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The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2011
Reputation score
Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34 Status: Fine

Aria North could still smell the ashes, after three days of travel. She had gone to the local lake to clean herself off but she couldn't clean everything completely and so she still carried the scent of her destroyed home. The blade she had found was strange. She couldn't manage to keep the soot off of it no matter how hard she tried. When she cleaned one side, she would turn it over to discover it had become blackened again. It didn't dull the blade or make it any more difficult to wield but it seemed like the blade had been affected by whatever had destroyed her home town.

She was currently travelling through a series of hills, not tall enough to be mountains but certainly large enough to make traveling somewhat difficult. The roads hadn't been well maintained, as the traffic to Aria's village had been almost non-existent. They had always managed to find what they needed. Sometimes Aria would be forced to leave the path due to some kind of blockage. On her fourth morning, she spotted something moving to the south. She was hidden well by broken rocks. It looked like one of the people that had been taken and changed by the aliens. It was wandering randomly. He had no clothing on, revealing both his smallish member and the tentacles that the aliens had attached to the poor individuals. She knew from stories that these creatures were always hostile and woe to any traveler that was overcome by them.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

The blade had become her companion, both a reminder of her home and kin to her in some way. Perhaps it was her inability to clean it, that they were both somehow marked by the ordeal in some way but still useful, still ready to tackle what lay ahead. The bathe at the lake had been everything she needed, it did good to cleanse herself, if only a little. Something had to be able to get rid of that scent, but she had a feeling it would be a long time.

She never traveled far from her home, while the local woods were home to her, every tree, every bush and bump practically memorized the further she got out it would soon become entirely unknown to her if it hadn't already. Four days out and the familiar soon became anything but. She had a direction in mind, her fathers stories filling out a bare idea of geography.

Her hand dropped to her blade at first, a faint blush touching her cheeks replaced by the seriousness of the encounter. She had heard the stories about them, always hostile but even still she couldn't believe. There had to be a chance to save them.

She moved out of her place of hiding, drawing her blade slowly. She moved to grab its attention sticking at a distance for now as she dropped into a defensive posture. "Please don't attack! I mean you no harm, it's me Aria! You remember me don't you?" she pleaded.

"Please let me help you..."

Defensive stance so auto counter and +10 dodge, will be trying to cut off the tentacles and avoid harming if she is attacked. If this does nothing and she's still secure but being attacked, she'll probably go for a killing blow.
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Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34 Status: Fine

The creature reacted predictably to Aria's appearance. It tried to tackle her. It was close but Aria managed to dodge the attack just enough to give her room for a counter attack. And that was that. The former human dropped to the ground, motionless, as its sickly-looking blood slowly soaked into the ground beneath it. And then she smelled it: smoke. The body smelled of smoke. Looking around, she managed to see faint columns of smoke rising from the distance. Aria's knowledge of geography wasn't great but she thought that there was a village in that direction.

Grapple: 15 + 32 vs 49 MISS
Counter: 2 + 48 vs 30 HIT
Damage: 6 + 4 + 31 = 41

You earn 1 exp
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria's blade was held up, ready and waiting for the moment that creature came for her, but even still she hesitated, even knowing what had been done to them. "Please," she pleaded one last time as it began to lurch towards her. Don't make me do this, she pleaded. The creature's sudden tackle caught her off guard, hope against hope believing something could have been done. She darted to the side nimbly as it came towards her, and fearing there was nothing she could do swung down hard, a single fatal slash.

Then it was over. All she could do was stare, sinking slowly to her knees. But her sorrow was quickly replaced by anger. These bastards would pay for what they did to her people! What they did to her friends and her family! As she caught the scent of smoke she pulled herself to her feet, wiping off the few tears that managed to sneak down from her eyes. She flicked the blade slightly to the side to clean it off the poor man's blood. There would be time to mourn or grieve later, she quickly took off for the smoking village.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34 Status: Fine

It was quite a trek but luckily for Aria, stamina had never been a problem for her. Still, she couldn't run the entire way, especially if she wanted to have the energy to deal with the problem once she got there. So she had to pace herself, knowing that every moment might make a difference.

Approaching the village, however, Aria felt that those moments probably wouldn't have made much difference. The one that she had killed had had time to simply wander away, after all. It hadn't run in that direction. Some of the buildings had been burnt, accounting for the columns of smoke, but mostly the village was just... empty. Torn clothing suggested violence but Aria didn't see much blood. There were tracks that looked like wagons had left but Aria wasn't sure whether it had been the villager's wagons or the attacker's.

And then she heard it: crying. It was the sound of a woman, hidden somewhere in the village. She managed to track it down to a house that had partly fallen in. Moving some of the rubble, Aria revealed a trap door. It was covered in glistening slime but the crying was definitely coming from below.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

The sudden push to action was soon metered by her caution and good sense. She slowed to a more managble pace soon, recovering her breathe and stamina, there was no telling what would be awaiting her when she arrived.

But in the end, it didn't matter. She gasped at the entrance to the village when it came in sight, looking desperately for survivors and finding nothing. How many had fallen like this? How many homes had been lost to these invaders? She steeled her resolve, and continued her efforts to find a survivor.

The wagon tracks almost pushed her to immediate action, had they carted away these people? For what purpose? The memory of the man she had just slain came to her memory. Sick...she had heard rumors but how could she have ever believed them from the peaceful village she came from?

When she heard the crying sound she moved to the door, hesitating at the entrance. What had done this? She paused for only a moment pulling the trapdoor open and descending quickly. "Hang on!" she called out. "I'm coming to help you!"

There had to be something she could do! Please...
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 23/34, EP = 34 Status: Grappled

"Someone? No, don't!" The warning came too late. As soon as Aria cracked open the trap door, something came crawling out of it faster than Aria could believe. The creature was both huge and small. The center body was only a few feet wide but the tentacles on the creature were three times that long. They instantly coiled around Aria's arm, then the rest of her body. The slime dripping from the creature's skin felt uncomfortably warm on Aria's but seemed to soak into her, making her body warm up. Aria slammed her body into the wall but the tentacles held on as more of the slime soaked in and more of the tentacles grabbed onto her. She spied a sharp piece of rock and spun her body, slamming the creature's main body into it and making the tentacles loosen. The slime still coated her skin and she began to feel her loins become moist. Even though the tentacles were no longer touching her, the slime remained. She better finish the fight before things became worse.

Perception: 19 + 2 vs 16 + 17 FAILURE
Grapple: 38 + 5 vs 14 + 42 GRABBER WINS
Aphrodisiac: 5 PP damage
Grapple: 38 + 18 vs 20 + 42 GRABBER WINS
Aphrodisiac: 6 PP damage
Grapple 38 + 19 vs 6 + 42 ARIA WINS
Grapple ends.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Don't worry!" she called back, desperate to help whoever was trap no matter the danger at hand, but as soon as the trap door opened slightly she let out a surprised gasp. Some betentacled beast lunged at her from the darkness. "W-what the hell!" She tried to pull back but found the tentacle was much quicker than she realized. First her arm then with lightning fast speed the creature curled its disgusting appendages around her. "No!" She let out another cry, determined to break free. Her body shivered at the feeling of the disgusting slime, hairs standing on end as the warmth seeped into her.

In the heat of battle she had no idea what was going on, driving her body hard against the wall to try to loosen them to no avail. Soon it became all too evident, as innocent as she was in these matters she wasn't ignorant. She could feel that distant desire, the warmth in her loins. A desperation took over, she grim determination to free herself all costs. She sent a silent thanks to whoever was watching over her as she spied the sharp rock and with one decisive motion slamming the creature into it and freeing herself. No more. With some distance she managed to bring her blade around to bare. Inspite of the steadily growing strange feeling she felt, she was light on her feet and ready to take the creature down. She darted nimbly towards the creature, careful of its horrific appendages and brought her blade down, attempting to end it in one single slash.

So assuming that Battle Dance allows me to attack that round, I use it, and provided I can also use power attack I use it for -10 dodge, +10 to hit and damage.

Battle Dance – The character gains a +12 bonus to Dodge and attack rolls, but must attack every round and takes 4 damage per round that ignores their AV.

Power Strike – The character can trade points from their Dodge to make their attacks more likely to hit and deal more damage. These are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, every point of Dodge traded granting the character a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and no more than 10 points can be subtracted from Dodge. Cannot be used in the same turn that a character is fighting defensively (trading attack for additional Dodge.)
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 15/34, EP = 34 Status: Fine

The creature was both small and fast, making targeting it a challenge. The flailing limbs made it difficult to pin down as well. However, by pushing her body to its limits, she managed to cut off some of the tentacles that were holding it up. By the time it got more tentacles under it, it was too late. Aria's sword went through the creature like a hot knife through butter. The tentacles shivered violently for several seconds but then went still. There was a small problem: the slime on her hadn't gone dormant. Aria had no idea how long it would last. By the time she scraped it off, she was significantly aroused. And the basement, now that she looked at it, was covered in slime. If she made a mistake, she could be coated in the stuff. Even worse, more of those creatures could be inside.

Attack: 2 + 82 vs 35 MEGA HIT
Damage: 2 + 2 +41 = 45 Damage
Enemy Killed
1 EXP earned
4 damage taken from Battle Dance
5 PP damage taken from slime
3 PP damage taken from slime
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria had never fought a monster before today, but she had heard stories, had dreamed about being a mighty hero who would journey around from place to place, fighting evil, saving the innocent, but so far it was nothing like she had expected. Her village had done next to nothing to prepare her for the reality of the world. It was a scary place, lonely, dark, fraught with danger. Monsters were disgusting. But she had to admitted, as her blades severed the tentacles, as she danced from point to point nimbly evading it she felt a sense of purpose she never had before. Burying the blade deep in the thing was satisfying. She panted, bringing her blade back and searching in the dark before realizing what was going on. Hurriedly she attempted to scrape the slime off her but the damage had been done.

She'd felt desire before, even at times quiet on her own had pleasured herself (n..not often of course!) but nothing had ever felt like this. This burning cloying need was all but unknown to her, and the further risk wasn't lost on her either. This place was full of the stuff, and any more and she might...

She didn't want to think about it. She wriggled slightly, adjusted her clothes and began to proceed carefully making sure to keep from slipping or touching the walls. Her eyes quickly scanned the ceiling to make sure nothing waited to fall on her. She kept blade at the ready as she headed into the dark. "Are you okay!? Are there more of them!? Hold tight!"

Using defensive stance if I can as she heads quietly in. She'll swing first and ask questions later with tentacle monsters.

Defensive Stance – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them in melee and misses.
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Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34 Status: Aroused

Unfortunately, while Aria's heavy armor was useful for protection, it made her awkward. As she began to climb down, she hit a particularly slick rung and fell. The basement floor was slanted somewhat and she slid into an entire pool of the stuff. The effects were immediate: Aria's nipples stiffened, rubbing up against her armor. Her thoughts became muddy, with most of it focused on sex. She felt warm, almost burning up in her clothing.

A young woman had climbed on some boxes to avoid the slime. She was chattering and shined with slime, though it seemed that she had wiped most of it off. Semen or at least the alien equivalent leaked out of her pussy. She looked at Aria in horror, gasping as she fell into the pool. "No, no, you have to get out of it before more show up!"

Before, Aria took 19 Resistance damage. That put her to 0, which reset the counter but now she has the status of aroused.
The pool dealt 10 Resistance damage.
Girl in question except nekkid:
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Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria was used to armor, often preferring lighter gear but considering the journey had decided on something more protective over more comfortable. A fact she regretted as her foot slipped off the rung she placed, unable to see in the darkness. She let out a cry, flailing as she tried to catch herself and failing, falling into a pool. At first she was glad she didn't land on anything and hurt herself, but that sense of relief quickly faded. "A-ah...what is...n-no..." Her hands moved to cover her chest for a moment, pulling gently at the parts that covered, though it provided little relief. She pushed to her feet quick, trying to scrape off the slime, especially near her groin. "A-ah, you're safe, please, hurry, get up the rungs and I'll cover you...d-don't delay, I'll come up right after." This was an incredible feeling, but she quickly recognized the danger for what it was. She could feel her thoughts drifting, to impure things.

Aria paused for a moment, looking over at her, blush deepening. That poor girl, she had to get her out of here. Trying to focus her thoughts she pulled her sword free and tried to get clear of the pool, taking up a ready position.

Readied action to attack any monsters who show up.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34 Status: Aroused, 13 Resistance Damage

Aria was quite lucky: there didn't seem to be any monsters around. Even more fortunately, she managed to get her feet back underneath her and rise, though she felt weak at the knees. She was still covered in the gunk, everywhere had been covered and if she had any mind to spare, she might be worried her equipment might rust from it. As it was, the slime was pushing her towards her breaking point. Her thoughts turned to the girl. She looked shy, trying to hide her breasts and her sex with her hands but her body was anything but that. Her tan skin was healthy and her breasts were large enough for Aria to bury her face in them, an option that sounded increasingly tempting. She also noticed that the girl was aroused as well. Her nipples were standing at attention, just waiting for someone to give them a twist... or a lick.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria continued to, while keeping her eyes locked towards potential threats, attempt to brush off whatever slime she could from herselves. The parts around her waist were the worst, even the minor stimulation seemed to send shivers down her spine. She found herself turning to the girl who had yet to move and swallowed, finding herself full of saliva. How horrifying...she almost drooled.

"C-come on..." Aria moved over towards her, offering to help her down. She had to get her out of here. Her eyes couldn't help but be drawn over her body, the innate sense of curiosity that had always sort of lingered on the edge of her once adolescent mind. "We can't waste time here...and I c-can't leave without you." Proximatey didn't help, her mind kept flashing to possibilities that she pushed away. No no no no. This woman was a victim, she'd been assaulted. Aria would do everything she could to help her out. She had never imagined that things like this existed, that could push her like this.

T-then she'd take care of her problem...

Her eyes kept worriedly looking around for danger, but always found their way back to the girl.

Same as before, if a bit...distracted
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34 Status: Horny

The woman looked worried but grasped Aria's recently de-slimed hand and began to move around, carefully avoiding the pool. However, just as they reached the ladder and the woman began to climb, Aria's resistance crumbled. She was too hot, she couldn't ignore it anymore. She had to get out of her clothes and... and... As the woman began to climb, Aria got an excellent view of her body and it became too much. She had to have her. Before she knew what she was doing, she grasped the woman's wrist. "No, no! Not you too!"

Aria's resistance hit 0 again, making her gain the status effect Horny.
"Horny: The character needs to get laid. They cannot do anything that would prevent them from being satisfied, which includes killing or crippling any potential "partners." They cannot attack in a way that would deal damage, cast Spells or use Powers. All of their previously active effects remain active unless they require concentration of any kind, however. Wears off after 20 rounds of rest, 5 consistent rounds of sex, or they pass out for any reason. And, no, masturbation is not enough."
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Thank you... thank you...come on. We can do it..." Aria's voice began to grow distant. She felt hazy, as if she was in the midst of such a strange dream, which made sense. Careful, she helped the girl around the pool and smiled as she made it to the ladder. "C-climb up now...quick quick." She noted as she glanced towards the darkness. Nothing still, so they were safe. Aria smiled and felt as if she was floating. It was such a pleasant feeling, her entire body tingled and she didn't even notice as her fingers slipped around her armor, slipping against her breast, shuddering as her fingers teased against the tips of her own nipples.

Oh wow and what a view. Aria wasn't sure if she had ever really liked girls before, but with the sight of the woman before her it didn't really matter. Man...woman...whatever. She took the girls wrist gently. They could climb out in a moment couldn't they? Clearly the sight was safe. "I-it's okay, we're safe here. Y-you're just so pretty..." Aria said, a faint line of saliva teasing over the edge of her lips as she leaned over and began to kiss along the woman's body. Her hand would leave her wrist, moving to take her gently back down the ladder. "It won't take long," she promised shyly. What was she even intending to do? She didn't know, her brain wasn't really running the show.

If she was fought, or if the woman made some sort of protest the honorable part of her brain would try to resist as well, helpless against her own mad desire for pleasure she'd try to slake her thirst herself, slipping against the wall next to the ladder to pleasure herself but her body would almost certainly demand something more she'd do everything she could to avoid taking advantage of the poor girl.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 34, EP = 34 Status: Horny

"N-no..." The girl crumpled against Aria. She clearly had been barely holding on and Aria broke the little self-control she had left. The girl began murmuring little sighs of pleasure, along with the occasional and not-at-all convincing "no". She began to pull Aria's armor apart, removing it with haste but not damaging it. When she finally found a bare patch of skin, on Aria waist, the caress sent what felt like a shock to Aria's brain. Aria noted, in a detached way, that they were sliding towards the pool again but that wasn't a bad thing, her brain decided. That pool was nice and warm and made Aria feel good. That couldn't be bad.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria felt like she had slipped behind her own mind. Somewhere inside of her she was there, watching, unable to influence the events but that wasn't wholly true. She wanted this, on some level and the girls half-hearted complaints only seemed to push her onward. She'd never done anything like this, and so taken with it that the world around seemed to slip away. "M-my name is Aria," she whispered, part of that old sensibility that dictated she should introduce herself to someone before they were naked with one another. She planted soft kisses along her back as she helped her down, hands slipping around her waist as she pulled her into a tender embrace. The girl was deft, able to take off her armor with little ceremony. She barely noticed, only registering the feeling of their skin pressed together. A moan slipped out of her throat thoughtlessly as she pressed her against the wall. She looked embarrassed, but only for a moment, that look changing to a reticent hunger.

Aria leaned forward and kissed her softly. The pool, they could descend into it as they went about whatever they were about to do, Aria still unsure what that was as she let the desires direct her.

"W-wait, we shouldn't," she pulled away for a moment, only her face, body clutched tight to her. She tried to guide them somewhere safe, perhaps the boxes, or to keep them pressed up to the wall. The faint dimm warning light blared in the back of her mind that falling into that pool would be incredible trouble. But even while she spoke, standing she had already half straddled the girl's leg, hands moving up to grip her breasts, fingers sweeping gently along her nipples before allowing their chests to press together.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

Aria North: HP = 98, PP = 21/34, EP = 34 Status: Horny; Sex Round 2

"My... oh... my name is Rishia." The girl leaned forward and kissed Aria full on the lips, her tongue snaking out to entwine Aria's. The shock made Aria almost lose her balance but managed, just barely. There was no way she was moving anywhere but towards the pool if she began moving so some part of her managed to keep her steady enough to avoid that... for now. The girl's hand wormed along Aria's thighs, filling her brain with white sparks which turned into an entire storm when she reached Aria's pussy. She rubbed the outside for only a moment before sticking two fingers inside, masturbating Aria furiously. Her other arm was grasping her own breast, mashing it against Aria's.
Re: The Lone Survivor (Tyagor) GM'd by dragoon93041

"R-rishia that's a beautiful name, where do you c-" she was talking, dazed and distantly but was cut off as she kissed Aria. Shuddering as she felt that tongue poke across her lips and welcomed into her mouth. Wow~ She'd never been kissed like that before, never felt feelings this strongly before. Another quiet moan broke over the kiss as she pressed against her, only nimbly avoiding falling into the pool. She knew that if she indulged the desires would fade right?

Did she want that...? A-ah of course she did!

She shivered, squirming to make room for the girls hand as it worked its way in, begging with desire for her not to stop. She wasn't sure what might have happened if she was teased in that moment but it might not have been pretty. Her entire body began to tingle as the hand slid closer, exploding into a dazzle of sparks as she felt her mound reached. The outer teasing was almost enough to satisfy. She broke away from the kiss for a moment, leaning against Rishia, rested her head against her neck as she began to kiss against it fervently. "O-oh my-" the fingers slid in with little resistance. She didn't react, seemed like for a moment she couldn't breathe or act, simply frozen as she clutched her tighter. As she began to work Aria regained some sense, hand pressing against the wall or ladder or something to steady herself, other slipping down along Rishia's belly to rub against her outer folders before slipping in, two fingers of her own to return the favor, leaning up to pull her back into a desperate kiss, this time her tongue snaking out aggressively.