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The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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After preparing for your first mission under the shimmering man employ you head out. When you arrive you hide yourself in some grass, looking at the entrance. It is guarded by at least ten men, they all wear the garbs of the cult so they are not friendly. You think back to the night you spent in your room with the Genie's gem in there, she explained to you about Mentok, and just how he ran his cult, his followers were generally free willed but complete perverts. Pedophiles, pimps, lechers, rapists, pretty much anyone who wanted sex and tended to not want to ask permission before getting it. She also explained magic would be less effective against them, which was not ahuge deal since you are not very good with it.

Either way looking over the entrance you have two choices; Try to sneak past them (explore or spirit depending upon your idea)[Naughty]; or they are perverts and there are more of them then you can handle in a fight, but maybe you can fight them in a different way (Naughty[Spirit])
Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)

Christi bit her lip, she needed to get past the entrance, she needed to find another way through, perhaps the front way wasn't the only one? She figured sneaking through the grass around the premises couldn't hurt could it? She tried to sneak past them through the grass carefully, and find a way past to scout for alternative entrances, she wasn't going to face ten soldiers head on.

She hoped she didn't have to deal with the perverted pigs that had been described to her, at least not without her knuckle gauntlets, and trusty silver sword. She gave a smirk as she remembered it, crawling through the grass.

Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)


(Welcome back, it also seems your luck has shifted into a favorable light)

Explore 16; Roll 18+7=25 pass with ease

Using the grass as cover she moves easily around to a side entrance. It is guarded by seemingly nothing. Taking a moment to look around she finds two traps each one not dangerous but there mainly to expose someone trying to sneak into the base. Easily avoiding them, she mentally chuckles at the shimmering man, he was all worried this would be hard.

Getting inside the main encampment she finds here self in a room that is honestly five times larger then she ever expected it to be. And thinking to herself how easy it was she realizes why. It seems this room is his holding area for his followers. At least they seem to be his followers, the room is filled with men and women the men are raping the women over and over again. Each and ever woman in the room is being taken by at least three of the men, and each one of them seems completely absorbed in the pure bliss of the experience. Staring at one of the men for a moment Christi beings to understand why, these men are zombies without the undeath. It seems Mentok erased their minds making them nothing but completely obedient mindless human golems. Taking a moment to get a stock of her situation she see's two possible ways around this horde of rapists.

She could sneak past them, easy enough but there are alot of them and there are at least a third of them not in the process of raping a woman. So a distraction might be good, a simple spell could probably manage that. Or of course she could always charge in weapon a swinging, she did get a new shiny weapon wouldn't hurt to try it out some.

(Use a spell to distract them and sneak past Spirit[Naughty]; or fight your way past them Combat[Explore])

willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 10 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 40/40
Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)

Christi gave a little chuckle to herself, they would need alot more than a couple of naked men to stop her, she unsheathed her silver sword and charged in, literally swinging it from side to side, not caring which of the men she'd hit, honestly they seemed to be all naked anyways, she was sure her beautiful new blade could cut straight through them like butter.

She held her sword in both hands, and let out several sideways slashes at her potential enemies, attempting to take down several at once. She made a malicious grin as she swung.

Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)


(good rolls for the win)

Combat 20; 15+10=25 wow second 25 total

You swing into the horde of them cutting down a few of the people. The ones not in the process of fucking turn their attention to you trying to slow you down. You easily slice though them, enjoying each and every cut, almost too much. After the tenth zombie you cut down they seem to back off, your not sure why but you continue onwards. As you leave the room you hear a voice in your head "Seems you enjoy killing my broken men. Hmm I wonder who sent you, I think I'm going to enjoy breaking you down and making you another breeder for my monsters and cultists." The voice in your head speaks, you guess it's Mentok and he now knows your here. But at least he is not actively in your head yet.

You walk down a corridor for what feels like hours, eventually coming to a small room it has two doors. One door is defended by three gargoyle looking things. And the other is unguarded, as you enter the center of the room the Gargoyles speak to you. They speak in turn each one saying the next word in their sentence.

"Answer our riddles three and move forward towards the master. For each failure you will receive a rape from the gargoyle who asked it of thee."

The first Gargoyle steps forward and asks you a riddle "What walks on four legs in the mourning, two in the day, and three in the evening?" He stands there giving a mock pose of confusion. The Second Gargoyle steps forward, "I, I burn bright; In the forest of the night What immortal hand or eye; Could frame thy fearful symmetry? What am I?" And he too takes a pose of thinking with his hand on his chin. The third steps forward and asks his riddle "There are 2 whores in front of 2 other whores. There are 2 whores behind 2 other whores. There are 2 whores beside 2 other whores. How many whores are there?" He takes a third pose again silly and rather over the top.

Answer the Gargoyles riddles 3, or go though the door. (this challenge you can answer the questions and each correct answer will boost your roll. get all 3 right and no matter the roll you pass the challenge, get all 3 wrong and you automatically fail the challenge.)

willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 10 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 40/40
Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)

Christi stood and thought, for quite some time, she had to keep the words in mind fresh before they drifted away, along with her solution, eventually she managed to bring up an answer each for the two questions, 1 and 3.

She turned to the first gargoyle and smiled, "A human. I've heard that riddle before." Before she looked at the second gargoryle, but frowned and shaked her head mumbling, "I don't know" to herself, she turned to the third, and firmly said, "Twelve is the number, although you had me confused for awhile."

She waited for the responses of the two Gargoyles she had answered, hoping she had gotten them right.
Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)

The second gargoyle moves forward, "An answer to my question is required little beauty. But your first two answers have found yourself troubled." The first gargoyle moves forward "Your answer suits me, and I find it correct." The third gargoyle moves forward, "Your answer confuses, and it is found incorrect." Your answer to the second question is vital my dear with out a correct answer you may find yourself troubled."

(Answer to question 1 correct, question 3 incorrect, a hint for question two as talking it over with friends it is a bit too difficult. The hint is it is a song of experience from Blake. Sorry I did not read the riddle as well as I should have before posting it, or it's more likely that I just got it because I studied Romanticism.)
Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)

(That hint is almost letting me cheat :p)
Christi thought deeply, symmetry was matching sides, of a pattern usually, and a bright firelight colour in the forest... She thought deeply, she could only make a wild guess, but she knew one animal with symmetry and a bright firey fur in the forest, "The tiger?" she said to the second gargoyle.

She waited agitatedly, she drew her sword in preparation for what was coming, specifically at the third gargoyle, she knew it was going to do something, and she would be ready to swing down her sword upon it when that time came.
Re: The Litany of Mentok (Cappy)

(indeed it seems my last post was not actually posted. Sigh, ah well here we go a second time. Also to pass this mini boss you'll need to try again, you can take on two new riddles, plus the one you failed at last time. Or you can just take a roll, if you take the roll I'll just post your answer to the new three riddles.)

first roll is a roll of 10 due to 2 correct answers.

Naughty DC 18; roll 10+5 = 15 fail by 3
Naughty(Secondary) DC 21; roll 5+5=10 Fail by 11
Total of 14 Lewd damage

"Two answers correct the third is not, your failure causes you to be filled with seed." The third gargoyle pounces upon you letting the sword swing down into it, but it's stone skin is too think and the blade bounces off and you lose your grip on it. It flies to the other side of the room far out of reach. As you watch it the Gargoyle easily disrobes you, and tosses your clothing to the side, not damaging it. He then stands up giving you a clear view of his rather substantial member. It pulses once then pushes itself forward into your waiting pussy, sending waves of pleasure though your body as it penetrates you fully. You hope it will end there, but he begins to pump himself in and out of you over and over. Quickly building himself up, the pleasure is also too much for you to bear.

After only 30 seconds of the monster fucking you, you feel yourself quickly and powerfully reach orgasm. Rocking your body and sending spasms all though out your body. As you clamp down on his cock in your orgasm you feel him release his load as well filling your waiting womb with his seed. He removes himself from you quickly and springs back to his location at the door. "Asked again will you of our riddles 3, and if you answer correct you leave. If you fail we'll rape you good, I hope you don't mind an offspring."

He speaks again in his rhymes, they are not very good, but they are accurate.

(speak with the gargoyles, Naughty[Naughty]; Explore the rest of this place trying to find another way Explore[hidden])