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The Kitchens

Re: The Kitchens

Cally eyes Servante suspiciously. Her bipolar nature gets the best of her and she starts yelling, "Why did you go off and leave like that!? Nothing, and i repeat NOTHING, is more important than the mission we're on!"
Re: The Kitchens

Servante assumes a genuinely aggrieved air, his illusory skills adding extremely subtle hints to make him look more quietly dignified. "That... is a matter between the gods and myself. Surely you would not question their grand designs?" He smiles sadly, his eyes making one feel stupid for ever doubting him.
Re: The Kitchens

Cally let out an animalistic growl, her insanity driving her onward, "I. Don't. Care. Whe you have to leave like that you tell somebody, of Gods be damned I'll kill you myself!"
Re: The Kitchens

The selkie's face grows impassive. "I will not be threatened or interrogated. I have said what I have to say." He folds his arms, looking much more confident than he really feels.

"Now. Would you four like a hand carrying those?" He looks to Corvus expectantly.
Re: The Kitchens

Cally falls just as easily as she was angered, and falls blubbering to the ground.
Re: The Kitchens

Barry had seen enough, and gently spoke. "A hand with the foods would be welcomed Servante. Cally, your right, this is a very important mission, let us not waste time here arguing over 'trivial' matters such as why he left. If he and the gods have some pact or whatnot, it is not our place to question it, and it will only waste valuable time. Let us gather things together and move onward. I suspect we will need all the time we can get."

He stops as Cally breaks down, letting her stay there a moment before offering a hand to help her up. "Hey, come now, nothing to be upset over here. Take it easy and let's focus on what we have before us?"
Re: The Kitchens

Corvus sighs as the events unfold in front of him.

"This day just keeps getting better and better."

"Alright, lets try not to start fighting amongst ourselves. We'll load the carts, take what we will of our personal posessions, and be off."

He grabs one of the sacks and starts hauling it out to the cart.
Re: The Kitchens

Servante manages to suppress a smirk but inwardly smiles as he hefts one of the bags, hauling it over to the cart behind Calcius.
Re: The Kitchens

Cally takes it the complete wrong way, "You're right. No use fighting when we have our whole lives together..." she glances over at Servante and blushes, before coming to her feet, and smiling broadly, "No use staying mad at the ones you love, it just wastes energy."
Re: The Kitchens

Barry just blinks in surprise, and wisely says nothing back to that, instead grabbing two of the bags, one on each massive shoulder and carries them toward the cart carefully.
Re: The Kitchens

Corvus hefts his bag onto the cart and waits for the others to load theirs.

"Alright, if you've got anything personal possestions you're going to take, now would be the time to get them."

Calcius recites a quick chant. Several quivers, bags, and a spear and halberd appear above the cart, and drop onto it among the food bags.

"That's me covered. I'll take the horses out to the gate and wait for you guys."

"Alright, you do that. Meet at the North Gate ASAP."

With that, Corvus teleports away to his room.
Re: The Kitchens

Barry nods, then adds, "I'm good so I'll join you too Calcius."

He sets his bags down on the cart, then takes one of the horses himself. "We'll meet the rest of you at the gate as soon as you can get there."