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The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

Pheonix Alugere

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Former Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
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Out in towns on the west coast of Vestalia continent, there's a common rumor that tends to circulate every couple of years about a sorceress living in a tower on a bluff over looking a small bay along the north end of the continent. It's said that, despite being several hundred years old, she looks like she's barely over the age of adulthood. Of course, the rumor goes on to say that the reason she's so young looking is she has a special mirror magically crafted from the waters of the fountain of youth that can bestow eternal youth on its owner. How it does this is uncertain, but that doesn't stop many people from seeking the mirror. In fact, finding the tower that most believe the rumor is about is fairly easy. For the farther north someone goes, the more they here about a tower belonging to a sorceress.

The land immediately around the tower is a large, grass-covered bluff extending out across a small bay where fishermen are often able to catch fish, particularly eels, all year round. In fact, a decent sized town has grown up at the back of the bay where people make a living fishing or catering the wanderers who come in to seek the mirror. Often times, visitors to the town will be able to make out the small forms of wanderers climbing up the grassy bluff to the tower as they begin their search.

(This is a quest for level 0 heroines where Combat is mostly unimportant, but Explore and Naughty are heavily emphasized. This dungeon is also the prerequisite for a second level 0 dungeon that I'll hold off on posting until after someone has finished this one. I can post several times a day and will aim to make all posts at least as large as the second paragraph if I can't make the first or higher.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Unclaimed)

Name: Ashley
Description and Basic Backstory: About five foot four inches tall and roughly a hundred-and-ten pounds. Dark brown hair that falls to just past her shoulders. Large, but not massive, breasts and a voluptuous ass are the only obviously remarkable features about this young woman. She has been on the run for the murder for quite a while now, making money in any way she can just to survive. Over time, she has even come to enjoy some of the lewd acts she'd been forced to perform in order to get a little bit of spending money, as well as a degree of skill with small weapons and avoiding thrown punches (and chairs.)

Desired Posting Speed: Five to ten times a week or so is fine, ranges randomly depending on when I've got free time. Fairly well paced but not racing.
Desired Posting Length: A paragraph is enough, but the more you give me, generally, the more I can give back.

Level - 0
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30

Ashley tiredly plods her way up the grassy bluff, her feet, legs, and back aching somewhat after having walked all morning and into the afternoon, and after walking all day the previous day as well. She grumbled to herself, the sweat covering her body from the days journey without a good wash only adding to her discomfort. Still, it beat the cell or the executioners block, so she didn't complain too much.

She wasn't sure why she'd taken this job. When some ailing old noble had offered a fortune to find something called the Mirror of Youth, allegedly held by some ancient sorceress, it had seemed like the answer to her troubles. With that kind of money, she could pay off the bounty on her head, and be free of the accursed bounty hunters that had been after her for so long. The journey here from the home of the dying noble had taken less than a week, but in that time, she had been attacked twice. She'd lost her pursuit on the way here, but the sooner she was rid of the price on her head, the better.

Moving across the grassy bluff, Ashley heads toward the towers base. Despite her mild fatigue, Ashley searches around the base of the tower meticulously, looking for a way in, so that she can retrieve the fabled item.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Unclaimed)

Reaching the bass of the massive stone tower, Ashley begins to look around. All around the base she can find the remains of campfires, their sooty spots charing the flattened grass. In fact, for several yards around the tower, the ground looks well trampled, likely large numbers of people have come here before in the past and attempted to make their way into the tower. However, like all other adventurers who have come to the tower, Ashley reaches the startling conclusion that the entire tower was grown out of the bluff through some act of magic. The Tower flows smoothly from the stone beneath the grass without any sort of seem upward for several stories until it reaches a large balcony, possible the entrance the sorceress uses to fly in. A further glance about reveals a few paths in the grass made by adventurers who went over to the cliff to try and spot a way in. Following suit would reveal a smooth rock face, worn by the wind and waves leading down into the surf. At the bottom, several large pillars of rock jut out of the sea, likely fragments of the bluff that fell at some time in the past.

As she is about to turn back, Ashley notices one of the shadows cast by the rocks seems deeper than the rest. Barely visible at high tide, their seems to be a small sea cave leading into the bluff at the water line. Another glance about the cliff shows there isn't any real path, but Ashely could try to climb down to the cave anyway. Alternatively, she could try going back to the village in bay and move through the water at the cliff's bottom to reach the cave that way. If she did choose to take the long route instead of climbing down the cliff, though, the tide would likely have receded by a fair bit when she finally reaches the sea cave.

(Paths: Wade or swim to the cave, Naughty; Try and climb down the cliff, Explore(Naughty))
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Unclaimed)

Staring down the cliffside for a moment, Ashley grumbles irritably for a couple of moments, wondering if it might not be easier to just jump off the damn cliff. It would certainly solve all of her problems, though it wasn't exactly the ideal resolution. Her grumbling is, of course, just grumbling, as she would never honestly consider actually jumping off the cliff, her limited skills in magic being completely insufficient for keeping herself from becoming a pile of crushed bones on the beach, and she hadn't come all this way just to die now.

Deciding that she'd rather take a swim than try her luck on the cliff, Ashley heads down to the town so that she can swim over to the cove, making sure to keep its location firmly in her memory. She makes sure to avoid contact with anyone in uniform, not wanting to risk being recognized as a fugitive, as she slips through the little fishing village toward the beach.

Knowing that she would much rather try to keep some of her clothes dry, Ashley finds a secluded spot on the beach to strip her clothes off. Then, wearing nothing but a tired grimace, she puts her clothing into her pack and wades into the water. Keeping her pack above her head with one hand while she wades and swims toward the entrance to the cave. She keeps to the shallows, not wanting to risk getting caught up in the tides or attacked by something, but also keeps enough of her submerged that she can keep her nudity hidden from anyone nearby. Not that she really minded getting seen naked, of course, it just wasn't the time or the place for that sort of thing.

Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Swimming Naughty = difficulty 18)
(Ashley's naughty is 7. Roll of 5=12, Ashley fails by 6.)

When she makes her way back to the beach, Ashley easily finds a number of large rocks blocking the view of anyone looking at her from the town. Quickly removing her clothes and packing them away so that she can spend as little time publicly exposed as possible, she is soon wading her way carefully into the cool surf of the beach, having to arrest her movements a few times to adjust to the temperature as the cold water floods across her more sensitive regions. Eventually submerged to her chest, Ashley begins to make her way along the base of the slowly rising bluff. After a few minutes, Ashley finds it starts getting easier to swim rather than wade as the sand gives way to slippery rocks and the occasional tall rock jutting out of the waves.

As she moves closer to the cave, Ashley can start to occasionally feel slimy feeling fish slide across her body as the eels the bay is well known for are pulled around the bluff by the currents. At first, the eels are mostly just sliding across her legs and torso as she moves, but slowly there start to be more in the water around her. Getting closer to the cave, Ashley is soon needing to push her way through the eels, their numbers thickening the water to where the young woman is constantly in contact with the creatures. Occasionally, now, Ashley feels the eels brushing against more sensitive regions of her flesh, some rubbing against her inner thighs, others against the sides of her breasts as she moves. However, by the time she is able to see the cave, the eels are so thick in the water that she constantly feels them brushing against her nipples and lower lips, their wriggling forms stimulating her body despite any amount of disgust on her part. On and on their forms wriggle across her, stroking and massaging her body while leaving a thin layer of slime coating her skin.

After several long minutes, Ashley finally reaches the cave. Noting a ledge which, while damp, stands above the water level, Ashley quickly deposits her gear so she can climb up without having to worry about dropping it. Suddenly, though, as she begins to pull herself out of the water, Ashley's thoughts are disrupted as she feels an eel begin to wriggle its way up between her petals and into her most intimate of places. Shocked by the sudden sensation, Ashley quickly slides all the way back into the water and is completely surrounded by the eels once more. When she tries to reach for the eel to pull it out, however, she finds her hands sliding off its slippery form. Soon though, her attempts drop off as she feels the wriggling movements stimulating the entirety of her inner walls. Pleasure coursing through her, Ashley feels the beginnings of an orgasm pulsing along her veins as the stimulation begins to overwhelm her resistance. Eventually, the pleasure overtakes her, her body shuddering with pleasure and kept afloat by the mass of eels around her. Eventually recovering herself, Ashley finds to her fortune that the orgasming muscles in her vagina have forced the eel out, allowing her to quickly climb onto the ledge inside the sea cave.

After taking time to recover and possibly dress herself, Ashley will come to see a large net of thorny vines spanning the cave just a little further in and blocking the path. Also, another glance shows the movements of the eels on both sides of the net, likely meaning there is a hole in the net somewhere beneath the water's surface. However, from what she can tell, the eels seem to be acting erratically, as if confused or disoriented near the net, as if something were messing with their senses.

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 24/30

(Paths: Swim through the water and under the net, Naughty; Try to make a way through a dry section of the net along the stone ledge, Explore (Spirit))
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

Trying to ignore the eels at first, Ashley finds herself blushing and panting softly before she even gets anywhere near the cave. Whenever any of the slimy creatures brushed up against her, she let out a soft gasp, surprised at how nice their slimy skin felt against her own. The first time one of them brushes past her petals, Ashley actually lets out a soft moan of arousal and pleasure. Internally slapping herself for getting distracted by something like that, she presses on through the cave, toward the ledge that would let her get out of the water.

It is all futile, however, since, as she is about to climb out of the water, one of the creatures slides up into her love tunnel, causing her to moan in pleasure and slide helplessly back into the water. The combination of seawater, the eels slime, and her own dirty juices allow the thing to wriggle around inside of her freely, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout her nubile body. It isn't long before Ashley finds herself in the throws of orgasm, her pussy contracting around the eel and forcing the creature out even though it has already brought her to climax.

Blushing as she finally climbs out of the water and redresses, blushing as she says; "Good going Ashley..... Fucked to orgasm, and by a fish, of all things, while you're supposed to be on the job."

Looking between the two possible routes that would allow her to continue, Ashley first looks down into the pool of wriggling eels around the net, and says; "Yeah..... That certainly looks like a wonderful clusterfuck just waiting to happen. As fun as the first time was, I think I'll pass on round two. Sorry fishies."

Then, turning toward the thorny path, Ashley examines it for a moment, trying to find the easiest and safest way to get through it. The thorny net, while certainly not looking like a walk in the park, seemed much more pleasant a prospect to her than going through the eel infested water, and likely getting another bit of treatment similar to what she'd gotten last time. That concluded, Ashley draws one of her many knives, a long heavy bladed thing that was almost a full on short sword, and advanced toward the net of thorny vines.

Knowing that the mirror was reputedly in the hands of a sorceress of some kind, Ashley figures that the vines were in some way magical, especially since they grew down here in a sea cave, where the only water they got was salty and where no light could reach them. While not much of a wizard herself, Ashley had managed to pick up a few useful magical tricks over the years. Before she gets too close to the vines, she enacts a simple cantrip, one that will simply make it more difficult for things to get close to her. Then, pulling a bottle of oil out of her beg, she spreads some of it over the blade of her knife, before reciting a more complex spell, one that would cover the blade of her knife in a magical fire. It wouldn't last for very long, but hopefully, she could get through the vines before it ran out.

Moving swiftly, Ashley wields her knife like a machete, and starts trying to hack her way through the vines using her burning blade.

(Try to get through the vines.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Through the vines, Explore = 16. Spirit = 21)
(Ashley's Explore is 5. Idea bonus of +2. Roll of 2 = 9. Ashley Fails by 7.)
(Ashley's Spirit is 4. Roll of 15 = 19. Ashley Fails by 2.)

After using the minor bit of fire magic to ignite the oil on her blade, Ashley advances on the vine net. Getting closer, however, she realizes something different that her expectations: despite the magic that must flow through the vines, the vines themselves do not seem to be animated in any way. The long strands of plants just hang there, obscuring her path. In fact, if it wasn't for the thorns on the vines, the net would be almost menial to get through. Slashing away at several of the thorny vines reinforces this idea as they simply follow gravity and hang away from each other as Ashley cuts a hole in the net for her to get through. Annoyingly, Ashley quickly finds the task is a bit more trouble than simply slashing the vines. Due to the thorns, she finds that even when she cuts through a vine, it doesn't always fall away. Most of the time, in fact, the vines just hook onto each other with their thorns. It's for this reason that it takes several tiring minutes of simply swinging her knife through the vines for her to cut a hole big enough for her to even move through. Having gotten fed up with cutting by this point, Ashley eventually decides the hole will have to do. While she can't stand up and walk through the hole, if she leans over, she can manage it fairly easily and can probably make it through without touching the thorns.

As such, Ashley soon finds herself with her body halfway through the net when one of the vines at the top of the hole falls as some of the thorns supporting it give way, and with a pained yelp, Ashley feels it slap down across her back. Taking the moment to reach back to remove the vine from her clothing without tearing them, Ashley finds something else unpleasant: it feels as though a bit of dizziness or disorientation is starting to come over her, much like if she had a bit too much ale to drink. As a result, instead of removing the vine, she merely ends up hooking her shirtsleeves against more thorns. Realizing this might be caused by some venom in the thorns of the vine and might get much worse if she lets the thorns keep pushing venom into her, the young woman quickly stumbles forward and out of the net with a loud tearing sound behind her. Collapsing to her knees as she tries to recover, Ashley rests there panting for several more minutes as the world slowly seems to become more stable. Eventually, after gathering herself, she realizes that her back and stomach feel a bit cooler and, glancing down, finds that most of her shirt has torn free and is only handing by its collar from her neck.

A glance up and around the room, however, would reveal several cracks in the ceiling letting light down to bath a small cavern full of plants. The plants seem to range from thorny vines like those that make up the net behind her, to flytraps with their thorny maws. A glance at the center of the room reveals an especially big flytrap plant, easily coming up to her waist. Also, their seems to be an alarming amount of movement around the base of that large flytrap, the plants around moving about either because something beneath them is moving or they shemselves are deciding to squirm about. However, farther out, along the edges of the cavern, the plants are still, even if there are several large clusters of bramble and thorny vines and Ashley might be able to find her way through there if she wanted to avoid the movement in the middle of the cavern.

Willpower - 22/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 3/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 24/30

(Paths: Move around the sides of the cavern, Explore (Combat); Head straight through the center, Combat (Spirit))
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(First a 5, and now a 2.... Also, sorry about taking a few days to post.)

Grunting with effort as she tries to free herself from the thorns, and only managing to allow the thorns to tear into her clothes some more, and eventually take a scratch from the foul things. Collapsing as the poison weakens and disorients her and dropping her flaming blade, Ashley pants in bleary exhaustion, taxing her will to merely remain awake. Thankfully, she had only taken a small dose of the thorns poison, so, when she is able to recover, she can pull herself from out of the vines.

Noticing her destroyed shirt, Ashley merely shrugs, and tears the ruined garment off, and leaving her with nothing covering her ample breasts but her bra. It might have offered her a little bit of protection, but now, all it would do was get hooked on things. Then, making sure that she retrieves her fallen knife, which has gone out by now, Ashley prepares to go on.

It takes Ashley only one look to know that she doesn't want to go through the middle, the fly trap in the center and the moving plants being much more of a deterrent than she needs. So, steeling herself, Ashley prepares to go through more bramble and vines. First, she casts her spells again, so that she is resistant and has a burning blade. Then, she begins cutting her way around the edge of the plant-filled cavern. This time, she is much more meticulous about how she proceeds through the thorny plants, cutting through all of them so that she has no chance of being caught in the thorns, and watching her footing and surroundings carefully. The plants around her might not seem to be moving, but being careless and reckless was what had gotten her into trouble last time.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Through the vines, Explore = 16. Combat = unknown)
(Ashley's Explore is 5. Roll of 16 = 21. Ashley Passes.)

Applying more oil to keep her blade burning again, Ashley begins to make her way through the plants. Fortunately, it seems as though the plants are just what they seem: motionless plants. Most of her troubles are merely having to hack away at every plant she encounters, singeing and burning various plants as she goes. However, as she goes, Ashley begins to notice that the dry brambles she is hacking through are catching alight far more easily that she had planned, and instead of simply smoldering when cut, are actually bursting into flames. Turning around to look back down the way she has come, Ashley notices that large stretches of plants have begun to smolder and burn quietly behind her. Unfortunately, though, the cut plant bits she's been leaving seem to be burning quite a bit better than the rest of the living plants now that the dead plant matter's link to the magic flowing through them has been broken. In fact, the turn about is so severe, that Ashley notices that the flames are starting to catch up with her, burning through the dead plants faster than she can cut.

Now stuck between an advancing wall of flames and a field of thorny brush, Ashley is forced to take the easier option, slashing strongly at the brush only a few times to clear a rough path rather than her careful attempts from before. Unfortunately, as she does this, the burning oil on her blade flicks off several times, igniting several other clusters of plants farther on, forcing Ashley to work faster lest she be trapped in the forming circle of flames. As she hurries, Ashley begins to encounter the same problems she had before with the net: small thorns latching onto her cloths, or in this case her pants, as she rushes through the waist high plants. Forced to go for speed rather than precision, however, Ashley is forced to merely cut through the clinging vines, leaving small lines of thorny vines stuck to her clothes as the rest of the plant falls away. After several panicked minutes, though, Ashley reaches the other side, only to encounter another problem. Several of the many bits of vine cling to her pants had caught alight during her surge through the plants, and her pants were quickly starting to catch, something forcing her to strip out of them lest she be burned while trying to put them out. As such, standing across the patch of plants from where she came in, Ashley is left with a pair of pants which are slowly starting to burn as she figures out whether to abandon them or try and keep them.

After only a minute, however, her decision is given a deadline as the moving plants in the center of the patch begin to scream as the flames reach them. Looking up, Ashley watches as the large flytrap suddenly uproots itself and begins fleeing in her direction as the flames cut off access to the wet end of the sea cave. Out of time, Ashley is forced to leave, either carrying her pants or leaving them, as she flees into the only passage nearby, a human sized crack in the rocks, to prevent the flytrap from catching up to her. On the other end, she barely stops herself in time to keep from falling forward into a massive pool of obviously magical fluids. The pool is easily several tens of yards wide and fills the entire basin of the room Ashley has stumbled in on. A quick glance at the walls themselves shows them to have been constructed in a similar manner to the tower somewhere above her, with the only exits being the crack in the wall she is currently standing in, or the doorway in the wall opposite her about a foot out of the water. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any ledges Ashley could use to avoid the massive, glowing pool of magical fluids so she will either need to try and swim across it, or hope any magic she uses to help her get across doesn't set off the magic in the pool. The circumstances are even worse considering the fact that, even with her limited magical prowess, Ashley can easily tell that the sorceress has simply been dumping failed magical potions here, meaning that the entire pool is likely extremely unstable.

After a few seconds to consider this, Ashley begins to hear a sound behind her, and a glance back reveals the flytrap plant starting to squeeze its way through the passage to escape the flames behind it.

Willpower - 22/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 3/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 24/30

(Paths: Wade through the fluid, Naughty (Explore); Use magic to deal with the fluid while she crosses, Magic (Naughty))

(On a side note: I love this fluid. It allows me to do practically anything I want even if you pass the test.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Lol. Well, that's exactly what I want to hear.)

Ashley reacts calmly to the approaching flames, knowing that panic will only makes things worse. She does begin to rush her cutting of the plants however, and curses as the thorns snag her pants. She lets out another, much louder curse as her clothes start to catch alight. She tears her burning pants off and tosses them aside as she notices the massive fly trap uprooting itself, and immediately runs into the nearby alcove.

Looking down at the pool of strange liquid, Ashley wonders what the hell it might do to her if she let it touch her, before her decision was taken out of her hands. Spinning around to see the large plant trying to force its way through the hole, Ashley immediately turns back to the large pool. She didn't have anywhere near the magical prowess to try and stabilize the liquid before the plant made its way through the narrow passageway, and she definitely did not want to be around when it did. Ashely dove into the fluid, hoping that it wasn't acid or poison or something like that, and tried to reach the opposite side as quickly as possible.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Swimming Naughty = 16. Explore = unknown)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 14 = 21. Ashley Passes.)

Diving forward into the fluid, Ashley is quickly immersed in the glowing goo. Trying not to let it distract her, though, she begins swimming forward, the fluid seeming thicker than water, but still fluid enough to let her through. At first, it seems that everything is working out fine, the goo doesn't seem to be reacting to Ashley's presence, the fact that she isn't using magic is likely helping her in this. However, when she gets about halfway across the pool, Ashley hears a large splash behind her, a glance back revealing that the flytrap has finally gotten through the crack and has fallen into the fluid. Of course, given the introduction of the magic in the plant as well as that of the heat from the burning sections of the plant, the goo begins to react quiet strongly.

It only takes seconds before the goo begins drawing back towards the plant, much like a tide, sweeping Ashley along with it. Looking back, the young woman can only watch as the goo seems to flow into the flytrap, causing the creatures vines to grow at an insane rate, the plant tendrils quickly shooting up to the ceiling where they begin to anchor themselves and then spread, covering the entire roof of the camber in a network of vines. Immediately afterward, the thorns on the vines begin to elongate as well, draping down to the floor in long translucent tendrils clearly filed with a glowing blue fluid. Fortunately, by this point, Ashley has been left behind by the goo and is lying on the now dry floor of the chamber. Another glance back at the flytrap, however, shows the thing's mouth has since changed into what looks like a large bulb, but the dribbling fluid coming from the tip combined with how to bulb seems to be tracking her movements makes it seem as though moving on and getting some of the hanging tendrils between her and the plant bulb might be a good idea. This idea is reinforced when, a few seconds later, the thing spits a wad of glowing goo at her and hits her bra-covered chest only to have a large amount slide down onto her panties.

Quickly, pushing her way past the tendrils and away from the plant, Ashley quickly reaches the other side of chamber and scrambles up into the doorway on the other side. Suddenly, though, she feels movement in her panties and bra. Quickly removing them, the young woman glances down at them only to see that both have changed into items that would be more appropriately worn while in a red light district rather than while adventuring. For one thing, it seems her panties have grown a rather phallic tendril pointing inwards while the cups of the bra now support a massive of wriggling cilia that would be quite destracting when worn. For another thing, both items seem to only be visible from the inside and if she were to put them on, it would likely seem as if she weren't wearing any underwear.

As she contemplates what to do with her new undergarments, Ashley gets a good glimpse of the area on the other side of the doorway. Against one wall seems to be the bottom of some sort of magical lift, although the platform itself seems to be somewhere higher up in the tower. Opposite the lift, however, is a massive double door set into the stone with a large amount of gears and shafts set into the rock on both sides, probably as the method of opening the door. However, the door itself seems to have no handle or other method of opening it. It is highly likely that the sorceress simply set a magical control for the door as a way to keep adventurers out. Although, if Ashley is lucky, there may be a non-magical fail-safe control somewhere withing the clockwork on either side of the door.

(Paths: Explore the gears for a switch to open the door, Explore; Use magic to pick the lock, Spirit)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

"Shitshitshitshit.........." Ashley mutters to herself as the wave slowly drew her back toward the rapidly mutating plant. Her tirade ends, however, as the wave lets her go, and she immediately bolts away form the thing, not waiting for the thing to conclude its metamorphosis. Once she is a good distance away, she turns to watch the plants transformation, wondering what it was changing into. Her contemplations, unfortunately, leave her completely open to the things sudden shot of goo. Caught completely flatfooted, Ashley can only emit a sound of disgust as the glowing substance slides down between her breasts, getting all over her and her underclothes.

Immediately turning and running the rest of the way out of the chamber, moving through the tendrils and touching as few of them as possible, Ashley bursts through the doorway and into the next chamber before she feels the movement in her undergarments. Swiftly stripping them off, Ashley examines the changes they had gone through, briefly contemplating storing them in her pack for later before shrugging and tossing them aside. Perhaps, had she not been on the job, she might have toyed around with them for a little while, if only for the experience, but not was definitely not the time for it.

Examining the room she was in, Ashley sets her eyes on the massive doorway. Then, shifting her eyes between the lift and the double doors, Ashley wonders what the best course of action might be. The various devices on either side suggested that there was some mechanical component to it, but the key was almost certainly magical. Discounting the lift, Ashley moves closer to the large doors. She didn't have the magical muscle to try and open the doors, and she didn't want to end up standing there all day exhausting herself in an effort to magically pick the lock, so she settles on the doors.

Decided, she turns toward the various gears on the right side of the door. Starting there, and working her way toward the left, Ashley examines the clockwork, testing a few pieces here and there just to see what they do, trying to figure out how to open the door.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Checking the gears. Explore = difficulty 18)
(Ashley's explore is 5. Roll of 9=14, Ashley fails by 4.)

Moving to the gears, Ashley begins to look into them. A few times, she reaches into to poke and prod, but she always comes up empty. However, when she reaches the larger gears, she ends up having to crawl inside the network of gears in order to see inside. Doing so, she begins to survey the inner workings of the large gear-works, Scanning through massive immobile gears and shafts that make up the massive opening mechanism for the vault doors. After what seems to be half an hour, Ashley finds a small lever regressed into the face of one of the larger gears. Moving it, Ashley suddenly finds herself moving about as the gear she had been standing on starts rotating away from the lever. Glancing behind herself, Ashley quickly has to roll off the gear as several other gears block off further movement around the shaft. Even worse, the whole network of gears seems to be shifting as various gear-shafts change position, the previous locations only set by the gears they were attached to. It isn't long before the beleaguered noblewoman finds herself trapped within a maze of rotating gears and shafts likely to crush her if she isn't careful. Hopefully, though, the system has at least cracked open the vault doors by now, as Ashley's slowly accumulating bruises are testifying to the fact that she either has to find the lever to turn of this contraption or use her magic to do so before she ends up crushed between the rotating gears.

Willpower - 21/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 0/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 24/30

(Paths[miniboss]: Explore the gears for a switch to open the door, Explore; Use magic to pick the lock, Spirit)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

Rushing about so as to avoid being crushed by the machinery, but sustaining more than a few bruises anyway, Ashley desperately tries to find whatever it is that she touched so that she can turn it off. She rushes to and fro, utilizing all of her agility and skills to try and keep from being killed by the machines surrounding her. Along the way, she tries to flip any switches or press any buttons that aren't likely to get her fingers crushed in the process, hoping to open the door or turn off the machines.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Checking the gears. Explore = difficulty 16)
(Ashley's explore is 5. Roll of 17=22, Ashley Passes.)

Stumbling about among the moving gears, Ashley is constantly pushed to her limits as she continues to hurtle herself over and around the spinning mechanisms. The task seems to be near impossible at times: Ashley will see the lever she is trying to reach only for another gear to swing through and cut her off long enough to make her lose track of the lever. Other times Ashley simply reaches the lever too late as it is pulled under another gear, cutting off her access. There is even one frustrating time when a gear swings through and clamps down on Ashley's hair right before she reaches the lever forcing her to move back so she isn't thrown off balance and sent sprawling into the gear-works. However, after almost an hour of relentless frustration and activity, Ashely finally manages to roll onto the gear where the lever is place and set it back to it's original position. Immediately, the gears stop, sending Ashley tumbling face first into another gear. Getting up while gently trying to sooth the soreness of her face, Ashley thankfully notices an exit from the gears nearby, a fortunate thing given that she might have been lost or cut off from the exit. Gingerly moving out of the exit while trying to not bother her sore spots, the woman slides out to notice the doors are open.

Much to her glee, Ashley looks inside to see treasure chests lining the walls, either on the floor or on shelves around the room. Most importantly, though, is the waist-high, marble pillar against the far wall. Standing in a display case on the pillar rests a small hand mirror seemingly constructed from pure glass. Unable to restrain herself, Ashley moves quickly towards the prize she has endured so many hardships and wardrobe malfunctions for only to stop as she hears a large thud behind her.

Spinning around, Ashley sees that a large creature of some sort has fallen from the ceiling. The creature, while obviously not from this plane of existence, seems to be a large ball with countless tendrils growing from its skin. The sorceress probably bound it to this plane in order to have it restrain any adventurers who managed to get past her defenses. Unfortunately, even a cursory glance can show Ashley that binding her isn't the big thing on the creature's mind right now. An obvious side effect of being trapped in this room for so long without a companion, the creature has gone into rut. Even from here, Ashley quickly begins to smell the musky smell of the creature's sex fluids as they slowly leak out of the ends of each tentacle. Of course, this means that not only will Ashley have to prevent the creature from grabbing her while she tries to find the thing binding the creature to this plane, but she'll have to put up with its advances as well, especially since the sorceress likely put the binding focus on the creature's body.

(Path: Locate the magical focus (Spirit) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it (Naughty). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(I never really said it explicitly, but Ashley's a commoner. :) )

Sighing at her numerous bruises Ashley is nonetheless glad to be finished with the gate. Brushing her nude body off, she heads through the now opened doors with a sense of relief, thinking that perhaps this will all be over soon. When she moves into the next room and spots the walls lined with treasure chests, and, most importantly, the mirror hanging on the wall, Ashley shrieks with glee and darts forward. Hearing the thud behind her, however, Ashley stops and spins around, expecting some horrible monstrous guardian about to pounce on her.

Unfortunately, she got exactly what she was expecting, though she had been thinking more along the lines of teeth and claws. Her happiness at knowing that the tentacle monster, clearly in a state of rut, had plans for her other than killing and eating her, was muted at best. Inhaling the scent of the creatures musk sends a shiver of unwanted arousal through her body, her young form becoming slightly horny at the thought of a willing mate so near, despite her disgust at the idea of the creature even touching her.

Backing away from the monster and wracking her mind for everything she knew about extra-dimensional beings, which wasn't much, unfortunately, Ashley swiftly came to the conclusion that she would have to find whatever was binding it and disable it somehow. Swiftly, Ashley recited a spell that would enhance her eyes, allowing her to see concentrations of magic as glowing auras. Hopefully, the spell would allow her to locate the focus within the creatures body. Only her own agility would let her get to it, however, and the young girl did her best to stay light on her feat, knowing that she would be grabbed swiftly if she let herself get backed into a corner or was caught flatfooted. If she found the focus, she would try to avoid one of the creatures lunges at her before rushing in toward the focus.
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

Sensing the focus, Spirit = 16. Naughty = 21)
(Ashley's's Spirit is 4. Roll of 8. = 12. Ashley fails by 4.)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 14. = 21. Ashley Barely Passes.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 16. Explore = Unknown)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 10. = 17. Ashley Passes.)

Channeling the magical energies into her eyes, Ashley opens them only to find that, in her haste, she has made the spell incorrectly and the magical auras of the creature seem to blend together. The only indication that the magical focus binding the creature is on it is the small amount of foreign energy coloring the creature's aura. In the mean time, the creatures tentacles lunge towards her, the vague light of the creatures aura acting as a type of camouflage against the auras of magical objects around the room. Only realizing it in the last few seconds, Ashley is barely able to lunge out of the way as the tentacles flick past her, splattering her with a small spray of musky cum. Immediately, though, Ashley is forced to move again as the creature continues trying to grab her, not letting her have any opportunity to rest as it tries to grab her.

Finally, after several minutes, Ashley is able to get a bit of breathing room as she shoves a chest out from the wall towards the creature, forcing it to take time to bat aside the magical object. Even this bit of fortune, though, will be short lived. The chest only slows the creature for a few seconds, and barely grants Ashley enough time to get a breathe and hopefully a new plant.

Willpower - 17/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 0/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 24/30

(Path: Locate the magical focus (Spirit) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it (Naughty). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)

(...I'm getting my alternate names mixed up between you and darkwyn since you're both at the same place.)
Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)


As she shoves the chest at the creature, Ashley desperately tries to deactivate her previous failed spell. While the monster is pushing the object out of the way, she runs past it, raking her mind for the correct spell and trying to remember what she needed to cast it. Without the proper precision, she'd never find that focus, and she couldn't dodge the beast forever. Then, suddenly, she remembered that that particular spell had required a focus to work properly. Normally, she would need a drop of water on each of her index fingers, which would then be applied to her eyelids.

Knowing that she didn't have the time to reach into her pack for a waterskin with the monster reaching for her again, she went for the next best thing: the creatures cum, still splattered over her cheeks. Rubbing a bit of it onto each of her fingers, she tries to recast the spell while still avoiding those reaching tentacles, praying that the thick fluid would be a sufficient substitute to properly complete the spell. Then, hoping the thing didn't grab her in her moment of weakness, Ashley shuts her eyes and rubs the cum onto her eyelids, completing the spell. Her eyes dart open as quickly as possible, hoping to spot the monsters next lunge and avoid it before she was caught, and then locate the magical focus within the monsters body.

Once she knew where it was, it would be a simple matter of getting to the focus and getting rid of the tentacle monster. Hopefully.
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

(Sensing the focus, Spirit = 14. Naughty = 19)
(Ashley's Spirit is 4. Roll of 4. = 8. Ashley fails by 6.)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 10. = 17. Ashley Fails by 2.)
(Getting to the focus, Naughty = 14. Explore = Unknown)
(Ashley's Naughty is 7. Roll of 16. = 23. Ashley Passes.)

Wiping the cum onto her fingers, Ashley casts her spell again before being forced to jump back to avoid the creature's renewed assault. Slowly, she can feel the spell's energy building as it begins to activate, but it still seems far to slow for comfort as Ashley continues to jump and hurl herself out of the way of the creature's attacks. Jumping back from one tentacle that had gotten unsettlingly close to her petals, Ashley suddenly realizes that her spell is starting to go wrong. Too occupied to stop it, Ashley can do nothing as her magic flows begins to flow not to her eyes to amplify her sight, but down to her groin causing Ashley to begin to burn with desire. Now it seems that every movement she makes causes small bursts of pleasure to shoot through her body, even if it's something as simple as her lower lips rubbing against each other as she moves her legs.

Because of this, Ashley begins to have a large amount of close calls. The woman often briefly stopping because of a burst of pleasure only to almost get caught by the creature. To make matters worse, the creature may have caught on to this as it starts to focus more on trying to stroke Ashley's sensitive bits rather than simply grabbing her. If it can get a few good strokes in, Ashley might find herself orgasming and helpless before the beast and soon after she would be caught in its grip.

Another minute or so of heavy dodging later, Ashley once again gets a little respite as she briefly rolls out of range of the creature. Knowing how things have been going, this may be her last shot at taking the beast out before it manages to catch her and have its way with her.

Willpower - 11/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 5 and 0/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 22/30

(Path: Locate the magical focus (Spirit(Naughty)) and dodge the tentacles as you retrieve it (Naughty(Explore)). This is a boss challenge and both aspects must be completed in one round to pass.)
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Re: The Mirror of Youth (Tassadar)

"Damnit..." Ashley gasps as she feels the spells effects go awry, amplifying the sensitivity of her loins instead of her eyes. As she continues avoiding the creatures advances, she continuously lets out gasps of pleasure as her petals rub together from her movements, her bodies arousal growing to the point that her juices begin dripping down her legs as she dodges the creature. Knowing that the longer this lasts, the more likely she is to be caught by the monster, Ashley begins to scour her mind in a panic, trying to figure out some other spell that she knew that might work.

Meanwhile, every dodge requires more and more effort, the rush of pleasure from her movements distracting her and slowing her down. Every time the creature nearly captures her, she moans in pleasure as it rubs against her sensitive parts, and only with the greatest force of willpower can she tears herself from its grasp. At this rate, if the thing finally does catch her, Ashley will become a willing participant after it slides one of its tentacles into her soaking womanhood.

Finally, Ashley settles on a simple spell, one she can't possibly screw up despite her numerous distractions. It might not work so well with so many clearly magical objects around her, but it had no focus for her to screw up with, so at the very least it couldn't make her situation any worse. Reciting a very quick chant, Ashley concentrates on the idea of the creatures magical focus, the object binding it to this world, closes her eyes, and says a final keyword. Instantly, she snaps her eyes open, having them closed for barely more than a blink, and feels a tug in her mind. The spell had been a very simple location enchantment, that would pull her mentally toward whatever object she'd been thinking of most strongly when she'd activated the spell.