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The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"From what I overheard Sir Daniel telling Emma, it sounds like some kind of vampire cult. They have a lot of powers at their disposal such as making us see our greatest fears, sort of like making nightmares come to life. Unfortunately that doesn't narrow it down much as it's a common enough power." Thomas said as he finished the last of stew and leaned back against a wall. His eyes seemed to be ponder something, a hint of sadness in them as he asked.

"I can't imagine why your father would willingly go and join such a cult, he's certainly not the type. He may have left the order but he wouldn't join the enemy either. Was he acting strangely as of late, I haven't spoke with him for a few months now I'm afraid. Perhaps you've had some unusual visitors as of late?"
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"I can't think of anyone unusual, no." Huldah admitted, sliding the last of her food away a bit. She had lost her appetite, it seemed.

"He has been sick lately though, which is why I've been doing most of the actual forging. he tends to speak with the customers outside, so I don't see many of them. I'm sure I would have recognized the priest if I had seen him before, however. Portly man, wide smile, speaks well. He's the one that brought my Father and me into the woods."
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"The friar was probably unable to visit during the day, though any number of the visitors your father talked with could be servants of such a vampire. Their blood has an unusual effect in that it can create a bond of trust, they call it a blood oath. Not something most people could break free of without time and a strong will." Thomas said in answer before continuing.

"Normal people who drink vampire blood become ghouls, which is fancy talk for servants. The blood gives them some vampire abilities like slowing the effects of age and disease but they can work during the day. The friar probably sent some servant to speak with your father during the day and then somehow convinced him to visit during the night." He said as he stood from the table and nodded towards the door before asking.

"How about we get some fresh air? The sun will probably liven you up a bit after the night you've been through."
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

"Do you think the friar convinced my father to drink his blood? He didn't seem to be acting like himself. Told me that the friar would help him to live forever." She explained, giving a nod when he stood and offered a walk outside. "Yes, I could do with some fresh air, I think. Thank you." She answered, standing as well.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Thomas stood and lead the way back towards the surface through the labyrinthine tunnels. He had to lock and unlock several doors on the way out but they eventually began to travel up a flight of stairs. Huldah slowly realized that it must be an alternate entrance to the complex as they did not pass through the ruined chapel, where she staked the monster.

After being in the dark for so long Huldah could not help but blink as they exited through a trap door into what appeared a small barn. No one seemed to be around as they stepped out into a bright sun sitting high in the cloudless sky. If she had been at the forge she would just now be taking her first break from the morning's toil. She looked around after her eyes had grown used to the sun and realized that they were very near the town. The road leading back to the distant cathedral made her suddenly aware of how large the tunnels below must truly be, further beyond the cathedral was the road leading to the forge.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The woman walked without comment, following Thomas through the passageways and multiple doors, before they finally started to climb. When they finally reached outside, the sun made her recoil a bit, using her arm to shade her eyes as she glanced around. They were nowhere near where she had originally entered the tunnels. Not too far from home, really. Surprised, she stepped out a little further and turned around, inspecting the passage they had come out of.

"Would it be a bother if I wished to check the forge, Thomas? We're not that far from it in truth, and... I just have to see." She asked, hesitation colouring her tone. Even if her father was there... what then? How does one even talk about what happened the night before?
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

Thomas too had to shade his eyes as they stepped from the passage. After a moment or two he made an effort at stretching his arms and legs while Huldah looked about at their surroundings. The road seemed a rather lonely place at the moment as there was not another person to be seen in either direction.

At Huldah's query Thomas looked as though he were about to shake his head in the negative. He hesitated before sighing and answering. "Sir Daniel didn't say anything about not visiting the forge but it could be dangerous. We're still not sure who might be working with the cult so we'll be cautious about it. If I say to run you return here and hide in the tunnels. Probably over cautious but you never know when dealing with the supernatural, eh."

The pair began the short walk toward the forge, after a quarter mile they could clearly see that it appeared empty. Still Thomas did not rush into entering as he looked about at their surroundings before nodding and saying. "It guess it looks safe enough to me, let's go take a closer look."
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The woman nodded, on edge as they began to walk. It wasn't far at all, and all too soon, she could see the forge ahead on the road, the small abode sitting to the side of it. Both seemed empty from where they were. She didn't slow, continuing towards it as Thomas declared it safe enough. It didn't look like the place had been touched since she left it the night before, but she had to look anyways, heading for the forge first and looking inside.
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The forge as she expected was untouched and cold an odd sight for the young blacksmith. It was the first time she had not seen a fire within since she had been very young if she had ever seen the fire completely dead. The room was empty of anything to indicate her father or anyone else had been there though so she made her way slowly inside to the small home she shared with her father.

Thomas followed a short distance behind seeming perhaps a bit more nervous than she. Though his worries seemed unfounded as entered the home to find it equally untouched from the previous evening. Though the stillness of the room was a bit unnerving Huldah relaxed a bit as did her companion, though his hand never seemed to stray far from the sword at his hip. Finally after looking the room over he said. "I guess there was no reason to be worried after all, though we should head back before too long. Perhaps it would be wise to grab anything you might need while we're here?"
Re: The Knight's Tale (Huldah)

The woman seemed the opposite, growing more tense as Thomas relaxed. "Yeah. Yeah, i guess so." She responded. There wasn't that much to take, really. Some spare clothes, the hidden pouch of coins they kept their small savings in. Stepping back into the forge, she took a knife and attached it to her belt, then glanced around.

Without the heat and light from the forge filling the place, it seemed so... cold, lacking. The woman reached down and took the hammer off the bench, feeling the weight. Just yesterday she had been working away with it, and the world had seemed, if not perfect, then right, at least. Sighing, she kept the hammer as well, turning to Thomas and motioning towards the rack of finished and near finished blades and tools. "If there's anything you think we'd need, feel free. I think I have all I need."