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The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

I feel the need to inform you that there is no need to bang the security guard! lol.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

It's definitely hard to know "when to post" I find. I try my best of course but I'm never sure.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Not only is this bump but a cry for help because I've been job hunting for the past year. I'm getting closer... but closer isn't 'there'. Anyway, hope everyone is enjoying their month of January.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Would be enjoying it more, just haven't had much of a cheerful feeling at all this year really. My cousin that I was very close to died back on the 6th and it's just been very hard to get inspiration for some of my threads, that's the reason I haven't really posted much since then on the 2 latest posts. I shall try and post in the next day or two, but in case I forget then give me a bump in my Visitor's message box or PM me by Sunday or Monday if I haven't posted by then.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Sooner or later, after you all finish up the Ember quest, you'll level up. So! Rather earlier then later I've decided to post this rough-draft of benefits you're characters will receive per level. So... here we go.

Basic Leveling
Every time you finish a quest your character will level up. Below is a basic guide to just what happens when your character reaches the appropriate level.

Level 2:

- Add a 1 new 3rd tier skill. (a capable skill).
- Promote a 3rd tier skill to a 2nd tier skill with the exception of the brand new skill you just added to the 3rd tier.
- Select new feature, (list below).

Level 3:
- Promote a 2nd tier skill to the 1st tier with the exception of the skill you've just added to the 2nd tier from the previous level.
- New boon. (List below. Boon determined by me).

Level 4:
- Add a 1 new 3rd tier skill. (a capable skill).
- Promote a 3rd tier skill to a 2nd tier skill with the exception of the brand new skill you just added to the 3rd tier.
- Select new feature, (list below).

Level 5:
- Select a 1st tier skill. That skill is now promoted to a 'Paragon Skill'.
- New boon.

Level 6:
- Add a 1 new 3rd tier skill. (a capable skill).
- Promote a 3rd tier skill to a 2nd tier skill with the exception of the brand new skill you just added to the 3rd tier.
- Select new feature, (list below).

Level 7:
- Promote a 2nd tier skill to the 1st tier with the exception of the skill you've just added to the 2nd tier from the previous level.
- New boon.

Level 8:
- Add a 1 new 3rd tier skill. (a capable skill).
- Promote a 3rd tier skill to a 2nd tier skill with the exception of the brand new skill you just added to the 3rd tier.
- Select new feature, (list below).

Level 9:
- Promote a 2nd tier skill to the 1st tier with the exception of the skill you've just added to the 2nd tier from the previous level.
- New boon.
- Select a boon. That boon is now a 'Paragon Boon'. You can't select the boon you've just added this level.

Level 10:
- Select a 1st tier skill. That skill is now promoted to a 'Paragon Skill'.
- Select a boon. That boon is now a 'Paragon Boon'.

Features are additional benefits you can add to your characters that will affect the game in various ways. On every even number level you'll be able to select a new feature for your character. You can only select one each time this happens to choose carefully. Also, you can not choose the same feature.

Double Post:
Doh! I forgot to add something!

Once per game you can now post twice! Disregarding another player's turn or GMs turn, you can post something new that must be 500 characters or less.

If Memory Serves:
I don't know much about that but I do know this...

Once per game you can use a 3rd tier skill as if it were a 1st tier skill.

Hand In The Honey Pot:
It's not like anyone will miss this.

Maybe it's from a raise; your background or maybe you know an opportunity when you see it... but at the end of each quest your character makes a little more money then usual.

Die Harder:
With a vengeance.

Once per game, if your character dies, he can come back to life with severe penalties. All his/her skill will be downgraded by 1 whole tier. As such, 1st tier skills become 2nd tier; 2nd tier skills become 3rd tier and 3rd tier skills are temporarily unavailable. Paragon skills are not downgraded.

Just Like in the Movies:
It's just too obvious to you... and probably you only.

Without using the right skills, you have a knack for knowing when something really bad is around. You can't prove the threat though with any direct evidence but you just know something is wrong. This can be used once per game.

I think what you meant to say was...

Once per game, at the beginning of your post, you can rewrite up to the last 150 characters of the GM's last sentence. The sentence must coincide with what the paragraph was or seems to have been leading up to. If the last sentence was too short, (ie. 2 words), you can combine the 2nd last sentence with last sentence.

Deus-Ex Machina:
Little did he know.

You have a small item. Nothing fancy; nothing sci-fi; overpowered and nothing super magical... just a small item that fits in your pocket or sleeve. The other players and GM don't know about it only you. If the situation arises you may put said 'item' to be used. This "mystery item" can only be used once per game. During the next game, you can swap that used item for a different small item of the same size as a new 'mystery item' that only you know about.

Well Connected:
Friend of a friend of a friend of a friend.

Once per game, your character can announce that he knows a NPC that you and each other player can see. The NPC will know you as well.

Let Off Some Steam Bennett:
You went ape-shit on that guy!

If your character is injured or angry, he/she can sacrifice an item in your inventory to distract or debilitate an opponent. That item will be gone forever unless you replace it or take it back, (somehow). The opponent is guaranteed to now be injured himself or herself in some way and grants all the other players as well as yourself some advantage against it. Only once per game!

Fuck You GM:
And the horse you rode in on!

Once per game, by declaring, "fuck you GM", you can force the GM to write his next post in ONE of the following limiters of your choosing: rhyme; 300 characters or less; random tone or post link to a porn of some kind.

The boons list is not complete because the possibilities are endless here! Remember those items on Roddinjam's shelves? Well, lets just say you'll be receiving items just like those ones. These are special items that offer the characters some very special abilities that are little more 'role play' oriented and magical. Below, I've listed a few samples of 'Boons' that I may or may not give you when you reach the appropriate level.

The Satyr's Potion
This small metal vial is well polished and carved. Some liquid sloshes around inside.

A consumable item. Use it once and it's gone forever but the effects last forever. Your cock grows another 2 inches in length. Only you can use this item on yourself.

Krampus Coal
An icy piece of rock that's very cold to the touch.

A reusable item. Can't be thrown away or destroyed. Mark a door or window with this and it keeps evil from entering; opening or breaking said door for the next 12 hours. However, it does not work on chimneys.

Weeping Buddy Angel
This small stone statue of an angel with Elvis's hair-do is giving you double finger guns and smirking.

A passive item. Keep it in your home. It can not be given away or destroyed. Once per game, if you touch a portrait; statue or bust then you will be transported to another location but still inside the quest area. The distance you travel will vary. The artwork you touched will then be replaced by the a copy of the 'Weeping Buddy Angel'. It's okay though, it'll go away when you're not looking.


Paragon Skills
- Paragon skill is a previous 1st tier skill that you've gotten so good at, it is now a step above first tier. Using a 'Paragon Skill' grants you very impressive permissions to perform acts that you would otherwise not be able to do previously.
- ex: Harry has a 'Paragon'-tier skill in Mechanical Engineering. He has cobbled together 2 extremely effective turrets using old car parts that are tearing through a horde of vicious imps.

Paragon Boon
- Paragon Boons are boons that have finally released their true potential and can potentially gift the player's character with a nearly super-heroic ability.
- ex: Sarah has a piece of Krampus Coal that has turned golden. Sarah has marked a door where an evil spirit is trying to enter. She needs to find a way to escape soon because Krampus is coming down a chimney to put that spirit in a bag. Krampus must not find any of the PCs or the PC's might not survive.

If you have any questions; suggestions or comments please feel free to speak your mind. :)
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Finally got around to the quick-task of adding the leveling rules to the first post. Additionally, what do you guys think of adding some sort of initiative list to the game? This way, we always know who's posting next?
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Hello everyone, just waiting on posts. :)
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Been three weeks since the last IC post guys. I hope everything is okay!
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Lol! I love how everyone is basically entering "battle positions" just in case. :D
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

While I'm waiting for new replies I'm thinking starting a new thread called, 'The Irrumation Society UK'. I'll need to recruit 4 more players for that separate game. Gotta prepare some image files first though. If you guys can think of anyone who'd want to play this, please tell them. :)
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

I know there's been 2 new posts sitting there for a while now but I'm just waiting on guy no. 3 before I make my reply. :)
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Could I join?
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Hello Rathuris, you may join. We still need one more player for the main thread or are you interested in playing the U.K. game? Either way, post your character :) .
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Hello everyone. This isn't a reminder, (it's only been a day or two) but I'd to go over what's going on currently in the thread.

As you can see, Linnea, (played by GargantuaBlarg) is about to stabbed by a knife. Now, based on Linnea's 2nd tier parkour skills, (assuming GargantuaBlarg uses this in his next post), she might end up taking a little damage because the knife is being used as a 1st tier skill by the enemy.

To simplify:
- The PC, (Player Character) is defending an attack from the enemy.
- The PC is going to use a 2nd tier skill to defend.
- The enemy is using a 1st tier skill to attack.
- The PC will take a little damage.

As another example, if Linnea's parkour was a 3rd tier skill, the injury would be more grave but she'd still be alive and be able to move.

Okay, so, now that has been covered, the other players, (plmnko and MindFlayer) can still help their friend. Assuming plmnko and MindFlayer post BEFORE GargantuaBlarg does, they can potentially try and stop this injury. Pushing Linnea out of the way and taking the stab wound on themselves might be one solution but it's definitely not the most practical. The best solution will definitely depend on how you roleplay your character and use his/her skills. Now, you should all of course play the way that YOU want to play and I'm not trying to control the game on the player's end in any way. I'd just like to remind everyone that they have options is all.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. :)
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Well, Lenneth is Very good at Explosives... i dunno but i guess than she could throw a small bomb at the guy as he talk and blow his head... Or Mind Flayer could use her mystic martial arts and do what Chuck Norris would had do in this event.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Name: Helen Seward
Gender: dick-girl
Body-type: Average
Previous Career: Actress
Expert Skill: Sword fighting
Good Skills: Singing and Dancing
Capable Skills: Guns, Running and Swiming
Inventory: She wears a light blue blouse. light blue tights under a short mini shirt, barely enough to hide her groin. A dark blue tubetop over the blouse. Her underwear is sheer and lacy. It is a almost white blue. She has a small purse with her ID and other essentials. She sometimes carries a thin sword with nordic runes csrved in the center of the blade. A revolver and a small dagger in her purse
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Cool! Are you joining the main game or the UK game Rathuris?
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Doesn't matter to me. I am fine either way.
Re: The Irrumation Society (OOC Thread)

Let's put you in the main game Rathuris. You'll start off just outside the apartment building.