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The Library


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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The Library is a massive stone building that has been shaped over many years, allowing for new additions and in order to maintain the structural integrity. She looks like she is all one pieces, thanks to the stone molders. There are four floors to her, maybe more. But the others are most likely bound in the strongest magic of Illusion. She has a lion type Cattaur watching over her. Phix had been involved in an unfortunate accident with a flash crafter and had been burdened with wings she could not use. The woman applied for the position of Librarian soon after, and has been here for at least fifty years since then.

(Points if you know who my Librarian is based on)
Re: The Library

Bibble turned a corner and blasted through the Library doors on the first floor. her glasses askew and mildly out of breath, the panicked little spazz almost ran headlong into a desk, nearly missed knocking over a bookshelf, and still managed to hurt herself as she tripped and flew headlong into a table. "Well, At least im here... Owwww~"
Re: The Library

Hoten then slowly entered the library, his face shoved into a book still. "You should learn to use that extra energy of yours for magic, instead of for mundane interactions, Bibble." he says, stopping next to her and offering his left hand to help her up, never looking away from his half-read book. A slight thump is heard on the floor directly behind him, inside his gray robes, as his tail hits the ground, though as to why, he failed to portray on his face.
Re: The Library

"She still alive?" Grave entered the library at a calm pace. He figured that Bibble wouldn't put herself in too much danger - after all, what's the worst thing that would happen? True, she could hit her head or something, how bad could that be? Cynder regularly exposed himself to a variety of burning objects with a disregard for safety regulations that would make any workplace safety specialist cry in terror and emerged more or less unharmed. This was probably the main reason why he was not worried - his sense of danger had shifted to a different scale long ago.
Re: The Library

Bibble took Hoten's offered hand and stood up, "Your right, sorry Hoten..." dusting herself up and looking around she poked two fingers together nervously, small sparks forming at the instance of contact on every poke... "Where do you think we should start, I kind of had an epiphany while I was looking at the ceiling, I REALLY think we should look at any studies on teleportation to help give us a better understanding of the framework of space and how we move through it with magic could help." Bibble looked down embarrassed, not sure how well her Idea would be takin.
Re: The Library

"Teleportation? Why, I was just about to suggessst that." he says, looking over the edge of his book at the library, then over at Bibble. "I happen to be quite versed in the subject myself." he says, turning the page on his book before drawing a piece of cloth from his robes and marking the page, before closing the book with a dull thud and looking about at the books in the library. "So many books, so little time." he states, beginning his slow walk through the library, picking out books he believed contained the information he would need, and piling them in his right arm.
Re: The Library

Bibble visibly brightened at Hotens acceptance and enthusiasm, he really seemed to be in his element. Bibble knew the concepts and theories but was absolute Shite at it. She had trouble concentrating hard enough, she also jumped around a little in space time whenever she sneezed which could be quite troublesome. "Do you know some of the beginner books? I think a lot of the tutorials and theories are in those tomes specifically and my hunch is pointing me there, Also advance theory rather then practical application would be a good place to look, And I promise to try not to sneeze..."

Bibble said this because several of these books were considered basic knowledge for anyone who used it and some were quite dusty. It was itchy...
Re: The Library

"Hey, I got a knack for teleportation too." Grave cracked his knuckles together before wandering off towards different bookcases than Hoten, picking up any tome he believed to be somehow relevant to the subject. "Though I wonder... If it's teleportation, how could that work? It's one thing to just instantly move yourself over a distance..." He muttered to himself, considering the problem. "Opening and maintaining stationary rift, and one that leads to a different world, not to mention the possibility they're a two-way road... What in blazes could have so much power? Or could it be that it's simply a matter of boundaries between worlds and their strenght? But that raises the question of distance between two worlds, and..." One could almost hear Cynder's brain overheating as he picked up the pace, selecting the books almost mechanically.
Re: The Library

Bibble spun around and stopped Grave with an outstretched arm. "If I'm correct, and i think I may be, then the distance between worlds is actually infinitesimally small. Transportation is more of a transplant then a travel, remember time is Non-linear. All teleportation does is take the Time out of the equation for travel. You're only moving along the axis of distance..."

This strangely insightful speech gave a glimpse at the actual intelligence hiding within the squirrely alchemist, but it was ruined as she took a deep breath and popped a cute little sneeze, The problem was every time she sneezed she teleported, no where in particular but quite literally at random and as she popped out of, and then back into existence roughly 6 feet away on top of a bookshelf she cursed as she wiped her nose. "Sorry!, sorry. Uhh... Crap" Focusing VERY VERY hard at the spot on the ground she wanted to be, Bibble teleported again down to the floor.
Re: The Library

Grave watched Bibble curiously, his eyebrows raising as she spoke. True, the effect was a little ruined by her random teleport, perhaps, but the crackpot pyromancer took it as a demonstration, meant to prove her point. "You might have to explain your train of thought here..." He understood the principles of teleportation fairly well, but her idea of distance between worlds confused him a bit. "And that still doesn't solve the problem of power source. Something has to make those gateways and keep them open. There's a possibility it works on a different principle, too, considering we're talking about a location rather than a singular act of magic."
Re: The Library

Bibble grabbed a random book off of the shelf and held it in front of her for Grave to see. Doing this she started talking and very carefully moving a few pages back and forth "If each page is a world, and the ink is the contents of that world, then the worlds can be layered as such, the distance small but the contents usually locked in their own world by some mechanic were currently trying to figure out. If two of these pages were to get wet, the ink would run, staining both pages with the contents of both pages. In essence I think that the mechanic between our separate worlds has started to break down, and these holes are appearing. If Im wrong then Im wrong, But thats where my thoughts are at the moment."

Bibble handed the book to Grave, the title read 'Basic Theories on Teleportation, First Edition' We should start here.
Re: The Library

Lyinne had lagged behind from the original group, as was her usual thing. She greeted the librarian with a kindly nod and looked around. She saw that the other people on this task were already throwing around ideas that revolved around the method of transportation known as teleportation.

Deciding to leave them to their ideas, she went off to where she placed the documents she pulled beforehand. The room was a regular stone study with a large, rectangular table in the middle with chairs. Upon the table were a few books that could offer insight on different methods of transportation, be it physical or corporeal. There were also different pieces of paper that were scattered about the table. These were short essays written on the portals, so they were more recent. Lyinne figured that other people who were around them or even studying them may have some insight on it.

Lyinne decided to get straight to work, reviewing the essays with a quill in hand and a piece of parchment in front of her for notes. With a wave of her hand, the essays were spinning about Lyinne's head in a very slow manner. Her eyes quickly scanned each essay, ocassionally pausing at one essay to jot down a few notes of what it had to say.

Spacial transportation...teleportation...high speed relaying...Hmn...maybe a combination of teleportation and reconstructural science. Hmn...highly unlikely.

Lyinne's mind raced constantly, juggling around different ideas. None of them hit home, but she was determined to find out more.
Re: The Library

Grave blinked a few times, turning the explanation around in his head before slowly nodding. "Somehow... That makes sense. Altough I'm not sure if basics of teleportation are what we're looking for... I mean, if we look at it like this, then basic teleportation has been made for moving from one point on the same page to another. Something that can break down boundaries between two worlds has to be on a completely different level - even advanced mages can't do that." He slowly shook his head. "It's like moving in a completely different dimension, like a new axis of space. Basics won't cover that. Maybe we should look into advanced spatial theories or something? Whatever we're looking for, it's obvious going to be that water which made the pages damp, blurring the boundaries. That's the process we need to understand and reverse."
Re: The Library

"Agreed!" Said Bibble excitedly clapping her hands, a small thunderclap going off and burning a small chunk of her hair away. "I suggested we look here to give us a clue as to what it could be. You can't move on to advanced without refreshing the basics, The laws are whats going to be important. If we can find the law thats being broken we can move in the right direction from there rather then just guessing."

Bibble ran off looking for a copy of the same book she had handed Grave, and, finding it she pulled out a piece of chalk, secured a blank section of wall, and proceeded to write the current equations for short range teleportation and their congruent laws right there on the wall
Re: The Library

Phix sent a small message to Bibble, with a sharp undertone. "Please be quieter in the Library, dear. I know how hard it is for you, but other people are working." Then she broadcast to the group, "If there is anything you all need help finding, let me know."
Re: The Library

Bibble visibly flinched at the slight scolding from Phix, who she loved, and proceeded to be as quiet as possible as she worked on the wall, the only sound from her being the quiet hum of a simple tune and *click click* of the chalk on the smooth stone...
Re: The Library

Taking a pause for a moment, Lyinne allowed the thoughts to settle. The papers floating idly in the air hovered silently as Lyinne thought for a moment. She took another piece of parchment and started to draw something. Two circles side by side with lines going from one point on one world to another point on the other world. In addition, there were also other drawings based off of what the writers of the essays saw or experienced. Lyinne blinked for a moment, putting the quill down and looking at the drawing carefully.

She thought to herself, Why are these portals appearing...? Why these worlds in particular? Are they..two-way? A rift, maybe? Let's gather what we know... Lyinne began to write down just that...

The people of the otherworld are very different.
The same thing is occurring to them.
Given time, the portals will tear both worlds apart.

Now for what we need to know, she continued writing...

Are the portals two-way? Or could they also lead to another area altogether?
What is the distance covered while in the portal?
Who are these otherworlders?
Why these worlds in particular?
What are the otherworlders' thoughts on this?
Re: The Library

Hoten had already made his way to the end of the bookshelves, balancing a large stack of books on theoretical teleportation techniques and energy studies of teleportation on the body. He even had two carefully balanced on his tail as he made his way to a table, then noticed a book on a shelf that seemed to catch his eye. He reached out his left hand, and, without warning, the book flew off the shelf and slapped into his waiting hand.

He opened the book, and began pouring over the contents as if possessed. His tongue occasionally flicked out of his mouth, as he opened several other books and set them on the table in front of him, his eyes darting from one to another, soaking in information from each book at the pace a normal being would be able to read a single book. Some might even hear his tail thumping the ground every once in a while when he came across an interesting article, something he thought might help him figure out just what these rifts were.
Re: The Library

Grave sighed as he watched Bibble set off. To be honest, he was starting to think the idea of using library as the main source of information was flawed because of one simple thing - this has never happened before. Aside of the few recent reports - which didn't reveal much, sadly - there was no other information regarding this sort of phenomenon recorded in history. The whole system their science had been able to construct was not made with something like that in mind, otherwise they'd have some explanation by now. Unless the existence of the portals somehow contradicted one of the major space-time laws, this venture would likely yield no concrete results, only speculations. Either way, live data would be necessary in order to revise the system. Even as he completed his stack of books, picking up the remaining tomes on his mental checklist, he still couldn't help but think that experiments would be much more productive. Still, he was not going to stop - once he got all his books, Cynder sat down at a table, before going through his selection of tomes on theory of teleportation and space-time. He had to find that contradiction.
Re: The Library

As Hoten began to read, something about Teleportations in the past jumped out at him. It seemed, in the distant past, a few members of each of the races had disappeared in "accidents" to the Gods know where.