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The Lagoon

Re: The Lagoon

Nadia shivered as those fangs sunk into her neck, a moment of pain immediately washed away by a sensation of overwhelming pleasure. Her eyes widened in the briefest moment of euphoria before she regained control of herself. Though she was not privy to what went on within Skye's head, Nadia was not without her perceptions. On some instinctive level, the angel recognized the predatory nature that had taken over Skye. And, despite her own power that still welled within her, and despite the protection that the creator of this place had promised, some small part of Nadia was afraid of that. Because, despite her strength, both physical and metaphysical, Nadia knew that, in this instance she was the prey. And the vampire whom she had allowed to taste her was the predator.

However, even as her life's essence was drained away and her head began to lighten from the rapid blood-loss, and Skye's tongue lapped up what few drops escaped her fangs, Nadia did not struggle. There was something far stronger than fear that held her in place. Faith. Not only in herself, or in the guardian of this realm, but in Skye herself. Despite the woman's nature and chosen profession, Nadia knew that the captain was not one to be controlled so easily by her hungers. So, rather than try to force the vampire off of her, Nadia closed her eyes and remained passive, basking in the euphoria that the woman's fangs brought, with the only movements of her body the beating of her heart and the occasional twitch of her wings.

The angel was not disappointed, but also not proud enough to not let out a little sigh of relief when the woman withdrew her fangs from her neck, giving her a moment to catch her breath. Opening her eyes and resuming her serene smile, Nadia nodded in response to Skye's reassurance. She didn't trust herself to speak, in that moment, but no signs of that uncertainty were present on the angel's face. As Skye's arms folded around her and her coat enveloped Nadia's body, the angel's own hands gripped Skye's hips gently, and she simply tiled her head once more, giving the vampire easy access to her neck.

This time, when the euphoria returned following Skye's much more controlled bite, Nadia moaned softly past her barely parted lips. She sunk down to her knees slowly at Skye's nudging, her wings tucked tightly against her back. The glow from her spiritual power slowly faded as Nadia lay cradled in the vampire's embrace, until only the natural glow from her skin remained, barely visible in the light of day. The only motions that Nadia made as Skye drained her of her blood were slight shivers, and the only sounds that she made were soft moans.

Another shiver of pleasure ran down the angel's spine as the fangs once more withdrew from her neck, and Nadia very nearly collapsed against Skye, expecting the draining to be over.
"So very exquisite," Skye said sensually. "Divine even."

Only a light murmur passed the angel's lips, but she opened her eyes and sighed contentedly, not yet realizing that the pirate hadn't yet finished with her. A finger slid up her neck, and she slowly tilted her head back as it made its ascent, albeit not nearly swiftly enough to pull away as her chin was gently grabbed. Nadia still did not struggle in any way, only shivering and moaning in surprise as Skye's tongue slid into the puncture wounds that her fangs had left in Nadia's pale flesh. Despite the odd sensation, the fingers running through her crimson hair comforted Nadia more than might be expected, and she rested her back against Skye without any hint of complaint.

In that position, and with her body so weakened from the pleasurable feeding and the loss of her celestial blood, Nadia certainly looked her part. A treasure for the pirate captain, fully claimed. As she also looked out on the serene but empty lagoon, however, Nadia felt a tiny modicum of her strength return, not enough for her to do anything strenuous but enough for her to say; "Is it always so fierce.... At first?"
Re: The Lagoon

Skye stared out at the lightly cascading waters of the lagoon. She had the face of a captain looking out from the prow to the sea. Except most captain's lips weren't smeared with blood running down to the chin. Feeling Nadia stir within her arms, the pirate glanced down at the angel with a smirk. Skye rearranged herself to get more comfortable. She sat behind the redhead angel, hunched over and spreading her legs out so Nadia could sit on the sand between them and lazily draped her arms over her mysterious treasure's shoulders.

Skye stayed quiet for a little while but then spoke up at Nadia's query, "Fierce eh? No.. not quite like that." The vampire grinned to herself, "At least for the willing 'victim.' I want them to keep coming back for more, no? For the unwilling... I suppose that depends on my mood." Skye sighed, "In any event, you seem willing enough," she smirked and nudged into the angel, "There was just something about your blood... it was intoxicating. As soon as I got a little taste... well I guess anyone that gets a little treasure wants troves and troves of it." The vampire seemed troubled. Not one to talk about her feelings too often, she didn't pursue the subject further but didn't sound put off by the question. Skye's tongue slowly started licking up the blood that was still smeared on her face, ""Normally I would carry my victim off to my ship, but it seems we are stuck here for now..." The redhead paused and then nudged into Nadia again, ""So did I live up to your expectations?"
Re: The Lagoon

Nadia leaned back into Skye's embrace, saying nothing further while she waited for the other woman's reply. She had found this island to be highly peaceful despite the nature of the events that took place on it, and the vista before her did nothing to dispel that notion. Eye's that had been half lidded opened slightly when Skye finally answered, but she yet remained silent and still despite Skye's question. She had heard the discomfort in the other woman's tone, but knew at once that it was less from the question and from the answer that the pirate had given. Playing over the first bite in her memories, Nadia found herself able to understand the captain's discomfort. The woman didn't seem like one who liked to be controlled by the passions that they indulged in, and in the opening moments of the woman's embrace, self control was not something that Nadia would have said was on display from Skye.

"No... You exceeded them." She said quietly, smiling. She had considered pushing the issue of the woman's loss of control, but she didn't believe that it was truly necessary. All had ended well, and it would only serve to make things awkward between the two of them if she tried to force it. "I can't imagine that I'd be easy for you to keep, unless you have a very large gilded cage on board your ship." Nadia said teasingly, but then she frowned, and her voice was a bit more serious as she continued; "What do you do with them? The ones you carry off to your ship I mean."
Re: The Lagoon

Skye smiled widely when Nadia complemented her. Of course she had exceeded expectations! This was Captain Skye after all. Her smile was filled with arrogance and happiness. There was a little twinkle from the sunlight on that big leering smile. Whenever Skye smiled so widely, there was something strangely creepy about it. She tried to play it cool as Nadia leaned back against her, letting the angel do what she wanted without moving much on her own. She kept her arms draped over Nadia's shoulders, but she definitely didn't do anything horrifying like give her a hug or, gods forbid, snuggle.

The pirate captain laughed out loud at Nadia's suggestion, "Hah! A large gilded cage eh?" She leaned in so her lips hovered just centimeters from Nadia's ear. When she whispered, her warm breath cascaded lightly over Nadia's skin. "Oh that can be arranged my dear." Skye laughed and leaned back again, "My lovely Seawolf can afford pretty much anything she fancies. Usually I just let my crew buy whatever they want. I don't much care for things that money can buy ya know? But that makes the crew that much more agreeable when I do get that little spontaneous urge from time to time."

The redheaded vampire was still so preoccupied with fantasies of an angel kept inside a gilded cage on her ship that when Nadia asked her next question, Skye burst out a little too excitedly, "Why I eat them of course!" She grinned evilly and looked down at Nadia for a reaction. Then she continued smoothly, "I drink from their delicious little necks... and sometimes other areas... just like I did from you. They live like soft nobles on my ship! I lavish them up with fancy clothes and trinkets and let them eat in the captain's quarters. The crew is not allowed to lay a finger on my guests for pain of death. They usually get along just fine with the crew and everyone has a grand old time. Sounds like a pretty good life no? I certainly think so. All I ask of them is to let me drink from their blood when I need to feed." Skye paused for a moment, copper eyes narrowing slightly, "If they become unwilling... or are exceedingly naughty... well let's just say they no longer have my protection. That's where the fearsome reputation comes in I suppose. You'd be surprised just how worked up people can get about a pair of pointy teeth, and well, the crew needs to have their fun too."
Re: The Lagoon

Nadia retained her smile even after Skye had whispered into her ear, mulling the image over her mind as the pirate spoke. "Oh? That's a very surprising sentiment coming from one of your profession. I do suppose that it makes sense given your particular circumstances, of course." Nadia replied thoughtfully, and leaned back against the other woman, her head resting against Skye's chest.

When Skye looked down in expectation at Nadia's face, she found that the angel's smile had changed to a look of horror, but before she looked away Nadia's smile returned. The angel knew better than to think that that statement had been genuine, and nodded in response to Skye's continued explanation, the motion almost like Nadia was nuzzling back into her chest. For a moment, she didn't reply, wondering just what she ought to say about all that the woman had said. On the one hand, as amusing as the idea of an angel in a gilded cage, Nadia knew that there wasn't a material in the world that could keep her in if she really wanted out, and she also knew that it wouldn't be long before her nature called her to action against Skye and her crew. At the same time, she knew that it wasn't really her place to judge the other woman, and she also knew that pointing out either fact would probably anger the woman, and sound like boasting to boot.

The arrangement for those she kept for food actually didn't sound too harsh, and certainly didn't remind her of the tales she had heard of vampires who kept mortal slaves in order to feast on their blood. At the same time, Nadia knew that she would never consider such a life. A gilded cage was still a cage, and even though she had brought up the idea in jest, Nadia was not one to be caged. But, she was once more faced with the wall of not wanting to anger the vampire. Not out of fear, mind, but she had genuinely grown to admire the other woman, despite their numerous differences of opinion. She was one to follow her own will at all times, not one to be governed by any but herself. She was fierce, intelligent and beautiful, and despite her violent profession held a degree of gentleness that was plain enough once she was out of the public eye.

"It sounds far nicer than most would imagine such a life to be, I'll admit." Nadia said carefully, and her gaze lingered on the sea, watching for a moment in silence as the waves lapped against the shore. Nadia had remained landlocked for much of her life, her wings having only recently developed to the point that she could fly without them, and the magical flight that she had used to possess having been too costly to use for long periods. The freedom that the sea offered was not lost on her, especially considering the fact that she could fly across it with ease, evading the dangers of all but the deadliest of storms. Would spending some of her immortal life on the ocean with Skye truly be such a bad thing, considering that she could easily leave whenever she desired?

"I am curious, captain. What could one possibly do on your ship that would drive you to exempt them your protection? Barring acts of sabotage or something of that sort, which seem an unwise risk when out at sea to my mind, or refusing to offer you their blood any more. Have you had many such guests?"
Re: The Lagoon

Captain Skye smirked down at Nadia, "Curious about life aboard The Seawolf are we?" The redheaded vampire chuckled, "Alas my little angel lass, nighttime campfires with rum are much better for stories! But I suppose I can oblige you with an interesting tale." Skye grew quiet for a few moments. Like Nadia, she stared out into the calm waters of the lagoon. Her copper eyes burnt with the intensity of wild fire, and her smile grew ever more crooked. Although she was just sitting on a sandy beach, it was as if she was at the helm of her glorious maroon sailed galleon. And then, seeming like she was ready, the vampire pirate captain began her tale....

Out at sea, you meet all kinds of travelers that you'd never know of by staying on land. Oh it's not as though sailors and pirates don't go on land, but the sea is different. It's like a world unto itself. Even better, it's a world without limit, where you are free of expectations and stereotypes. Everything the world has to offer is at your fingertips... so long as you can take it.

You see, someone who has seen and done what I've done at sea draws a certain attention to herself. There are those that respect and admire me, and they are mostly the one's that live on The Seawolf. Others fear me and that's where the tales come from if you visit a dockside tavern. The sea is full of hardy adventurers though. Fellow pirates want to take what I have, imagining it to be a great wealth. And those landlubbers obsessed with their rules and laws get jealous of my freedom and want to snuff me out. They offer quite a hefty price for my pretty little head!

It just so happens one of these bounty hunters found his way onto my lovely ship. His name was Victor the Swift. Mind you, I suppose one has to either do a lot of things or be very egotistical to manage to attach an adjective to his name. And not just an adjective but a THE as well! In my opinion, it's just a silly facade to scare away timid adventurers. But I digress little angel. Victor was a dastardly and clever fellow. He snuck his way onto my ship posing as a willing prisoner. I rarely feast on the willing victims on the first night. Sort of a courtesy... but really it's because I'm already full from the unwilling one's. I still don't know how he did it, but Victor snuck into my bedroom that night intending to slit my throat! This was his first of two major mistakes. Vampires aren't known for sleeping at night, you see. When he came into the captain's quarters dagger in hand, it was utterly black with darkness just like I prefer it. He was surprisingly adept at moving in the darkness, but no matter what he tried, he couldn't find me on the bed or anywhere else. That sneaky bounty hunter even lit a candle, but all he saw was an empty bedroom with bats hanging from the rafters. (Skye stopped to nudge Nadia and give her a wink). When the crafty bounty hunter finally seemed to give up, suddenly I seemed to appear from no where and pounced right on top of him from the ceiling, knocking his dagger aside and hissing, fangs bared! Oh if you could have seen the look on his face!

I could have eaten the lout right there, but I wanted to have a little fun. In my eternal glorious generosity, I offered him a choice. He could leave the ship unharmed and never come back, or he could fight me in a duel for the whole crew to see on the main deck. Surely, you see Victor's second mistake now, and it is an ever common one. An amusingly high number of foolhardy adventurers think I survive only because of the protection of my fearsome crew. It is partly correct for sure, but a pirate captain never survives without the respect of her crew. Respect is gained through camaraderie and generosity sure, but most of all, it is gained through skill. Unsurprisingly, Victor the not-so swift thought he could easily defeat the little vampire girl in a duel.

We kept him locked up where the true prisoners lie, and the next day we made a grand event of it with songs and rum without a cloud in the sky to boot! The whole crew gathered in a circle on the main deck to cheer me on and to jeer the unfortunate bounty hunter. One of my crew even insisted that I wear his dreadful tri-cornered hat. Alas, the things one must do to please her crew. I merely stood, scimitar hanging from my side and smiled wickedly at Victor, making a show of licking at my fangs. When he finally charged, I drew my scimitar and parried his blows. Moving about the circle locked in a duel. After the first ten seconds, I knew I had won, but we have to make a show of it of course! As the duel went on, I began to smile even more as my thrusts and strikes became more and more fierce. When I could finally see in his face that he knew he was doomed, I decapitated him with one swipe! Oh the blood spewed gloriously! That was the end of Victor the Swift who thought he could defeat Captain Skye Seawolf, and it was the beginning of my lunch!

When Skye finished her tale, her face was was alight with glee and nostalgia. "And that my dear lass, is a pirate tale." Skye plopped backwards to lay on the sand. Resting her head on her hands and smiling, the vampire stared up at the blue sky. "Alas, I miss those rascals," Skye said wistfully as she lay. "Perhaps you will meet them someday little angel lass... if they haven't totally wrecked my boat while I've been gone!"
Re: The Lagoon

Nadia relaxed into Skye's arms and smiled, settling back and nodding. As far as she was concerned, lying her on the quiet sands, the waters of the lagoon washing up on the shore and the slowly setting sun before them was as good a campfire as they could ever ask for. Her smile turned up as the captain went silent, and she quietly said; "This seems as good a place as could ever be."

The crimson haired angel listened to Skye's tale silently, though as it went on her smile became less joyous and more contemplative. The nudge from Skye brought a slight murmur from the angel, and Nadia briefly thought of how the vampire had used a similar power not long ago. It hadn't had quite the same effect on Nadia, who had seen not only her foes, but her own kin use similar abilities before. When the tale was finished, Nadia remained silent for a while, and remained seated upright when Skye plopped backwards onto the sand, staring off towards the sun. Try as the vengeful part of her nature might, Nadia could find no point at which Skye had acted in an immoral nature. It was difficult at times, being around beings of supernatural origins. Particularly around those like vampires and demons, who normally preyed upon those her kind existed to guard, Nadia occasionally had to work hard to quash the violent desires that sometimes came up in her around other members of the Island. She'd been successful so far, but sometimes it took more willpower than she thought was fair to need when she was on what she had considered a vacation.

Skye's story of Victor the Swift had caused that particular mental muscle to twitch slightly, but the more she thought about it, the more Nadia thought that it was unreasonable. The pirate had offered no violence against the man until he had attempted to kill her in her sleep after all, and even then had offered him not only a peaceful resolution, but one that cost him nothing but his pride. Her instincts quieted at that thought, knowing that a mortal who acted purely out of pride was beyond the help of her kind, and Nadia sighed quietly, the last hints of tension easing out of her body. She was still tired and light headed from blood loss and expended energy, but she knew that Skye would offer her no further harm, so the angel remained in place.

Glancing over her shoulder as Skye looked up into the sky (lol,) Nadia said; "Perhaps I will, at that." She paused and smiled wryly, "I'm sure they haven't gotten themselves into too much trouble without you. Not yet, at least." The angel thought back to the end of the story that Skye had told her, and the end of Victor the Swift. She imagined vividly what the vampire must have looked like when she had fed from the headless man's corpse, her hunger utterly in control of her as she lapped up the blood that granted her her life. It wasn't very different from how she had looked when she had first fed upon Nadia.

"Thank you.... For the story, Skye. And for everything else. I wish I had more to offer in return, besides my company. You are... Not what I had imagined you to be when we first met. And I am glad for that." Nadia said as she turned herself around, facing Skye with the sun behind her back, and still seated on the sand, her legs folded beneath her. "Have you had many battles, out at sea? I imagine you've seen your share of violence and then some, given the bounty on you and your choice of profession."