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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Joey -> Six/Lily

Joey, now actively leaning on Six to stay standing, eeped loudly again and broke into a fit of giggles as Lily continued to tickle her, starting to wriggle and laugh until she overbalanced with her new teddy bear, and fell. Flailing, Joey toppled over and landed in the sand on her back, Six clutched to her as she continued to squirm and laugh, releasing Six to engage in the tickle fight with now topless Lily.

But success! She had managed to not spill her wine! Taking another drink, she could have sworn she had more, but tickling the tentacle woman came first, a fierce tendril battle had broken out on the beach, and poor Six, was just caught in the middle.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

The poor xenogirl indeed was caught, the jumble of bodies and tentacles causing her to squeak in shock as she tried desperately to try and pull herself from the tangle. However, her attempts to just try to slash out will cause her hands to stop thanks to the magics of the island, causing her to be gingerly slow at her attempts, and further addled by the ingested spirits, leaving her a mewling wreck caught between two threats.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach of hugs
Lily ->Six/Joey

The cursed alraune dared to tickle her back! Squirming in the tickles, Lily pushes herself into sitting position and flails at the attacking tentacles while continuing to furiously tickle Joey and giggling maniacally! Somewhat realizing that Six might not want to stay in the middle, Lily tries to stagger to her feet, only to stumble against Six and fall back down.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Joey -> Six/Lily

The relaxation moment had somehow devolved into a great deal of squirming, giggling, and tentacle flailing, and anyone looking would probably have no idea at the insanity actually going on. Twisting and laughing as Lily continued her vicious onslaught, Joey only laughed harder as Lily stumbled into Six and flopped ontop of her, effectively pinning her between both of the tentacle wielding tickle fiends as they rolled around in the sand, poor six.

Writhing against her now trapped new friend, Joey wriggled and attacked Lily all the fiercer, trying to bind her limbs around Six and reach the more sensitive areas to tickle her, like her underarms and thighs. Before she suddenly shuddered, and just flopped on the beach, limp, her vines just strewn all over the place as she shrieked and laughed, her vision swaying as she tried to drink more wine, before finding her empty bottle empty.

She felt so warm, and fuzzy... Heh, she was fuzzy.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

Even with all the shenanigans, Six was stuck in the middle, the flailing and rolling really not helping her current brain functions until they finally fell limp again. Normally she'd escape, but instead she'd groan, her head spinning from all the crazy she had just been through. "Ugh... well that's crazy..."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach of "hugs"
Lily ->Six/Joey

"Victory!" Lily calls out as Joey gives up, before falling on her back next to the alraune, still giggling, and retracting all her tentacles except one she uses to grab her bottle and takes a long drink, noticing that it's almost empty. No wonder the world seems to be spinning...

Noticing that her wings are covered in sand but not really caring, the sidhe turns on her side and hugs Joey with her arms.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach of Defeat
Joey -> Lily/Six

Lily had won, Joey was Defeat, Dafeet? Bleh, thinking was hard, and her friends were nice, and Six was silly. Being hugged by Lily, Joey wriggled closer into her and curled up against her side, sighing happily and closing her eyes, refusing to let Six get out of this cuddle session either, as her vines shot out and forced the huggy shy Six into Lily's other side. jush...relaxsh Sish. and Shhhush. Joey slurred out rather badly, now just pulled into Lily's side and completely smashed.

She had NO IDEA what to think about the bees in her head, but she was pretty sure she'd leave if she got in the water, that helped... but Lily was soft and warm and pretty, and Six was pretty to! and she was comfy and more then happy where she was, soaking up the company, and the sunshine.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

Six didn't protest too much as she was suddenly dragged to the plantgirl again, her own head not too in the mind to argue at this rate, squirming slightly the entire time. Her head felt too funny to argue, still.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily ->Six/Joey

"Murf..." Snuggling closer to the pair, Lily idly wonders how long they would stay there undisturbed. Someone was bound to... bound to... Yawning, Lily continues to cuddles Joey and Six in the warmth of the sunshine.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach of Naptimes and Consequences perhaps?
Joey -> Lily/Six

The only thing coming from joey now was a very soft, cute snoring as she whimpered softly in her sleep, before murring happily and relaxing again, having just slipped off to sleep under the sun, not a care or worry in the world, and with no idea what this place was still, but that it was nice.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

As the shenanigans wound down, Six quietly and simply flopped down with the others, letting the odd buzzing in her head keep her still. It felt a lot better to not move after all...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

Not only was this angel exceptionally beautiful, her reactions were just so cute… The way she gasped every time Luciana’s tentacles teased her, the little squirming motions she made, it was all just too perfect. The demon hoped the daemon kept them here on this island paradise forever. She smirked a little when Nadia balked at the idea of “special features” for her cock, and then put on a sort of fake pouting face. "Awww, no knot for you? Coulda been fun~" she teased, but she didn’t press the issue of course. Even if it would’ve been fun to be tied to the redhead for a while… there was nothing wrong with a little compulsory cuddling, after all. When the process was done, and the succubus continued to tease at the new, sensitive cock, she watched her angelic partner’s reactions carefully. She could tell instinctively that Nadia was having trouble containing herself in the face of even just the little teasing licks and touches.

That presented some interesting possibilities to Luciana… perhaps the chance to get a little bit of payback after a day filled with embarrassing earliness on her own part. Every lick drew a little spurt of precum against her tongue, made Nadia squirm and gasp and moan, and the demon knew that just a few hard strokes, a good suck, could bring her to her knees. Instead she eased up a little, looking up with puppydog eyes as the redhead gave her instruction, and slowly leaned back, sliding down the wall until her back was on the floor. The demon spread her legs wide, her tail lightly running around in her wet slit. "Like this?" she asked with an innocent tone to her voice, though she licked her lips as she looked up at the twitching member. As it was she was fairly confident Nadia would cum just from putting it into her, which was exactly what she wanted, a fine start to the evening…

Alice -> Alex/Lenalee

Alice didn’t like this person, she could tell even more surely by the tone of voice she used to threaten her shadow. The dog-like creature didn’t seem to like her much either, its deformed face twisted in a snarl that was silent to all but the blind girl. "Don’t you dare threaten him" she snapped back at Lenalee, not flinching even as she felt the air that surrounded them changing, static crackling all around them. She could tell that the other was a mage without being told, but she wasn’t afraid. Confrontation was more her speed than the sexual crap the daemon had them doing earlier, and she wasn’t quite as frail as her body suggested. She had faced down the many alien creatures who had invaded her orphanage, after all, and had torn them to bits without lifting a finger. "He’s a part of me, so if you so much as touch him I’ll-"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily ->Six/Joey

Lily wakes up with a groan and slowly sits up, looking around. The sun is just setting, but the fading light still burns her eyes, complementing the pounding of her head. The sidhe automatically mutters the words of a simple healing spell that would diminish the headache to tolerable levels, only remembering the limitations of this strange place as the spell fails to work and cursing her short-sightedness.

Stumbling on her feet the sidhe quickly strips her remaining garments before diving into warm water and splashing around for a while before going back to the beach and poking the other two awake if they weren't already.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach of Hangovers!
Joey -> Lily/Six

Joey, snoring like a chainsaw, and flailing about fairly randomly, awoke with a soft yawn and a smile, apparently no worse for wear from the drinking. Looking up at Lily, she helped bring Six out of her slumber as well if she was still out, before watching the waves, not wanting to get into the salty water herself, before turning her gaze to her suddenly nude friend, and blushing softly as she stretched, and then flopped back into the sand.

So~ What do we do? Nothing happened, does this place have any fresh water? It's alot easier then drinking all those little cups. Joey said, grinning.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Six -> Joey, Lily

Six groaned a little as she got some feeling back in her limbs. Her head didn't buzz anymore, though a dull ache was developing, the light being a lot stronger then it should have been. "Urgh... side effects, great," she huffed, sliding to her haunches a little way away from the plantgirl just in case of another ambush."

At the question offered by the plantgirl, Six gave a small shrug. "Sans a jungle, not that I recall. There may be a stream somewhere in it, but I've not bothered looking too much... too busy annoyed at the lack of game."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach -> ???
Lily -> Joey/Six

"Getting out of the sun sounds like a good idea. So does getting drinkable water." Lily says quietly as she picks up her clothes, wondering whether she should dunk her head into the sea again.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Nadia's Room
Luciana -> Nadia

Not only was this angel exceptionally beautiful, her reactions were just so cute… The way she gasped every time Luciana’s tentacles teased her, the little squirming motions she made, it was all just too perfect. The demon hoped the daemon kept them here on this island paradise forever. She smirked a little when Nadia balked at the idea of “special features” for her cock, and then put on a sort of fake pouting face. "Awww, no knot for you? Coulda been fun~" she teased, but she didn’t press the issue of course. Even if it would’ve been fun to be tied to the redhead for a while… there was nothing wrong with a little compulsory cuddling, after all. When the process was done, and the succubus continued to tease at the new, sensitive cock, she watched her angelic partner’s reactions carefully. She could tell instinctively that Nadia was having trouble containing herself in the face of even just the little teasing licks and touches.

That presented some interesting possibilities to Luciana… perhaps the chance to get a little bit of payback after a day filled with embarrassing earliness on her own part. Every lick drew a little spurt of precum against her tongue, made Nadia squirm and gasp and moan, and the demon knew that just a few hard strokes, a good suck, could bring her to her knees. Instead she eased up a little, looking up with puppydog eyes as the redhead gave her instruction, and slowly leaned back, sliding down the wall until her back was on the floor. The demon spread her legs wide, her tail lightly running around in her wet slit. "Like this?" she asked with an innocent tone to her voice, though she licked her lips as she looked up at the twitching member. As it was she was fairly confident Nadia would cum just from putting it into her, which was exactly what she wanted, a fine start to the evening…

Alice -> Alex/Lenalee

Alice didn’t like this person, she could tell even more surely by the tone of voice she used to threaten her shadow. The dog-like creature didn’t seem to like her much either, its deformed face twisted in a snarl that was silent to all but the blind girl. "Don’t you dare threaten him" she snapped back at Lenalee, not flinching even as she felt the air that surrounded them changing, static crackling all around them. She could tell that the other was a mage without being told, but she wasn’t afraid. Confrontation was more her speed than the sexual crap the daemon had them doing earlier, and she wasn’t quite as frail as her body suggested. She had faced down the many alien creatures who had invaded her orphanage, after all, and had torn them to bits without lifting a finger. "He’s a part of me, so if you so much as touch him I’ll-"

Nadia's expression was uncertain as she watched Luciana slowly drop down onto her back on the floor. She'd meant for them to go over to the bed, but after a moment she supposed that it didn't matter all that much. The succubus had undoubtedly been exposed to worse sexual acts, after all, and so after a moment she followed the demon down, her cock throbbing and ready as it slowly eased towards Luciana's sex. The demoness was already obviously fairly wet, and Nadia only confirmed that once she'd climbed on top of her and started rubbing her cock against her partner's slit. Giving a moan and a series of shivers, Nadia could feel herself already on the verge of orgasm just from Luciana's earlier teasing, and a part of her very much wanted to simply slide into the demon's pussy and plow away at her until she'd ascended that tempting peak. She had more willpower than that, however, and tried at least to maintain a semblance of decency as she coated the tip of her length in Luciana's juices, saying after a moment; "I'm.... Going to put it in..."

This was all incredibly awkward for her, but she was at least starting to get used to it as she slid her knees beneath Luciana's thighs and positioned her cock against her pussy. Slowly, Nadia shifted forward and pushed her into Luciana's sex, spreading the demon's inner walls. The angel let out a low moan and almost collapsed onto Luciana, which would have surely resulted in the redhead blowing her load right then and there, but managed to avoid doing so by the narrowest of margins. Her initial thrust was almost painfully slow, allowing her to feel every inch of Luciana's sex as it gripped against her magically conjured cock and giving the succubus the same privilege for said appendage. The motion took nearly half a minute, and by that point Nadia knew that their was no way that she was going to outlast the demoness.

Her cock was throbbing heavily, and even the tiny motions produced by Luciana's internal muscles were enough to send shivers running through the angel. Pushing her bust against Luciana's such that their breasts were pancaked together, Nadia rocked back and then pushed forward, only coming about halfway out before pushing back in and grinding her member against the demon's inner walls. "I'm.... I'm gonna cum!" she whimpered lewdly after only a few seconds, and unless Luciana pushed the angel out it would only be a few seconds more before Nadia's moans spiked in pitch and her cock erupted into the demon's depths. Wave after wave of the angel's hot spunk poured deep into Luciana's womb, her cock throbbing and her soul easy pickings for the succubus as she came for the first time with the added appendage.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Beach of many hangovers! -> Somewhere Else!
Joey! Six! and Lily!

Joey giggled, spinning around a little before she looked around the beach. Well, This is a beach, and those are trees, So... Water has to go somewhere, and well... I like trees! Come on then! Joey said suddenly, starting to wander off towards the thick coverage of the jungle, because there was always water in a jungle! Because that made perfect sense! If you were Joey, who had no idea what the word Jungle even meant.

Once Joey hit the trees, she'd scramble up into one of the lower branches, and swing around back and forth happily, a smile on her face as she started looking, and looking, and looking. Eventually, the enthusiastic plant woman hit a snag in the tree, flopping out with a lot of flailing and noise, before hitting the ground, which inevitably led to her foot getting stuck under a vine, and further flailing was had until she rolled to a stop in the middle of a small, freshwater pond, leaving her sitting in the water, up to her neck, coo'ing happily as she splashed about. I FOUND SOME!
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Strange Jungle Pond?
Six -> Joey, Lily

Head still throbbing slightly, Six followed the other two as they went to a new location. As usual, she'd be somewhat impassive about the situation as she flicked her tail a little more. Unluckily, a bit too close as the plantgirl found the water the easy way.

Sputtering loudly, Six shook her head to get the worse of the liquid from her face, a sour growl coming from her. "Hey! Watch it!" she grumbled, bristling slightly.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Lily -> Joey/Six

Being slow to follow due to her headache, Lily strides after the others still naked, grumbling about the lack of healing spells under her breath. As they arrive at the spring, she drops her clothes and tosses herself into the cool water head first, splashing the unfortunate Six again. Gasping for breath the fae resurfaces before starting to drink loudly.

Pale's room of storytime
Pale -> Helena

Pale falls quiet in her chair as Helena tells her story. Though the story is full of weird and wondrous things, the vampire finds the succubus' melodic voice soothing even as the incredible story unfolds behind her eyes. Though it sounds insane, somehow the way it's told makes it almost believable. As the day turns to night the succubus finally finishes her story and Pale stands up, stretching. "What a fascinating story. It seems that we can finally go outside again."
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