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The medic needs a medic

Re: The medic needs a medic

Still uncertain, but realizing that even the emergency room isn't safe, she began to move towards the group carefully and nudged at each of them with her foot, starting with the gun-nut Kali.


"Hey... get up... wake up... what happened here? Did something else attack you?"

She'd try to nudge the coward and the stranger next, seeing who she could wake up to get answers from.
Re: The medic needs a medic

~~~I don't know Kali very well, so I'll wait until Dreana gets back to make Kali say things.~~~
Re: The medic needs a medic

(*whine* want to plaaay.)
Re: The medic needs a medic

~~~I can't do nothin' I can't help ya, not until Pheonix and Dreana get back on.~~~
Re: The medic needs a medic

(where the hell do you get gun nut? i havnt touched a gun since this RP started. I use a knife and only a knife)
*groans a little waking up moving to sit up slowly*


"they raped me....both of them..whatever is here does stuff to their heads.."

*moves to stand up with the great desire to slap the hell out of both the girls on the ground*


"this isnt our medic but there is no guarantee our medic is here we should bring her back to the apple inn asap"
Re: The medic needs a medic


"Urgh... are you sure we should bring them back if they're... infected with.. whatever it is?"

She looked over the two and shook her head, glancing around for some of those beds on wheels.


"Guess we don't have much choice, but let's see if we can't strap them down then... Besides, it'll give us something to put the stuff we've gathered on."

(Goal, put the doctor and the coward on rolling beds, strap them down, throw all our goods on them, roll them back to the Inn.)
Re: The medic needs a medic

(You didn't find any, 'goods', just surgical tools, and many of those are sharp and pointy, and they hurt. So you and Kali strap them both onto walkable beds.)

~~~Ready to leave?~~~
Re: The medic needs a medic

Azure gave a firm nod once the girls were strapped down and she'd finished gathering the tools. She pocketed a few of the surgical scalpels for herself, complete with spare blades, knowing these might make good emergency weapons, but for the most part it seemed their exploration was substantially sub-par. Almost no medicine, very few bandages and other supplies, the whole thing was disappointing other than having found a doctor and some supplies that the doctor might've been able to use.

Reluctantly, still hopeful that something else could be salvaged but not willing to waste more time here, she headed out with Kali and the two bound girls.

(Actions: Keep a couple scalpels for melee weapons, keep some needles (never know when those might be handy). Leave Hospital. ... PS, no drugs? No bandages? No other basic supplies?)
Re: The medic needs a medic


"well not quite first aid supplies but at least we have another medic..."

*checks to make sure her own knife is still with her and then proceeds to push one of the gurneys out of the er and back towards apple inn*

(homeward bound!)
Re: The medic needs a medic

Was all in the first aid kit.

They tried to hurry and get these two home...

But as soon as they exited the building, they a bunch of slimes gathering together, which formed together... To look like a female human, each organ of a slime aligning with where it would be in her anatomy.
Re: The medic needs a medic

*blinks looking at the slime woman before her then glanced at Azure witha questioning look*


"what the fuck?"

*ponders about waking up one of the unconscious women on the gurneys but then simply clutches her knife at the ready*


"should we make a dash or try and gut this slime?"
Re: The medic needs a medic


"Don't be too hasty. If the thing is mimicking us, maybe it's intelligent..."

Azure walks slowly towards the slime and tries to talk to it.


"Uhm... hello? Can you understand me? I just want to talk. I'd like to know more about you and what you're doing here... I'm a reporter... and I'd like to help you."

She obviously wasn't stupid though, keeping her gun easy to grab.
Re: The medic needs a medic

The slime woman approached Azure, as she was looking at her.

The slime woman stopped at arm's length, and reached her hand out to her. She waited for Azure to do something.
Re: The medic needs a medic


"if these things can be reasoned with thats a whole different story but i'm not to trusting yet...better be careful.."

*she steps around to the other side of the gruney knife at the ready but she didnt get any closer to the slimewoman just watching azure for now*
Re: The medic needs a medic

Azure turned half towards Kali and said quietly.


"Relax... keep on your toes... but something tells me if it wanted us harm, we'd be in deep trouble."

She turned back to the slime woman and slowly reached her hand forward in a matching gesture, as if trying to shake the 'woman's hand.


"Do you understand? We want to be friends... I'm not sure how we can communicate if you don't understand... Maybe gestures..."

She didn't move too quickly to be sure not to startle the slime, but not too slow to seem scared or uncertain, trying to take the slime's 'hand' and shake it gently, hoping this was a good sign.
Re: The medic needs a medic

When Azure's hand met with the slime's, if felt surprisingly similar to a human's skin.

Once Azure's hand met with the slime's, she offered her other hand, wanting to interlock both hands with hers.
Re: The medic needs a medic

*chewed on her lip watching closely ready to leap in to help if things went bad but for now she just held her position glancing back to the ER doors and the girls to make sure nothing had changed with them or was sneaking up*
Re: The medic needs a medic

Azure smiled at the creature and reached out with her other hand, taking both of the things hands in hers. Though her gun was easy to grab at if she needed it, she was starting to doubt the need for her gun as she took a step closer until her barely covered breasts pressed against the slime woman's breasts and she looked closer into what would be the woman's eyes.


"What do you want from us... If you'd just ask, if you want to be friends... I think I can give you it. If only we could communicate..."

She gently held both of the slime's hands and smiled at her reassuringly, showing no signs of hostility.
Re: The medic needs a medic

The slime woman smiled at Azure, she she moved her mouth close to her's.

Then she made a motion with her mouth, which looked like, "Kiss me"
Re: The medic needs a medic

(RJ bedtime for me good sir hate to do it to yah. but if you feel like continuing my character isnt gonna attack until something deemed hostile happens)

*just shakes her head and sighs at Azure and this slime woman she wanted to get back to apple inn pronto but she was being patient for this one. for now*