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The Mists of Ravenloft Character sheets and creation


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
Reputation score
Everyone starts the game with 3000 XP(see ) and 2000 GP worth of property from their previous adventures(most of this should be spent before the game starts). The starting place is a remote hamlet in Kartakass(for quick reference, see or the Ravenloft Player's Handbook, for in-depth information see Ravenloft Gazetteer volume 1) just south of Blackheart Lake. There are rumours of a powerful artefact that has been thrown into the lake, and these rumours may have drawn some adventurers there.

Ability scores: 20 point buy, as detailed in the SRD.

Allowed classes: All Paizo except Arcanist, DSP psionic classes, Radiant House occultist(and spirit-related archetypes for other classes).

Allowed races: Core races except half-orcs plus Caliban. Other races allowed on case by case basis, but should be fine if they can pass for a human.

Languages: The characters may leave one or more bonus language slots open to learn them later during the campaign as detailed in the houserules.

Hit points: For the first hit die, you get maximum hit points and for each subsequent hit die half the maximum(rounded up).
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Re: The Mists of Ravenloft Character sheets and creation

Behold, my character. a Centurion from one of the material planes.

Magnus stands at 6'4", with a square jaw, a rather large forehead, and a noticeable hook-nose. Black stubble covers the lower part of his face, showing how little he actually shaves, and his eyebrows are rather thick and bushy. On his person, he wears a red tunic with elbow-length sleeves, and a matching kilt that reaches just below his knees, with thick leather gloves and boots to accent the rather military-looking outfit. Over the tunic, he wears a polished steel breastplate, always cleaned of any dirt or blood, and from his hip hangs a longsword with a thick, rounded guard, bearing a sigil of crossed swords and a face overlaying them etched into the guards, and stored within a leather scabard sporting the same sigil as the blade. Finally, he carries a thick, rectangular, curved shield with him wherever he goes, sporting the same sigil as his blade and scabard, etched onto the front of it. Finally, he wears a thick steel helmet, with facial guards hanging down to protect all but his eyes and mouth, and thick, polished bull horns attached to the front of it.
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Re: The Mists of Ravenloft Character sheets and creation

My Character sheet

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Re: The Mists of Ravenloft Character sheets and creation

My .

Still a work in progress, though.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft Character sheets and creation

Gregori the Madman
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Re: The Mists of Ravenloft Character sheets and creation

Friedrich, Life Shuffler, Who is now dead.

The Marked One.

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