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The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Since we're now a succubus I feel morally obliged to suggest we let our good-for-nothing humanity behind and eat the guards. What's it done for us lately anyway?
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Silvia shuddered as the voice continued she pushed it from her mind as she turned back to the slave girl and waved her over as she moved to the second guard. Dominating him as well she made her guards rise and looked them over. They had replaced their clothing and gear, it was meager but good enough. She moved to the slave girl and asked her a simple question.

"Where can I get a set of chains, I would like us to be lead out of here. That should significantly help me getting out of this castle." She said with a smile as she stared at the slave girl who moved to the guards station and obtained another set of chains handing them to her mistress.

"Here mistress these should do what you desire." She said with her broken eyes, Silvia stared at her, she would be all but useless once they were out of the dungeon. But she might prove useful enough to bring along. She turned to the guards and with a wave of her hand they were off, back to the moat and with a simple spell they were over. Silvia's hands bound in chain, although not locked at all, she and the slave girl were lead from the dungeons towards the main castle building. Ideally moving them towards the exit to the castle.

It was the door which was their first challenge, a guard in fine gear stood guard there, looking them over his eyes narrowed.

"What's the meaning of this boys, who ordered these prisoners moved." He barked at the two guards and the shyed away from him, even dominated their demeanor of fear towards his person was obvious.

"We just received the orders, the wizard wanted them for his pleasure." The first guards she enslaved mekely croaked out. The guard stared at him his eyes noticeably relaxing as he moved to the two slaves, the first slave girl was easy she just stared at him mindlessly. He moved to silvia and she paused for a moment as she closed her eyes and hoped she could use a spell to make her look like the slave girl, broken and trained.

She smiled up at him with the illusion over her eyes as he examined her face, and he turned to the guards. "Take them to the captain, he'll want to see them first." He said with a smile as he opened the door and let them inside. The barracks was loud and rowdy as guards played dice and cards to pass the time and pass their pay. The instant they entered the room, half the idle guards turned and stared at them, Silvia barely able to keep her head down submissively, she was a sex slave for now. As she walked through the room she noticed that she was not really dressed like a sex slave, honestly she was wearing her dress again and she realized the slave behind her was completely naked.

‘Well that was a slight oversight on my part, really should have made clothing for her, out of something.’ She paused as the guards continued leading her up onto the second floor, towards the large room at the back of the upper floor. ‘I wonder who the leader of the guards is, I should probably prepare to act quickly and seduce him and kill him.’ She thought as they were lead to the entrance to the main chamber. The guard outside raised his hand.

“Wait you two.” He said confused as he glanced at Silvia and the slave girl, “Never mind take her inside, lets take her into the other room she will probably enjoy herself there.” He said with a smirk as he took the chain from her and the two guards froze not really sure what to do. The guard stared at her, ‘I didn’t fool them at all.’

“Take her into the other room and make the guards comfortable.” She said as she stepped forward and raised her eyes her illusion gone. The guards was smiling at her, as he opened the door and let her inside.

His chambers were simple and warm a large hearth stood on the far wall a large fire burning in it. He stood behind his desk as he rose and walked towards her, she put her mask back on and stared at him as she recognized him. Her old master at arms son, either way this was bad. He would recognize her and more importantly he might plan to keep her himself, they had fooled around some before, he was handsome and she was so sheltered and young. He was still handsome honestly, he had a chiseled chin and square face well proportioned and shaved clean. His eyes were a deep brown and his hair was a short cut as well also brown. His shoulders broad and strong from years of training to fight.

"Hello Silvia It’s lovely to see you again.” He said as he turned and walked over to her, she stared at him for a moment. She did recognize him, it was Marc the son of the master of arms from her kingdom. Well he used to be, she began getting attached to him, romantically and her mother exiled him and his father.

“I do Marc, it’s nice to see you again, are you working for a crazy wizard now. is that what my mothers exile drove you to?” She asked a smile on her face, she was honestly happy to see him. She paused as she smiled at him as he walked over to her and offered her his hand. “What is that for exactly.” She asked with a half smile as she took it.

“It’s simple really, so I can do this.” He said taking her fingers to her lips and kissing her knuckle lightly. As he lead her to a pair of chairs by the fire. She sat with her long lost friend, as she paused for a moment looking at him. He was older, more mature stronger obviously well versed in the world now. She honestly wanted him, and the voice had finally stopped.

"On to business, honestly he'll be dead before nights out, I have reports that his pet succubus has been released. I don't supposed you had anything to do with that?" He said with a knowing smile upon his face. He waved his hand and leaned forward. "I know what you happened, considering the wizards prize succubus was seen flying away from the tower. Considering your spell over the boy’s you made a pact. My question is this, do you intend to give away your humanity or simply supplement yourself with her gifts?"

Silvia stared at him, looked down for a moment ‘Never contemplated that have I, do I want to stay human or become fully a demon. She eluded that was easily possible, well possibly maybe not easy. She put her face into her hands for a moment and rested for a moment contemplating.

“I don’t know, Marc, I don’t know I’ve never thought about it.” She said looking back at him.

“Well honestly you want to pick, and I would suggest either breaking the pact, or going fully into it. Right now your extra vulnerable. He can bind you like a demon and still enslave you with magic as you're still human. You're just so permeated with demon mana he can bind you down. So you need to pick one lovely, I will not judge you for your choice.” He smiled at her. “I can help you either way, it really boils down my lovely to this, do you trust me?” He asked her with a raised eyebrow.

(Do you trust Marc (with this comes a secondary choice, do you go full demon or attempt to remove the pact and return to being human?), Do you attempt to dominate Marc)
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Go full demon but don't dominate him.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

We made a pact, and I rather suspect that there will be consequences for breaking it. So keep it and go full demon. Trusting Marc, though.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

I had kind of assumed that would be the path of most interest, but it was a choice I had planned to give before so I needed to stick to my plan. full demon princess is probably where were going from here.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Full Demon, Trust Marc
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Silvia sat in her chair thinking for a short moment as she looked up at Marc, he was still sitting there staring at her, that smile on his face. But this pact, this power, she finally felt free with it. As a human she felt weak vulnerable, now she felt powerful and finally free.

"I will go fully demon then I guess, sadly I just love the power too much. I've never had power or freedom, and this pact, this gift gives me both." She paused as she felt the voice return, pressuring her 'make him your slave do to them what they desired of you. Break them.' It beaconed towards her mind she pushed it away.

"A voice is speaking to you isn't it. Don't worry when we're done you won't hear it anymore." Marc said his smile still there. "Do transform you need to consume the mana of at least a few people, you're going to eat the two men you dominated, they were expendable before, and even more so now. You can eat the girl if you like but it makes little difference." He said rising, she felt his demeanor change slightly, he was hardening himself against something.

"Nothing I say in the coming moments is personal my dear, you're about to have your world changes rather dramatically I am taking precautions. I've dealt with succubuses before and needless to say it was less than pleasant." He said as he offered her his hand. Silvia took it and let him lead her into the next room. The barracks below was as rowdy as it was before. The side room was bare and simple her enslaved guards sat on a pair of barrels as did her slave girl.

"What do you desire of us mistress?" They asked as she entered with Marc. She stared at them for a moment realizing what Marc was going to have her do.

"You want me to eat them." She said feeling like she knew what to do instinctively but still scared of the prospect of eating them.

"No, at least not right now. I'm going to make them essentially ripe for your plucking and make it so ten men needed to be killed to complete your pact. Instead becomes two." He said as he turned to leave the room. "Stay here for a moment I'll return soon." He said as he left the room. She paused as she walked over to them, all three of her servants stared at her slavishly. She waved her hands in front of the guards, and the spell on them broke.

"Are you angry I made you my slave?" She asked the first he blinked a few times and stared at her.

"No mistress, I was and currently am weak. When you consume me can you make me like you. Powerful, at least more powerful I will swear my eternal service to you if you can." He said his eyes lustful, but not for her but for her power. His partner looked the same.

"I believe I need to eat you to complete my power, but if I can manage to keep you around as servants I might." She paused as she stared at them. "You're not afraid of simply dieing when I drink your life?" She asked them as they looked at each other then back to her answering quickly and simply.

"No we were dead when you came back down after releasing the succubus. We would have been easy prey for her. If she had taken us we would have been simply her food. For you we may be able to gain power and serve you." They said with smiled even without the spell they were loyal to her, the weak little boys. A smiled spread across her lips this felt good the power she had over them. She turned as Marc returned with two potions in his hand, they were deep red and smoking lightly.

"Here you go love, have them drink these potions." He said handing them to her they were warm, it felt odd like she honestly wanted to drain them herself. She turned to her new slaves and handed them the potions.

"Drink, now." She ordered as strongly as she could, her eyes lightly glowing as she did. Subconsciously suggesting them with magic to comply. They did as she requested drinking the potions down, Marc said nothing and watched as Silvia turned to look at him not really sure what the potions would do. It only took a few moments for her to feel it, they were altering their mana. It smelled delectable, corrupted, ready to be drained completely.

The two guards were worse for wear as dark lines had emerged onto their faces their bodies obviously weakened and submitting to the corruption in the potions. She grabbed the firsts hair and tipped his head back kissing him. And she felt his soul begin to flow from his body into her, he was delicious and with his soul came every last ounce of his mana. She felt her body begin to change as she drank, a tail slowly growing from just above her ass. As she felt the energy surge through her body, barely able to contain herself a she felt the last remnants of his soul leave his body, it crumbled to dust at her feet.

She felt his soul linger inside her body, she held it for a moment reshaping it but before she could concentrate on it she felt her body lunge onto the other guards and lock lips with him sucking his essence from his body as well. His soul fled his body more quickly as his mana was sucked out of him. She licked her lips as she finished feeding upon his soul she felt the change complete, as a pair of wings burst from her back destroying her dress once again. She slide her hands up her new smooth body he nipples were erect again, her body felt amazing every strand of hair not on her head was gone as her nails elongated in a deep purple hue. Her hair was longer and more luxurious as she ran her fingers through it taking her new wings around wrapping them over her bust and clamping them together at her cleavage. She turned back to her once lover.

"How do I look Marcey?" Silvia asked greeted by a more stern look on his face, she could tell he was impressed but resisting her allure. She took hold of her power again, it felt natural to manipulate it, she turned down her natural lust and walked over to him, it was more a saunter as she found her body naturally moved more sensually now. She felt amazing, and free, finally free.

"You look exactly as lovely as I expected you to. Now then, do you just want to escape or do you wish to join me in remaking this kingdom and eventually toppling your foolish mother." Marc said with a grin towards her, one Silvia returned as she summoned her two guards, both with new black skin and red eyes. Their bodies covered in natural armor and long green blades at their sides.

She paused contemplating if she wanted what Marc was offering, and asked a simple question.

"Does joining you come with you?" She paused as she wondered if he would understand. "I mean you as my lover, would you lay with a succubus?" She asked curious.

"It would should you desire it, I've laid with many things I believe you'll find my skills quite a bit more effective than they once were. I'll be in my room, think on it and come get me when you decide." He said leaving the room, she stood there with only the slave girl and her slaves which she dismissed.

'What do I want now that I can do most anything I want.' She contemplated to herself.

(Join marc and kill the wizard and make a kingdom, kill the wizard but leave marc and his mercenaries to make it themselves, leave Marc now and find your sister and kill the wizard yourselves.)
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Join Marc
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Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

SIlvia stood in the room with the slave girl staring at her. Silvia sat down and began to contemplate her options, and more importantly what she wanted.

'Finally free, no mother to hold me down, no wizard to enslave me, no master to force his will upon me. So what do I want?' She thought to herself as she sat the slave girl kneeling in front of her looking up expectantly, Silvia noticed her finally her eyes were wanting, they desired an order.

"What do you want slave?" She asked wondering what she would answer.

"To please." She responded, Silvia stared at her for a moment and realized a point.

"Why are you obeying me?" She asked, she had no real power over her, they met in a dungeon and this slave girl did everything she asked of her without really any questions. The slave girl stared at her blankly, something quivering behind the mask, behind the broken and battered down mind. Silvia reached out and touched her digging into her mind to find the answer, she found a mostly dead place but a single thing remained.

Revenge. The only true desire of her old self that remained, revenge upon the man who broke her and completely eradicated who she once was.

"Your obeying me because I can fulfill your desire. A desire you probably don't even understand anymore, but is the only thing of yourself that's left after what he did to you." She said suddenly saddened by her fate, one that would have been her's if she was less lucky, or he more vindictive.

Silvia stared at her, saddened deeply not really sure what she wanted to do with the slave girl. But letting her body reside like this felt horrible. She took the woman's face into her hands and leaned forward kissing her deeply, which she returned. And slowly Silvia pulled what little soul was left in the husk of a woman draining her completely. As she did she felt her bust grow slightly as she absorbed her, her knowledge, and what little remained of her mind.

"I will kill that bastard for you beloved, I am deeply sorry that the best I can give you is putting you out of your misery." She said as she rose to her feet and left the room, turning and returning to Marc's room.

No guards stopped her as she moved, she was rather confident that they would have difficulty doing so if they tried. She stood before his door, she had loved him once upon a time, it felt so long ago now. Her body still yearned for him, her feelings still drove her to him. She loved him, maybe now even more so, he had freed her from her humanity. He had helped the lonely, caged, and all but enslaved princess do what she had always wanted to do; be free. She took hold of the handle and proceeded into his room, he was sitting by the fire drinking a glass of wine.

"Hello my dear, have you made a choice?" He asked her as he looked over at her, Silvia waved her hands over her body as the small bits of cloth covering her body vanished. Silvia continued towards Marc as he watched her sway her hips suggestively. His eyes drank in her new form and then locked with her eyes as she stood over him, her sex wet, her nipples hard, her body ready for him.

"I have, I don't choose to build a kingdom with you, I choose to love you, marry you, and bear your children. I choose to live my life with the man I love." She said as she sank into his lap her wet cunt sliding against his trousers, and she felt his hardness underneath them.

"And it seems your rather attracted to me still. I will help you but only on one condition. You marry me, and fuck me, right here right now." She said as her hands wrapped around his neck, and she leaned towards him, she desired to kiss him and never stop kissing him.

"Done although I know of no individual who would marry a succubus to me, nor are they available this late at night." He paused. "But the second part is decidedly easier." He said sweeping his hands around her hips as he rose from his chair letting her hand as he held her ass aloft grinding his hips into hers. With a flick of her new tail she pushed her legs down and stood in front of him a smile on her face as she took hold of his clothing and tore it from his body. As she finished he grabbed her and shoved her onto his bed.

He joined her there and kissed her as their bodies slide together, his hard sex ready and willing to penetrate her moist new folds. And it did as he slide on top of her and pushed himself inside her, their bodies fit together perfectly, as he let himself rest inside her for a moment as he adjusted his position and began pounding into her cunt.

Silvia screamed in pleasure as he pounded into her wonderful cunt, she had never felt anything quite so amazing in all her life. A man she desired was atop her dominating her, pleasuring her, fucking her. And she laid upon her back her wings flopped against the bed as he pounded her harder and faster. She moaned wildly between her screams of pleasure, he was good, almost too good but she didn’t care anymore.

She felt him tense up inside her as he grunted for the first time since penetrating her as he came inside her. She felt her demonic powers take effect and begin to drain him, but it felt different. She was not sating herself she already had done that, here she was empowering herself and him. She lay upon her back on the bed panting as he pushed himself up over her as she laid under him her breasts heaving up and down as she panted for him to continue.

“You’ve fucked a demon before haven't you?” She asked suddenly not letting him answer. “Youve done all this stuff before, what changed. I can feel you all over me, your so comfortable around someone that should be draining you of your life force but you're comfortable.” She asked as he leaned down and kissed her left nipple eliciting a moan from the new demon.

“You are right I did good for people killed demons and monsters causing problems. And eventually learned that when the nation does nothing someone like me can only stem the bleeding. I need to surgically remove the cancerous problem from the area to truly heal the kingdom. So that is what were going to do, were going to use the wizard for his magical resources, initially for a demon I would bind to me and then use her power to take over. Luckily it seems he’s handed me a better demon, one that I don’t have to force to be mine, to work with me. He gave me the woman I loved as a young man and turned into the portion of her I liked best.” He said with a smile as Silvia reached up and cupped his face pulling him back to her and kissing him again.

“Were not sleeping tonight, you're going to marry me, or bind me whatever you desire. And were going to kill a wizard. But tonight we're going to fuck, for hours and tomorrow we’ll do your plan.” She said as she rolled him onto his side as she got onto her hands and knees and moved across the large bed towards the window to pull it shut. With a squeak she paused as he took hold of her tail and pulled her back towards him. Thrusting himself back into her cunt from behind as he grabbed her hair and pulled her head backwards slightly. Silvia moaned in pleasure as he used her, they both got what they wanted. She got strength from him, and he got something to fuck.

The next day was bloody and swift, the wizard was dead before the sun rose above the tree line of the castle. Mercenaries are decidedly better at killing wizards than any demon, although a pair of demon infused slave warriors helped by soaking blows. Silvia had a new body and a new look her dress ending in a corset which cupped the bottom of her breasts but did nothing to cover them. She wore her wings wrapped around them, holding them firmly to her chest, and giving her a lovely every shifting cleavage. The Mercenaries took the castle without any further conflict and Marc’s plan moved forward.

Six months passed for the budding kingdom, the old rulers attempted to put it down but wound up doing little more than feeding their best warriors to their ever growing armies. Silvia strutt her way down the halls of the castle she had lived in her whole life. She had never really thought about it before but the castle was quite beautiful, she lightly bit her tongue as she thought about the different parts of her room Marc and fucked her against. And the barracks where she had seduced and enslaved her mothers royal guard. All women knights were interesting, but just as easily entranced by her magic as anyone else.

Silvia walked into the throne room like she owned it, because she did. Marc sat upon the throne her mother at the foot of the chair. Her clothing torn and her wrists in chains, Marc sat staring at her obviously deep in thought. Silvia stopped next to her mother as Marc smiled at her, her mother turned and gasped finally seeing her daughter, or what was once her daughter.

“So it’s true then you really are a monster.” She said as Silvia leaned down to her taking hold of her chin and having her look into her eyes.

“No mother, I’m free now, which is more then I’m going to say for you. You have lost, at the very least you could have lost gracefully instead you fed me your knights one by one. Good bye mother, I hated being your daughter but I am going to love being your mistress.” She said as she cast her spell enrapturing her once mothers mind completely, marc merely smiled at her. Nobody was perfect but honestly he had stopped trying to be perfect quite a few years ago.

For the next 300 years the kingdom was ruled by the demon hunters of the demons wings. Finally changing from a kingdom to a republic, nobody heard much from Marc their glorious leader after his conquest was complete, it’s rumored that he took his demon bride and her enslaved minions and lived out the rest of his days deep in the lost woods. But then again, it’s only a rumor.

The End
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Thanks to max and others for voting and driving it forward. I found that I honestly had not planned this story anywhere near as well as I should have. And it was intended to be a short project to begin with.

Either way it's made me interested in trying other things and another poll based adventure, I think I'm going to put one together and make it so there are more and you love options mixed into the votes and give you a pool of heroines to utilize much like dungeon of lust.

So again thanks for reading and helping me out, going forward do you like minimal system or practically none. Or would you rather there be rolls and stats involved with the adventure? I'm honestly curious.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Even though I only voted once on this, I thought a cool thing about this story was that it had its own atmosphere, in a way, which definitely made it pop out to me.

I'm reasonably new so my opinion should probably be taken with all the salt in the sea but personally, I don't think that die rolls, etc. add much to a story in most cases. Outcomes of decisions will be largely author-determined anyway. They can be useful in allowing players to judge risks of decisions more accurately, but that can be done through writing as well, so I suppose it depends on the style of story. I think if you want something like the "Expedition..." story displaying stats is useful because it's quick and the player doesn't get too much time with a character (judging from what I've read) so the players can use those numbers so as to not be fumbling in the dark when it comes to decision time with an unfamiliar character. But if you're spending time on making a longer story like this, I think you can communicate to the reader pretty much all the information they need through the story.

Then again, this is only my opinion, and some people seem to really prefer die rolls, etc. so you'd probably want to listen to more frequent voters rather than me. And I'm probably too new to have an idea of what works and what doesn't here, so refer to salt comment.

tl;dr: Liked the story.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

that's for the opinion there Vive I do kind of agree, really what happened with this story was it just sort of got away from me choice wise. The next one should be more driven and better planned out because honestly I believe I can be better then that.

Anyways again thanks for the compliments on the story and the setting, honestly I like dice sometimes as it gives the possibility for failure. Mainly I like the idea of the character not being able to win the day, so then if I did another adventure would people be opposed to me having choices that boil down to honestly the character loses there? Admittedly it's in dungeon of lust and people seem really behind it so it's probably fine I still wanna get peoples opinions as I put together my next adventure as it'll probably have a cast of five ladies, and I put this story together initially with the idea of them not really winning their paths.

TL,DR: Gonna have another adventure new setting and what not, five ladies do you want them to be able to lose aka bad end?
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Hey just thought I'd chip in. I really liked the story and regret not being able to post as often as I'd like. I'd say keep the choice format you have rather than add dice into it, or if you do add dice at least make it so an unlucky turn or two won't end the game.

That said, wouldn't mind seeing bad ends for some of your next batch of characters, I would just rather they get the chance to get into the thick of things before succumbing to their fate. Another option would be that they could bad-end but eventually be rescued through player choice later and remain out of play for the story. I'm just spitballing here.

love the story, nah on the dice, yes on the bad ends!
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

I'm totally in agreement with Sturm on this. It was a good story. Although it seemed to end somewhat quickly that also means it gets a conclusion before you run out of ideas or get writers block or something. I would say the writer having control of the story is overall better suited to the way things work on this site. Stats also have their merits and it really still depends on the writer if it turns out good. Personally I'm planning on using a small amount of stats if I ever manage to get a story running.
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Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

Out of curiosity, what would have happened if we had refused the succubus' offer? Would the story have been longer/shorter?
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

About the same length, which in all honestly I realize now was essentially my failure to plan the whole thing out ahead of time well. If you had not accepted the offer there was another way across the river, which had tentacle monsters in it. Over the river you would be grabbed by guards and taken to Marc and the options for joining him would have been there but different as you don't have any powers your just a princess then.

Then killing the wizard, I kinda wanted to put that in but after the joining marc point I had nothing else I could think of to give you guys choice wise. Honestly I enjoyed writing the story and found that I just had slightly written myself into a corner with what I gave you. Admittedly without the succubus powers your options fight wise would have been decidedly more shitty and probably ended poorly for the princess.

All in all it ended a little bit rushed because I didn't really know what else to do with it and didn't wanna stretch it out into something that felt super forced. Working on putting together another CYOA right now that is better planned forward as I do honestly feel like that was the main place this story got away from me.
Re: The Kidnapped Princess CYOA

this is very good story