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The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
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Character sheet:
Name: Iris Nightgale
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Physical description or picture:
(link since pic doesn't seem to show up)

Mental description:
A reserved young woman, somewhat introverted. Intelligent, prefers to solve problems without resorting to violence. Deep down has an interest in sex, including some less than usual stuff, but has troubles with realizing it. Does not make friends easily and tends to be a bit paranoid sometimes due to bad experiences with bullies. Uses sarcasm to cope with less than ideal aspects of her life. Emotional, but tends to internalize her feelings rather than express them, slightly melancholic. Tries to be a good person even if she has problems with connecting with others sometimes. Likes to eat sweets and junk food. A cat person. Knows a suprising number of insults and curses that get used on the very rare occasion she actually loses her temper.

  • Physique: 30
  • Intellect: 70
  • Sexuality: 50

  • Resistance: 4
  • Libido: 6
  • Sanity: 5


  • Weapon: Whip
  • Top clothes: hoodie and shirt
  • Bottom clothes: skirt and thighhighs
  • Bag:
    • (empty)
    • (empty)

Favourite kinks: mind control, corruption, bondage, latex, mummification, petrification, slavery, vore, impregnation
Forbidden kinks: guro, scat, watersports, gender change, breast/ass expansion

*Ring driling*
The little shop's bell resonated as a new patron entered. It was a Lizardman, this time. A huge, green-scaled reptile, with a toothy mouth and cold eyes to match. But this was the kind of custormers that Iris regularly received in her shop. The Lizard pretended to browse the token goods which were aligned in the shop. But both him and the white haired woman at the counter knew that was not what he was looking for.
He took a box of crackers and went to the counter. The transaction happened, almost casually, and the reptile handed some cash. Once he was gone, Iris could read the small scrap of paper which was mixed to the $1 bills:

Job proposal for the Lorel family:
The manager of our sex-fighting pits has missed several payments. Investigate, take back the family's share if possible.
Prime: 20% cut of the share, new job opportunities

It was a slow day, if that kind of job popped up for her. Will Iris take the job on, or will she wait for another "customer" to enter and give her another contract?
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris sighed. Yep, today was slow as Hell. She was pretty damn sure that lizardman was the first one to visit her shop this day, actually. Well, not that it looked all that inviting - selling things was hardly her main source of income - but even then she had no other contracts come in at all. The job itself sounded troublesome to her - if someone was late with payments, typically it was because of some kind of issue they wanted to keep hidden. Investigating that was usually risky. On the other hand... She ran this business on her own. She didn't exactly have many people to support her when cash wasn't forthcoming. Turning down an offer that promised more jobs in the future would be bad for business.

With a sigh, Nightgale left the counter. Hopefully it'd be something quick and uncomplicated, but she'd have to prepare herself for difficulties. First she'd have to pinpoint the location of her mark and observe the situation. The important question would be whether the pits were still running at all. If something was stopping the fights from occuring, then it'd explain why money wasn't coming in. She'd have to check up on the manager as well. Something could have happened to the person in charge too, after all. If it was none of those things, then Iris would have to see exactly what convinced the one in charge to stop being prompt with payments. The girl made sure to take her whip with her before leaving, flipping the sign in front of her shop from "open" to "closed". She'd start with the pits, they were likely easier to check.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Right after Wizards Street, then left into Logrann Alley, then right, and right again after the overfilled trashcan.
Iris arrived at the Pits' entrance, in the middle of a derelict block. The "entrance" was a decommissioned appartement building. Everyone in the underworld knew that the pits had settled downstairs, in the basements. The door was currently guarded by a mean-looking orc. The brown-skinned brute looked at the white-haired girl in front of him.
"Hmph. Ya here ta fight, or ya here ta bet? If ya wanna bet, gimme da $150 fee." he asked.

$150 was quite a big sum of money for penniless people, and Iris was pretty sure she did not have them. Will she declare she is here as a fighter, find a way past the guard, through force or persuasion, or will she try to sneak by an alternative entrance.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris his a frown. 150$ was the entry fee? Gods damn it. So much for being an observer. She could still try to outwit the guy or break in, though she wasn't sure how well she could pull it off. Beating him likely wasn't a good way of gaining entry and she wasn't sure she could pull it off. Breaking in would get her in trouble if she got caught. And she wasn't sure how receptive this one would be to her manipulations. "I'm here to fight." She declared calmly. Sure, perhaps this wasn't the most dignified way of doing this, but that way she could get inside and into sections not available to audience more easily. Plus, she'd have a reason for being there. A good enough cover to allow her to snoop around.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

The Orc looked at her, and grinned. He took Iris's name (or her alias), and signaled her to proceed forward.
"Good. You go change in da locker. We'll call ya.".

The young girl was free to enter, and go down a stairway towards the basement. Once she was there, another Orc gave her a paper with the number 69 on it and gestured her to enter a room to her right, which was the locker room.
It looked like a classic locker room, with ranges of lockers to allow for the fighters to change. There were a few girls in here. A strong-looking red-haired human herm, which was in the middle of changing, and a smaller but still fit Elf, who already put her fighting garb. They simply looked at Iris as she entered, and resumed their preparations. They did not seem very talkative.

Opening her locker, the number 69, Iris saw that she had been given the same kind of skimpy clothing: a thin bra, which covered practically nothing, and a string.

There were a few minutes of free time before Iris would be called. Would she try to talk with one of the other contestants, or sneak outside and begin her mission? Or should she wait for her match to come?
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

"Rose." Iris introduced herself, opting to go with an alias. The orc seemed to give her no more troubles now, allowing her to enter. Another orc would direct her to the locker and give her a number, 69. 'Of course that's the number I get.' She thought irritably as she entered the changing room, noting the presence of other people inside. Her irritation increased as she saw just what she was supposed to wear. 'Suprised they've sprang for those things, would be cheaper to have us fight naked, really. Not like there's a difference.' She commented mentally, sighing as she disrobed and put her "uniform" on. Gods, it looked so damn slutty.

With a few minutes left on the clock, the girl decided to see if she could pass the time chatting with the other two fighters. Sneaking out right now would be ill-advised, as they'd discover her disappearance quickly and get suspicious. She'd better try this after the fight, if possible. Plus, as humiliating as it'd be to fight here, she'd have to maintain her cover if she wanted to learn. "Hm. Suprised they let us wear so much for the fights." She spoke up dryly, trying to think of the best way to start a conversation. "Mind if I ask how fights here typically go? I'm new to this, to be honest." She turned to the human and the elf.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

"I guess that's because it makes it more sexy than simply going naked, I guess. Clothes don't last long here anyway." the red-haired human answered.
"They really let anyone apply. Or maybe you were in that much need of money?" sighed the Elf as she heard the second question.

The human approached Iris, looking at her barely covered body. "You haven't been "baptized yet. You're going to have quite an audience tonight. It's simple, really: a girl or a herm against a wild monster. I'll warn you: most of the time, the odds are with the monster. I hope you've got solid hips like we do, girl." the red-haired herm.

At this moment, the three of them heard someone bang on the locker room's door.
"It's time, girls. Number 23 goes to pit 1, 35 to pit 2 an' number 69 to pit 3. Give us a good show."
"Yeah, right, spat the Elf."

Iris' two temporary comrades left the locker room. They lead the way, as they knew the layout of the place. Mid-way, Iris passed a door marked "Management". The door was closed, but Iris could hear people arguing behind the door. Should she take the risk of blowing her cover to stop to listen on the conversation? (INT check)
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Well, those two weren't going to be particularly helpful. At least the elf wouldn't be. The herm, on the other hand, seemed helpful. Altough Iris really didn't like the news about ending up as a monster fucktoy for tonight. She'd have to fight hard to avoid doing that, but in the end she was most likely in for a very rough experience. "Lovely. This is going to be fun." She muttered, wincing a little. "Well, thanks for the heads up." And with that, it was time to leave and go to her pit. Looks like she'd be the main attraction tonight.

As she made her way to her destination, Iris ended up passing the door to manager's office. Memorizing the location for later, the girl ended up overhearing bits of something. An argument? This could be what she needed. Glancing around, she decided to listen in for a little bit. She had little time, but she could make up an excuse for being a little late - she was new here and didn't know the place, after all. She just had to make sure she wasn't seen and that she didn't lose track of time trying to spy on whoever was inside.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

The white-haired girl stayed by the door, listening intensely to the argument taking place.
"And I keep telling you, this is a bad decision! How long do you think it will take until the mob sends someone. Or send the police to our place." a young, masculine voice shouted.
"The police owe me a few girls, they won't do anything. Also, screw the Lorels. With the deal I'm making with their rivals, the Garcias, we'll be twice as rich."
"Still, we should have sent them our part already..."
"And let them guess we're losing money, because the girls "mysteriously" disappear? I know the Lorels. They're too careful for their own good, and they'll send someone to check first."

"What a' ya doin' here?" a Orc suddenly said, as he arrived behind Iris.
((INT check: 49 -> passed))
"Ya should be at your ring already." he groaned. Fortunately, Iris managed to give him the classic new-girl-is-lost excuse, and the brown-skinned humanoid bought it.
"Hrrnph. Follow me." the orc grumbled as he led Iris towards door 69.
"Enter." he ordered.

Behind the door, Iris would find a part of the basement transformed into a makeshift arena. Walls had been torn down, replaced by a large sand ring closed with a cage, and the wall on the side Iris came in. A hole had been made in the ceiling, and the white-haired girl noticed a big cage was waiting to be lowered on the ring. A lot of people catcalled and whistled at Iris as soon as she entered. The Orc closed and locked the door to the arena behind her, leaving her no choice but to face whatever the fight managers had in store for her.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Well, this was interesting. Iris definitely had something to tell the Lorels now. They'd be more than happy to know someone's been trying to make deals with their rivals. She wondered who those voices were. A man and a woman, she could tell that much, but other than that, nothing. And that deal... If she were to guess, the "disappearing" girls were likely part of it. They were selling fighters to the Garcias and making money that way, covering up losses in profit from pit battles by not sending in the payments. Greedy, and short-sighted. After all, the Lorels have already sent someone to check up on them.

The orc arriving behind her startled Iris, but she thankfully managed to think fast enough to make her excuse believable. He wasn't too pleased with her, but seemed to buy it. Now the girl was in the arena, trying not to act too embarrassed at being on display for so many people and waiting for the monster to be released. Locked in without any route of escape, the girl prepared herself for combat, knowing that she was likely to lose. At the very least, she had to make a good show of fighting whatever they were going to send against her.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

The announcer began speaking, its voice amped up by a mic and several speakers.
"Welcome, gentlemen, for a new fight in our humble arena. Will we see our contestant triumph of the perverse beast which is awaiting her? (the crowd booed) Or will we see her tight pussy being spread open in front of dozen of persons? (the crowd cheered and whistled) What do you think, dear audience? Let us see who will be our sweet contestant's adversary."

On these words, the cage slowly descended towards the arena's floor. Inside the cage was a giant toad, the kind which dwelled in marshes, and jumped on any female in sight to rape them and fill them with their eggs.
A staff member used a long hook from the ceiling to open the cage, and the human-sized toad hopped out, a few meters away from Iris.
"Croak!" it made, glaring at the white-haired middleman with his enormous eyes.

"Let the fight begin!" the announcer shouted, under the hurrays of the crowd.

Giant toad:
50 PHY | - INT | 40 SEX
4/4 RP | 0/4 LP
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

'Yeah, I'm so glad to hear you lot are happy to see me fucked pregnant by a goddamn frog.' Iris grit her teeth, tensing. With how things looked, she would likely end up stuffed full of eggs at the end of this. Still, she wasn't going to go down without a fight. Reasoning with the beast was out of the question and she wasn't even sure what else could be done against it. So she had little choice but to hit it hard and hope for the best. The girl moved forward, closing in to get into attack range and strike the giant toad, hoping she'd be strong enough to beat it down.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Round 1
Iris' attack: 35 + 30 = 65
Frog's defense: 58 + 50 = 108
The frog counters (roll diff. 43): Iris receives 2 points of damage (2/4 RP)

Giant frog uses tongue lash: 38 + 50 = 88
Iris' evasion: 50 + 30 = 80
Iris is restrained by the frog!

Iris charged forward towards her slightly bigger opponent, ready to send a blow of her whip in his way. But the amphibian would have none of it. With surprising speed, the giant frog hopped in the air, before falling on the skimpily clohted girl. He pinned her on the ground, under the cheers of the audience. Iris could feel the monster's erect ovipositor against her body.
"Yeah, keep going! Fill her with your eggs!"
The frog's strong tongue slipped out of the giant creature's mouth and coiled around Iris' torso, lifting her in the air.

The frog sat on his ass, with Iris hanging from his tongue by the torso. The young woman could feel the thick cock of the creature touch her feet.
Her brain went at full speed. She was in a precarious position, and the frog had her right where he wanted her. But, all that monster wanted was to get laid, right? If she played her cards right, she could "win" the fight without the need for physical violence.

Giant toad:
50 PHY | - INT | 40 SEX
4/4 RP | 0/4 LP

Iris Nightgale
30 PHY | 70 INT | 50 SEX
4/4 RP | 5/5 SP| 0/6 LP
Top: skimpy bra
Bottom: string
Restrained - Iris cannot inflict damage to the toad during her turn until she escapes (counters still possible)
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris gasped in pain as she felt the frog slam into her. Damn, that hurt! The blasted thing hit like a truck! As she was pinned to the ground, the monster's ovipositor pressed against her, she realized she wouldn't be able to fight it in a battle of physical strenght. Not that she could do that, as the blasted thing just tied her up with it's tongue and lifted her into the air like she was some kind of doll. Glancing down at the cock touching against her feet, she understood she had only one way of avoiding being turned into a walking incubator. The girl began to work quickly on giving the frog a footjob, reasoning that if she made it blow it's load early, it'd likely end up on the floor rather than in her womb.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Round 2
Iris' pleasure roll: 40 + 50 = 90
Giant frog's roll: 68 + 40 = 108
Giant frog wins this round (Iris receives 1 LP (1/6))

Giant frog removes Iris' bra!

Iris applies herself the best she could to give the amphibian a footjob, but the beast broke her focus when his tongue made a few more coils around her. It passed back between her breast, while the appendage slipped inside the white-haired fighter's string. She could feel the wiggling, saliva-coated organ press against her pussy and frot against her labia.

Meanwhile, a palmed had reached Iris' breast and pulled her bra down, before coming back on her now naked breast. All around her, the crowd cheers doubled in intensity when they are allowed to peep on her uncovered breasts.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris grit her teeth as she felt the slimy appendage wrap itself further around her, forcing it's way into her panties. Feeling it squirm against her pussy made her gasp involuntarily, interrupting her own efforts. Trying to fight down arousal, she could do nothing to prevent the frog from ripping off her bra, as useless as it was, exposing her chest in front of everyone. Blushing hard and trying to fight her embarrassment down, the girl attempted to resume her efforts, frantically trying to return the favor. Her only chance of beating this frog was in a contest of sexual domination. She had to get it off before it had a chance to make her pregnant.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Round 3
Iris' pleasure roll: 78 + 50 = 128
Giant frog's roll: 51 + 40 = 91
Iris wins this round (Giant frog receives 2 LP (2/4))

Giant frog removes Iris' string. It looks ready to mate with his prey

Iris focused. Doing her best to ignore her own arousal, she frotted her feet around the frog's shaft. A bit of clear precum escaped the amphibian's shaft, soaking her feet.
"Yeah, that's right, keep getting it wet, you're going to need it." taunted a member of the audience.
Meanwhile, the frog, with a flick of his powerful tongue, removed the warrior's string, and began to line her with his groin.
"Fuck her! Fuck her! Fuck her!" the crowd chanted.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

'Don't fuck me, don't fuck me, don't fuck me!' Iris chanted in her head, frantically working on getting the frog off. The feeling of precum staining her feet was gross, but she ignored it. If anything, the extra lubrication ought to make the task easier for her. She continued to move her feet up and down the lenght, trying to get the frog to cum before it had a chance to stick it's dick inside her. The surge of adrenaline and desperation was enough to overcome mortification from being completely naked - not like she wasn't close to it even before her uniform got ripped off.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Round 4
Iris' pleasure roll: 45 + 50 = 95
Giant frog's roll: 55 + 40 = 95
Equality. Iris wins this round (Giant frog receives 1 LP (3/4))

Giant frog penetrates Iris (+ 10 to sex rolls from now on): 65 + 50 = 115
Iris's roll: 53 + 50 = 103
Iris receives 1 LP (2/6)

Giant frog is one step closer to laying eggs

Iris does her best, and was actually about to manage forcing the frog to orgasm, but the creature felt he got enough foreplay. Using his tongue to keep her still, he lowers her on his shaft. Iris call feel her lower lips strech little by little as the slimy invader progresses towards her womb, under the cheers of the crowd. Once her bottoms out, her pussy espousing the veins on the amphibian's shaft, the giant frog slowly begins to slowly fuck the white-haired girl, while croaking his joy.
Re: The middle(wo)man (Player: cross_grave, GM: Kln)

Iris cried out as she felt the frog force her down on it's shaft, spreading her pussy as it slowly reached her innermost depths. She was so close, damn it! Feeling her body get turned on by the slow fucking, the girl realized she had little time. She had to get that frog off fast and hope she could control it's orgasm enough to slip off of his dick for that critical moment when it came, getting it to spill the eggs over the floor or even her body. Her womb was the last place she wanted to have them packed.