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Re: The "I wish" thread

The path to being an artist is filled with sorrow and frustration.. Or maybe I've just had the misfortune of personally knowing a lot of borderline suicidally depressed artists..

The concept of an artist intrigues me, as the mindset of a person who's never quite satisfied with what they create makes me wonder how close a parallel that might be with other facets of humanity, like a person who's never quite satisfied with other things, like food, or music, or just other people in general.

The easiest way to gain confidence that I know, is from other people, and the easiest most-effective method of acquiring it from them is sex, or if you're in a pinch, a cyber/rp-chat session with someone.

There are harder less-efficient methods of growing or keeping a stable hold on confidence, like growing up, or a hobby that produces something of actual value, but sometimes the hardest part of it all is just taking the first step to attempting to acquire it.

A lack of self-confidence can be the bane of many, many things, and a decaying acid on any basic structure of family or friendship..

.. I wish that it wasn't..
Re: The "I wish" thread

I wish i'm able to fly like this i do not waste half of my life in sub :/
Re: The "I wish" thread

Re: The "I wish" thread

Thought I'd give an update on my thingy

As I absolutely can't code, I've instead started making pre-made modules and adventures for pen and paper games. It's kinda similar at least. Just got to figure out how to get it into a pdf and make it pretty so I can be proud of it
Re: The "I wish" thread

I wish I don't have to go to sleep, so I will get extra 8 hours per day :D
Re: The "I wish" thread

I want to become a good game developer. Thats my wish.
Re: The "I wish" thread

wish to go back in time and fix all the stupid mistakes I did in my life...but not having to live all of them again...just point and click...if something like that is possible...
Re: The "I wish" thread

wish to go back in time and fix all the stupid mistakes I did in my life...but not having to live all of them again...just point and click...if something like that is possible...

Then how would you be you without those mistakes?

Also wish for that too.
Re: The "I wish" thread

I wish to find a deathnote.
I wish people more empathy.
I wish for a whole better world.
I wish my favourite seperated music bands will come together again.
I wish something to eat actually right now. Yay, I can fulfill this!

And I wish for more good porn :)
Re: The "I wish" thread

I wish to find a deathnote.
I wish people more empathy.
I wish for a whole better world.
I wish my favourite seperated music bands will come together again.
I wish something to eat actually right now. Yay, I can fulfill this!

And I wish for more good porn :)

I wish for a death note with the shinigami eyes as well. Screw the giving halve your life rule.
A simple but very useful wish. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure helps you get other things that will improve your life
I fucking wish hair that is shaven stay shaven. Facial hair itches.....
Wish there was less hoop jumping involved in job hunting, or at least those hoops led somewhere >.>