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The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

I will be visiting my mom for Mother's Day, and will be late to the game. Feel free to start without me.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Something that came up as I talked with Hope. So far, there hasn't been much treasure in the game, nor much in the way of chances to spend it. If you continue to Forlorn as planned, you might pass days or even weeks in-game time without being able to spend any treasure you might gather. As became apparent last session, there's also a potential conflict of interest in that IC you might have good reasons to turn down offered rewards while OOC you have incentive to be greedy bastards.

So... how do you think I should handle experience? Continue the way we've been doing even if that might mean some people gaining more experience for the same amount of work and highly variable times between level ups where you might sometimes go multiple sessions without gaining any experience only to level up twice in a single session? Or should I just hand out some experience on a per session or per encounter basis, depending on how much you accomplish?
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

I'd be perfectly fine with a per-session or per-encounter basis for experience.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

I'm fine with any honestly. This method, other methods, I'm not particularly concerned about levelling and such in most cases. Once I hit level 3 I've basically peaked in terms of effectiveness anyhow ahaha.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Doesn't matter to me which method we use. Just as long as we have fun. :D
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

I vote for change! :D

It doesn't make sense to me that the only characters to gain experience are the ones who hoard the gold. While there's obviously a material motivation to accrue wealth (just like the real world), I don't think it makes sense from a practical standpoint to directly attach the acquisition of wealth to the accumulation of knowledge and expertise. I think the system we're currently using is impractical for a setting where teamwork is a general necessity (especially since, if we DO catch a party member with stolen goods, we're probably going to put out their eyes or something to discourage further theft).

The exception being the old 2nd Ed AD&D rules about bonuses based upon use of class powers. In that system, spell-casters got xp bonuses for casting spells, rogues got xp bonuses for acquiring gold and using their thief skills, and fighters got xp bonuses for... well, fighting.
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Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

per session per encounter seems simple enough, and stable, so it shouldn't cause you too much of a headache
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Everyone gets 300 XP.

Also, note to self: Stat Lukas.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Everyone gets 500 XP from last session(only about 3 weeks late). Also since I didn't run the game last week, I might run it tomorrow if people show up. Or I might bitch about being too good at procrastinating and having posts to make, not sure yet.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Everyone gets 600 xp.

Lukas, still idly plucking the strings of his lute, starts singing a piece about a man who hid each of his senses so that he would not know of any evil. First he hides his sight in a frozen land where the sun never rises, then he hides his sense of smell in the bottom of a lake where there are no smells, his hearing in an island where the only sound is that of the waves, his sense of taste......in a muddy pit and his sense of touch in a desert where the only thing to touch is sand.Oh, and the song ends with the man dying because without his senses, there is nothing for him to live for.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Everyone gets 700 xp. Rathuris can create a new character with on-par XP and 2000 gp worth of gear, otherwise as a starting character. Shadow fey character is possible if you want one.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

If I create a shadow fey character, do I use the shadow fey template or use one of the shadow fey breeds?
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

900 XP for everyone.

A topic for discussion this week: Nightmares and dreams. Did you like them? Hate them? Should I use them regularly, occasionally, or only when they have some actual relevance? Could I have done them better somehow?
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Everyone gets 900 xp again.

Also, since Hope and Rathuris are both going to be missing, no session this week. How does everyone feel about playing next weekend instead?
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

I am perfectly fine with playing next week.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

I should be good next weekend.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Apparently Hope will be the only one missing this week after all, so we're back to normal schedule. We can still possibly have an extra session next week unless you make me rewrite all my plans again.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Spodah, feel free to appoint someone to play Gustav in my absence.
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

After discussing our concerns at some length, Spodah and I have agreed that it would be best for me to bow out of the game at this point. I continue to hold Spodah in the highest personal regard, but unfortunately we do not see eye-to-eye in Pathfinder.

The party has a healer (Friedrich) and a diplomat of sorts (Gregori), so I'm not exactly leaving a gap. I hope the rest of you continue to have an excellent role-playing experience.

Spodah, feel free to kill off Gustav or employ him as an NPC, whatever works best for you. My only request is that you not allow Walf to play him. :3
Re: The Mists of Ravenloft OOC thread

Now that DST is apparently over for everyone, how well does 1900 GMT still work for people? Would it be better if we moved the game to start at 2000?