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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Joey -> Six/Lily

Joey didn't even notice Six's apparent mood, simply sinking down to her eyes in the cool water and sighing happily, bubbles signalling the joyful release, vines sliding down into the soft soil underneath her to dig into the earth, eating properly for the first time since coming here, and content with just about everything. Glancing down at the bubbles, a half hidden grin formed, before Joey contented herself with her current passtime, blowing bubbles and drifting lazily around the spring.

Pale's Room
Helena -> Pale

Helena chuckles softly, her green eyes shining softly for a moment in the dim light of dusk as she stands and stretches as well. That does seem to be the case. And we've been cooped up far too long already. Lead on! And maybe you can spin a tale of your own under the moonlight, if you're in the sharing mood. Otherwise we both know we're just going to get into trouble again~ Helena said, winking as she finished and bouncing towards the door.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Strange Jungle Pond
Six -> Joey, Lily

Coughing as the shadow demon got swamped with water again, Six shook the liquid from her face before giving a quiet sigh to herself. Going to the pool's edge, Six would quickly dive, her lithe form soon floating on the surface like a blackened log, eyes hazy with a bored expression as the booze sank in.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pool -> ???
Lily -> Six/Joey

Lily's drinking bout is interrupted by a sudden flash of light as a portal appears right above the pool and she falls upwards through it...

Pale -> Helena

Pale follows Helena in silence until the two are outside under the light of the fullmoon. Only then does the vampire begin her story, not really caring where they would walk. She tells of her childhood, and of growing up in a small village, of her father and how she was taught to hunt. Of the demon attack and how she could hear her father screaming. Of how she hid outside in the rain and somehow managed to steal enough food from the ruins without getting caught. Of how she finally left the village for what promised to be a solitary life. Of the memory loss and how she killed the man, not remembering to care. Of how she had sworn to never kill again save in self-defence and of how she had kept on surviving, not knowing what else to do.
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pool -> Scary place ;_;
Joey -> Lily/Six

Joey, still happily bubbling about, could only look up at the shiny portal. Murmuring a quiet Prettttty mumbled by the water, it soon turned into a squeal of panic as she fell through the shiny with Lily and Six


Helena -> Pale

Helena walked with Pale, smiling up into the moonlight softly as she tilted her head, listening as Pale shared her own story. It was filled with more then it's fair share of pain, each word, each piece of the puzzle that was Pale, making her more a person, and less a vampire in Helena's eyes, and as she continued, Helena finally let go of any real prejudice or hatred she had, breathing it away.

When Pale finished, they were standing in a small patch of open ground, Helena still staring up at the moon, turning her eyes to look into Pale's own. To Survive... I was like that once, and then again, each time my goals seeming to change as readily as the weather. I envy your self control Pale, I really do. Maybe, a little later on, I'll share some more of my tale, maybe something inside it can help you, you're so young to have such a quiet voice and so many scars... Helena said quietly, her hair blowing softly in the breeze. Helena didn't even know how old she was now... it felt like 500, but she knew it wasn't that much. If she had to guess, she'd figure herself close to Pale's own age, and the story that still dogged her mind, of the place she'd recently escaped, and her travels, she doubted she was older then 40 now, maybe a little older, and still she felt ancient when standing next to another immortal.

She certainly didn't even mean any insult, but you were always just as old as you felt, and Helena was already dragging in the path she walked, knowing she still had so much more to travel.

Pale... this is a beautiful moon, let's not waste it in the past, let's run, tear across the ground under the silver light and forget it all for just a few moments. Helena offered, suddenly smiling brightly, her mask firmly back in place, hiding the girl underneath.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Helena

Pale closes her eyes for a moment, not liking the memories conjured up, before shaking herself out of it and smiling. "There's a nice spot on the other side of the forest. See you there."

Barely waiting for confirmation, Pale dashes into easy run towards the moon-lit forest.