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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Helena -> Pale

Pale watches the succubus' dress appraisingly. "I think the purple suits you. Go ahead and fetch the wine, I'm not usually one to get drunk, but like you said, it's not like we have anything better to do." The vampire reaches out and runs her fingers along Helena's back before yawning and stretching her arms.

Hotel Lobby
Lily ->Joey/Six

Watching as Joey empties glass after glass of water, Lily can only shake her head. Maybe that was normal for alraunes. Still, she couldn't drink that much water, and the alraune was about her size. Popping open one of the bottles offered to her, she takes a swig without bothering with glass. The wine seems to be fairly good. Amazonian? It didn't seem unlikely compared to all the rest, so maybe it was. Handing the bottle to Six, the sidhe continues watching the curious alraune. Were alraune supposed to be shy? The tales she had heard of them indicated the opposite. A curious little creature, in any case.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Bedroom, Time for Booze. -> Cafe, and straight back.
Helena -> Pale.

Helena chuckled, before arching her back as she felt Pale's hand, turning to stick her tongue out at her. Come on now, A girls still a little sensitive, though thank you, I like the color as well. Gimme a few moments of blind flailing around, and I'm sure I'll find the booze, and return, without dying, getting lost, or winding up in another match. She said chuckling as she headed out.

Not having any idea where she was going, Helena just started off, looking for more inside this building until she stumbled across the Cafe, quite by accident, because the servants gave her the creeps. Seeing Alice, Alex, and someone else, Helena just offered a slight wave, before making her order for a couple bottles of wine, and heading straight back. If Alex was the dragoness, she looked really cute... Helena would have to tease her later she was sure.

Once back up, Helena would just pass an entire bottle to Pale, and flop back down, popping her own and drinking deeply. I Return Triumphant!

Joey -> Lily, Six

Joey, about 16 glasses down in remarkable speed, finally stopped and seemed a great deal happier for it, sighing softly and thanking the servant before handing her glass back. Catching the odd smell of fermented fruit, she looked back at Lily. Umm.. what is that? I thought that smell was only from old berries, I've seen the birds eat them and flop around, you're not gonna fall over are you! O no no no, you shouldn't drink that then! she said, working herself into a mild panic again, not sure what to make of whatever she was drinking.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex/Lenalee

"Well… at least we can eat as much as we want without having to worry about it too much" Alice replied quietly, the skinny girl thinking about how often that had been untrue for her in her life. The nuns who took care of her had limited resources, after all, and there were lots of others who needed their attention, so food was often scarce unless there was a particularly large donation in a given month. Even if they had to strip naked and fight each other for the amusement of a daemon, that was worth it for all-you-can-eat sandwiches. The blind girl was dressed now, though, and didn’t feel nearly the sort of shame Alex was going through, even if she felt bad for the proud dragon. She didn’t acknowledge the seemingly mindless servants that staffed the island as she rode her deformed shadow dog to the café, though she knew them to be there; they just weren’t important in her mind. The frail girl approved of her companion’s order, and simply held out her hand until she felt one of the servants put the sandwich in it, and quickly began to munch on it happily.

Alice didn’t have long to dig into her meal, though. There was a strange cracking sound up above her, like nothing she had ever heard before… she even felt it, deep in her bones. It was like the very fabric of reality itself had been torn asunder. And sure enough, there was a loud scream and a crash in front of her, and it took her a moment to figure out what was happening, the details of which were supplied to her by a steady whisper into her mind by her shadowy companion. If she had had eyes they would have narrowed at the newcomer. She didn’t like what the dog told her about the look of this Lenalee, and she certainly didn’t like her calling Alex “pet.” "Hey" she said loudly after taking a moment to chew her bite of sandwich, "who are…" she was informed then by the dog that this newcomer had just pulled (or attempted to pull) the dragon into a kiss. The frail girl blushed, though she felt a competitive urge rise up in her. She had feelings for Alex, that much was sure, and this time there was no debt of honor to be paid. "Leave us alone" she objected angrily, her shadowy mount warping in appearance slightly… it had simply looked deformed before, though at least somewhat like a grim dog. Now it had something of a sinister look, tendrils bristling along its sides to match the girl’s mood.

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

Luciana could sense her partner’s reluctance as she hesitated despite the fact that her expression never wavered. She had become relatively adept over the years at picking up such cues, though she hadn’t shown it well in the past few days. It took a moment for her to agree to take the demon up on the offer, but when she did the angelic redhead seemed almost eager for the new experience, or at least curious what it would feel like. "Good, good" Luciana cooed with a husky voice, "just relax and I’ll take care of ya nice."

Her tentacles continued to tease at Nadia’s nipples, but they kicked things up a notch now, wrapping around the stiff nubs and squeezing gently, periodically rolling around the sensitive flesh in a full circuit. Others wrapped around the angel’s back, though they didn’t hold her at all; instead they simply provided her with something firm to lean back against if she needed it. All the while Luciana slowly sank to her knees in front of her partner, until she was eye level with the angel’s crotch. The succubus grinned; Nadia was surely one beautiful piece of work. A slender blue finger reached out to teasingly trace the edges of the angel’s clit, just barely touching her… but it would be clear if the redhead knew anything about magic that there was power in that fingertip. The circles it traced began to close in, slowly brushing over more and more of the sensitive nub with each pass.

Rather than the usual sensation of pleasure, however, there was a strange tingling that quickly began to shoot up and down Nadia’s spine. The demon intensified her rubbing slowly but steadily, and so too did that strange sensation… It wasn’t too awful long that the angel’s clit began to grow in both length and girth, causing Luciana to grin lewdly. This spell, of course, could be performed much more quickly and in several different ways, but this was much more intimate. A second finger joined in, but now she was able to teasingly roll the stiffening nub between the two digits like her tentacles were doing with the angel’s nipples. "Mmm, any special features you’d like me to add?" she teased as she looked up from between Nadia’s legs, licking her lips. Of course, she could do pretty much anything when constructing the cock she was giving her partner; a knot, barbs, nubs, all manner of exotic things. She would default to the standard, of course, and she didn’t expect the angel to request anything crazy, but it never hurt to ask. Little by little, inch by inch the clit grew, widening as well, until it was about four inches long. It was then that Luciana took it into her mouth, sucking and licking on it tenderly.

Even so, there still wasn’t “pleasure” per se, not in the traditional sense… That didn’t come until what had once been simply a nub began to shape into more cock-like features. It was about six inches long now, and fairly wide, though not too much so. It began to develop a head, and before long Nadia would be able to feel the demon’s tongue teasing between a small cleft that was forming in the tip… The spell sped up then, Luciana racing the development to the finish after a slow buildup, and before the angel knew it her cock was ten inches long and very girthy, and with a small spurt of precum it was fully formed. It felt so sensitive it was incredible, especially now when it was new, and the succubus pulled her lips off it in recognition… though her tongue flicked out to just barely brush the head a few seconds later, a finger lightly trailing up and down the underside. "You like so far? Feel good?" she asked, grinning up from her knees. "Wanna feel my lips again~ Or maybe you’d like something else~"

"The pleasure is mMMM!" The sudden pull was quite unexpected, and though Alex was strong and tall she wasn't prepared and ended up stumbling as her balance was thrown. And that was just enough. Lenalee capitalized on that loss, and Alex soon found herself being kissed openly while a tongue quickly snaked its way into her mouth. It was surprise and shock that kept her from pushing back, and before she could it simply ended with the woman offering her thanks. "I...think you're going to fit in just fine around here..." Though Alex smiled back it looked a little forced...

But that gave way to a bit more surprise once Alice started making herself known. She was obviously looking upset, that much could be seen on her brow, but the sudden shifting of her seeing-eye monstrosity from slightly grotesque to angrily grotesque was far more telling. And it had Alex worried. Whoever had stolen everyone here did so simply to enjoy the conflict it created. Even if everyone else was enjoying themselves and each other in a very intimate sense this was still marked as a competition, and something like this wouldn't go unnoticed. If Alice was truly getting angry then their captor may notice, and no doubt he/she/it would whisk them off to some other arena simply for mischief. They'd all be forced to work through their differences, and that was what had Alex worried. Though the blind girl was willing her strength and skill were...well... The thought of seeing Alice humbled by someone else was making Alex nervous, and she started looking around. She just hoped the wind wouldn't start kicking up like it had earlier before the other matches...

~~~~Lenalee -> Alex/Alice~~~~​

Holding Alex tightly against herself even after the kiss, Lenalee smirked at the tall half-dragon's comment, and replied; "It certainly seems that way!" The interruption from the other girl surprised the sorceress, and she looked her way and took a step away from the woman she'd fallen onto reflexively as she sized Alice up. The shadow monstrosity standing next to her didn't seem to like her, but the look on Lenalee's face was anything but impressed as she shifted her gaze back to the girl in question. "Do your pet a favor and call it off.... Before I incinerate it."

Her threat was delivered in a voice of complete calm and a frank tone, as if she were stating a given outcome, and it seemed as if she was about to make good on that threat as the air around them started to crackle with static electricity. Lightning crackled across her body, causing the edges of her messy black hair to rise slightly and energy to blaze from her eyes, but the same level calm that she'd held earlier remained as she continued; "Relax! I was only having a bit of fun blondie, I didn't mean any harm by it. Plus, whoever dragged me here practically stole me out of the bedroom! No one's going to find Edmund until morning now! As amusing as that thought is, it doesn't exactly do anything for the itch, and it's not every day that you're magically kidnapped and dropped on top of a gorgeous naked woman." A smirk played across her lips, "There's no need at all for things to get unpleasant, and I wouldn't hurt a blind person even if they did. That won't stop me from zapping your pet though, particularly if he doesn't-" *snap*

(To the bondage room! Alex can either be a participant or a prize left tied up for the winner to enjoy, whichever Termite prefers.)

~~~~Nadia -> Luciana~~~~​

Nadia watched Luciana descended somewhat nervously as the succubus slowly dropped to her knees. The angel's legs spread slightly as a reflex, exposing her pink folds for the demon's inspection. The constant assault of Luciana's tentacles upon her nipples had Nadia gasping out every breath, and her caused her back to arch slightly as the sensitive nubs were toyed with, pushing them further as if begging for even more stimulation. She let out a tiny moan of mixed surprise and pleasure when the tentacles wrapped around the stiffened tips of her breasts, and that pleasure combined with the slow circles that Luciana started to draw over her sensitive clit caused her to lean against the tentacles that the succubus had left against her back for just that purpose.

As the cock that the succubus conjured from her jewel began to grow, the angel let out a gasp as the strange sensation monetarily washed away the pleasure she was experiencing. "Wh.... What? Special.... Features?" she asked incredulously after Luciana asked her extremely odd question. "I... I don't know? I've never done this before!" Only a few seconds later was when Luciana took Nadia's growing member into her mouth, something that caused the angel to wince slightly from the sudden intensification of the strange sensations caused by her licking and sucking. Those sensations began to morph into more familiar pleasure as the angel's cock began to take shape, however, and that caused her squirming to take on an entirely new function as her gasps returned. Her appendage's development seemed to speed up, and the more her cock grew the more intense the pleasure became. The unfamiliar sensations combined with Luciana's adeptness at this were very nearly too much for her, but thankfully the succubus pulled her mouth away before Nadia prematurely ejaculated.

That said, Nadia wouldn't call Luciana's continued teasing merciful, and the sudden lick against her sensitive tip caused the angel's cock to jump as the succubus got another taste of her precum, as she ejaculated a tiny portion of the thick goo directly onto the demon's luscious lips. "Hnnn.... Hah! Ohfu..." Nadia murmured feebly as her cock twitched in the demon's grasp, and the finger gliding along the underside only made her squirm and gasp all the harder. After only a few seconds in which the angel kept her eyes shut and seemed unable to draw breath, Nadia's cock started to throb slightly as precum came streaming out of her tip. Looking down as Luciana spoke again, Nadia couldn't get out a word for a few moments, particularly if the succubus started to intensify her teasing. Finally, after a few moment's pause, Nadia managed to gasp out; "It's.... Ssso good.... I don't even know where to start.... I guess you could... Lie down."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily, Joey

Having joined the two at the Bar, Six was asked- upon the strange, non-human-ish-thingy that made up the servants here had stopped panicking and realized she hadn't immediately attacked- proposed what Six would like for for drink. "May I suggest water, at least for starts? I admit, I'm not used to, er, these kinda places," she replied politely, a light flush coming due to her embarrassment.

After quickly drinking a bit of the drink she had requested, she found a bottle getting passed her way. Six cocked her head a bit and tentatively reached a forepaw to grip it, gingerly soas to not damage it with her claws. Six gave a quick sniff at the opening, only to blink and cough a little. The scent was... odd, and if it wasn't for the fruit smells she'd have thought rancid, having caught the distinct fetter to her enhanced senses. And yet, it wasn't a bad smell, and very tentatively, she lifted the bottle and took a swift drink, handing it back to Lily as she tried to appraise the taste a little. No sense downing it all, she thought. She remembered the guards she used to be restrained by stinking of a similar concoction, and they always seemed... off.

The short burst of painful memories made Six shiver a short moment, but otherwise didn't comment.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Pale -> Helena

Pale blinks as she is passed a full bottle, but she pops it open and takes a gulp before leaning against the bed's head with the bottle in hand. It was pretty good, really. "Pretty good wine." Pale says, not really having anything else to talk about.

Hotel Bar
Lily ->Joey/Six

"I'm not going to fall over from this, silly. Well, not unless I drink a lot more. It's called wine, it's good for you." Lily says, taking another swig as Six passes the bottle back to her. "Here, taste it yourself. It's a little bitter.," she warns Joey before passing the bottle to the strange alraune and standing up. "Let's head to the beach."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's bedroom
Helena -> Pale

Helena chuckles before taking another pull on her bottle. Wiping her lips, Helena just looked at Pale. If we had a great deal to talk about, why would we need the Wine? Helena said, starting to laugh. But, here's a thought, since we're both tolerating a person we normally wouldn't, I'll tell you how I became a demon in the first place, because it's a long tale, and we certainly have time. Or I could Sing. Helena said, humming softly before letting her voice fill the room.

Helena started to sing softly, a favourite of hers and her sisters, the bottle starting to empty, as it always did with Helena as she took drinks between breaths, and sang for her new friend.

The Bar!
Joey -> Six, Lily

Joey looked a little put off by everything, but still gingerly took the bottle. Taking a sip, she ran over the flavour, before taking another, and another. After her third sip, she ordered a bottle of the odd drink for herself, smiling and starting to plow through it like she had the water, at a horrifying pace if someone didn't stop her.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Lily, Joey

Six felt a small, minor buzzing in her head, but otherwise hadn't noticed anything too damaging to her from the strange concoction. However, as the plantgirl took a bottle of her own and started draining it at a frightening pace, she would subtly raise an eyebrow. "K, there's hydration and then there's ridiculous situations. Cides, if I remember some, er talk... ages ago, doesn't that stuff just make you thirstier?" she asked, following Lily again while licking the strange flavor off her lips.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Room
Pale -> Helena

Pale tilts her head and listens to Helena's unfamiliar song. "You have a pretty voice. It would be nice to hear your story, I think."

Hotel Bar
Lily ->Joey/Six

Lily blinks as Joey orders a bottle to herself and starts going through it at an astonishing pace. "Uh... you shouldn't drink it that quickly. Be careful, Joey." Taking a sip and handing the opened bottle to Six again, Lily carefully pushes Joey's bottle down before pulling her up and heading towards the beach. "You...may start feeling a bit strange in a bit. It's nothing to worry about, though."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale's Bedroom of apparent longwinded story time
Helena -> Pale

Alright we'll never get through it all, but I can tell you the beginning at least. Helena said, leaning back and continuing to drink. Starting at the very beginning, Helena started to spin a tale of a shining city of towering glass and steel, of strange machines and even stranger passtimes, and of her own life before she had found the Egg. The EGG, a game where she was from, took place in large metal pods, and Helena's first journey there was excessively detailed, and full of completely random side tangents such as cars, busses, electricity, and computers before shaking her head and continuing.

The pod had placed her in a new world, in a new time, floating high above the earth in a space station, she was a researcher and herself and another woman named Ginny were trying to solve a mystery about where slimes came from, hoping the lack of gravity would help. It did, kind of, but it was on this space station that Helena met her sister, Jasmine, a succubus, and how she had first been changed, by being summoned through hell after an accident, and her experiences there after.

As Helena continued, she told of the first vampire she had ever met, and what had happened to her friend Aren, of the fight, and her rage, and the funeral that followed, and of the little things that had happened, the hours ticking by and the sun setting slowly but surely as Helena told the first part of her story. As Dusk finally fell, Helena was speaking of Hell, of the demons, and the dragon, and the Maelstrom that had torn herself, and her sister out of that world, and into another one completely. It had never been just a game, it had all been real, and Helena ended, as her pod came smashing down behind her in a strange, and mist filled forest, alone, and frighteningly human.

The Bar!! -> Beach!!
Joey -> Six, Lily

Joey, smiling and nodding as Lily stopped her from drowning herself in wine, giggled and looked at how much was left, about 2/3s of the bottle. Following as she was pulled along, they headed to the beach, Joey confused by Lily as they moved. What do you mean feel funny? And why shouldn't I drink it? It tastes like fruit, and something else, it's really good!
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Bar -> Beach
Six -> Joey, Lily

Six took another swig of the strange concoction, her tail wrapping around the bottleneck and holding it securely, still trying to identify the drink's composition some more while she followed the other two to where she originally arrived to this place.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Bar!! -> Beach!!
Lily ->Joey/Six

"You'll... figure out soon enough. And I'm not saying that you shouldn't drink it, just don't do it so quickly. Take time to enjoy it." Lily replies, fluttering her wings as they go back outside to the bright sunlight. Popping open the last bottle, she takes a long swig and when they arrive at the sandy beach, she plops down on the sand, stretching her wings and arms, starting to feel a little buzzed already.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Joey! -> Lily!/Six!

Nodding, thinking that her new friend was right and that the strange juice....was it juice? Would be better if it lasted longer, Joey stood up tall on the beach next to her as she flopped into the sand, soaking up the sun with a happy sigh, feeling her head buzzing a little as she took another drink. Hahaha bees in her head... bees didn't go there...

Swaying from side to side, her tendrils flailing about a little randomly, but otherwise just smiling and swaying back and forth, Joey could be confused for a sea anemone, if she didn't have a rather cute body on full display for anything with eyes, getting more drunk by the second, being a plant had some drawbacks it seemed.

Giggling as she closed her eyes and started humming, Joey was pretty sure she was gonna hug the first thing that got too close, and the sun was so warm, and the ocean sounded so nice...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

A short way away, distant but still near enough to engage in conversation, Six also quietly nursed the bottle she had found, humming a little to herself. Her head was slowly starting to get more witless, much to her dismay, as if she had been under effect of the drugs before- but it didn't feel terrible this time. The combination of the strange intoxication and the odd flavor the liquid held made it seem alright, actually. Still puzzling with her much slower mind, she simply rested, not quite paying attention to the surroundings...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach of hugs
Lily ->Six/Joey

Lily takes another drink, savouring the taste of the good wine and the sunlight. The beautiful sidhe starts singing quietly, managing to hit most of the notes she means to. Putting down the bottle, she lays on her back with her wings spread out, thoroughly enjoying the heat.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tentacle Beach! Off of Molestation Bay!
Joey -> Six/Lily

Joey, still just kind of waving around lazily, and now pretty buzzed even as she continued to drink, hadn't realised that Six wasn't paying any attention to where she was going, and felt her new friend brush across one of her tendrils, the others immediately beginning to move and twine around her slowly, but insistently, drawing her into a hug, Joey smiling rather goofily. I like Hugs~ hugs hugsh hugsh~ Joey said, slurring a little as she waited for her hug, hugs were nice...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

Soft singing brushed Six's ears, causing much more of a soothing effect then the drink had been causing and leading her to forget the worries and relax a little. There was an old saying, she remembered vaguely, about music soothing savage beasts, and she felt it a little ironic how well it worked on her somewhat aching head. Fitting, really.

And then, all of a sudden, several tendrils began sneaking around her as the thoroughly plastered plantgirl mistook idly poking someone as a invitation to hugs. Six gave a started squeak, and went to try and flee out of instinct, only for her limbs to not work quite right and stumble, letting the vines, addled as their master was, to get the advantage. "H-hey! Why you no ask firrrrst...." Six whined, her determination to get free slightly broke by the wine, and to be fair, the tendrils did tickle a little.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach of hugs
Lily ->Six/Joey

Lily giggles at the huggy alraune and takes another gulp of wine before continuing to sing and extending her own tentacles as well, still laying on her back as a pair of tentacles reaches Joey, starting to run up and down her sides.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

It really is Molestation Beach o_O
Joey -> Six/Lily

Joey, more focused on dragging the whining Six into her arms, and pulling her tight against her, humming happily and hugging her as she swayed, more of her tendrils still coiling around her and writhing against them both, gave a surprised little Eek! as she felt tentacles NOT HER OWN!

Turning her head, Joey shivered as she felt Lily's tendrils drifting up and down her side, before beginning to giggle ticklishly. I Din't know you had those two! Thatsh amazing! Joey said, smiling widely and coiling a pair of her own down Lily's, like some kind of odd, and mildly confusing tentacle braid or handshake, who knew.

Regardless~! As the creeping tentacle hugging tentacles continued to tentacle down towards Lily as well, Joey went back to hugging Six tightly You don't asksh for hugs silly, everyone likes shugsh, so jush hug. she said, tilting her head back as she took another drink, feeling really good... and Six felt good, and Lily's tendrils felt good, and the sun was good... This was good.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

Six whined some more as the tendrils wrapped around her some more as she was dragged up to grabbed by the plantgirl. "N-now come on, let me go, I'm not made for hugs..." she whined, squirming even more as the tendrils continued to wind around her, grabbing between spines and chitin.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach of hugs
Lily ->Six/Joey

Lily giggles as she feels Joey's tentacles around her own and extends another pair of tentacles to continue tickling the alraune while drinking some more. This had really been a good idea. Shrinking down her wings, Lily pulls off her shirt, baring her chest to the sun and assuming an instant tan while enjoying the sunbathing.