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The Library

Re: The Library

Professor Ramielle takes the list, nodding as she peruses it. "Yes, most of these can be provided by the University in short order. This one... yes, I believe I have a little of that in my own stock..."

She turns to Jess. "Thank you. I'll be an hour or so gathering these, then I'll be there to assist. Please ensure Grave and Delilah are in attendance -- I want some experts in Conjuring and Teleportation on hand. Hoten, you too. Now, to see about these parts..." The professor strolls out of the library, vanishing shortly after her feet leave the entry way.
Re: The Library

Grave's eyebrow twitched considerably. "You know. I'm starting to feel ignored around here." He spoke calmly, letting out a sigh. "It'd be a shame if I had to resort to, say, setting something on fire to get her attention." Shaking his head, the pyromancer turned his attention to the papers Hoten brought with himself. "So our guest wrote something for us, huh? Might be interesting... Anything else you've managed to learn? It'd be nice to have some description of these portals and how traveling through them looks like. We're probably going to need live data before we can figure out a way to close them, I think." Cynder's eyes narrowed a little. "From what I've figured out so far, something must be preventing them from closing like the ones that appeared ages ago... I imagine that if we manage to eliminate that factor, we'll be able to deal with our problem easily."
Re: The Library

Jess' mouth gaped a little at Ramielle's instructions, but didn't say anything until after the professor had left. She turned to look at grave with a sardonic smirk on her face. "I dunno what's worse, being ignored,or being the group's little message bitch. And I've been both in the past ten minutes." She told him, swithing to a mockery of the professor's clipped speech. "Hey, I want you to chase a pair of teleporters all over campus with those stubby little legs, nevermind getting the arachne to just *think* at them,or something." She complaÍned, waving her hands around. "It's a good thing we don't really need you for anything, it may take a while."

She sighed, then shrugged. "Well, got one at least. Meet in the courtyard around Bibble's toy in an hour?" She said, then stalked off.
Re: The Library

"Wait, we're using that thing again?" Grave's eyes widened a little. "You've got to be kidding me. Even I know not to repeat an experiment that ends in spectacular failure... Not without introducing a few fundamental changes, at the very least." It took him a while to learn the lesson, but eventually Cynder realized that his initial method of repeating the same thing and expecting different results was the definition of idiocy, which was when he started to actually introduce some diversity in his experiments, with mixed results. "Unless we figure out what exactly went wrong with the machine, we really shouldn't touch that thing. Though on the other hand, it might be a little amusing to see how our professor would react to something blowing up next to her..." He added with a little smirk. True, more often than not he was scared shitless when his first experiments blew up on him, but nowadays he was used to things like that happening around him, and even laughed whenever someone brought one of the more amusing ones up. "I'll be there. Later." Still... Now that he was done with the reports, he had some free time left. Shrugging, the pyromancer decided to go and check up on the field team, disappearing in a brief distortion of space as he teleported to the cells.
Re: The Library

"We're changing something fundamental, we're not using the canisters full of boom for energy this time." She told him, before he teleported away and she left. "I swear, I have no idea how they all don't wind up terribly fat, they're so lazy, blinking around everywhere..." She muttered bitterly to herself.
Re: The Library

"I wonder that as well, Jess." Hoten says from his position next to one of the bookshelves, perusing for dictionaries and other pieces of literature that might help him decipher the language. He had heard Ramielle's orders to be present for the experiment, but failed to acknowledge her as he was engrossed in the books. "I believe if I can just translate their text, then any and all future dealings of ours might go much smoother." he says to no-one in particular, his tail hitting the ground with a thud as he picks up a book from the shelves and begins to head over to a table, setting the sheets out in front of him, then opening the book, as well as taking out his own personal book and opening it, then going through the different words and trying to correlate the vowels he was accustomed to and those of the strange runes the otherworlder used.
Re: The Library

Lyinne heard the conversation going on outside of the room she was currently confined in. Apparently Hoten had came back with the documents that Danielle had written. For a small moment, she thought to herself and then directly to Hoten...

"...May I see the documents Danielle wrote? It'll take me only a few minutes to copy the contents. You can have them back when I'm finished..."

As she was sending this message, Lyinne had a purple haze coming around the irises of her eyes.
Re: The Library

Delilah skipped up the broad stone stairs of the library, waved at Phix and went looking for the professor. "Professor Ramielle, I have an exciting idea!" she called out quietly, hoping to find the others.
Re: The Library

Hoten responds to Lyinne after several minutes of trying to compare the languages. "Of course. I'm a bit pre-occupied with them at the moment. I think I've almost made a breakthrough." he thinks as well as he can, not being as well-versed in telepathy as others are.
Re: The Library

"Yes, thank you. It'll take just a moment. But take your time, " Lyinne replied.

Truth is, her brief glimpse of the sheets had got her started on copying it down. However, she only saw the first sheets of paper. She'd need to see the rest in order to properly transcribe the words. She was using an old magic her sister had taught her as a child, that allowed her to copy things to near perfection. It was far from being refined, but it could recreate things otherwise lost. It was a great tool for the preservation of thought and language, and it would serve Lyinne well in this moment.
Re: The Library

Toring slowly walks up the stairs to the library and kneels down to allow Jess to get off his shoulders. "Let's see if the professor is here, or if we have to search somewhere elser," he grumbles.
Re: The Library

"Aww, ride's over already?" Jess said with an exxagerated sigh, hopping off from Toring's full height the second he started to dip, feeling to the lycan like he had simply slid off backwards. She pointed over to where Delilah was roaming, looking for the professor. "Chances are following her would work well enough." She said with a shrug.
Re: The Library

Toring violently struggled to hold back a comment about rides, having already embarassed himself with his reprisal about his gut. Instead, he just nodded his head and got walking - slowly, so Jess may keep up.
Re: The Library

Jess chuckled, having caught the look on the man's face. "I know exactly what you're thinking, and it annoys me too." She said with a smirk. "I have no idea why women always want longer rides then men want to give, but trust me, you've got the better half of the deal. You're not permanently unsatisfied." She teases, her former good mood starting to return as she strode beside the werebear, still chuckling.
Re: The Library

"I have no idea what you're talking about. The lady bears out here in the woods always seem to enjoy it," Toring said with a big grin. After a dramatic pause, underlined with rib scratching, he added "Course, it's hard to tell since they don't really have faces... Okay no, this just got too weird," he mumbles.
Re: The Library

"Do you make them get off you after five minutes too?" She teased him, accentuating it with a couple jabs to his thigh.
Re: The Library

Toring mock whinced as she hit him. Rubbing the spot, he replied, "Oh, they get off alright. But seriously, can we stop talking about bear boning? I think I've weirded myself out." It wasn't the first time the thought had hit his mind, and it was always met with a decisive "no." Despite his strong bond to his animal side, he still very much considered himself human - no matter what some of the more uppity mages may think.
Re: The Library

"I dunno, I must say, I'm kinda curious." Jess said with a laugh. "Bear boning..." She said slowly, drawing the words out.

((Spoilered so as not to offend sensibilities overmuch. crude pun, read at your own peril.))
"What position do you use? I would guess doggy style, but you'd have to call it something else, wouldn't you? Bearback, perhaps?" She asked him in a conspiratorial tone, poking at him again.

This was the problem with Jess. She had no filter, and no sense of when to stop. Everyone who had tried to make friends with her eventually walked away, unable to take her constant 'humour'...
Re: The Library

Delilah heard the last little bit of the conversation and flounced over to them. "Whatcha talking about?"
Re: The Library

"Yeah Toring, whaddawe talkin about?" Jess asked, looking up at the big man.