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The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

She had a few bandages around her head, one going over her left eye, though none looked stained with blood. At the same time, they all looked fairly fresh, as if they were replaced with clean bandages recently. At Aiden's response, Rosanna didn't react with little more than a frown. "Well, that saves me a lot of time," she said dismissively.

"Public execution, milady?" a guard inquired.

"No," Rosanna replied firmly. "Spare the street cleaners the task of cleaning up the mess. Exile is far more suited to this fool. May he find refuge in a harpy's nest." Rosanna spat, before the gate was thrown open, and the mayor walked back down the prison hallway, heading back up to the light above.

"Come, Aiden." Declared the female guard, while the male stood at the ready, watching Aiden sharply in case he tried something. "This town has finally gotten sick of you. It's time to go."

If Aiden accepted, he'd be taken to the outskirts of town, and instructed that the town will be made aware of his crimes, as well as his appearance.

If he did not accept, he'd need a good plan to deal with the guards, or receive several fists to the face and be left outside of town with the same explanation, only in note form, which he'd find after being knocked unconscious.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Even though he felt otherwise, Aiden projected a blase air about the situation. Having nothing to say to Rosanna he waited until she was gone before rising to his feet. He stretched his arms to his sides, then up, as if preparing for the journey ahead of him. Then stepping out of the cell he looked between the two guards as they began to walk.

"May I speak with the Orc I captured? Assuming she wasn't executed. It'd also be nice if I could get my travel gear before we leave. Exile is one thing. But sending a man out into the wilderness without a good knife is just mean."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The guards would allow Aiden to see the orc, taking him not that far from his own cell to find the chunky orc sitting in her cell. Upon seeing Aiden, she rushed up to the bars with an angry snort. "Yoooouuu!" she growled angrily.

Aiden wasn't given his gear yet, he'd have to wait for that, until he was taken from the city grounds. "You'll get your gear when we leave you." the female guard said.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

He offered a nod of acknowledgement when the guard mentioned that he'd get his gear only after they parted ways with him beyond the city limits. It was a reasonable precaution. He was, after all, accused of attempted assassination. Or grose ineptitude. When they reached the Orc's cell he looked firs to the guards and offered a modest,

"Thank you."

, then he turned his gaze to the angry occupant of the cell. Aiden was mildly disappointed that his disposition hadn't improved, though not surprised. He had insulted her repeatedly, stabbed her, and was the reason she was now a captive. After gauging her demeanor he looked to the wound he'd delivered to her the previous day.

"I'm glad to see you alive and still full of Orcish spunk. It is a wonder, that Mamono constitution."

There was no malice in the young man's voice, or demeanor. No sarcasm. He seemed genuine in the fact she'd made it through their encounter alive. There was some sense of relief too. He hadn't killed. Maria said he shouldn't hold back. He should kill a foe if he could. But Aiden dreaded the possibility.

"The battle is over. We aren't enemies anymore, unless you choose to remain so. It would be nice if we could talk. I am to be leaving soon, and this may be our only chance to do so."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The orc gave a loud snort in response to his words. "The only thing I is interested in talkin' about, humie, is hearin' how YOU squeal!" she said, fuming hatefully. "You tink yer harder den orcs!? If I evah get outta 'ere, da boss will know what you tink of orcs! Den, we'll show ya how we tink of YOU!" she swore.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

A perplexed expression crossed Aiden's youthful face. He reflected on the Orc's words and their encounter, speaking slowly at first.

"What I think of Orcs? If you're referring to my taunts, that was only meant to distract, and put you off your game. Put them out of your mind. We can start fresh. You're the first Orc I've talked to, so I don't know entirely how I feel about your people. Other than I don't like that you attacked my people."

Pale pink lips curved into a downward crescent with the Orc continued to fume, and even threaten.

"That's disappointing. It is good that you're loyal to your leader, but I was hoping there may be a way to get you out of that cell. If you're inclined to bring further trouble here, they aren't likely to let you come with me. I don't know what is planned for you, but I doubt it's good.."

A pause followed, then he raised an eyebrow, making one last venture.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk? Perhaps tell me why it is you attacked us in the first place?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

The orc snorted at Aiden's words. "Youz must think I's dense if'n I'll fall fer dat! Orcs is meant only fer fightin'! Not makin' friends! Not that I'd buy dat either way, ya git!"

Then came his proposal to get her out. The orc seemed to look somewhat more cooperative. "Yeah? Ya got a plan? Let's 'ear it den!" she demanded. "We attacked because da boss decided it was time for war! Collect men, women, otha monstahs, and fuck 'em all! Breed em like cattle! Make more orcs! Orc genes dominate all! Nothin' but orc children, even when the great warboss Gork led da girls in to da fight wit one of dem foxes! All da girls filled her holes! She bred da Orkin, the biggest and strongest orcs you ain't evah seen!" she boasted. If Aiden asked for numbers, he'd find that the captured kitsune had bred at least a hundred orc, and remains to this day, an immortal slave.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

An small smile flashed across his lips when the Orc said her people were made for fighting, not being friends.

"Considering I bested you once already, maybe it'd be smart to try the friend route. Or, at least, not look for a fight. Unless you like getting beaten. Are you into that sort of thing?"

Aiden did ask about the kitsune, and tried not to let his empathy for the creature show as the Orc talked about turning her into a breeding machine. He stared for a moment at the Orc, thinking about it's mission and about some of the things Suika had said. At length he shook his head, as if to set himself back on task.

"Anyway, I was thinking you could give me some information useful to my people. Prove you want to be 'nice' after we've had our talk. Pretend I convinced you and that you're willing to help prevent your people from attacking this city again. Maybe find them better targets, such demons or the like. They'll think it is a fool's errand but may just let you come with me."
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Ya only got lucky, scrub!" The orc growled at him. "Whatevah you say, humie. You go on an' do all da talkin', I ain't interested in actin' like a humie."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden growled back at the Orc. Though it lacked hostility, and he wound up smiling at her afterwards. That was as much of a rebuttal as he offered inn response to her 'you got lucky' remark. A nod followed when the Orc decided to let him handle the talking.

"That's good. I still need some information to give them to buy your freedom with. Do the other Orcs intend another assault? What are their numbers, and where is their camp located? That sort of thing. The more useful, the more likely they are to release you. Also bear in mind they'll try to confirm what you say to make sure you aren't lying."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Everyone knows where da orks is!" the orc grunted. "Just ain't no one got da guts to attack us! Hah!" the orc laughed. "We's always fightin'. You can bet yaself that we orcs will be comin' for the lot of you'z again. And again, and again! Until we win! Our numbers is always goin' up. Every humie we get, we make that humie make ten more of us! I ain't got nothin' to give dat they don't already know. I's just here fer some political reasons or sommin. Some talk about peace wit mamono. Hah! Da gitz." the orc mocked the idea of peace.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden quietly stared at the Orc, soaking in what she had said before giving a hum.

"In that case, I hope you enjoy your stay."

Raising his left hand he waved good-bye to the caged Mamono. Turning about he strode away from the cell and back to the guards, wherever it was they were waiting for him. Then, letting them know he was ready to leave, made his way to the city limits with his escort. Once there he bid the guards fairwell with all politeness and checked over his belongings and fastened the gear to his person in preparation of travel. Geared up Aiden took stop of his location and set off for where Suika had mentioned she would be waiting when she parted ways with the rest of the group prior to their heading into town.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Given that they didn't want him doing anything sneaky, Aiden may be surprised that when he went to another cell, they stayed right next to him. Silently listening to all the things he said. If they weren't looking at him like a traitor before, they certainly were now as they silently escorted him.

The guards left him outside of town, conveniently close to where Suika had chosen to stay. The five tailed fox was casually rest on her side in front of a river. Though she wasn't alone. Venice was sitting with her, and it would appear that they had just gotten through with a conversation. "That's how it is." Venice announced.

Suika sighed. "Nothing ever seems to work out in my favor as of late. I suppose that if you want something done, you must do it yourself."

Turning her head, Venice glanced back at Aiden as he came into view, before standing up. "I hope we meet again someday, Suika." Venice announced, before casually walking away, down the river and away from both Suika and Aiden.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden raised a hand and waved at the departing Venice. But his attention didn't linger on her fleeting form. His pace slowed to a gradual halt some distance from Suika. Dark eyes, like deep lightless pits, studied the lounging fox at length. Something seemed to be missing, and that absence gnawed at him. Part of him wanted to move closer. Get a better look. Make sure it just wasn't out of sight. Hidden or concealed. But Suika had been in a fowl mood when he last left her. Venice brought her bad news. So Aiden kept his distance as not to antagonize her. When he raised his voice to finally speak there was a note of concern in it, though his words might well do exactly what he hoped not to.

"Didn't you have six tails yesterday?"
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"Ryoko is the one with six tails." Suika replied flatly. "In any case, seems like you've gotten yourself in a load of trouble." She stated. Though didn't seem much more talkative than that. Simply staying as she was and waiting to see what Aiden had to say.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

Aiden's brow furrowed when Suika mentioned that Ryoko was the one with six tails. For some reason he recalled one of them having seven. Perhaps it was a symptom of tail overload. He decided not to press the matter. Seeing Suika's five tails, he was no doubt in error, and he'd learned tails were a sensitive subject. At least in this regard.

A slow nod followed Suika's commenting on his current situation. He was quiet for a time, looking past the kitsune and into the distance. Aiden's thoughts went with his gaze, somewhere else. But the bout ended and soon Aiden's attention was back on the woman before him.

"Formerly a pariah I am now an exile. However, I'm here to see if something can be savaged for you, not to talk about me."

There was a pause as he regarded Suika, to see how she reacted to that last statement. It was brief though, and he went on.

"Were you told about the Mayor's reaction to my request for setting you up with some property? It wasn't favorable. Though, as long as you aren't outright being turned away, there may still be something here for you. Did Venice give you my gift?"

Aiden waited a spell. Then shrugged off his travel pack. Deciding he could check for himself the youth began digging through his pack to see if the little vampire had delivered the 'card' to Suika.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)

"She did." Suika replied. "So that leaves me with a property, but no worthwhile belongings." she stated, looking at his crotch as if it were a potential belonging. "So here is my new plan. You're exiled from the city, and I need a man to keep my spirits flowing. Let's test their policies on keeping an exile as a servant, that is, if you don't feel green about the idea." she suggested, looking ready to face disappointment.
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Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden)


Aiden nodded when he received the answer he wanted. He offered Suika a sympathetic expression when she commented about her lack of possessions. Bu he'd given her something to start with. The youth seemed certain she would be able to make something of it, given her talents. When she shared her plan with him Aiden did not respond right away. He'd already resigned himself to leaving, and the word 'servant' didn't sit well with him. But it was just a word, and Suika may have meant it just as an excuse to keep him near the city. At length he extended his arms to the kitsune, as if inviting her into an embrace, and offered a small smile.

"You are still my kitsune, aren't you? Unless you wish to dissolve our partnership, I remain your's, and would be in your bed when you desired it. Tell others I belong to you, if you need to. It would be as much truth as if I were to say the same about you."

He drew in a breath after that and held it. If Suika was uninclined to step into his arms, now they would drop to his side. Or perhaps if she was so incline to let him hold her, his cheek would rest against hers. Aiden's voice lowered regardless, even as an intensity gripped it.

"There is little purpose in my remaining here, however. What? Should I become a wraith, being scorned and forced to watch but not influence things in any meaningful way? I could not stand that. But before I leave, I will do what I can to help you establish yourself here. You deserve a place to call home."
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

"I don't care too much for any personal reasons you may have behind your decisions. If you desire to leave, then that is that." Suika replied simply. "But if you're giving up the town, rest assured that Venice has told me she will continue where you are unable to. Sometime before you showed up, she seemed to have big plans for this city." she revealed.

Then, Suika stood up. "Since you're not going to be a reliable source of food, I've got to find someone who will be. Shouldn't be too hard to find a worthless slacker of a man to serve as my nutrition." she stated firmly, before looking at her deed. "The moment you flee from this town, do not look to me in the future and think you can call upon me for favors. Our agreement extended to you serving as my power source in return for my limited cooperation. The moment you cease to sustain me, there will be nothing between us." she said coldly, looking ready to leave the conversation at that and head to her home, but she had one more bit to add. "Though that's not to say you aren't welcome in my territory. I'll gladly give aid to you, if I've good reason to do so. Just to be safe, show up naked." she said, looking back at Sakuro with a toothy grin that betrayed her nature as a carnivorous mamono.
Re: The Idealist and The Tyrant (Aiden;Sakuro)

A slow nod followed after Suika's monologue. The woman always made sure you knew what your relationship with her was. After a quiet moment he spoke up.

"In that case, I won't be staying long at all. I have already found a number of men willing to tend to your needs. You should be able to find prey at the local cafe'."

Aiden picked up his travel pack and looked up at the sun. Mentally he gauged it's position in the sky, then looked to the shadows cast by nearby trees. All to mark the time of day. He didn't want to leave the kitsune without sustenance, but he was ready to set off. Nothing was holding him here anymore. When he had finished gauging the time the youth plucked up his pack and slung it over his shoulders. Ready to move out.

"If you like, I'll keep you company tonight. Otherwise I best be off."