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The middle path (Teeu)


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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It had been many months since Teeu had fled the purging of his 'family', no doubt their catacombs cleansed by the Paladins and set to the torch. Now, as a wanderer, he could be beginning to wonder just what he was balancing against. In all his travels, he had yet to come across a single agent of either non-mortal plane. Sure, bandits tried to rob the lone man, but a couple to a half dozen poor villagers gone rogue did not pose much threat to someone such as himself.

However, travelling through the pleasant rolling hills that occupied much of Eebinland, the young necromancer had discovered something interesting when he stopped off in a little hamlet for a night. Stuck on a noticeboard of sorts had been a bounty note, bearing the Kings seal at the bottom. It talked about the dangers throughout the land, etcetera, all boring, until it mentioned the bounty on demon heads, explaining of the portal that had been discovered in the now-ruined town of Midford. It called for any man skilled in arms to feel free to claim the bounty, but also advised of the folly of attempting to do so unprepared.

Underneath, there was a handy map, even though it only showed part of the region, and was incredibly old by the looks of it. He could have seen that the little town was rather to the north. Just on the edge of the map he could make out a small picture of a house labelled 'Midf-' cut off by the old scrap being torn. After asking a passing local, Teeu found that it was indeed Midford, rather a ways south, and a little to the west.

Now, he thought he could see the burnt out husk of the town. After a few days of boring, uneventful travelling, stopping only when rest called, he was nearly there, and could quite easily be disappointed. Even though it had barely appeared on the horizon, there was nothing in sight. No army camps, no demons, no nothing. Just the surprisingly flat plains, a wood in the west, and another to the far east, the town being almost directly south now. The sun wasn't out much, there was a lot of cloud cover today. It would rain soon. To the northwest, there was clear blue sky.

Turning back to Midford, Teeu saw a black speck in the distance, flying away to the east, only just above ground level. He couldn't tell what it was, but he hadn't seen it fly into the town, and now it was exiting. Of course, this could only brighten his mood, since it sparked back up the hope that there were things inside the town at all.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

After many long days of traveling, just seeing a possible sight of a town made Teeu sigh in relief. He had spent most his life in, quite literally, a tomb though and wasn't sure what to expect. Traveling onward to the town, he wasn't sure what to think of the flying creature that appeared to take off from the town. Still, he traveled onward to the town, wondering if it was something normal of the outside world or if he should be more cautious. He quietly said to himself, "Looks like I have a whole new world to explore..."

(Onward to the strange place!)
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

As he got closer, Teeu could see that something was wrong, even with his lack of knowledge regarding such societies. There was no movement to be seen, and the smell of burning and burnt wood filled his nostrils. Moving closer, the lack of movement became more noticeable, and the air became thick and stale, similar to that in the catacombs. The buildings had all been torched, though most were still standing, it didn't look like it would take much to knock them down. A lot creaked in the wind, a few remaining doors swinging. The town was, for all intents and purposes, quite dead.

Walking onto the main street, Teeu then saw something that moved. A large portal, at least fifteen feet tall, sat in the village centre, surrounded by the larger houses that had obscured it from view earlier. The inside of the bone-frame was glowing, pulsing red mist, swirling around viciously. Though... There were no bodies. It was clear that the whole town had been decimated, but no matter where he looked, the necromancer couldn't see any.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

Teeu looked around the decimated village for any signs of... anything. All the bodies seemed to have disappeared, and there wasn't any signs of what was left. Coming across the portal, he looked at intently for a few moments. He thought that it could be some type of portal to a different plane, which could explain what happened to the village if an army came and destroyed it through the portal. Not entirely sure what to do about the portal for now, he waited to see if something would pass through it, ready to fight whatever came through.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

Teeu was waiting, for quite a long time. A couple of hours at least, before eventually, something happened. Three figures emerged. One of them looking human enough, though there was little to be seen under a flowing black robe and hood. What could be seen was that under some black gloves, the hands were clawed, and there was a broadsword on his waist. The other two, clearly, were not human. They looked akin to sprites, but very much different at the same time. One was dark red, the other dark green, and they were hovering around the humanoids shoulders. They both had little horns set in their foreheads, extremely long, pointed ears, that would be more in place on a human-sized figure, not one of their tiny stature. They both wore what looked like formal wear. A tuxedo on both of them, covering most of their bodies except for the little clawed hands and feet. All three were jabbering away in a harsh language that the necromancer couldn't decipher, and hadn't noticed him yet, sitting in the shade of a relatively strong looking house.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

Teeu sat and watched the demons jabber on, wondering what his next move should be. The town was decimated, which meant that there were no normal civilians to watch. He did not have to hide his powers for fear of being discovered here, but the town was so decimated that there may not be any remains of corpses left in the destruction. "Hmmm," Teeu wondered to himself in a low voice. He hadn't tried this before, but it was possible that it could work. He decided to try to see if he could sense the remains of any corpses to use against the three demons.
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Re: The middle path (Teeu)

Teeu's mental search left him without happy results. There were no large bodies around. Nor any ones that may have been intelligent in life. All that was left were critters. The largest he could find was what was probably a small dog or something, and all that was there was skeletons at best, not a scrap of flesh left. The actual citizens of the town were simply not there.

Meanwhile, the demons finished their conversation, and started walking, or flying. It looked like they were heading east. Still, the trio had not noticed the silent necromancer sitting, and watching them, though the robed figure looked around a bit, Teeu catching a glimpse of bright red, glowing eyes beneath the hood. However, he seemed to assume it was nothing, and continued walking, the imps chattering over his shoulders.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

Teeu gritted his teeth at the unsastifactory result. The only good thing that came of this is that he knew he could detect corpses without seeing them, something he had never had to try. Still, there was the business of the three demons to attend to. Seeing the destruction that these creatures could cause around him, he did not plan to let them go into the world without at least a fight. Standing up for his hiding spot, he drew his sword in to his left hand, and said to them, "Stop."
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

As Teeu stepped from the shadows, the humanoid demon was the first to react, swinging around, and drawing his broadsword, while the chattering imps took a couple of seconds to realise, before spinning around to join the humanoid one who was staring coldly at the lone man before them. He growled something in his harsh tongue, and looked as if he was waiting for a response from Teeu, while the imps gave off a sort of squeaky laughing, literally rolling about in the air as they laughed at the man before them. Quite obviously, they thought that three against one was pretty good odds. The robed demon looked impatient, and took a few steps towards Teeu, brandishing his bigger sword threateningly, repeating his statement from before, still incomprehensibly. The gist was easy enough to get. He wanted the necromancer to drop his sword, and surrender.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

Teeu realized now that the imps could not speak his language. Well no use for questions then... he thought to himself. He took a brief glance around, just to be sure that there were no survivors. What he was about to do could get him killed by enemies far worst then any demons he would encounter... Not intimidated by the imps, he ignored their gestures and without warning his sword hand, and his sword began to glow green. If the imps paid attention to his hand, they would notice that it looked like it had no flesh, and was just bones now. The sword itself took the appearance of a sharpened bone, but these were only illusions brought on by his death magic. Without hesitation, Teeu swung his sword straight at the imps broadsword. The green magic would erode anything it touched, as if it aged considerably from just being in contact with it.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

The imps and humanoid figure paused at Teeu's display, the sword-wielding demon recovering first, and stepped to the side quickly as the imps gawped, his broadsword meeting Teeu's burning scimitar. The demon shouted something in his harsh language, distinctly sounding like a curse, though it was directed at the two imps. Perhaps to the necromancer's surprise, the broadsword didn't crumble, rust and crack as it was expected to do, though it did darken slightly, and a chip appeared in the side of the blade where the magically-infused scimitar had struck.

Behind him now, Teeu would hear the sounds of faint crackling, as if a fire had been lit, though before he could turn any attention to that, the demon in front of him whipped his broadsword up, sliding if off of the necromancer's blade, even as the process caused it to darken further, and the chip deepen, before jumping back nimbly, and crouching low, dashing to Teeu's side, blade ready to strike.
Re: The middle path (Teeu)

As Teeu struck the sword he did not show the surprise he felt as it did not crumble as he expected it to. Hearing the crackling out of his view, he decided that staying in the same place was not a good idea. Instead of blocking the imp Teeu decided to sidestep him, dodging his sword and putting the imp in the path of whatever was coming his way. When he sidesteps the imp he plans to briefly look at the other imp casting some sort of magic.