rubbing her bum, she would also feel a gentle sucking sensation on one of her nipples. In between the suckling sounds, she would hear a sweet cooing and mumbling. If she looked down she would see Ynissa softly suckling her teat and using her tits as a nice warm fleshy pillow. Eventually she would feel one of her buttocks be squeezed gently on and off, and Ynissa would bury herself further into the soft warm flesh of her companion. If Diana would go to wake her, the young woman would quickly and almost violently remove herself from her body, all but throwing herself off of her and begin to nervously babble out an apology. "OHSWEETMOTHEROFZEUS! DIANAIMSOVERYSORRY! ISWEARIWASNTACTUNGTOGETINTOYOURPANTSANDTAKEADVANTAGEORANYTHINGHORRIBLELIKETHAT! IJUSTHADAREALLYNICEDREAMABOUTMYOLDTEDDYBEARURSACUDDLES-" she broke to take a deep breath before beginning again, "ANDIMUSTVEFORGOTTENIWASSLEEPINGWITHSOMEONE!" gaaaaaaasp she starts breathing in and slowly again before taking another deep breath and exhaling, "Anyways, I'm sorry I was.... Touching you like that.... You're not.... Mad at me, are you?" She finished before looking back up into Diana's eyes timidly.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Waking up, Diana noticed something was suckling on her nipples and cooed softly at the feel of it. She looked down and saw Ynissa nuzzling against her tits and suckling on then softly and couldn't help but smile, especially when she felt the hand on her butt. Diana decided to let Ynissa sleep some for now, enjoying the feel of her affections, even though Ynissa was asleep while doing it and didn't know what she was doing.

After a few minutes though, Diana woke her new friend up and couldn't help but giggle at her as Ynissa babbled like crazy and practically shoved Diana away. As soon as she'd finished babbling, Diana reached out slowly and placed a hand on Ynissa's shoulder and pulled her back against her in a hug.

"Ynissa honey, it's alright, I'm not angry. I couldn't be angry over something like that, besides much worse than that was done to me while in Pandora's care. Honestly I was enjoying it until I woke you up. In case you couldn't tell that is," Diana told Ynissa in a soft kind tone before looking down between her legs where her robes were straining against her massive erection. Diana reached down and pulled the belt of her robes and freed her large member from its prison, letting out a sigh of relief in the process as she raised up to sit and stretch.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Meep!" Ynissa squeaked out cutely as Diana freed her large manhood from the confines of her trousers, before quickly turning away with a bright red burning blush on her face. "Uhm....... Do... Do you... Uhm... You know... Need to... R-r-relieve yourself again, Diana? If so, I should be okay while you do, to give you some p-privacy..." She said as sat there turned away from her friend fiddling her thumbs. Once Diana was finished with her deed, she would bring the bag with the food to her an offer her half a piece of bread, however much of the jerky was left and the canteen once she was finished. Whenever the pair finished eating, Ynissa would kick her feet idly looking towards Diana expectantly for a moment before finally asking, "S-s-so..... Do you really th-think going through the sw-sw-swamp would be b-better? I guess you are r-right, either way will be d-dangerous... But you really th-think the swamp is the b-best path?"
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Oh I think I'll be alright for now, though I probably ought to do something about it so we don't have to stop so I can. Thank you for the concern Ynissa," Diana replied, smiling at her and leaning over and kissing her on the cheek before climbing out of the tent, pulling her robes around herself to cover her penis so her friend didn't have to keep looking at it.

Diana went behind the tent and sat on her knees while she did the deed, stroking quickly and fondling her balls while she went. A few soft moans escaped her lips as she beat her meat, and she was sure that Ynissa could hear her moaning. Looking up, Diana noticed that she'd splashed her seed all over the side of a tree and blushed at the sight of it.

When she heard Ynissa coming around the tent to her, Diana quickly wiped her dick off with the bottom of her robes before tying it back around. "Thanks Ynissa, I appreciate that. And the swamps will be harder for us to travel, but any parties searching for me from Pandora's will have a harder time tracking me through there because of all the water. But, if you don't thin we should try it Ynissa, then we'll stick to the roads. I'm not going to make the decision alone, I want you to choose as well. It's only right that you do after all, since the special path you mentioned was taught to you by your parents," Diana said with a smile, accepting the stuff Ynissa brought her graciously as she chewed on a piece of the jerky. "If you're okay with going through the swamps though Ynissa, then we can go that way. Does that path split off the main road after a while or something? If so, then we can worry about that when we come to where the path forks. Because the weather may change or just anything, you never know," Diana then suggested, seeing if Ynissa liked the idea of deciding when they got to where said secret path was if they should follow it or not.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Ynissa sat there huddled up in a ball, her chin Resting on her knees, pouting and purring in deep thought cutely, rocking back and forth for several moments after Diana's insistence of her being a part of the decision making process. She wasn't used to it. Before she would normally just go along with what her parents and sisters decided to do. Making decisions was hard work and she wasn't really prepared for it... "Hrummmm~.... I dunno~.... You're right~.... Both ways are dangerous... But if the swamp means bad people won't be likely to follow us or come after you.... Hrummm.... Ahmmm.... Uuuuh.... Hmph...." She eventually laid out on the ground, pressing her finger to her lip and staring at the clouds and sun in thought for another long moment before finall popping back up on the balls of her feet, "Hmm..... Okay! I'm scared... B-but... I trust you, Diana. I-I-I'm going to be countin on you to keep me s-safe, okay? But... I guess the swamp really is the best way for now.... L-lets go!" She said somewhat uncertain and nervously.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

When Ynissa finally made her decision after a few minutes of thought, Diana smiled again and nodded to her friend. "Alright Ynissa, and along the way when we stop to take a break during travel, I'll teach you as much as I can about how to fight. What weapon would you feel more comfortable using? Personally I would suggest the bow, as it means you don't need to get on the front lines, and you can keep the knives as backups when something gets up close to you. Or the spear, take your pick. I'm best with a sword, but I like the reach of the spear to start off a fight with. But I wouldn't mind giving it up if you'd rather use it instead, as spears aren't overly hard to use compared to swords," Diana replied as she moved over to the horse and saddled him up to get ready to move.

Whenever Ynissa was ready to head out, Diana would be ready to go too, not having much to really do to get ready really. Leaving the ruined town of Ynissa's behind, with a last minute check through the remaining buildings to see if there was anyone else that needed help, Diana led them in the general direction of where Ynissa's hidden path was at after her friend told her which way to go.

Whenever they made it to where the path diverged down towards the swamp, Diana would call for a rest, where she would take a couple of arrows and teach Ynissa how to shoot it unless she already knew how to fire a bow, in which case she'd hand her the bow and quiver, and her choice of either both knives, or the spear, whichever she preferred. When Ynissa chose which of the melee weapons she wished to carry, Diana would show her a few of the basics for wielding them, choosing a couple of stances and a couple of methods of attack to teach her friend that were fairly easy to learn so she could practice them anytime they stopped.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Ah... I-I'll take the spear... I would rather try to keep my distance as much as p-possible, if it comes to us actually having to f-fight..." Ynissa said nervously as she took the bow and spear from Diana and climbed ontop of the horse behind her. After they made it to the fork in the road, Ynissa watched Diana like a hawk as she taught her how to handle the spear and bow and how to aim properly. After quite a few shots, Ynissa would become proficient with the bow and able to wield the spear without much difficulty but was far from being an Amazon by at means. Once they felt like they were ready, they would head out to the swamp as planned.

The land was unsteady, with steamy, viscous, muddy ankle high waters. There was driftwood, dead fallen rotten trees, and cat tails everywhere. The croaking of frogs, buzzing of mosquitoes, and hissing of snakes could be heard all around, and as dead as the place may have seemed, they could not escape the sense that there was someone or something watching them at all times....

Perception 4D vs 8D Hide check, failure. Wild roll: Eye of Hera

After a while of trekkin through the swamp Diana and Ynissas luck would eventually run out, as a sprung out from some of the dead trees and gazed into the horse's eyes, turning its rear legs into stone instantly and causing it fall over, sending Diana and Ynissa sprawling onto the ground. "FUFUFU!!! What do we have here?~ Two little lost rabbits, wandering into the snakes' den, hmmm?~ Kekekekeke!~" the gorgon taunted the two women laid out in the mud.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Alright hon, and don't be nervous alright. Staying calm, cool, and collected is the best way to fight, because you won't make mistakes. That was one lesson I learned from my papa before our village was attacked," Diana told Ynissa, laying a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezing it.

After stopping to show Ynissa how to shoot her bow and wield her spear, Diana would let her rest for a few more minutes before they moved onwards into the swamps. As they started in, Diana was noticing all of the dead trees and driftwood floating about in the muck. She did her best to keep them on the main path, but it was tough to say the least. She would ask Ynissa for the spear to use as a walking stick since her friend was on the horse, so that she could poke any snakes that got in their path or in case she started sinking into the mud any.

"Okay, it isn't quite as good as I'd hoped, but not nearly as bad as I'd thought it would be. Could be much better though obviously," Diana said as they made their way through the swampy terrain.

As they went, Diana had the feeling that they were being watched, but by what she didn't know. She was taken by surprise however when a snake haired woman burst from behind some of the dead trees and their horse's hind legs were turned to stone, which bucked Ynissa off and knocked Diana onto her butt. "Ouch... hey, why'd you do that for? We don't want any trouble, we just want to travel safely across. And walking into the snakes den is better than being back there in the lions den where I was at," Diana said, scrambling back to her feet and helping Ynissa up. "Don't look directly into her eyes Ynissa," Diana whispered to her companion, not looking directly at the gorgon woman's eyes but at her neck.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Gorgons reflexes roll 3 chakram against Diana's reflex roll 1 chakram. Success

"Don't look in my eyes? That is rude, you should always make eye contact when speaking with someone~" the gorgon replied as she would reach out and go to grasp Diana by her cheeks forcing her to look in to her eyes. Once she met the gorgons gaze she would mind begin to get fuzzy and fog over but she would manage to shake herself out of it. Diana would try to break herself free of the woman's grasp but her grip was just too powerful.

Gorgons Charm roll failed. Diana escape attempt Strength 3 chakram vs Gorgons 4 chakram. Failure.

At seeing her new friend in peril Ynissa would attempt to strike at the gorgon to hopefully do some damage to release Diana or if failing that distract her and hopefully cause her to release the hermaphrodite, "Leave Diana alone you witch!" She cried out as she lunged toward the gorgon. The gorgon screamed in Pain as she tossed Diana back in the mud on her butt as Ynissa managed to score a hit on the woman, "You impudent BRAT!"

Ynissa reflexes roll 4 chakram vs Gorgon reflexes dodge 3 chakram. Success Ynissa deals 2 damage.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"Maybe it is rude, b-but it's also rude to turn people to stone as well, which is what would happen if we keep staring into your eyes," Diana said, a hint of fear in her voice.

She felt the gorgon lady grab her chin as she sat there and lift her head up to look her in the eyes. Diana tried to, but was unable to pull out of her grip, and was forced to look right in her eyes. As soon as Ynissa lunged, Diana felt the gorgon's grip on her release. She quickly jumped up and swung her sword out of its sheath, pointing it towards the gorgon lady but only in a defensive manner. "L-Leave us alone please. We don't want to fight you. We just want to pass through here. I apologize for the cut, I can bandage it though if you'll allow me to," Diana said, her hand shaking slightly.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Gorgon reflexes fighting roll to disarm Diana 4 chakrams vs Diana's reflexes fighting roll 7 chakrams. Fail.
Ynissa's Fighting Reflexes Roll 2 chakrams vs Gorgons roll 5 chakrams. Fail
Gorgon uses Deadly Gaze on Ynissa, Ynissa's Endurance roll 4 out 8 chakrams. Fail. Ynissa is turned to stone below waist.

"I wasn't going to turn either of you into stone unless you put up too much of a fight, little one~ After all, no one wants to snuggle up to a cold hard statue..." She said before trying to swat away Diana's sword but fail as the woman's grip on it was just too strong. As she would finish Ynissa would leap at the gorgon once agin attempting to drive her off from her and her friend, "YEAH! Right! Who would ever want to cuddle up with a cold blooded slimy witch like you!?" Unfortunately, she wasn't going to get lucky twice and gorgon weaved out of the way before opening her eyes wide, causing them to glow attempting to turn Ynissa into stone. Unfortunately Ynissa wasn't strong enough to resist her powers and her body was turned to stone from the waist down, "KYAAA! NOOO!" The woman cried out as she wriggled and struggled futilely to move.

"I was merely goin to charm you first, and take you to my lair for a little fun~ But your friend here had to attack me. So now, if you don't want her to be a statue, you'll come along willingly, my dear~" she threatened Diana before placing one of her long claws at Ynissa's neck. "No, Diana! Don't listen! She'll never let you go, and you'll never help your family!" Ynissa cried out trying to spare her friend.
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Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana listened to the gorgon's response to her words as she held firm her sword and kept from losing it when the gorgon woman tried to swat it out of her hands. Diana was about to stop Ynissa, but before she could her friend jumped at their foe once more and was caught with a blast that turned her lower half to stone. "Ynissa!" Diana cried out as she reached for her friend, glancing up at the gorgon woman for a moment before standing again with an angry look in her eyes.

As the gorgon woman placed a claw on Ynissa's neck, Diana stopped for a moment and just stared daggers at her, trying to think of what she could do. "But why do you want to charm us? We haven't anything valuable, and I'm on the run from people that are far stronger than you alone miss. And if Pandora catches me here with you, then what I'll do to you unless you free Ynissa will be the least of your worries," Diana asked, not sheathing her sword nor dropping it, but taking a careful step closer as she tried to talk the gorgon woman down. "If you want sex, I'm willing to give you that, as I'm used to being raped and used by people. You needn't resort to violence just to get what you want. You could merely have asked. So just turn Ynissa back to normal and we can talk about this," she added, taking another cautious step closer to show she didn't wish to fight, but with a show that she would if forced to.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana's Persuade 10D-2D for gorgon being attacked, roll= 5 chakrams, Gorgons perception 8D, roll= 7D. Wild dice for offering what she wanted, nothing. No bonus. Failure

"Pah!" The gorgon scoffed at Diana while taking Ynissa's spear and hurling it several feet away from the trio off into the muck, leaving the young woman defenseless. "Its hard to believe you want to just talk when you point a sword after me, especially after your friend just stabbed me! If you really want to talk, give me that sword, other wise I'll just take your friend as a down payment." She hissed at Diana. "NO! DONT DO IT DIANA! ITS A TRAP!" Ynissa protested before the gorgon grasped her cheeks harshly forcing her to look at her. "QUIET YOU!" she said before kissing her deeply, her long serpentine tongue toying with Ynissa's tongue and tonsils. "

Gorgon Charm roll, 3 chakrams. Success! Ynissa is charmed!

"Now then... My sweet~ how about telling your friend there to put that sword away, and then coming along with me, hmmm~" she chuckle hissed into Ynissa's ear sending a chill down the woman's spine. "Yes, Mistress..." Ynissa said in a very enraptured voice before turning to look at Diana with lust filled and glazed over eyes, "Diana~ Please put the sword away and come play with me and mistress~" she cooed out in her entranced state.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

"And back at you, it's hard to believe you want to simply charm us and do us no harm when you jump out from behind the trees like a thief in the night trying to rob us, and then turn our horse's hindquarters to stone, and then my friend here. You can't blame us for defending ourselves when both our families have been either killed or corrupted in the head so they can think of nothing but sex," Diana retorted, taking the kiss she gave to Ynissa as her chance and diving in, tackling the gorgon woman to the ground and putting the point of her sword at her throat, so that it she tried to buck her off any at all it would slip it in there and kill her.

If Ynissa got in her way, she would first slap her across the face before diving in at the gorgon woman to snap her friend out of the charm she was under. "I could have easily killed you, but I didn't. If that's not enough to show you that I didn't want to fight, then I don't know what else will be. Ynissa just lost her entire family, this is not helping her. I know that you must have some capacity for mercy and compassion in you, so release her please. I will put my sword back in its sheath, you release Ynissa and our horse, and we sit down and talk. I won't guarantee anything more than just talking though for now, because you burned that bridge by not releasing her when I told you to before," Diana would tell the gorgon should she manage to pin her down, her eyes not looking directly into the gorgon's eyes, but looking down at where her sword was pressing against her throat. "And that cut is nothing, I suffered far worse than that at the hands of Pandora's servants," she added as an afterthought about the cut Ynissa gave her.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Diana's Reflexes/fighting roll = 4 chakrams vs Gorgons Mettle Stay Up roll= 5 chakrams failure. Wild dice roll to snap Ynissa out of charm= 1 Ynissa restrains Diana, 6 she snaps out. Blank. Nothing happens.

Diana would try to tackle the gorgon but sadly the unstable muddy ground was too treacherous for her meanwhile the gorgon had spent her life here and was perfectally in tune with it and simply sidesteps out of the way- causing Diana to face fault into the mire. ""FUFUFU!~ You'll have to do better than that my little rabbit~ Now then little Ynissa, kindly restrain your friend so she doesn't hurt herself anymore, please~" she ordered Ynissa as she would go to grab Diana from behind.

"Yes, Diana. Please don't fight so much~ Mistress only wants to play~ She won't hurt you~" Ynissa cooed into Diana's ear as the gorgon went over to the captive Diana and cupped her cheeks gently, turning her to look into her eyes, "Yes, Diana. Just come to my den for a night of fun~ You might even have fun yourself~ It's not like you have anything to lose... Unless of course we have too much fun~ FUFUFU~" she laughed as we should begin to try to charm Diana as well....
Gorgon's Charm Roll 10D- 6chakrams, vs Diana's Willpower Roll 6D- 6 chakrams. Wild Die roll- 1. Gorgon wins. Diana is Charmed!
As Diana would look into the Gorgons eyes, she would feel her willpower giving way, and her mind begin to fog over as she began to find the Gorgon's wishes impossible to resist.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the gorgon lady not agreeing to stop this, Diana decided to make her attempt to try and force her to. Diving at her, Diana slipped and fell face first into the muck pretty much. As Diana got back to her feet, she felt Ynissa slide up behind her and grab her, preventing her from breaking free before the gorgon woman got to her too. "N-No please... stop this. I don't... w-want this. I'm t-tired of being raped," Diana whimpered, struggling futilely as the gorgon turned her head around.

Diana tried to close her eyes and look away, but before she could the gorgon woman had looked directly into her eyes. "Ynissa we... w-we have to resist... h-her charms," Diana began saying softly as her eyes looked directly into the gorgon's. "Well... maybe one night wouldn't hurt... I g-guess. I h-hope it's well hidden though mistress. Because my old mistress would do horrible things to you if she found me in your home," Diana went on to say as her mind fogged up and her willpower to resist faded.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

At Diana's submission to her charms, the gorgon lightly kissed her on the lips before gently pinching and patting her right cheek. "Not to worry, Little Diana~" the gorgon sang out to her new captive, My home is quite well hidden~ Not only is it a place most mortals dare not tread, I have it hidden quite deep in the thick of the swamp, where creatures and terrain make getting to it quite unworth most creatures trouble~" she cooed as she would use her charms to soothe the horse as she undid the stone curse on it's legs. "Now then my pretties, hop back on your steed please, and we can get going~"

With that the gorgon led the horseback riding duo, deep into the muck covered swamp. The area was crawling with snakes and gators, and harpies could be heard cawing and cackling in the skies, as they carried unwitting prey up into their mountainous nests. The group eventually came to an old abandoned temple, surrounded by statues of would be heroes, foolish travelers hoping to find a shortcut, and mercenaries who came to hide from the law. Even though the temple's interior seemed to be quite dilapidated, Diana and Ynissa would be surprised to find it lined with gold and finery. Likely stolen from said unlucky travelers. In the innermost sanctum of the temple they would find a moss covered golden throne, a surprisingly well up-kept blood red couch, and a black satin covered bed; most likely for their new mistress's trysts she would take from certain travelers.
Re: The Hunt is On! (Mind Flayer)

As she was kissed on the lips by the gorgon girl, Diana returned it by leaning back against her a bit, whimpering softly as she pinched Diana's cheek. When told to remount their horse, Diana helped Ynissa up after hopping up herself and followed the gorgon girl along. In the back of her mind, Diana was screaming at the rest of herself to snap out of this and fight back, that she had an easy target. Her body however was acting against her will and following along very docilely, wanting to serve her new mistress.

As they approached the gorgon's home, Diana saw it was actually a temple. Diana led the horse along to keep with their new mistress and not get caught by one of the many gators or snakes or whatnot that lurked in the swamps. Once they were inside, after getting the horse in a good place so he was safe from harm, Diana sighed softly and relaxed a bit more. "Mistress, do you wish for me to please you? I... I am, or was, a sex slave. I was trained in every sexual art one can be taught. So shall I please you mistress?" Diana asked her new mistress as she made to begin undressing, looking almost hopeful despite the back of her mind practically screaming at the rest of her to resist.