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The Neighbors (Leon)

Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Leon smirked down at Tina, he had been telling the truth about picking her to avoid unessicary fights......or getting carried off somewhere, but there was a bit of a secondary reason. He'd traveled a lot with women like Rosy and Roan before, mildly selfish spellcasters who thought they were destined to be gods, and violent brash women who would tear the door off a dungeon and then beat people with it, he'd never really been interested in those types, ironically the minotaur always enjoyed being around normal girls, the few that didn't hide or leave in terror at the sight of him. He sighed a bit at Tina's request before smiling and picking up the smaller cow girl in his arms.

"Okay okay. I could use a bit of nice peace and quiet, but I only give those two an hour or maybe two before they make a new ranch sized hole in the island. Tell me a little bit about the area around the ranch while we find a nice spot. You know I came to this island to retire, figured it'd be nice and remote, but it looks like I've got at least one more adventure to do before I can take a vacation."
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Walking with Leon, Tina suddenly had a lot more skip in her step. "Well, there's a few interesting things here and there. Most we ever see round here are the ant folk roaming about, looking for anything fancy for their queen. There's the mountains far to the west, where the Magi reside. Since they're so far away, Roan was more than enough to pick at them little patrols what came our way. Then there's a few towns nearby..." She put a finger to her lower lip in thought. "Really, there's lots of places 'round these parts, and probably everywhere else. There's no such thing as a long haul from what I heard, as it's rare to go a single day without having somethin' interestin' happen to ya," she informed Leon.

Then, they came across an interesting place. Through the forest, what seemed to be a hill, was actually a strange formation of tree roots holding up dry dirt to form a small cave. The small cave itself overlooked a small slant downwards, giving clear view to the land below, while shrouding it's inhabitants with vines so that onlookers cannot peep. It seemed almost designed for the purpose of privacy, likely hinting that a mamono with a power in earth manipulation made use of this.

Looking up to him, it was clear was Tina was thinking as she smiled, blushing at him.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Leon took a moment as he examined the entrance. "Well I've explored worse looking places than this for less. Come on, stay close we have no idea if it's owner is still inside." Leon hefted his weapon onto his shoulder and lowered his head a little as the two parted the vines and walked into the cave. As they explored deeper Leon casually tried to think of what would make a place like this ruling out plant mamano since they probably wouldn't like being out of the sun.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

The cave was hardly deep at all. Pushing the vines aside revealed that Leon would both have to hunch forward, and take three steps before the end was before him. Rather than rock, the cave was made up mostly of dirt and the tree's roots directly above them. Given the area around them, and the lack of anyone besides themselves present, Tina was quick to take advantage of the privacy they had found as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Along with the embrace, Leon felt Tina's pair of bare breasts poking into his back, her bra having been undone while she was behind him, laying nearby.

"Be honest with me now..." Tina said to Leon as she hugged him from behind, pressing her breasts against him. "Would ya leave the witch and Roan for me? Only lay with me, and no other?" she asked him with an innocent voice. "I may not be skilled, or such, but I'm honest, and kind... Though that may not sound too good when you've got other women like Roan you can depend on... I'm not so reliable in comparison..." she said with a saddened tone.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Leon chuckled a bit. "I would." The minotaur sat down and put Tina in his lap. "I don't have feelings for either of them but I don't want to drag you into danger Tina. When this is all over I would like nothing more than to quietly retire on a certain ranch and try to avoid getting caught up in massive world importance quests." Leon gave a sincere smile before kissing her on the lips, "As much as I think you'd be far more agreeable companionship to travel with I couldn't ask you to risk that. Though after that blunder with Roan I think thats the last time I'm going to end up having sex with something willingly here. Besides you of course." The minotaur wrapped his arms around the small cow girl hugging her tightly as he grinned.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

"I'm glad," Tina said happily. Sitting in his lap, she pushed her breasts up with her arms, knowing that Leon might enjoy the view and be more enticed because of that. "As a man though, you are a bit too loose," Tina suddenly lectured him. "You had better keep your promise and make sure you don't let just any girl you meet have her way with you. Got that?" she instructed him.

Although in the back of his mind, Leon could hear Rosy whispering the future demise of Tina should he ever exclude himself from her.

But while his mind gave him a warning, either that or Rosy communicated with him telepathically, Tina batted away Leon's loin cloth, and took his manhood into both her hands, rubbing her surprisingly soft hands against his shaft. "It's a bit funny when I think about how you're being milked by a cow~" she said, suddenly giggling. "If I don't milk myself, the pressure really hurts after a while. Is it the same for you?" she asks with an amused laugh. "Let's keep going till we get it all out!"
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Leon thought a moment on the warning in his head before shaking his head, "It only works that way if we get aroused and try to ignore it...." In little time his member was tall and stiff from Tina's attention, he gave a slight snort as the shaft twitched and leaked a bit. "I'd be a terrible guest if I didn't return the favor..." Leon grinned as he reached out and took Tina's massive breasts in his hand, massaging and squeezing them, his fingers pinching and pulling at her nipples.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Tina let out a lewd cry as Leon pinched her nipples between his fingers and pulled them. Tiny streams of milk leaked from her nipples as Leon stimulated them. "D-don't go off an' waste it!" Tina complained as her milk dripped to the ground, as well as Leon's legs. Blushing deeply, Tina stroked his length with a bit more power, as if to try and use that as a mean to get him to follow her words. "Drink my milk... We can't just leave a mess!" she said enthusiastically, rising her chest to offer her sweet tasting milk to Leon's mouth.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

"Hmm you're right we shouldn't leave a mess." suddenly Leon lifts Tina up by the waist and places her on his shaft letting out a content groan as he slid into the cowgirl. Before Tina could respond to the sudden shift Leon took one of her breasts into his mouth and began drinking from it as requested. His hands settled themselves onto Tina's rear and started lifting and lowering her on his lap, the minotuar now completely in the mood and moment alone with her in the small cave.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Her sweet milk filled Leon's mouth at the slightest provocation, her whole breast seemingly overflowing with nutritious, rich tasting milk. And while he drew from her breast, Leon found his member sliding ever so easily into her folds, before suddenly squeezing, and clamping down on him once he pushed in all the way. She licked her lips as she seized hold of his member, moaning with delight before placing her hooves flat on the ground, and riding his member with enthusiasm, bringing her tight folds in and out with long strides at such a pace that would hurt any normal girl.

But rather than feel pain, Tina wrapped her arms around Leon's head, holding him closer to her breast encouragingly as she made strides up and down his length. "Leon, don't hold back! You can let it all loose inside!" she called out to him.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

He was a bit taken aback at how strongly the timid and weak appearing Tina was able to trap his cock so tightly inside her, even he had a breaking point though and after straining to hold himself back when Roan had him his balls were sore and aching. Relaxing he pulled himself away from her breast and bellowed from the relief as he erupted into Tina, load after load poured from his shaft into her until the throbbing need subsided. Taking an arm and wiping a bit of sweat off his forehead he sighed, "You're much stronger than you look Tina. I think even if I wanted to I would have a difficult time removing you." He gave a deep chuckle before licking off the remnants of milk from her breasts. "As much as I'd enjoy relaxing here awhile I'm sure there are plenty of monster tribes around here who would be thrilled at the chance of snaring the two of us at the same time." With a smile he hugged Tina tightly before trying to find where their modest clothes had ended up in all the excitement.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Tina giggled at his compliment, raising her arms in a gesture of victory and success, "Heh-heh! Thank you! I did my best," she said with a pleased smile to Leon, before letting out a sigh of relief as she stood upwards, letting Leon's length slip out of her body, and standing up for display, folding her pussy lips outwards to show Leon his seed pouring out of her in a lewd manner. "You're only going to make love to me, right, Leon?" she asks him with a deep blush, her breasts pushed up slightly by her arms.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

"After this first day I think I've had just about all the sex I can handle for awhile. I suppose there are worse ways to learn about a dangerous area just stumbling around, you're the only girl on this island who won't get a fight out of me from this point on." Leon smiled as he stood up, hunching over a bit in the small cave and tying his loincloth back on. "We should probably finish up our little walk before it gets dark. I'm not sure I would like to be out here at night."
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Tina giggled as she stood up with him, taking a few clothes out of a pouch she had with her and some kind of tool filled with water, almost phallic in shape with a spongy ball at the end. She applied the tool to her genitals, and pumped it inside herself while her face grew red, and her body tense. Pulling the tool out, she released her tension as a small torrent of water, mixed with Leon's collected cum, poured out of her. Finished, she dried her lower half off with her cloth before putting everything back into the pouch.

"Sorry if that seemed weird~" Tina said to Leon as she pulled her panties back up. "But you'll understand if I don't want cum leaking out of me at embarrassing moments?" she asked him with a bit of a flush.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

"Of course I understand, I was just thinking that it might be awkward for you to walk holding all of that inside." He stepped out of the tiny cave and offered her his arm, "Shall we be on our way Miss Tina?" He gave a sly smirk after his overly polite display.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

"Yup!" Tina nodded happily, taking his arm with one of her own opposite the way Leon might've expected, hooking his arm around 'behind' her own, so that it seemed as if Leon was clinging to her, rather the other way 'round. Tina didn't seem to notice at all how she reversed the gender roles in an instant as they walked outside. Locking her fingers around his to keep his arm there, she giggled happily, "Havin' a man cling to my arm is nice~" she announced as if living her dream.
Re: Homecoming (Leon)

Leon smiled down at Tina, "I'll try not to cling too tight. So tell me a bit more about your neighbors, I'd imagine that having Roan around would keep company to a minimum, both good and bad." He grinned keeping a watchful eye out as the two continued on their quiet little nature walk around the area.
Re: The Neighbors (Leon)

Tina nodded as they walked through the forest. "Yup, Roan sure wasn't the welcoming type," she replied. "As for neighbors, we don't have any that I know of. What few did show up were scared off by Roan, since they might be 'competition,' I'm sure you can guess what that means." With a sigh of discomfort with the topic, Tina reached her other hand up, not the one holding Leon's hand as she played the 'gentleman' and led him on, and scratched the back of her head. "Don't get me wrong, competition is something that I don't like either, although Roan is the worst case of competition to have..."

Letting out a groan, Tina seemed to announce minor discomfort, before Leon suddenly felt all her weight pull down on him, forcing him to a knee as she fell straight forward without warning. Her body limp, a small, blue dart was seen sticking out of the side of her neck. And before Leon could even react, he felt a prick on the side of his own neck, his consciousness soon fading after that, his mind quickly growing blank as several pairs of footsteps emerged from the nearby bushes, approaching the fallen pair, wearing dark metal armor. Their words were not even comprehensible before Leon's world went dark...


Chapter 2: The Neighbors

His body heavy, and his mind dull as if he was waking from a heavy slumber, the sensation of a cold, flat surface supporting his back was the first thing he felt. Even on his rump, where his cloth should have been, he felt the cold, metallic sensation, unlike anything he ever felt before.

Bright lights from above, like many small, white suns, shined down into his eyes, restricting vision for a good while with their blinding light, before a shadow appeared over him, looking down at him.

"Ah, the specimen has finally begun to shrug off the effects of the drug. It lacks the recovery ability of it's female counterpart, it seems." announced a mature, female voice as Leon would find his limbs bound to the surface under him by the iron grip of more metallic material.

"Can you hear me?" she asked Leon curiously.

"Be careful!" announced a man's voice somewhere much further away.

"I want to examine it's psychology," the woman snapped back. "Rare do we find a male monster... I want to savor this moment."
Re: The Neighbors (Leon)

"Tina!" He shouted as she fell forward, he turned his head just before he felt a dart enter his own neck and darkness took him......

He grunted as he awoke turning his eyes away from the blinding light on him, when asked if he heard he grumbled. "Yes I hear you, I will let you know that I did not originate on this island....-magi-" Leon scowled into the darkness, he knew it had to be the magi, monster girls would likely already be mounted on him and riding him to climax. He continued being angrily blunt, "I will also inform you that you just decided to pick a fight with a group of monsters not associated with the ruler of this island. I would quickly rectify that unless you would like us to change our minds about attacking the demonic forces...." Leon spoke in a calm yet annoyed tone that let his captors know he was trying to be nice, but would likely try to tear their heads off if they decided to provoke him.
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Re: The Neighbors (Leon)

"Just like it's counterpart female, it's very aggressive," the woman deducted, as if Leon's words held only scientific merit. "If you would, try to escape, please." the woman told Leon simply as a request, and not meaning to show Leon how fruitless any attempts of escape would be. "Pull on your restraints with all your might, and you!" she directed at the man, "Monitor and record the values you come up with!"

"Any time you're ready," the woman told Leon, putting a hand to one of Leon's muscles, inspecting it to watch it flex should he decide to do as she requested.