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The Library

Re: The Library

Bibble shook her head slowly "No telekinesis, Transmutation, Lets me implement things faster, less groping for materials and implementation. But your right, it would take hours for this stuff to neutralize on its own" Bibble started walking around, fishing a small pouch filled with powder out of her tool-belt she started slighty changing the makeup of the puddles, rendering them harmless, but smelly. Better then dangerous she supposed, placing a finger in the puddles she ran a mild current through them, causing them to convert to gases and boil off.
Re: The Library

Grave watched Bibble neutralize the liquids before he began to use his own powers to gather up the bits of copper that managed to solidify somewhat and dropped them back at the ruined array. "This will have to do... I really don't feel like moving the damn thing now and I don't think it's going to activate again. Let's just head back to the library. I'll teleport us both when you're ready, ok?" The pyromancer shrugged as he telekinetically lifted the last bits of copper, still too hot to be touched. "Altough we should probably leave some kind of warning sign. Damn it."
Re: The Library

Bibble Shrugged "Most people know better then to touch ANYTHING I've fiddled with, Lets go"
Re: The Library

Grave let out a sigh. "Fine. If something else happens, it's on your head." He walked up to the girl and gently placed his left hand on her shoulder before focusing. There was a flash of light, an odd sense of displacement and vertigo before the two of them found themselves back in the library, near the window Cynder used to observe Bibble earlier. "I've got to finish my notes... Try to check your calculations again, see if you've skipped any variables or simplified something too much. Maybe you could compare the results to some advanced theories, too. They cover details that basics won't."
Re: The Library

Bibble sighed and returned to her math, her shoulders hunched and her head low, she had thought her thinking was correct, she was so certain. But she was wrong. Sitting in front of her calculations she stared, defeated for now, her generally bouncy and inexhaustible energy puttering out. Charging the barrels and trying to use the prototype had exhausted her and without shame or inhibition she passed out, right there on the Library floor.
Re: The Library

In the meantime, Grave had returned to his seat, picking up his task. Opening the book he was reading earlier and his notebook, he resumed the lecture, copying information. His notes were short, with only enough words to convey the information accurately and nothing else. This sometimes made his writing hard to follow for those who were not used to his methods of shortening everything down to absolute minimum. The reason why he adopted such a style was simple - his writing speed sucked. That, and he simply didn't like to write, not counting the rare occasions when he decided to write a short story for his own amusement. Cynder shook his head. He preferred books that entertained him rather than the dry stuff that made up most of the library. Was it really that hard to make a subject fun to learn?
Re: The Library

Professor Ramielle wraps her arms around Bibble, picking her up rather easily and setting her in one of the more comfy couches nearby. She glances at Grave. "I take it no one was badly injured?"
Re: The Library

Grave glanced at the professor. "Nah. There's still some copper scrap and barrels to clean up, but I don't think it poses any immediate danger unless the person who comes across it is particularly idiotic..." He paused for a bit to consider clarifying the last statement. "As in, too dumb to live. I get the impression her experiments are as infamous as mine, though. Some trees may have been damaged rather extensively, but that's about it." He returned to his studies, pencil scratching against paper as he wrote. "I have to admit... She has some pretty interesting ideas. Perhaps if she were less scatterbrained, she could become really successful with her inventions." He paused for a moment. If it was possible to store lightning, what about heat? This merited some serious research later...
Re: The Library

10-15 minutes later Bibble came to on the couch, not really wondering how she got there. Still mildly heartbroken by her failure she stood up and stretched, fingering the complicated goggles hanging around her neck. It might be time to check up on the others. get some more information...

Moving out of the Library and towards the holding cell Bibble whistled a common tune to try and raise her spirits a little...
Re: The Library

After a brief stroll through the campus, Lyinne returned to the Library. Crawling through the library with her eight legs, she pulled a few more books from the shelves and took them back to the room with all of the research material there. Lyinne opened the books and skimmed through their contents, the books revolving around her head. As she came to notable pages she bookmarked them with a small slip of paper. After skimming through the books, she compiled even more notes. After several moments of her writing away on her pieces of parchment, she had produced a concise set of notes about her research...

Causes and Explanations of the Portals
Teleportation may be a key element to the portal.
A link may exist between the two worlds, portal or no portal.
No one has ventured through the portals and returned, yet.
A tome tells of an incident occurred where masses of people disappeared in the past. A possible clue?
One researcher theorized that it's possible that the two worlds mirror each other, and that the portals act as the light reflecting from eyes to see the image.
A field researcher believes that the portals are because of magical disruption within space and time, that the solution would be found in by studying spacial transportation and time manipulation

The Otherworlder
So far the Otherworlder, named Danielle, isn't very different from a human.
She doesn't seem to be able to read our language, but she can somewhat understand.
She seems to have written something, waiting for permission to view those writings.
More information on the Otherworld is to come...

Personal Theories
I believe that the portals are both because of a disruption withing space and time, but also that the two worlds are a possible mirror of each other. However, I can't be certain until I figure out what the Otherworld is like.
It's also possible that the portals could be a magical experiment gone terribly wrong, with the consequences even more terrible.

...Still no solution on how to close them. More to come later.
Re: The Library

It seemed their labors were finally beginning to pay off. Grave had managed to piece together an account of all past occurrences and it seemed like they closed naturally, but these were staying open, likely to some internal influence. Bibble's attempt meant that it took much more than just the right calculations to open these and keep them open. It took Power. Much more and a little different than one person, or even one person and the store from another.

Ramielle was beginning to piece all of this together in her mind, along with the fact that the otherworlders had no magic. It meant that no one on their side was doing this. It had to come from home. But who? And why?

They were close to figuring out how to close the portals as well. That, too, took a massive amount of energy and it would take that from each of them. But simply blasting it was not enough, there had to be some secret, some... finesse.

All they had to do was find it.

(((Agh. Sorry it's so crappy)))
Re: The Library

Lyinne looked over her notes and closed her eyes. She read what little there was about the portals, but concluded that they were being controlled somehow. She couldn't figure out by who or what, or even how they were doing this. What was obvious was that they needed to be stopped, before something tragic happened. Lyinne ran into a wall, she didn't know how to close them nor did she think it would be easy. Also, if there was someone that was controlling these portals...then they would need to be dealt with as well. With that, Lyinne just shook her head and levitating the books and stacking them neatly onto the table. With all the books she gathered, there were three stacks.

Lyinne gathered her notes and set them off to the side. She then started to write down something of a journal...

"First Day of Portal Research. After reviewing the literature over and over again, everyone assigned to the Library team has come up with a few things. They've come up that closing the portals would take a lot of effort, maybe more than the effort of a single person. The portals, according to some accounts, have appeared before. However, the difference between these occurrences is that the portals of the past closed naturally while the portals we have now are kept open. Perhaps someone is keeping it open? If so, who and why? And how? We need to close the portals, somehow. It wouldnt' be easy, but it needs to be done or else."

Lyinne put down the ink quill and looked out the window that let the sunlight from outside flood in. She thought for a moment, To close the portals...an immense amount of power is required. Each of us can channel our magical power to muster up enough energy. But there's something else to it, it isn't gonna be that easy. We need something else to close the portals. What can be used to close it...probably something magical. But what...? Destructive magic? No.... Strong Illusions would just make it seem like it isn't there while it still is. Maybe combining the natural magicks to form a spell of sealing? Or maybe all the magical disciplines...?

Lyinne tossed these thoughts around in her head for quite a while. Good thing she couldn't talk, otherwise people might think she was crazy.
Re: The Library

"I find it highly unlikely that any of these otherworlders have the ability to sustain these gates... they are magical in origin and the otherworlders have no sense of magic. Indeed, I doubt that our guest has ever glimpsed sentience beyond her own species. This leaves one explanation only: magic from our world, used deliberately and with enough resources to be maintained indefinitely."

The professor has been discreetly reading Lyinne's research (evidently her eyesight is quite keen) and now addresses the spidertaur in a quiet, measured tone.

"Of course, if we could track and neutralize the source that might close the portals. On the other hand, it's not a sure tactic -- these portals may already be permanent, and destroying the architects may yield no result. I believe that we must first discover a method of closing these portals, then find and eliminate the source. It would most likely take a great deal of power, involving our halfling associate as a reservoir. With a proper application of boosted teleportive and transmutative magic, we could theoretically turn a portal in on itself enough to permanently nullify it. Theoretically."

She then muses on the day's earlier events, "Of course, given the results of Bibble's research we may also wish to set some protective safeguards and enchantments in place... it's possible we may trigger some feedback in our initial attempts. Not just possible... probably likely."
Re: The Library

Grave let out a sigh as he stretched his back, his right hand twitching a little from all the writing. Standing up, he took a look at his work - more that several pages filled with various accounts of incidents from ancient past. He was sure that something - or someone - had to keep the portals open. They didn't manage to last on their own previously, exactly like teleportation spells - otherwise, the world would have been full of rifts by now. Nature followed the path of least resistance, and it was clear that to move from point A to B one had to exercise some power. Something had to happen to keep the paths from this world to another open. Picking up the papers, Cynder marched to the place where the professor and spidertaur were standing. "I'm done with history research... How's the field team doing? Did they manage to get anything out of the otherworlder?"
Re: The Library

Lyinne looked to Professor Ramielle and nodded quietly, sending a telepathic message. "I agree... But I feel that we're missing something. Something that may be key to closing the portals. I can't really figure it out..." Lyinne looked to her notes and went through them again, to no real avail.
Re: The Library

It was then that Hoten appeared behind Professor Ramielle mid-stride, having just teleported in from the holding cells. Before he could look up to see what was in his way, he was already on a full-on collision course with the teacher. His vision seemed glued to the papers he now held, right up until the point he slammed into Ramielle and fell flat on his ass.
Re: The Library

The professor catches herself on a less-than-stable set of bookshelves, then gasps as the set of shelves begins to lean further and further away from herself. She grasps the side of the bookshelf unit, pulling it towards herself, perhaps a little too hard. As she slightly over-corrects, the books on the top shelf begin to slip towards her. This time she catches the books with both arms spread out, giving just enough force to right the shelves in their proper place. One book does fall out from between her hands, however, landing square on her forehead. She shakes it off, then snaps her head back to look at Hoten.

Her eyes widen slightly. "Ah. The offworlder's scrawls. Excellent work. Any luck deciphering them so far?"
Re: The Library

Hoten watches the display as the professor gets smacked square in the forehead. He was always teleporting mid-stride and running into things. He needed to work on that. "I've noticed a few symbols that keep appearing regularly, which might be the equivalent of our vowel system. The rest, I can't decipher without a few reference materials of our language. If we had a few dictionaries I could compare their lettering to ours and try to come up with a translation chart." he says, standing and dusting off his robes.
Re: The Library

Jess made her way into the Library, huffing like had been running, which she had. She found Hoten and Professor Ramielle talking quetly, and huffed over to the pair, handing the note over. "Bibble says she needs these for stuff, and that you could give her a hand with it." She said by way of explanation.
Re: The Library

Lyinne looked to the two other people that came in, specifically Hoten and Jess. She slowly crawled back into her research room and mostly closed the door. The spidertaur merely kept looking at her notes and different documents to find out anything she may have missed but to little avail. Maybe a few new things, but nothing that might've been of much use to closing the problematic portals.