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The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I hear the sausages over there are just the wurst.
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Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I hear you could catch a germ any time you eat over there.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Bunny Kiss!!!

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

This made me cry but it's so sweet ;_;

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

In today's session of "The Dark Eye" (German RP system like DnD), the plot unleashed some doppelgangers of ourselves onto us - only that they weren't really doppelgangers, but visions of our future selves, playing on our respective weaknesses. They would keep on attacking us, taunting us and revive again and again - until each of us had an epiphany about themselves. The others weren't really buying it, but my character's specter rocked both him and me. I was playing a relatively standard fighter - no home, no family - and somehow the DM picked up on that, turned it around and used it to crack him open.

"Blood and Death. Blood and Death is all we ever wanted, and you know it to be true. One day this is going to be your death, and you'll have died for nothing, for no cause. I know. I'm you."

"Well, what do you want?"

"I want you to realize that all this battling will one day be the death of you."

"Well, I CAN'T STOP!" Fighting is all I have ever done.

Blammo! Epiphany. All out of a sudden, my character now has an identity crisis. What is he fighting for? (Well, in this plot it's to prevent a great evil to be resurrected, but in the overarching sense? Regarding his life?)

It's time he finds something worth fighting for, I realized.

I honestly think that was one of the best roleplaying experiences I ever had.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Kickass. It's great when that happens, isn't it? Nothing beats a RP session where you go through the wringer and come out only to shake the DM's hand and go "Well done!"

Gods, I'm having flashbacks to when my Mage was confronted by a sadistic vampire. (Especially since I was dealing with one of the aftermaths of that tonight.) That session had me in tears and then I went through it again when he was talking to a shrink about it and it's still one of my favorite moments from that campaign.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I have to bring this thread back, simply because the emotion in my chest can't be described any other way.

I love orchestral medley of Secret of Mana. It is a perfect storm of nostalgia and epicness so profound it moved me to tears.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Oh man, Secret of Mana has to be in my top 3 favorite games ever. ;w;
Which also takes me back to the 90's...

(I'm still a Chrome user though)
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Oh, that's beautiful.


I gotta say, I love my stepmom. I tell her all the time how much and I hope she really understands it. She is... she is the strongest woman I know.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love Puppy Bowl weekend
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I'm still loling at the fact that my epithet remains the same.

Now, when is someone gonna add those missing Ls in actualy and totaly? Only then will the cycle be complete.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Nothing like being warm and cozy with a nice blanket, pillow, and a furry friend.

Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I still love my Santa Hat. I am going to wear it all month next month.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

I love summer vacantion!!! Can't wait XD
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

*dumps a boatload of snow on ZeroGhost.*
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Why would someone load their butt with snow?
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Actually she said boatload, though I'm not sure why you would fill a boat with snow either. So I guess the question is still somewhat valid.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Actually she said boatload, though I'm not sure why you would fill a boat with snow either. So I guess the question is still somewhat valid.

You load snow unto an ice-breaker to have more weight when crunching through, sillybeans.
Re: The Love Thread (Or Just Warms and Fuzzies)

Sorry, guess I was being a pervert.

Apologies all