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The Library


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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The top floor of the castle, the Southern Sanctum Library is the most extensive on the island.
Re: The Library

Orma walked with Kua to the library, remaining silent until they got there. Once there she quickly spoke with the librarian and acquired the needed material for weather expectations for where they would be going. Once she had done so, she headed back over to Kua. "So, Saul said that we should probably try to get to know everyone else, so I thought that maybe we could sort of talk and introduce ourselves?"
Re: The Library

"Oh.. well... I'm Kua Daku. And I heard your name is Orma, right?"
Re: The Library

"Yes, Orma Mavron. I've been here about eight years now, and I think this is the first time I've seen you around. How long have you been here?"
Re: The Library

"I've been here five years now. I try not to advertise my presence. ..So eight years huh? What do you do around here?"
Re: The Library

"I have been studying various odds and ends, I haven't really decided what I want to do for the rest of my life. Of course, until now, I've always had the idea that given my lifespan, not much is out of reach for me. My mom has been a long range telepath working for various government agencies for a long time now, and I might either follow in her steps, or possibly get degrees in education. Right now though I'm just kind of sampling what there is to offer here, and hoping inspiration strikes me. What about you, any ideas on your angle of life's path?"
Re: The Library

"I've never spent much time thinking about the future, I'm a bit temporary. Speaking of which, not to be rude, but I still haven't gotten the maps yet." Kua walked over to speak to the librarian about retrieving the necessary materials.
Re: The Library

She smiled at him and let him go, knowing they needed the maps. "Go and get them, we can small talk later."
Re: The Library

Kua took the maps and headed towards Orma.
"We should.. probably head back now."
He was trying to be as terse as possible without being rude, simply because he didn't hate conversation but didn't like talking about himself.
Re: The Library

She picked up that perhaps she was making him uncomfortable and that he didn't really want to talk about himself or his past and nodded. "Right, though we should stop by our rooms first and gather anything we might need. I know I have one or two items I need to get from mine, and we should at least stick together. Let's head by your room first, get what you need, then mine and then we'll meet the others."

She pauses for a moment then says lowly, "and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
Re: The Library

"It's fine, only proper to speak to each other, I'm just... I'm a little 'out of it' right now. News of the situation and all, still kinda hitting me."
He thought for a second about what he might need from his room.
"We can go to your room, there's nothing I really need that's not on me."
Re: The Library

She nodded, understanding what he meant. "It's going to affect all of us in different ways, at least that would be my guess. Just try to focus on what we need to do then, and you should be alright."

She resisted the urge to gently pat him on the back, knowing that might make him more uncomfortable.

"Alright. Follow me then please."